12 minute read
ianni Rosato, born in Calabria and raised in Piedmont, is an eclectic and incredibly handsome actor, with a “Bad Face” and an explosive talent. He has lived in Rome for 20 years, he came there to cultivate his passion for acting. He studied acting at the “TeatroP” in Lamezia Terme, directed by Pietro Bonaccorso, and then continued his studies at the Enzo Garinei Accademia di Recitazione, by attending also the preparatory seminar at the Scuola Nazionale di Cinema di Cinecittà , directed by Giancarlo Giannini, to then study at Rossella Izzo’s School of Cinema and Theater Actor’s Planet.
Humble and very kind, he pursued his dream with passion and effort by being a waiter to pay his study and become an actor. In 2007 he was noticed by the director Giulio Base who wrote him in the cast of miniseries “L’inchiesta” (The Investigation) from there began his various participations in cinemas, commercials, theater and fiction including “Modalità arbitraria” (Arbitrary modality), “Figli di Maam” (Sons of Maam), “La culla dell’oblio” ( The cradle of oblivion), “Qualunque cosa succeda” (Anything happen), “Il giudice meschino” ( The petty judge), “Che Dio ci aiuti” ( May God help us), “Un medico in famiglia” (A doctor in the family), “ Don Matteo “, “Distretto di polizia” (District of police).
2020 was a year full of satisfactions for him: he starred in the film “La fuggitiva” (The Fugitive) directed by Carlo Carlei, in the sixth edition of the series “Che Dio ci aiuti” (May God help us), in the film “Morrison” by Federico Zampaglione and in spot of “Carapelli”.
ow were you when you were little? What do you defend and still carry inside of that child?
- When I was little I liked to play with my brothers and my cousins. I have a strong memory in my mind, it dates back to when I went to school and my teacher was always mad at me because she always said that I chatted with a child, a classmate and when I did not want to be in class I ran out of the classroom. But I was also a “wise man” and I wanted to class always answer all questions. I was a very shy and quiet child, I enjoyed playing with older kids because everyone told me I was a very kid friendly. If today I were to tell you what I defend and still carry within that age ... well I am proud to tell you that sometimes, thanks to that little boy, I can see things differently and still today that child is always next to me.
How important are origins and family to you? Are you an only child or do you have a large family?
- I am the son of a traditional family, we are two brothers, a sister and another father’s brother.
It is true that we are all born with a genetic heritage to which we owe a large part of our own characteristics, but it is also true that the environment has a strong weight in determining our identity. Our heritage are fundamental components of our identity, even those to which we give little value, because maybe we think they only concern a distant grandfather, or those who don’t we consider becouse , for a thousand reasons, they are difficult to accept. I strongly believe it is very important for each of us, to know our origins and the history of our family,they are like the roots of a tree, they are fundamental. They support us and nourish our identity. This is why it is important to know and pass them on, together with the pride of owning them.
As always, in fact, lack of knowledge makes everything more difficult, giving rise to gaps that in lack of objective elements are filled with imagination, with the risk of projecting fantasies, anxieties and fears. I would like to add that we are not born only from the union of two individuals, but also from the union of families, of worlds, which can also be very different between them, but somehow they belong to us. Also for me, family is important. My parents are everything. My starting point, my turning point, my refuge. It is the place from which I leave and then come back!
Among the people with whom you have worked from whom you have taken away a teaching that you jealously guard in your professional and human baggage?
- I met Lino Banfi some time ago at the LUISS university. A very positive experience. I remember that Lino told us about his hard and complicated childhood and it was just as I saw him get excited that I expressed a desire, inside of me, that is to be able to work with him and now I can say I was really lucky! On the set, he was very generous, he has a personality and a very strong charisma, both on stage and with the cameras off. At the end of the shoot, when he said goodbye, he shook my hands and said to me: “It really was really nice to meet you and work with you, you will see how many beautiful things will come in the future “. From the cast, I have had affection, warmth and esteem, but above all I received their smile that will remain with me forever! I remember that one day, on the set, it was particularly cold. My teeth chattered for how I felt cold. Suddenly Lino came over and without thinking twice took off the blanket from behind and laid on me, he said to me: “Take it, cover yourself! In my life, I’ve taken too much cold and I know what that means ”. He gave me goosebumps for his gesture in towards me. I will not forget it!
