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Experience Opportunity: VET and ATAR
Vocational Education & Training Pathways
Opportunities for pathways come in many different ways within our Catholic Schools and one of those pathways is the vocational training journey through the Townsville Catholic Education’s (TCE) Registered Training Organisation (RTO).
Director of Learning and Teaching, Mr Peter Stower said this innovative and exciting new initiative aims to provide senior secondary school students with increased access to vocational education and training (VET) qualifications across the diocese.
“As educators, we know that every student is different with their own set of unique skills and strengths. Therefore we know that each student will excel at different forms of learning and as an organisation wanted to ensure we offered a full range of opportunities for them to do that.”
“The RTO has allowed each Catholic secondary school the opportunity to partner with TCE to offer a range of qualifications on-site at the school, including hospitality, business, construction, volunteering, early childhood and education support.
“Our teachers are experts and we have invested in state of the art facilities to ensure our students are getting the best start to their vocational training.” Mr Stower said.
With current training available in hospitality, business, construction, volunteering, early childhood and education support, Mr Stower said there is opportunity to extend the training.
“We are working with our school communities to ensure that we are providing training that meets the needs of the students and with this are planning for the future introduction of a suite of new qualifications in the areas of electrotechnology, engineering (CAD) and agriculture.” Mr Stower said. Alongside the Townsville Catholic Education RTO offerings, some secondary schools are RTOs and provide their own training, while others engage with external RTOs to offer qualifications in the areas of aviation, fitness, sport and recreation, health and community services, engineering, Christian ministry and theology, automotive, retail cosmetics, hairdressing, and manufacturing.
Not only does studying a VET qualification contribute to the Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE), but it provides students with a nationally recognised qualification that can act as a platform into post-school employment and/or further study at TAFE or university.
In the 2020 Year 12 cohort, there were 124 distinct VET qualifications completed at the Australian Qualification Framework (AQF) level 3 or higher. This represents 18,413 VET qualifications (Certificate III or higher) being awarded across Queensland.
Cross-school VET
Cross school VET allows senior secondary students from Townsville Catholic schools the opportunity to come together and complete various certificates. This innovative delivery model includes a combination of face-to-face teaching and vocational work placement in industry settings. On completion, students will be able to seek employment as an early childhood educator or school officer – assisting student learning and/or complete further TAFE or university study.
Currently 28 Year 11 students are part of the Crossschool VET which sees them completing Certificate III in Education Support at Southern Cross Catholic College, Annandale or units toward a Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care at Ryan Catholic College, Kirwan.
From VET to university
Certificate III or higher VET qualifications can contribute to the calculation of an Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank (ATAR) and can also provide students with a direct entry pathway into university. TCE is currently exploring an articulation agreement with James Cook University to enable students to be assured that on completion of a relevant Certificate III level qualification, they will be eligible for direct entry into a bachelor degree in a similar industry area. For example, Certificate III in Business – Bachelor of Business, Certificate III in Education Support or Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care – Bachelor of Education.
Links with Industry
Our RTO is continuing to increase its partnerships with industry in order to enhance the employment prospects of students. TCE is currently collaborating with The Ville Resort and Casino to develop a program for students studying the Certificate II in Hospitality to participate in a Hospitality Experience Program whereby they will work and stay at the Ville for two to three days.
• Certificates I, II and III in Business • Certificate III in Education Support • Certificates I and II in Hospitality • Certificate I in Construction
• Certificate II in Active Volunteering • Certificate II in Skills for Work and Vocational Pathways • Units toward the Certificate III in Early
Childhood Education and Care
Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank (ATAR)
The education landscape is constantly changing with the introduction of a new QCE system that has included ATAR ranking and external exams for senior students for the first time, the review of the Australian Curriculum and the increasing integration of technology into the learning and teaching space.
Our Year 12 students in 2020 were the first to experience the changes to the Queensland Certificate of Education with the introduction of an ATAR ranking and external exams. The ATAR ranking is calculated on each student’s best subject results and can include a VET qualification at Certificate III or above. The external exam contributes 25% and up to 50% of the final marks depending on the subject. The ATAR ranking achieved ranges from 0.00 (lowest) through to 99.95 (highest). Students receiving an ATAR score are eligible to apply for tertiary study at a university. Students select their pathway based on their interests and desires for their future careers at the end of Year 10 and undertake two years of senior schooling across Year 11 and 12.
The outstanding results achieved by our students are testimony to the way teachers have risen to the challenge and inspired their students to do likewise. It has not always been easy, nothing worthwhile ever is, but our teachers have shown our students that hard work and commitment can pay off.
• Certificate II in Electrotechnology • Certificate II in Agriculture • Certificate III in Engineering (Technical)
Contact your Catholic secondary school to find out what VET options are available.
RTO CODE: 31195