JCHC Chronicles Winter 2014-2015

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Chronicles FALL/WINTER 2014

Letter from the President ........................................... 1 Taking a Stand for Seniors in South Orange ............... 1 Letter from the CEO ................................................... 2 We’re Preparing to Roll Out the Red Carpet .............. 2 Artistic Expression in Many Forms at Village .............. 2 JCHC University Goes to the Movies .......................... 2 Meet B’nai B’rith Resident Elsa Saletko ...................... 3 New Friends from Congregation Agudath Israel ....... 3 Celebrating our Resident Volunteers at Plaza............. 3 High Holy Days at the JCHC Communities ................. 3 We Had a Great Time Meeting our Neighbors ........... 4 Tuv Ha’aretz Produce Program for Residents ............. 4 Residents and Guests Enjoy Shofar Program .............. 4 The Magic of Music ..................................................... 5 ARTS Day at Lester ..................................................... 5 Village Apartments Commemorates Veterans Day ..... 5 What’s on Your Mind this Chanukah? .......................... 5 Become a “Friend of JCHC” ....................................... 6 JCHC Tributes ............................................................. 6

JEWISH COMMUNITY HOUSING CORPORATION OF METROPOLITAN NEW JERSEY 760 Northfield Ave., West Orange, NJ 07052 | 973-731-2020 | www.jchcorp.org


The More Things Change, The More They Stay The Same “Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose,” Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr, 1849 What was true in 1849 and 1971 is no longer true for our organization. Let me explain. Five years ago we moved our youngest son into his college dorm— adjacent to the dorm I lived in 44 years ago at the same school. Other than co-ed housing, not much had changed. We needed an SUV instead of a car, since there was more “stuff” to bring. And there was greater diversity among the students. But except for wiring for cable and the internet, sprinklers, and fresh paint, the dorm was essentially the same. We are now downsizing our home. This Shabbat Shuvah I thought I should go to a morning service. Joni was anxious to start packing, I was not. Religion gave me a perfect opportunity to get out of the house and to start my duties as a new Board President. I decided to attend the service at Lester. Lester’s services reminded me of my youth, where I grew up attending an Orthodox shul in the Bronx. While there were more women than men, and including women allowed for a minyan, it felt much the same. It was comfortable and I felt connected. I had decided that I would not tell people that I was the President of the JCHC (unless I was asked) so that I could experience the service as more of an observer and visitor (not “the landlord”). After the service, someone asked if I’d attended because it was a former resident’s yahrzeit, and I disclosed my role in the JCHC. The next two hours were wonderful— and packing had to wait. I was invited for lunch, during which I learned the origins of many of our residents: Shoah survivors, Sephardic Jews from the Middle East (one boastfully from Damascus), others from former Soviet bloc countries, a couple from Brooklyn and the Bronx (whose marriage succeeded because the Dodgers went to LA), immigrants from Newark and Elizabeth. Each had their own story, and many wanted to tell them. All were grateful for being in a community where they care for each other, and for the care that the JCHC provides. I felt connected.

Taking a Stand for Seniors in South Orange The Jewish Community Housing Corporation and our residents were well represented at the first town-wide Senior Citizen Forum held on Sun., Oct. 26 at the South Orange Performing Arts Center. CEO Harold Colton-Max and three residents—Sandy Lublin and Lenore Berkman of Village Apartments of the Jewish Federation and Nan Samons of the South Orange B’nai B’rith Federation House—are active members of the South Orange Senior Citizen Advisory Committee. Alice Greenberg-Sheedy, Director of the Charles Bierman Home and Michele Salt Horn, the JCHC Community Liaison Coordinator staffed our exhibitor table and distributed information about our communities. There were many issues discussed at the town hallstyle portion of the event, including: • Parking – the need for more handicapped parking spaces near stores, more long-term and overnight parking. • Taxes and fund allocations, CEO Harold Colton-Max and Lenore homestead rebates and Berkman, a resident of Village Apartments, at the Senior Citizen Forum in South Orange. other tax abatements for seniors. • Public sidewalks and cross walks – how could these be made safer for seniors and others? • Retail access – limited access to some stores means some seniors can’t shop there. • Emergency preparedness, including a new free service by high school students who will shovel their cars out in snow storms. • Affordable and more housing options. • Wellness programs – representatives from Essex County talked about services for seniors including the annual Senior Wellness Day at Codey Arena.