Do the characters you play have characteristics that you find within yourself? Which one looks like you the most?
I honestly think that no character played so far is particularly like me, and it is a game that gives me so much adrenaline. Acting it is the art of being able to live more reality; is to think, interact, identify with the most different characters each time in a different family. Do not think that to recite is only necessary to learn by heart and that’s it; an actor in fact makes a tremendous and wonderful inner work at the same time. You get to really know yourself and to channel certain emotions. I love acting and it doesn’t matter if in the theater, in the cinema or on TV. There what is important is to do it in the best possible way! With a predisposition you are born there, then, growing up, you learn to get to know it and, if you are determined, you cultivate it until the day this passion finally takes form. ow do you prepare for a character who is distant or opposite to your way of being? Do you find it more difficult?

- I humbly take the liberty of quoting the great James Dean who affirmed: «Understanding the complete meaning of life is up to the actor; interpret it as his problem and express it as his mission.
Being an actor is the loneliest thing in the world. You are completely alone with your concentration and with your imagination, and that’s all you have. Being a good actor is not easy. Being a man is even more difficult. I want to be both before I die “...” What great idea to be an actor, you take the story and the characters you conquer. You make yourself loved, you can let yourself be kissed and leave, you can be born and die a thousand times, laugh and cry and then come home.
I consider that the most important thing, to do the actor’s job well, is the attitude towards the director. With him I think there must be a kind of “transference” that is, the actor must understand what the director ish expectation and at this point it will be enough for him to follow that first intuition, a kind of impulse. The secret is in letting go. A phrase from the great Lee Strasberg always comes to mind: “The actor creates with his flesh and his blood all those things that the other arts, in some way, try to describe… ”but to those who ask me what exactly it means to be an actor, I feel to answer that I am myself only when I am someone else.
During the preparation of the film there is an initial phase in which you know the character, then the character becomes a part of you, it is not me who becomes the character, it is he who becomes a part of me. It must also be said that with the actors it is also a matter of luck. There is no telling how they will react to the character entrusted to them. Sometimes there is no spark with the great actor and it happens instead of a minor one that takes in flight. To conclude, I would like to say that the actor is a liar who is asked the utmost sincerity “.
“The actor creates with his flesh and his blood all those things that the other arts, in some way, try to describe…” ould you change anything in the world of television and cinema in which you trained?
- No, absolutely I would not change anything, I consider myself lucky in this too, I started taking my first steps, contenting myself with the smallest things, in bites and bites, slowly I’m reaching my goals, even if the road is still uphill, too uphill, but I have good shoes on my feet. I can’t stand and don’t like shortcuts at all. I think that if an actor wants to build a long-lasting career, he has to build it as a child, bricks day after day; a career that comes suddenly, that success that upsets you from moment to moment, if it doesn’t come from an excellent mess tin, it’s just a flash in the pan, unfortunately and it burns you in the bud.
Can you tell us a personal defeat and victory about your story?
- Since I was a child, as I said before, I have always been calm, lively, at times shy, at others perhaps too outgoing. After several years of bullying and insults though, I always started quit more in myself and to be afraid even to leave the house, but above all to go to school. “If I see you around I beat you “my bully wrote me, in notes that he rolled up and then threw me during the lesson, threats that had no motivation other than to exclude me from social life at school and outside that hostile environment. An unsustainable situation. I felt more and more sad, melancholy towards life and towards everyone, I began to lose interest in everything that interested me. There was a time when I hid all the snacks for school in the backpack and every week I went to throw them in the bin under my house. I had a stomach completely closed. Just going to school and taking a lesson was starting to become complicated, also thanks to a little empathic teacher. Take a lesson without going panic was now unthinkable for me. To avoid this, I often asked to leave the classroom to go to the bathroom. Unfortunately one of my teachers instead of understanding me and helping me, I had just 14 years old, she immediately labeled me as the whiny of the class. She got very strict with me, preventing me from leaving the classroom, despite my now continuous moods. Just 15 years old I felt I had hit rock bottom, I really couldn’t take it anymore ... I could go on, tell about it many more, but I don’t want to. I want to take advantage of it instead, to send a message: “do not judge never a boy for what appears outside, inside has a world to discover, do not have prejudices and if you really have to do it and you can’t help it, try to think before to speak, think carefully about what you are going to say. To those who unfortunately suffer instead, not to break up never say it is worthless or even be deemed useless. Always remember that, whoever he judges you, he only does it because you have something they will never have. Live every day at the e is a man who will try to be an actor, but I won’t tell you if he will succeed ... he is a character in the film “Morrison” by Federico Zampaglione (Tiromancino). Also in this case I must say that I was really impressed by Federico Zampaglione’s modus operandi. Today there are many artists belonging to different categories, who try their hand in the world of cinema, we often hear about singers who want to be actors, or directors not always with great results. Federico Zampaglione was a wonderful discovery. The ability to understand what an actor can give and convey is emotions as a veteran director. He succeeds by putting you immediately at ease. And then it is a film for the cinema where the public loved the story… but let me say that it was a great success, especially for the protagonist (Lorenzo Zurzolo, very good actor) who brought home the “Nastro d’argento” award..
