6 minute read
Nick GreenFarming
Death of champion ploughman
MERVYnVowles, who has died aged 90, was a farmer, a gentleman and famously a champion ploughman. Born at Freemans Farm, Barrow Gurney in 1930, he was working on the farm at an early age.
It was mostly an arable farm so there was a lot of ploughing to do especially during the war years. aged 16, Mervyn entered his first ploughing match where he came second but at the next match he came first and that was the beginning of a lifetime of winning. tractors were just being used when he started. His trusty nuffield Universal t4 tractor was kept for many years and so was his special plough RSdL 9, a model of which was placed on the coffin at his funeral.
Mervyn was a really professional ploughman. In his heyday he competed across England and Wales, winning national championships. Starting in 1973 at Selby in Yorkshire he won seven more national championships and six Welsh nationals.
One of Mervyn’s special interests was the north Somerset agricultural Society and particularly their ploughing committee where he took a leading role for many years. He entered the competitions, advised, and helped young people. He was also a very active member of the Mendip Ploughing Society.
In 1953 Mervyn married dolly alway who had been a Land Girl working on his father’s farm. they eventually settled at Hill Farm, Barrow Gurney. they were the backbone of village life chairing many committees, dolly ably assisting.
In 1997 they retired from the farm and moved to nailsea but they were frequent visitors to Barrow Gurney attending as many events as they could. Mervyn coped well after dolly’s death in 2017 but ill-health forced him into a nursing home for the last three months of his life. He will be sadly missed by his family and his many friends.
Lynne Vowles
Society’s tribute
aS a stalwart of the north Somerset agricultural Society’s ploughing match committee, Mervyn could be relied upon to turn his hand to whatever job needed doing. Whether as its chairman or regular member, Mervyn was a great colleague, respected ploughman, a man of integrity and a thoroughly nice person. the society were rightly proud that one of their own had been England and Wales’ national champion on numerous occasions. His wisdom, patience, grace and good humour will be sorely missed by all concerned at committee meetings, marking out days and “the match”.

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A fond farewell
I AMsorry to have to start with some sad news, that I.T. for the Terrified has decided, for a variety of reasons, to cease operations.
IT4TT was founded in 1999 by Angela Vivian, who saw that there was a huge need in the Wedmore area for help for people (initially over 50s, but then all ages) to come to grips with the new technology.
So with the help of her daughter, Penny, as admin, and using her contacts and expertise, Angela asked various firms to donate computers etc and using a shop opposite the George Hotel, she found a group of volunteers to come in and sit beside “the Terrified” to help them overcome their fears and misgivings.
We later moved to the room above the skittle alley in the George Hotel, but when we had to leave there, we were in a room in the grounds of Kings of Wessex School with our own equipment, which was an ideal situation.
The majority of our time was spent on 1:1 sessions, but we also did courses on genealogy, eBay etc. We were also able to hold a computer club for anyone to drop in for a quick word of advice and did some courses for farmers to help them with the increasing need to do their forms online. We also formed a esports cafe, where young people could meet and play networked games together, because at the time the internet in Wedmore was dial-up and not suitable for gaming. So Angela decided to form Wired Wedmore, where she got locals to help provide an alternative network.
Eventually, BT got broadband into the area, so the need for the e-sports cafe evaporated. At the beginning, there was a lot to learn, but things are much easier to use now and there are more places to go for advice.
Times have now moved on and the need for basic help from volunteers has decreased and although Cheddar Village Hall has been very accommodating, it’s not easy using a village hall without being able to store equipment, so we have now decided to wind up.
So a few words of advice to finish – when using a phone or tablet, always tap and don’t press on the screen. Try using the microphone to dictate your texts and emails. Don’t give any financial information to anyone who contacts you out of the blue – always double check by going straight to the source instead.
Don’t believe everything you read online! Search for solutions to problems – either with Google, or go to https://www.ageuk.org.uk/information-advice/ or perhaps YouTube.

Submitted by IT for the Terrified, Cheddar Village Hall, Church St, Cheddar BS27 3RF 01934 741751 (usually goes to answer phone) www.itfortheterrified.co.uk itfortheterrified@btconnect.com
The Mendip Mindbender

1& 15 down Marcus Trescothick has just left Somerset and joined the ECB. What is his new job? (5,7,5) 9 How an explanation is applied when not exact (7) 10 The world’s largest crane is currently working at Hinkley
Point. What is its name? (3,4) 11 Penny or a pound perhaps (4) 12 Pinkie (5) 13 A word in grammar used to describe an action, state or occurrence (4) 16 Lake, south of Bristol constructed as a reservoir in 1901 by damming the river
Yeo (7) 17 Indelicately, to a shocking degree (7) 18 Infinite circle (7) 21 Given to touching others in a friendly way (7) 23 Where the water comes from for baptism (4) 24 In USA a fraction of a gallon as a measure of alcoholic spirit (5) 25 Assert or confess openly (4) 28 A reindeer (7) 29 Able to move quicker than the next man (7) 30 In March the remains of the 700-year-old Bishop’s palace was found under a pensioner’s lawn. In what Somerset village? (12)
1 Out of the ordinary articles (7) 2 Aide could alter your notion (4) 3 Fields where Greek heroes were transported to after death (7) 4 Walking at a leisurely pace (7) 5 Loose, flowing outer garment worn in ancient Rome (4) 6 Makes tidier (7) 7 Beneficial result due to a patient's belief in the treatment (7,6) 8 Beneficial system that enables men to help others who went to the same school or university (3,3,7) 14 Goodbye, from old French (5) 15See 1 across (5) 19 Ancient Roman silver coins (7) 20 Things that promote activity, enthusiasm or interest (7) 21 Of exceptional strength, size or power (7) 22 Send out a bill for goods or services rendered (7) 26 Double reed woodwind instrument (4) 27 Sandwich filler raising plans (4)
Clues in italics are cryptic