However, unlike my son’s dormitory that had not changed much in forty years, much has changed over Lester’s 13 years. Our residents’ average age has significantly increased. People are living longer and are adjusting to physical and lifestyle changes that generations before them have not experienced, such as relying on aides or mobility assistance. Some of these changes have required adaptation over the past 13 years. The JCHC has met these challenges by providing valuable on-premise services that have evolved as our residents’ needs have changed; and by updating and renovating our physical facilities to accommodate residents, in the apartments and public areas. We continue to be connected to our residents, and stand ready to meet the challenge of continually providing vital connections that meet their physical needs today and for the next generation. If any organization can do so, it’s the JCHC.

Alan Cohen President, Board of Trustees

Michele Salt Horn (right), JCHC Community Liaison Coordinator and Alice Greenberg-Sheedy from the Charles Bierman Home shared information about our community with expo attendees.

As a vital presence in South Orange, we will continue to share our ideas and concerns on the issues that affect seniors in the wider community.



After the Ribbon Cutting… As we all know, the ground breaking or the opening of a new building tends to bring out the crowds in celebration. Elected officials and other supporters come to admire the attractive features and finishes, praise those who were instrumental in bringing the project to fruition and welcome their newest residents to the community.

Artistic Expression in Many Forms at Village Apartments Through a grant from ARTS by the People, a local non-profit organization that brings creative expression to seniors and others, the residents at Village Apartments of the Jewish Federation have been enjoying their explorations into creativity this fall. Poetry About a dozen residents are writing collaborative poetry at a monthly workshop conducted by facilitator Paul Rabinowitz, the organization’s executive director. Rabinowitz first presents a theme to the group; after some discussion about it, he reads published poetry related to the theme and provides a verbal prompt to elicit feedback.

But what happens after the final party ends? Over time, as the building is used by its residents and visitors, it can begin to wear down. Some of the signs are obvious and can be dealt with simply such as the repainting of a wall or the replacement of frayed carpet. However, some of the items are not visible and might require more extensive work, such as the replacement of a major building system. I want to reassure you that we at the JCHC are always planning so that we are prepared for the maintenance and repair needs of all four of our apartment buildings serving more than 500 senior citizen residents as well as larger capital projects. For example, at our Village Apartments, we recently completed a series of upgrades to improve the appearance and energy efficiency both in and outside of the building including a new seating area closer to the street requested by our residents. We plan to build on this soon by improving the Village backyard seating area with new pavers, furniture and even standing gardens for our resident gardeners. At Jewish Federation Plaza, we completed a reconfiguration and improvement of the entire first floor of building 4 earlier this year. With the JCHC’s offices moving to the JCC next door, we were able to expand the resident dining room by 50%, make the space brighter and more appealing. We were also able to upgrade our kitchen facilities to improve our resident dining experience as well as the kosher Meals on Wheels program and the Senior Program next door at the JCC Marguilies Center. We have already started work on aesthetic improvements to the promenade at Plaza to bring it up to the same quality as our newly improved dining room, lounge and offices. The JCHC staff, with input from our residents, continues to work diligently to identify problems before they occur. The JCHC’s volunteer Board of Trustees keeps an eye on our finances and operations to see that we have done the proper planning and have the resources to meet those needs. We have also benefited from the generous support of HUD, the Township of West Orange and donors like you. As you can see, preparing to meet our buildings’ maintenance and capital needs is a formidable ongoing task which requires a team effort. I am proud to be a part of a winning team like the JCHC and I hope that you are as well.

Paul Rabinowitz, executive director of Arts by the People, with resident poets Gertrude Gunther (left) and Estelle Franzonia.

The participant’s answers become the basis for a collaborative poem about that topic. According to Mr. Rabinowitz, “The poetry being created in class is very deep, as the residents draw from their own past in response to the prompts with rich and touching results.” A hand-bound volume for each participant is being created for everyone in class so that residents will be able to share their work with friends and family. Horticultural therapist Megan Floral arts Fainsigner shows residents how Other residents enjoyed a two-part dried their fresh flowers will look flower workshop, led by Megan Fainsinger, once they are pressed, dried and a horticultural therapist. During the first mounted. class, everyone learned how to prepare and dry the fresh flowers. Megan brought a beautiful selection of fresh flowers that the group individually arranged on paper, then closed and pressed the flowers onto the paper with pieces of wood. They got together a month later to create beautiful, colorful “flower arrangements” that were mounted and framed.

