Transformative Training & Coaching

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Transformative Training & Coaching

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CONTENTS ˜ Our Training & Coaching Philosophy ˜ Why CC Training & Coaching? ˜ How to Book CC Services ˜ Public Training Workshops

o Full Day – The Art of Listening and Visual Communication

o Full Day – The Art of Creating Effective Visual Communication

o Full Day – The Art of Visual Communication in Creating Presentations

o Evening Session – The Art of Listening – An Introduction

o Evening Session – The Art of Visual Communication – An Introduction

˜ Corporate Training Workshops

o The Art of Listening and Visual Communication to Enhance Presentation Skills

o The Art of Listening and Visual Communication to Enhance Project Management Skills

o The Art of Listening and Visual Communication to Enhance Team Management Skills

o The Art of Listening and Visual Communication to Enhance Team Dynamics

o The Art of Listening and Visual Communication to Enhance Strategic Planning

˜ Individual & Executive Coaching

o Group & Individual Coaching

o Executive Coaching

o Remote Coaching

˜ Client Testimonials

Our Training & Coaching P hilosophy ‘Learning the Art of Listening and Visual Communication enhances vision and clarity’. Listening

Visual Communication

Listening is often an assumed skill. Most individuals within the work place (or in life) assume they are good listeners, but on true reflection have very little listening skills and abilities. To truly be able to listen to someone is a great achievement. In today’s world we are surrounded by noise and distraction which has taken its toll on our listening skills. So refining listening skills can have a profound effect in how you communicate with other people and more importantly how other people react to you.

Visual Communication is also an essential core skill which once developed can have amazing impacts on the way you communicate as an individual. The business environment is laden with large documentation filled with words and information, processes, diagrams, reams of web pages and written information sources. This is the norm in our emerging business world and so individuals working within this environment react with an ability to communicate verbally and in written form but are unable to think or communicate visually. Why is it important to think and communicate visually? The human brain naturally processes and retains image based content over written content and the ratio of retention is much higher and substantial. An image really can speak 1000 words:

Simply being able to listen better can deliver amazing results in most communication situations.

This image showcases the process of steam generated power without using a single word. A very complicated system simplified in one image. This is the power of Visual Thinking and Visual Communication. At CC our philosophy is to offer training which opens up areas of your mind which have been unused and reminds people how to use these to enhance their communication skills and abilities. We do this through workshops and exercises which encourage ‘left brain’ thinking.

Why CC Training & Coaching? CC offer training from a different perspective. This perspective allows the individual to look at normal business process with an open mind delivering a more creative output. Our training sessions are unique and created to be engaging and relevant to those attending.

Visual thinking allows for a more relaxed thought process and helps to simplify complicated information. Those we have worked with have said their planning process has been refined and their ability to communicate with others (due to greater listening) has been enlightening.

Our corporate training has had profound effects on the teams and individuals we have worked with in showing increased results in communication skills but also in satisfaction at work and reduction in stress levels. Being able to communicate more creatively and in a way people immediately respond to saves time and energy as messages are clear and understood from the start.

Our methods are non traditional but are designed to work in a ‘traditional business environment’.

How to Book CC Services ˜ Call our International Booking Team on +44 (0) 7827013191

Email our International Booking Team via

Request a free proposal by completing our proposal form

Chat to one of our Booking Team today via Skype name Creativeconnec

CC Public Training Workshops As part of our services we offer Public Training. These can be run as workshops for a minimum of five people and maximum of 20 people. We do offer the following for individual sessions as well – please contact our team to find out more about our individual sessions.

Our Full Day Workshops: Full Day – The Art of Listening and Visual Communication: OUTLINE

Training individuals to listen and pick out key information and content from lengthy conversations and presentations. We then progress to visualise the key messages identified in line with their associated target audience – each member of the group will be asked to present their findings using visual communication methods.


Listening / deciphering information into key points / visual planning / visual presentations / visual communication in a business environment / targeted engagement.




Group of 5 people: £1500 Group of 5-10 people: £2500 Group of 10-20 people: £4000


London / Bristol / Manchester/ Toronto/ Amsterdam


10am until 5pm

Full Day – The Art of Creating Effective Visual Communication Through Animation OUTLINE

The morning will be spent creating a script and outline concepts from provided example content. Then working in teams individuals will work with an animator and production team to create a 1 minute animation which effectively showcases key points of communication.


Listening / deciphering information into key points / visual communication planning / communication / targeted communication and engagement level testing / concept development and storytelling and video production and animation).




Group of 5 people: £2000 Group of 5-10 people: £3000 Group of 10-20 people: £4500


London / Bristol / Manchester/ Toronto/ Amsterdam


10am until 5pm

Full Day – The Art of Visual Communication in Creating Presentations (Presenting without PowerPoint) OUTLINE

The morning will be spent working through exercises on how to collate and organise information into key points. Each individual will then have to present these findings back to the group in an engaged way so every attendee in the course reviews the presentation material as relevant to them. Targeted Visual Thinking will be the core of each presentation.


Information planning and collating / decipher key points / gathering audience information and using it as an effective engagement tool / visualising presentation content / presenting without PowerPoint or ‘comfort tools’/ Engaging your audience by open dialogue and interaction / creating effective & relevant presentations.


