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A Love!
ppeared for the first time in 1632 in Tirso de Molina’s comedy “The deceiver of Seville and the stone guest, then revived by Mozart in 1665 with his famous opera, the character of Don Giovanni, over time and in the fantasies of all human beings, becomes a man, leaving the theater forever to become the prototype of a gallant and enterprising female suitor, of his unique kind! His being libertine and seductively libertarian of him leads him to be, given his amorous raids with many women, a brave, daring and reckless man, the fault of his frequent clashes with the men of the women he courts!
Here in modern language, “Don Giovanni” is by far the most used expression to define someone, certainly a man, who is constantly looking for women with whom to flirt, seduce them but never with the idea of engaging in a serious, constant, lasting relationship! ... He is the womanizer par excellence and on this state of his existential there are doubts!
So you can be any Don Giovanni, do Don Giovanni without ever being really one, be a Don Giovanni from overwork whose resourcefulness is resolved in a foolish boast and finally be a Don Giovanni for real, the one who does not advertise and moves in his sentimental world with extreme accuracy, with charm, almost in the shadows, exercising his amorous talent with absolute rigor, with the meticulousness of a great professional of seduction!
But what does love for a Don Giovanni consist of?
What are his ingredients, how does a character of this type experience love?
How great affection mixed with adoration?
An affection with an allergy to falling in love?
Or a continuous affair with the mystery, a bond, a very close relationship with the mystery in which he has placed only pure desire and nothing else?
All men would like to have been or think they are a new Don Giovanni in order to be able to collect one heart after another, carving the auction of love with countless notches! In short, this Don Giovanni is undoubtedly a male myth drunk with lust and sensual desires, inexhaustible and never dormant! The legend would have it that then, in old age, Don Giovanni repented of all his living by chasing his prey in the female world, but honestly I do not see him in the role of the repentant ... You can never regret having lived it all a life in the company of pleasure? As with all obvious questions, the answer, unfortunately, is dilated in the fog of an originality that goes beyond fantasies, philosophies, opinions and cultures!
For now, let’s be content with narrating the facts ... The events, plots and events in the History of Love, leave them to the dreamers, let’s deal with reality ...
And in the History of Love, in his reality there is another character that is more than mythical, legendary, extraordinary for his deeds and memorable for the way he led his life: Casanova! Giacomo Casanova!
He has not come out of any theater, no stage has ever seen him get dirty with dust! Lived from 1725 to 1798, he too was a great seducer, a conqueror of hearts and souls, unscrupulous and dedicated to the most scabrous amorous adventures, but he, unlike Don Giovanni, has never seen the ultimate sentimental goal, but as a first sentimental way to get around that love! Casanova was a true adventurer, great traveler, writer, poet, alchemist, esotericist, diplomat, scientist, philosopher and also a secret agent of the Serenissima Republic of Venice! He even did math!
He too is a refined seducer and libertine, a man of licentious morals, with a disordered conduct, devoted to easy loves, unrepentant, our Casanova has never been afraid of being himself, and is up to our days, the most important symbol of a world to be man and male in the immense female world!
Probably for Casanova sex was not just a sexual relationship, an activity between two or more consenting individuals in which sexual pleasure is obtained ... In short, it was not only and exclusively a coupling, but much more!
In all likelihood, for Casanova everything related to love, therefore seduction, sexual intercourse, courtship, even falling in love was art, pure art to live and live with! Don Giovanni counted the women he seduced, collected them, Casanova no, he was more for the talent of passion, the attraction for the particular, the intimacy of the secret in the alcove, the ardor of the movements, the desire to perform the most perfect work that could give the tenderness, the beauty of the sexual gesture, in short, for Casanova love was art and the amateur an artist!
Of course, between the two characters re-seen today, it would seem there aren’t many differences, only fleeting dissonances, as if both could be put on the same level, but that’s not the case! Between them there is a world of subtleties and refinements that make the two of them day and night, black and white ... There is a world of charm and magic that in a certain sense unites them but at the same time positions them , in the imaginary world, as if they were in front of a mirror that does not reflect the truth! ... Between the two there are inevitable fatalities and irresistible destinies ... Between one and the other there are about a hundred years of water that has passed under the bridge and although the first was a theatrical character and the second, a human being who became a character, in the world of Love the two, each in their own way, have conquered the fantasies, literatures and realities of all of us, proof of this is the their very current and still extraordinary presence! The real and the fantastic have mingled in legend, inspiration, extravagance and genius have forever immortalized the life of these two authentic and majestic personalities in the language, thought and actions!
It is not enough to be seducers, charmers, womanizers to pass from History to the History of Love! It takes more and this more ... In the celebrated world of Love there are, scattered here and there, characters of all kinds, of all ages and of all races! In that world that, between being and becoming, makes each era an era apart, we can find all sorts of whoremongers, inveterate suitors, suburban heartthrobs, bad guys for every occasion and creepers of all kinds! There are also the Sunday viveurs, the Saturday night dudes, the dancers and the play boys with breathtaking tans!
In short, in the world of Love you will find all kinds of characters: from the greedy, to the jealous, from the insatiable to the immoderate, from the lustful to the dissolute, from the vicious to the depraved, from the lascivious to the eager ... You can find everything in that world but never plus a Don Giovanni and a Giacomo Casanova… The only two true giants of seduction! Such artists will no longer be born!
It’s just a question of charm, a captivating, fascinating and passionate curse that can only strike true seducers: the curse of Love!