Wmaximum and do not think about the future. In short, be happy to feel happy..
The year 2020 has been very active for you, you have worked on several projects. How was it working with Carlo Carlei and Federico Zampaglione?
- First of all, I must say that having had the opportunity to work with a great director like Carlo Carlei was a great satisfaction. I fell professionally in love with Carlo Carlei when I was a little boy, when the film on the story of Padre Pio was broadcast on TV and then the one about Enzo Ferrari, both interpreted by a masterful Sergio Castellitto. I said to myself: “one day I want to work with him ”and I must say that life has been very generous repaying my sacrifices and dedication that I put into what we could all call work, but that is not a simple work, it is the good fortune to be able to make a profession out of one’s passion. Today as it is today truly a luxury. In “La fuggitiva” I played Goran, a villain who is part of a clan of Slavs who together, decide to rob a very wealthy family, but in the end, as often happens in life, things do not go as expected… The Rai Uno audience responded very well to thismaster piece of Maestro Carlei. It is a truly compelling story and has kept everyone in suspense throughout the broadcast. This is a prime time for Rai Uno. Renato Lay is another beautiful satisfaction for me.
“Always remember that, whoever judges you, he only does it because you have something they will never have. Live every day at the maximum and do not think about the future. In short, be happy to feel happy ”.
In your current projects there is the medium-length film Yuria directed by Mattia Riccio. It was shot in Curinga. In the presentation press conference: why not? The return to the origins. How did the collaboration with Mattia Riccio start?
- The choice on Curinga to shoot this project stems from a healthy, sincere pride, a reliving of known and non-anonymous environments.
The director himself, Mattia Riccio, in fact anticipated in his speech that this first project will be the prologue to a TV series that will be made and produced in the coming years. The director is absolutely in agreement with me, in fact for him too, visiting Curinga was a pleasant discovery, made up of unique places to be valued. The collaboration with Mattia was born during the filming of “The Cradle of Oblivion” of which I am the protagonist together with the talented Marica Cotognini and Valerio Fadda. This short film was selected in competition for the “David di Donatello” awards and has participated in 43 festivals.

What will Yuria’s future be?
There is talk of an upcoming TV series inspired by this project. Can you tell us something more?
- Yuria is now ready for release, in fact from the end of October it will be possible to see it on various channels: Amazon Prime Video, Rai Play and Chili TV. I must say that the shooting period was very intense, we worked without ever looking at the clock and without even considering what day it was. A very intense, exciting period where we all gave the best of ourselves. Unfortunately, there have been several attempts by third parties to incorrectly impose other non-professional actors, locations or even changes with the addition of jokes. They were vain attempts, I do not like the recommendations nor the forced impositions that lead absolutely nowhere. I like to work only for meritocracy. As for the series, however, it is in the script phase, but unfortunately I can not reveal anything.
And finally, if a genius could grant your wish, which one would you express?
- Honestly, I immediately think about the historical period we are experiencing. I would like those who seek to divide us and capitalize on our fears and frustrations to be forced to live there suffering of their victims. I think 24 hours would be enough to leave a mark on even the most stubborn ones. I would like them to receive a condensed telepathic connection coming from all the citizens of their own nation, and in a moment they absorb the conscience and the common knowledge in order to establish the critical priorities and have the necessary information to address them effectively. After forcibly undergoing these experiences they should all be sufficiently motivated to use their arts for the common good. Only in this way, in my opinion, we would emerge from these situations that seem insurmountable.