Harold Colton-Max Chief Executive Officer

We’re Preparing to Roll Out the Red Carpet Join us to celebrate Harold Colton-Max’s 10th anniversary as the CEO of the JCHC at our Annual Dinner on June 15, 2015. Watch for details in the coming months.

Village residents Lore Trytell, Stella Locker and Gertrude Gunther show off their floral artwork.

JCHC University Goes to the Movies with the JCC’s Reel Series As part of our JCHC University program, we joined forces this fall with the New Jersey Jewish Film Festival. As a result, our residents are able to participate in the Reel Film Series which takes place on Friday mornings at the JCC MetroWest in West Orange. Residents may enjoy a variety of films with Jewish themes, followed by an enlightening discussion; the film discussions are led by a range of guest speakers: film critics, clergy, writers, scholars and others. Film topics are varied and very interesting; titles this fall include “The Jewish Cardinal,” “The Jazz Singer” and “The Pale of Settlement.”


Meet Elsa Saletko: One Famous Patient, Six Languages Spoken, 40 Years in Nursing … and 22 Years at B’nai B’rith Federation House! Elsa Saletko has the distinction of being one of our very first residents at South Orange B’nai B’rith Federation House (she was our second resident to move in, in December 1992). She has quite a few other distinctions, including having Golda Meir as a patient when Elsa was a nurse in Israel. Elsa came to the US as a teenager from Hungary, just as World War II was sweeping through Europe. She became a nurse here and after the war, she was sent by the United States to Nuremberg, Germany. She worked there for three years as a nurse in hospitals as well as in a social services capacity, helping displaced Jews and Christians prepare to emigrate to the US. “I speak six languages, so I helped them get their papers in order and assisted with translation as they prepared to come to America,” explains Elsa. She speaks Hungarian, Romanian, German, Yiddish, English and Hebrew, and understands some Italian and French. The US later sent her abroad again, to the young State of Israel to help the newcomers there. While in Israel, she met a young Golda Meir, who was also helping immigrants become acclimated to their new country. Meir became a patient of Elsa’s during that time and the two women became lifelong acquaintances. Elsa would hear from Meir throughout the years—even after she became prime minister. “She was a very lovely woman, always helping people.” Back in the States, Elsa married and raised her daughter in Rockford, Illinois. Observing a shortage of skilled nurses in cardiac care, she trained as a cardiac nurse, a specialty she worked in throughout her 40+ year career. “I always loved what I did,” says Elsa. “Every day was exciting.”

Celebrating our Resident Volunteers at Plaza There are so many activities at Jewish Federation Plaza that would not happen without our hard-working, generous resident volunteers. Here’s the first in a series of spotlights on who’s doing what to make our residents’ lives all the richer.

Judy Solomon

Judy Solomon – Tenant Association President Judy is our Tenant Association president. Her goals this year center on building community. “Here at Plaza, we’re like family, so it’s important that we create activities that the community we are part of—our family here—can participate in. I hope to continue keeping tenants as interested in what’s going on in our community as possible and give them reasons to get out and mingle with each other.” Judy also sets up our weekly oneg Shabbats.

Mickey Spector – Game Fest Mickey started Game Fest to help foster deeper camaraderie and fellowship among our residents. This monthly activity takes place on the fourth Sunday of the month in the Promenade, right after the 2pm movie. Other gaming activities have sprouted out of Game Fest but most important, Mickey notes that her original goal is met. “Game Fest has brought people together more. Through these activities, some of the residents have become friends.”

Esther Torres

Mickey Spector

Esther Torres – Bingo! Esther got involved with our Bingo games as the money collector and card distributor during our once-a-week games. Due to Bingo’s popularity, Esther added another game and now works the Monday evening game in various aspects. She says it’s not unusual to have about 18 people show up to play on Monday and Wednesday evenings. “People really enjoy it,” she notes. “We get to socialize and have fun.”

High Holy Days at the JCHC Communities Many of our residents celebrated Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur and Sukkot together in our communities in special ways.

Eventually, she decided to move East to be closer to an aunt who lived in New York City; she and her daughter’s family came to New Jersey, where Elsa settled into life at B’nai B’rith Federation House. Her daughter and four grandchildren live nearby.

Village Apartments of the Jewish Federation hosted a traditional Rosh Hashanah meal on erev Rosh Hashanah, and Kol Nidre and Yom Kippur services were held on site. As part of the Sukkot festivities, several residents from Village and from nearby South Orange B’nai B’rith Federation House enjoyed a holiday meal together in the Village sukkah on October 9; the community also held holiday services with Kiddush in the sukkah on October 10.

