2 minute read
Serious editorial error!
Meanwhile, let’s say that the first attestations of the word “pizza” date back to the vulgar Latin of Gaeta in 997 ...
Here, it is from here on that our elusive “Italian publisher” let slip the importance of this word that has passed through and will cross the next centuries of human history!
Could it already belong to eternity? Posterity will judge!
“Pizza” is not just a word, it is a world, a philosophy, a way of thinking about food and therefore of feeding people with nothing, with a simplicity that rightly cries out for a masterpiece!
Here, this delicacy is called “pizza!”, A word in use all over the world that has kept its origins in any corner of the earth! Pizza!
Now, seen in this way, what this word tells us except that it is a gastronomic product made with a mixture of flour, water and yeast that is flattened and seasoned at the base with oil, mozzarella and tomato and then placed in a wood oven, with the addition of the essential basil leaf?
We cannot forget its roundness, therefore its circle shape, its “gluttony!”, Therefore its geometric, cultural and artistic perfection. What do its origins tell us?
There are news dating back to the end of the sixteenth century, the beginning of the seventeenth century that indicate its presence under the name of “mastunicola” ... They tell us that it is an original product of Neapolitan cuisine and that the most famous of the pizzas, that is the Margherita pizza work of a certain Raffaele Esposito, a cook, who in June 1889 to honor the Queen of Italy Margherita of Savoy, prepared the “Pizza Margherita” and which, it is said, was already a great success then! But what interests us is not so much the history of pizza, but the importance and power of this word that has become over time one of the many words, I would even say banal, contained in dictionaries all over the world!
This word is not just a complex of sounds organized under the more or less centralizing action of an “accent”, nor is it a daily manifestation of a language or a communication of a thought, a feeling, a precept, a opinion or concept, no, absolutely not!
This word has a social and cultural importance comparable to the words “freedom”, “love”, “faith”, “life”, in short, more than a word it is a “verb”, certainly not in the Christian sense, but rather in a perceptive vision, in a purely existential consciousness and awareness!
The word “pizza” is by far one of the greatest expressions and linguistic inventions that the whole of humanity has ever produced!
Why? Simple! Because it is one of those concepts or needs that have the same value as air: they are indispensable, indispensable, unique, extraordinarily essential!
A great publisher would have protected the work of his artist, that is, of that people of saints, navigators and poets who, despite having only one boot, have circumnavigated the world, leaving the mark of their passage everywhere!
The word “pizza” is displayed, spoken and eaten in every corner of this earth, certainly the matter is visionary, but if this visionary were imagined as an expression of talent and intelligence, then dear editor you would have been the master of happiness , the owner of the imagination, the absolute ruler of talent, the host of all that we can define art, but above all you would have had the literary exclusivity of good taste!