Transformative Away Days
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CONTENTS ˜ Our Away Day Philosophy ˜ How to Book a CC Away Day ˜ Some Away Day Ideas
o The Big Picture
o The Big Ship
o The Big Fool
o The Big Movie
o The Big Animation
o The Big Game
o The Big Design
˜ Our Inspirational Speakers / Motivators ˜ Client Testimonials
Our Away Day P hilosophy Companies make considerable financial investment in Away Days and we believe they deserve better value for money. While most of the standard Away Day activities you see advertised offer short term benefits, staff often report that no long lasting relationships were formed. Managers worry that with no permanent record of what was achieved, training objectives are not solidly learned and things quickly return to business as usual.
With this in mind, we make your Away Day personal to your business with relevant activities and games to drive home key concepts as well as engaging the creativity and innovation of your workforce. Together you and your team will create artefacts and objects of beauty that can be photographed, filmed or simply displayed in your office and serve as a concrete reminder of the values, objectives and achievements of the day, not to mention all the fun they had.
At CC we have developed a new way. We agree that Away Days should be fun – but they should also be meaningful and productive in the long term.
How to Book CC Services ˜ Call our International Booking Team on +44 (0) 7827013191
Email our International Booking Team via
Request a free proposal by completing our proposal form
Chat to one of our Booking Team today via Skype name Creativeconnec
{ Some Away Day ideas } We are always open to new ideas but to help you understand our work, here are some examples of activities and events we have created in the past.
The Big Picture Led by a trained facilitator and with the help of a team of artists, your whole team work together to create a work of art depicting your organisation, either by drawing for themselves- or through our artists- each person contributes to a Big Picture, drawing on the board, images of themselves, what they do within the team and examples of their fears and aspirations. • K eeping the message alive: After the event, we provide high quality stills of the finished image as well as the full size artwork itself. • V ariations on the theme: The Big Picture doesn’t have to be a picture! We have in the past created clay models, collage and even mosaics. • Group size: Suitable for groups of up to 100.
The Big Ship Working with professional artists, you and your team are tasked with making a boat using foam board and tape – You work together on different sections, which are built and decorated and then brought together to create a boat that everyone can fit inside. • K eeping the message alive: We will create a time-lapse film of the boats creation, and provide high quality digital stills of everyone on-board. • V ariations on the theme: Why stop at a boat! What your team decides to build could be any object that is meaningful to your company. • Group size: Suitable for groups of up to 100.
The Big Fool Working with professional Fools, and other circus professionals the team learns acrobatic and other circus skills and then has to work together to put on a performance. • K eeping the message alive: All activity is recorded and edited into a mini ‘documentary of the day with Vox Pop interviews with each person taking part. • Group size: Suitable for groups of 20.
The Big Movie
The Big Animation
Teams are assigned with the task of making a film. Each team is provided with a film making mentor as well as camera, audio and editing equipment. Together they create a script, shoot film and edit, either a 1 minute short or a film-trailer on a subject relevant to the days objectives.
Similar to 'The Big Movie', each team then has a full day to create an animation or animated film trailer, explaining a concept or proposal of your choice. Each team is provided with an animation mentor, animators clay and other art materials, as well as all necessary camera, audio and editing equipment.
• K eeping the message alive: We will host all movies for easy access of all involved. We can even collate all together into one reel to showcase the whole days work to be used as an internal communications piece.
• K eeping the message alive: We will host all animations for easy access of all involved. We can even collate all together into one reel to showcase the whole days work to be used as an internal communication piece.
• V ariations on the theme: Big Documentary – in which those within the company have to be interviewed on a subject.
• V ariations on the theme: Big Documentary – in which those within the company have to be interviewed on a subject.
• G roup size: Suitable for up to 30 people working in teams of 5.
• G roup size: Suitable for up to 30 people working in teams of 5.
OFFERING YOU THAT LITTLE BIT MORE: As part of all our Away Days we provide all materials and staff needed to manage any group size. We provide all materials. We also offer a free post event team workshop with one of our facilitator / consultant team to discuss what was learned and how it can be used to enhance ongoing working relationships within the group.
{ Some Away Day ideas } The Big Game
The Big Design
While, the best learning is achieved through play, adults are rarely given the invitation to do it. We have created interactive games that teach specific concepts such as corporate security, cross team communication and trust. These games can be elaborate all day events using actors and smart phone technology to create pervasive virtual worlds, or very simple allegorical variants on children’s games such as ‘Tag’ or ‘Hide and Seek’. Often our games offer a combination of both. The games we create are bespoke and they exist to create a change in the mind of the player(s).
Each team has to design a logo / emblem or image which depicts their team’s objectives. These images are then screen printed onto T-shirts for the whole team.