Of life at B’nai B’rith Elsa says, “I love living here. I have such nice neighbors and support here.”

The Lester Senior Housing Community had a full offering of holiday services from Rosh Hashanah through the end of Sukkot. Holiday observances included shofar blowing for the Days of Awe and raising the lulav and etrog for Sukkot; Kiddush and Torah study in the sukkah; and a lively Simchat Torah service and celebration.

New Friends from Congregation Agudath Israel In late August, the Lester Senior Housing Community hosted members of Congregation Agudath Israel’s Senior Enrichment program. Visitors from this West Essex synagogue toured our community and met our residents, and everyone enjoyed a delicious lunch together. Then Chaim Lauer (former executive director of the Jewish Education Association of MetroWest) gave a very entertaining presentation on “bubbe meises,” shedding light on the origin of some popular Jewish traditions and customs. Our guests went home with a gift and we made some new friends.

Jewish Federation Plaza also offered a full complement of services as well as an elegant erev Rosh Hashanah dinner, candle lighting ceremonies, and Kiddush and meals in the community sukkah. Two very special rituals were conducted and overseen by Rabbi Levy and Rabbi Kaplan. For tashlich, Rabbi Levy placed a goldfish in a small swimming pool where residents threw off their symbolic sins with challah for the fish to consume. Residents found special meaning on Simchat Torah with Rabbi Kaplan, as the Torah scroll was unrolled and held up around the room for all to draw closer to it; small Torahs were handed out to those who stayed seated so that everyone could participate in the moving ritual.

760 Northfield Ave., West Orange, NJ 07052 | 973-731-2020 | www.jchcorp.org


We Had a Great Time Meeting our Neighbors

Barbara Knopf, marketing director of the Lester Senior Housing Community, with Andrew SilowCarroll, editor-in-chief of the New Jersey Jewish News, at our Whippany event.

As many of you know, the JCHC works with many other nonprofit “sister” agencies that that are under the Jewish Federation of Greater MetroWest umbrella—but we don’t always get a chance to get to really got to know each other personally or find out about all the services everyone offers for seniors. That’s why we hosted two Neighbor to Neighbor events to bring together the various Federation partners for breakfast and some schmoozing.

One was at the JCC in Whippany, next to the Lester Senior Housing Community and the other at our offices in West Orange; both events were great successes and everyone really enjoyed putting faces to the names. The JCHC’s Regional Director of Dining Services, Mitchell Goldberg, outdid himself as he and his staff put together beautiful breakfast buffets (the carved watermelon basket was a big hit). We hope to do more of these events in the future, so that we can all refer more seniors to these valuable non-profits for programs and services that would benefit them. You can see pictures and who’s who on our Facebook pages.

Tuv Ha’aretz Brings Jersey-Fresh Produce to Our Residents

Resident Teddy Halpern and Mitchell Goldberg, JCHC Regional Director of Dining Services, enjoyed helping out at one of the Friday Farmers Market days at Lester.

As part of our CSA participation, we provided residents from our communities with transportation to area farmers markets, and vouchers redeemable for fresh produce.

Rosenblum talked about the history of the shofar and the types of kosher animals whose horns can be used; he then explained how a shofar is made and, to the audience’s delight, he crafted one in front of them Horns and tools at the ready for a live demonstration. from a raw horn. He demonstrated how to blow the shofar and talked about the different blasts used during the holiday. Marcia’s husband, Rabbi Dr. Elihu Feldman (a retired cantor) entertained the group with traditional holiday melodies, and the Feldmans brought their own impressive shofar to show everyone. Honey cake was served (of course!) and everyone had a great time.

Owned and Managed by the Jewish Community Housing Corporation of Metropolitan New Jersey

In celebration of its participation in Tuv Ha’Aretz, the Lester Senior Housing Community sponsored two events at the JCC MetroWest in West Orange: in July, horticultural therapist Megan Fainsinger talked about New Jersey flowers and demonstrated how to create simple summer bouquets; in August, Mitchell Goldberg, JCHC’s Regional Director of Dining Services presented “Summer Kosher Cooking for Two.” Both programs were open to the public.

Harold Colton-Max, CEO of the JCHC, addressed the group and introduced Rabbi Yisroel Rosenblum from the Living Legacy, which links Jewish learning to Jewish practice through creative hands-on experiences and events. Rabbi Rosenblum explaining the types of horns allowed to be used in making a shofar.

