3 minute read
When we say Magic, we consistently and unequivocally mean the unfathomable, that part of the world unknown to most that gathers, between pseudo-likenesses and unexplorable appearances, the infinite metaphors hidden in an arcane, occult, and obscure state of the most disturbing and unexplored mutations of reality!
Magic is constantly regenerated in the broth of the unknown, in that disturbing and perturbing magma that advances relentlessly toward our fragile certainties! But what is a lock if not a cyclopean and enormously crucial that the absolute exists?
Magic, on the contrary, never looks to the absolute but to the supreme; therefore, it goes beyond any certainty by placing the latter only as a starting point and never as an arrival: confidence, in Magic, becomes a question waiting for a great answer!
But Magic is also total charm and is nourished almost exclusively by that ancient and ever-current “beauty system” called Charme! .
It could be said and affirmed that Magic, not surprisingly, is one of the most consolidated accomplices of beauty because it contains all the requisites of the incomprehensible, therefore all the qualities, merits, and characteristics of attraction, seduction, that wild call that shows us splendor and enchantment! And it is precisely in that enchantment that Magic inexorably transforms itself into a spell in which reality changes and turns into a fable, converts to a new legend, becoming, in a certain sense, a myth!!
When we say Magic, we don’t always know what it is! In this immense imaginary real world, the phenomena - manifestations of unidentified origin - are the primary key to understanding, interpreting, and frequenting it.
Still, as in every world, in which there are praisers, flatterers, and incensors of an idea, there are even the detractors, the denigrators, the latter always tending towards a kind of cultural slander and who, between one concern and another, spread defamations that have roots in fear, in their fear, and there are no more or less valid reasons that they can convince them otherwise!
It is evident that where there is a trick, there could also be deception and vice versa, but in the case of Magic, if seen as a science and not as a belief like many others, the trick is not enough to solve the problem, the question, nor can it be solved with deception, because deception by its very definition is a trap, a trap, a scam, therefore a real scam! Magic welcomes and hosts house everything that human thought carefully avoids!
In it, there is no cultural racism, intolerance of faith, philosophical discrimination, integrationist beliefs… In magic, everything happens in the prodigy, the extraordinary, and the miracle!
In spells, the things that matter are much simpler, and then they always have in their nature the fairy tale, the story, a story to tell! Spells and unique events are the builders and witnesses of this charming situation on the edge of reality. Since reality is the most indefinable part of unreality, over time, Magic has made that bizarre unreality its religion; I believe his liturgy first of the word and then of the gesture!
Magic always knows what’s true and what’s false! He knows he is indispensable and cannot be replaced; he is indisputable and incontestable; he knows he can count on the fragility of doubt and the certainty of uncertainty!
Despite being subjected to millennia of criticisms, examinations accuse, blames, criticizes, accusations, and disapproval, Magic has remained, remains, and will always remain the flagship of a secret, the glory of an impossible mystery, the pride and pride of an enigma, honor, if we can speak of recognition as a puzzle in perennial expectation of its solver!
Magic is by convention and accepted by all social, cultural, philosophical, popular or unpopular, reactionary or revolutionary, atheistic or religious parties, the most indisputable, incontrovertible, and irrefutable form of a parallel reality because its “sphere magic” has to do with an Olympus that is in all probability authentically supernatural, who knows, perhaps even metaphysical… Magic inevitably has very ancient, archaic, remote origins...
In its infinite mazes of misunderstandings and misunderstandings, in an absence-presence, in the basement of its absolute and vital confidentiality, invisible solutions to problems far from existence have always been hidden!
The superhuman, the otherworldly, and the divine are his traveling companions, a journey between chiaroscuro and intuition, destiny and fatality, fate, and chance… Magic has made questionability its strength, the vital center of his existence…
The superhuman, the otherworldly, and the divine are his traveling companions, a journey between chiaroscuro and intuition, destiny and fatality, fate, and chance… Magic has made questionability its strength, the vital center of his existence…