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Battiato; 23 March 1945 - 18 May 2021) was an Italian singer-songwriter, composer, filmmaker, and under the pseudonym Süphan Barzani, also a painter. Battiato’s songs contain esoteric, philosophical and religious themes, and have spanned genres such as experimental pop, electronic music, progressive rock, and new wave.

He was for decades one of the most popular singer-songwriters in Italy. His unique sound, song-crafting and especially his lyrics, often containing philosophical, religious, and culturally exotic references, as well as tackling or painting universal themes about the human condition earned him a unique spot on Italy’s music scene, and the nickname of “ Il Maestro “ .


Franco has literally revolutionized Italian pop music, but the most amazing thing is that, unlike other superstars of the Italian scene, he has created his own unmistakable style that does not refer to any canon of contemporary music, I mean, while in the whole world used to apologize to English and American artists, Battiato experimented ,with his music which is not pop, not rock and not just electronic but it is Battiato’s music. His texts, often of an esoteric-spiritual style, were embellished, in the last part of his career, by the texts of Manlio Scalambro. The Sicilian philosopher immersed himself in the musician’s atmosphere, creating real artistic pearls.

AAsounddescendsfromfaraway,absenceoftimeandspace, nothingiscreated,everythingistransformed,thelightisinbeing luminous. Radiatetheentirecosmos,citizensoftheworld,theyseekaland withoutborders. Lifedoesnotend,itislikeadream,birthislikeawakening. Untilwearefree,wewillcomebackagain,againandagain. Youknowthatthedreamisreality,itisaninviolateworld,ithas alwaysbeenwaitingforus. Ganden’smigrantsinbodiesoflight,frominvisibleplanets. Therearemanywaysbutonlyonethatleadstothetruth. Untilwearefree,wewillcomebackagain,againandagain.

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