Jewish Community Housing Corporation of Metropolitan New Jersey 760 Northfield Ave., West Orange, NJ 07052

Daena Silverman, who administers the Tuv Ha’Aretz program at the JCC MetroWest in West Orange, said that, “By supporting local farmers who practice environmentally sound farming techniques, participating in Tuv Ha’Aretz promotes a more environmentally safe, economically fair, and healthy society while building community. We are delighted that the JCHC participated and brought fresh healthful food directly to the residents at Lester Senior Housing Community.”

Approximately 70 seniors attended an interactive Shofar Factory workshop co-sponsored by the JCHC and the JCC MetroWest on September 18th. It was held at the JCC MetroWest in West Orange and was attended by participants in the JCC’s senior enrichment program and residents of Jewish Federation Plaza. The program was through the Chabad of Livingston’s Living Legacy project.

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Residents of the Lester Senior Housing Community enjoyed an in-house weekly Friday Farmers Market July through September as part of Tuv Ha’Aretz (“good of/ from the land”), a community supported agriculture (CSA) program in partnership with JCC MetroWest. Residents were able to purchase sustainably grown fruits and vegetables from Central Valley Farm in Asbury, N.J., as well as colorful summer bouquets made from locally grown fresh flowers, delivered to the community’s Country Store. This program was made possible through the JCHC’s membership in the CSA; CSAs connect participants with farm-fresh produce at competitive prices while supporting local farms.

Shofar Program Gets Residents and Guests Ready for Rosh Hashanah


Assisted Living Week Was Filled with the Magic of Music

Residents from our Margaret & Martin Heller Independent Living Apartments joined in the fun, which included a celebration of Grandparent’s Day.

We observe National Assisted Living Week every year in our Judy & JoshWeston Assisted Living Residence. This year’s theme was “The Magic of Music” and our residents enjoyed a week of music, dancing and celebration. The week started off with a performance by classically trained singer Estere, who performed a wide variety of songs ranging from opera to traditional Israeli, Spanish, and Yiddish songs to contemporary and show tunes. Her The lively Mexican music got people jumping! performance had the audience swaying, clapping and standing on their feet shouting “bravo!” after an aria from La Traviata.

Ronnie Weinstein and the JCHC Choir.

Later in the week, residents and their families enjoyed a Mexican theme cocktail party with hors d’oeuvres, frozen margaritas, music and dancing; and the JCHC Choir, under the direction of choir leader Ronnie Weinstein, performed selections of Yiddish, Hebrew and English favorites. Residents banged drums and tambourines with (Weinstein also leads the gusto during our drumming circle, part of our JCHC Resident Choir which Magic of Music activities. performs every year at the Annual Dinner.) There was also a drumming circle led by David Azarch (a therapeutic group drumming facilitator); residents used a variety of drums to get different tones and others banged tambourines—lots of sound and fun! The Mitzvah Clowns paid a visit as well; these are students and adults from the area who really love clowning around, and shared an entertaining afternoon with our residents.

Administrator Marlene Glass and Sylvia Leiken enjoying some time together during the week’s festivities.

Established by the National Center of Assisted Living in 1995, National Assisted Living Week® provides a unique opportunity for residents, families, staff, volunteers, and the surrounding community to come together to share a variety of events and activities with our residents. It’s just one way we show how we care for them, and brings great joy to all of us who participate.

ARTS Day at Lester Residents who participate in the ARTS by the People program, which fosters creative expression, treated us to their fine art and performing art works on ARTS Day in July, with some very impressive results. Many types of artistry were shared with fellow residents and family members (fine arts, written works and more). Original artwork, rendered in a variety of media (pencil, chalk, watercolor, paint), was exhibited in the private dining room of our Heller Apartments. Memoirs were recited by residents who attend our twice-monthly “Memoir Writing with Paul” series, and we also had some horticulture art on display. A song that was written by residents was performed by ARTS by the People teachers and got very enthusiastic response. It was a wonderful afternoon.

Village Apartments Commemorates Veterans Day Residents at Village Apartments of the Jewish Federation got to hear some exciting and poignant stories from World War II veterans in honor of Veterans Day. Murray Brill, a weekly participant in the Essex County Kosher lunch program held at the senior community, described Resident Joe Posner (left) shared his how his plane was shot down over story about being wounded by German Germany, leading to his capture and snipers during World War II. escape. Village Apartments residents and fellow WWII veterans Joe Posner and Simon Gang also shared their recollections of their wartime experiences. Posner was wounded by German snipers and Gang was in the landing party on Normandy Beach. Village Apartments of the Jewish Federation is a host site for the congregate lunch program, where Brill comes every Tuesday to enjoy a nutritious hot lunch Murray Brill showed his Purple Heart to everyone and socializing with other seniors from the who gathered to hear his South Orange area. We thank these men recollections of his military and so many others for their service to our service during World War II. country.

