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M ichelle Vasseur
“AssoonasIcrossthebridgededicatedtothe MuseoftheNavigli,AldaMerini,Imeetthepatron oftheNavigli,theartistMichelleVasseur,cousinof MargueriteYoucenar.”
French Artist In Italy And Patron In Milan
French, of Norman origin, her facial features recall him, she immediately declares herself to belong to other eras, but she is jealous of the future, which is the only temporal dimension for which, according to her, it makes sense to live! Magna Graecia, which he has in mind, is the land of our South, conquered by the Vikings, the Normans, not by the Romans: there is no nostalgia for the classicist, for the humanist towards ancient languages that he declares not to know, but that fascinate her, but also the versatility of the Renaissance artist: she looks at aesthetic canons, at sculptural and pictorial models, rather than literary ones.
The art is in the DNA of her family between a grandfather sculptor in Notre Dame and a maternal cousin like Marguertite Yourcenar, of which she remembers as inimitable Memoires d ’Adrien.