• K eeping the message alive: We can run a post game workshop with the groups to harness what was learned from the event and how this could impact each role / team in the future. • Group size: Suitable for groups of 20-400.
• K eeping the message alive: T-shirts or other material based prints can be made post the event. Each design will also be provided on foam board which can be displayed in the office longer term. The whole day is captured on video and a mini film provided as a reminder. • V ariations on the theme: Big Fashion Show – in which each group has to design an outfit which represents their core objective. So if the topic of the day is ‘Change’ the outfit needs to represent ‘change within their chosen company’. • G roup size: Suitable for up to 30 people working in teams of 5.
Inspirational Speakers and Team Motivators If you already have an activity in mind – then why not hire one of our inspirational speakers or motivators to really help you get everyone in the room energised and ready to take on the challenges of the day. Here are some of the Speakers available from CC: The Co-Founders of CreativeConnection are highly regarded in the business arena, experienced facilitators and public speakers.
Tim Casswell CC Co-Founder & Director of CreativeConnection Through his early work on development and village politics in India and Indonesia Tim became an expert in group dynamics, co-operation and conflict resolution. Talking with and listening to your staff he will help to transform the narrative of how you do business and show that by transforming the stories we tell ourselves and others we can become less conflicted in our aims and more open to ideas, change and innovation.
Both Jenny and Tim can offer a range of inspirational talks around the following areas: The art of identifying the most useful problem The art of changing your beliefs The art of knowing what you know The art of unknowing The art of unreasonable goals The art of change The art of innovation The art of co-creativity The art of naturally effective meetings The art of transformative narrative The art of Team Maintenance The art of decision making The art of measuring transformation The art of personal impact
Jennifer La Trobe CC Co-Founder & Director of CreativeConnection Canada Jenny is a powerful presence in any room. For nearly four decades, Jennifer La Trobe has been asking questions from unusual angles. She has acted as a consultant, a facilitator, an educator and a trainer for private, nonprofit and public sector organisations in Canada, the US, Europe and Asia. Jennifer has a benevolent skepticism about the alignment between script and performance. She is called upon to help groups and leaders achieve organisational objectives with insightful coaching, thoughtful strategies, structures and stories. Her early training as a choreologist gave her a keen eye for noticing patterns in human expression, nonverbal communication, context and relationship. Following an early passion for how people can work together more effectively, she undertook intensive training in learning, group dynamics and discussion methods, and spent the first 12 years of her career enabling communities to improve their economies and implement public health projects in Scotland, India, Korea, the United States and the Philippines. At CC we also offer inspirational speakers with a difference. Speakers who are creators and have merged their creative skills to help understand the corporate day to day for example: • V icky Long is an actor, playwright and director and brings this perspective to address the issues of individual and team performance. Her talk “All the world’s a stage…” brings an inspiring and insightful ideas for leaders to play with. • I solde Godfrey is a performance artist who specialises in narrative pieces. Her talk is entitled “thinking deeper”. • D ann Casswell is one of the Directors of CC. Prior to working for CC, he worked for the BBC, writing and producing content and managing key projects for BBC Outreach as well as supporting the Southwest’s BBC Children in Need team.
Images from a ‘Big Picture Variation’ Away Day
Client Testimonials “The team had the most fun and we really noticed a change in the way we acted with each other after this day. Tim brought out the things we all needed to say in order to move forward.”
Erika Trousdale, Logistics Manager, CBTN “I did not feel uncomfortable or undervalued in any way through the whole day – there was no yelling, competition or pressure to perform – just creativity and lots of fun, I also know how to make a boat!”
Tim Fairbanks, Events Coordinator, UUT Canada “I have organised many away days as part of my role, but working with CreativeConnection was different. They really thought about what we needed to achieve longer term, it was not just about having fun on the day but they really pushed me to think about what the day needed to deliver past the fun and games and how the skills learned from my team could be used ongoing.”
Peter Roberts, HR Director, BeBright Learning
“The post event video CreativeConnection provided is a great tool for us and we use it regularly to remind us of the objectives from the day. It brings a huge smile to everyone who watches it remembering what a great time we had and the bonds formed.”
Alice Mendith, HR Manager, NGT Consulting “Such a great team to work with, everything was provided for, everything was so well planned and the teams really got a lot out of it – thank you so much.”
Katherine Vale, Communications Director, NDB
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Away Days
Training CreativeConnection Headquarters CreativeConnection 5 Glasshouse Walk Vauxhall London SE11 5ES Tel +44 (0) 7827013191 Email: Transforming business: Transformingthe theworld worldofof business: UK | Europe | USA | Canada | Australia | Dubai | India