What’s on Your Mind this Chanukah? Find out when amazing mentalist, Flavian, performs his mind reading feats at this lively Chanukah event! When: Monday, December 22 at 12:30 p.m. Where: JCC MetroWest, Tepper Hall We’ll celebrate the Festival of Lights with a fun program that will have you spellbound. Join us as we light the menorah and witness Flavian’s incredible journey into the unconsciousness. All attendees will receive a goody bag, courtesy of the JCHC.

Sponsored by the Jewish Community Housing Corporation of Metropolitan New Jersey


Become a “Friend of JCHC” Charitable contributions from foundations and individuals to the Jewish Community Housing Corporation have enabled us to do so much for our residents. Over the years, Friends of the JCHC have improved our residents’ quality of life by providing funds to purchase our buses, bring speakers and entertainers to our buildings, construct a new building, hold Kiddush, purchase hearing aids, and bring the ItsNever2 Late interactive computer programs to our communities.

the Lifelong Learning series at Jewish Federation Plaza and Lester Senior Housing Community. The ways your donations have helped enrich the lives of our seniors are large and small in size, but all are enormous in the positive effects they have within our communities. Please consider becoming a Friend of the JCHC.

Last year’s generous donations are earmarked to create a beautiful backyard patio, complete with stand-up gardens at Village Apartments, and to continue

“Friends of JCHC” Tributes

mazel tov, get well and in memoriam

Given by

Sent to

On the occasion of

Andrew and Sharon Chavkin Andrew and Sharon Chavkin Andrew and Sharon Chavkin Andrew and Sharon Chavkin Harold and Nomi Colton-Max

Jon Flusser Karen Goldberg Scott Ehrenpreis Ted Eisenberg Roberta and Walter Zweifler

Harold and Nomi Colton-Max Allison and Michael Diamond Allison and Michael Diamond Allison and Michael Diamond Laurie Loughney Ann Moskow Jay and Jodi Murnick Jay and Jodi Murnick Jay and Jodi Murnick Jay and Jodi Murnick Jay and Jodi Murnick Pat and Burt Sebold Judy Shulman

Michael and June Shatken Ray Testa and family Marcia and Steve Tabakin Dr. and Mrs. Richard Luciani Cheryl Fisch Jon and Lori Rothschild David and Dara Orbach Herbert Tanzman Neimah and Paul Tractenberg Ilan and Dina Simon Don Rosenthal & Joanie Schwarz Jay and Ellen Rice Roberta and Walter Zweifler

Roberta and Walter Zweifler Roberta and Walter Zweifler Roberta and Walter Zweifler Roberta and Walter Zweifler Roberta and Walter Zweifler Roberta and Walter Zweifler

Dr. Frank Katz and family Arthur Schechner Fred Yoskowitz Charles Wantman and Roberta Elliot Ruth and Sheldon Dinowitz Myrna and Ed Mazer

The memory of your father Ben Flusser Wishing you a speedy recovery The memory of your father Sheldon The memory of your mother Ruth The birth of your grandson Bear Gordon Zweifler on September 16 The birth of your first grandchild The passing of your mother Connie Testa The marriage of Lori and Alex The birth of your newest granddaughter Harper Rose Cohen The passing of your brother Chaim Perl The memory of Bob Rothschild The passing of your mother Yocheved Orbach The passing of your grandfather Herbert Tanzman The passing of your father Aaron Yakov The passing of your grandfather Aaron Yakov The passing of your mother Patricia Rosenthal Becoming grandparents for the first time The birth of your grandson Bear Gordon Zweifler on September 16 The passing of your wife Renee Your recent Bar Mitzvah The passing of your family members The birth of your grandson The Bat Mitzvah of your granddaughter The arrival of your new granddaughter

*To send a tribute, contact Marcia Feldman at 973-530-3966 or marciaf@jchcorp.org. To Support JCHC, fill out form below and mail to: The Jewish Community Housing Corp. of Metropolitan NJ, 760 Northfield Avenue, West Orange, NJ 07052 or donate online: www.Jchcorp.org

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760 Northfield Ave., West Orange, NJ 07052 | 973-731-2020 | www.jchcorp.org

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