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Today the subjunctive is often eclipsed, replaced by the indicative, mode of certainty, which should not be used when there is a doubt, a possibility, a hypothesis or an unreality; or the “se” conjunction that accompanies the indicative or subjunctive in the hypothetical period, is associated with the conditional: “se farei” (instead of se facessi)! Terrible! Certainties must dominate hypotheses and doubts, this is the sense of an error that is not only grammatical, but also logical which will then become “philosophical”! We live in doubt, we speak with certainty! The less we know, the more we spit out sentences with the indicative!
The exchange between the personal pronouns “gli” and “li” is certainly due to a lack of pronunciation, which becomes an incorrect written recording of the phoneme, but also to a lack of morphological awareness. For the homography between “gli”, the definite article and the personal pronoun, and the homophony for bad pronunciation with “li” (the plural masculine personal pronoun “li” (them, as an object complement after active transitive verbs) c ‘is a great confusion in the written and oral, even more than between “the (a lui) and” the “(a lei) used incorrectly. A mistake of the new generations the exchange between them, because since elementary, they rely more on listening than on reading, so confusion in pronunciation becomes fundamental, as in the wrong division between words, a continuous flow, difficult to break one phrase from the other!
Here we eat a lot in fast food, in street food, increasingly ethnic foods, but at the same time standard, domesticated for Italian palates (Chinese, Mexican, Indian foods) and so our speech is all cooked and then frozen, ready in five minutes. The use of the apostrophe in writing is still a problem that does not denote forgetfulness, but ignorance of many terms, so we rely on the homophony of the spoken language. If you do not know the meaning of “door” it may be okay to write “knocked on the door” as “knocked on the door”! Italics may soon no longer be required: thinking as a gesture in writing is not replaced by using the keyboard of a PC: our very personal handwriting, “fingerprint” of our thinking, of maturity, “retina ”Of our personality, with which to open strong cases of memories, desires and fears, so much so that the signature is still a form of recognition against counterfeiting.
The language of digital natives, often dysgraphic, dysorthographic, dyslexic, dyscalculic (requiring heavy use of PCs with video writing, speech synthesis, concept maps, images that accompany each proposed content, with a very low attention span and often hyperactive or catatonic) , between play station and social media, uses anglicisms that the Accademia della Crusca has not yet registered as legitimate: bugging, dissing, shoppare! To say that a lesson went well ... they say it’s stonks: Gif of Stronks on Istagram or on WhatsApp to say that the lesson went well.
Writer, literary critic and teacher of literature.
PhD in History of Modern Philosophy at the Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa.
Adolescence And Drunkorexia
Drunkorexia consists in limiting the intake of food and calories to be able to drink a lot of alcohol without risking gaining weight.