Group of 5 people: £2000 Group of 5-10 people: £3000 Group of 10-20 people: £4500


London / Bristol / Manchester/ Toronto/ Amsterdam


10am until 5pm

Our Taster Workshops (Evening sessions) Evening Taster Workshop – The Art of Listening – An Introduction OUTLINE

A 3-hour evening session covering a basic introduction to the Art of Listening – working through mini workshop tasks which will enhance your skills in Listening.


Listening as a powerful communication tool




£100pp (for up to 20 people)


London / Bristol / Manchester/ Toronto / Amsterdam


6pm until 9pm

Evening Taster Workshop – The Art of Visual Communication – An Introduction OUTLINE

A 3-hour evening session covering a basic introduction to the Art of Visual Communication – working through mini workshop tasks which will enhance your skills in Listening.


Visual Communication as a powerful communication tool.




£100pp (for up to 20 people) (Group bookings get a 10% discount)


London / Bristol / Manchester / Toronto / Amsterdam


6pm until 9pm

CC Corporate Training Workshops As part of our CC training workshops we also offer bespoke corporate workshops which can be used as Away Day activities or can be used as part of a structured internal training programme. The current Full Day / Half Day workshop packages we offer are:

The Art of Listening and Visual Communication to enhance: • Presentation Skills • Project Management Skills • Team Management Skills • Team Dynamics • Strategic planning • Innovative thinking

All Corporate training we create is unique to each client and we use an array of methods to build confidence and skills in Listening and Visual Communication which can then be applied to enhance various aspects of core business skills. If you are interested in finding out more about our Corporate training or would like to book a session for your organisation please contact the CC International Booking Team via or call +44 (0) 782 7013 191

CC Team & Individual Coaching Our coaching style is based on narrative and collaboration.

Group and Individual Coaching: The single most underestimated waste of time and energy in all human endeavours is a dysfunctional working relationship. We work with you to explore your aspiration and frustration, and to find the coherent strands that make sense of the complexity. Because different people join the dots in different ways we can explore with you the different possibilities for interpreting any situation and then examine the degree of choice you have in a way that you understand what is really going on. We tend not to work on what you might do, but rather focus on what you understand – the way you see. Recollecting exercises enable individuals and groups to analyse symptoms and underlying contradictions in their situations, and to recognise how change can be effortless, immediate, and remarkably powerful. There is no standard curriculum or agenda. The first step in the coaching process is the negotiation of goals, and from these goals content, frequency, structure and content of sessions is worked out. We even have an anti-coaching option specially for those who hate the idea of coaching and simply need the time and space to work things out for themselves.

Executive Coaching: We work with Senior Executives, Top Level Managers, and Key Players who want us to refine their leadership and team skills. Less satisfied with off-the-shelf development programs, many are preferring to invest in this specialised individual focus, which can prove to be less costly, less time consuming, and yield more powerful and resilient results.

Remote Coaching: With our busy schedules a face to face meeting is not always possible. As part of the CC Coaching Services we offer schedule Skype meetings with our highly sought after international coaches. This avoids travel taking up your time and you can pick an environment that is most conducive for your focus. CC have four coaches who all have decades of experience across many sectors. Tim Casswell is the Founder of CreativeConnection and has been coaching for many decades. He brings the expertise of a poet and careful listener to his coaching. Encouraging clients to seize their opportunities for change and transformation. Clare Cheeswright has successfully coached hundreds of executives in the world of banking and mental health. Clare inspires her clients to lean in and create the conditions for courage and success.

Jennifer La Trobe is the Founder of CreativeConnection and currently coaches a suite of executives. Jennifer is also on the Faculty of the International Masters in Health Leadership at McGill University in Montreal, working with Henry Mintzberg. Jennifer is known for her ability to provide her clients with incredible clarity and insight into their situations. Alan Englestad is an adjunct professor at McGill University in Montreal working with Henry Mintzberg, He is a specialist in Change.

All Coaching services can be booked via the CC International Booking Team email or call +44 (0) 782 7013 191. Please note Skype / Remote Coaching sessions can be booked for a minimum of 1 hour and a maximum of 4 hours in length.

Client Testimonials ‘My expectations were exceeded. I did not think I would leave feeling confident ‘drawing’ ideas and concepts.’

Francois Marrow, Head of Project Management, UBM

‘I think it was the best course I have ever done, anywhere. Today I bought markers, paper, tape and so on. And next Tuesday I can start practising in a conference of a friend of mine.’

Ageeth van der Veen, Director / Journalist Graphic Facilitation company

‘The advice you gave me, as well as the pictures to visualise this advice are still one of my dearly guarded possessions. The advice you gave me in dealing with difficult people that were making my life difficult at the time was very handy!’

‘Thank you very much for a really great couple of days. I really enjoyed it and got a lot from the experience – as well as meeting all you lovely people.’

Julia Egerer, Rule Making Officer, EASA

Hillary Cooke, Director, Merlin Consultancy

C lick on any of the boxes below to find out more about our services!

Visual Minutes




Away Days


Training CreativeConnection Headquarters CreativeConnection 5 Glasshouse Walk Vauxhall London SE11 5ES Tel +44 (0) 7827013191 Email: Transforming business: Transformingthe theworld worldofof business: UK | Europe | USA | Canada | Australia | Dubai | India

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