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The Royal Order of Scotland
Brief History The recorded antiquity of the Order is second only to that of the Craft. Although the ‘traditional history’ of the Royal Order of Scotland dates its origin from the time of King Robert the Bruce and the Battle of Bannockburn in 1314, the recorded history (The Royal Order of Scotland, Robert Strathern Lindsay, 1972) dates the origin, in London, sometime between 1725 and 1741, and was referred to as ‘The Scotch Heredom or Ancient or Honourable Order of Kilwinning’ It appears to have ceased to exist in that city by 1754. The first Chapter of the Order of Heredom of Kilwinning is reputed to have been held in Edinburgh in 1764, although no Meeting Minutes exist from that time. The present Grand Lodge of the Royal Order of Scotland was established in 1767, and is ruled by a Deputy Grand Master and Governor (Sir Archibald Donald Orr Ewing, Bart., MA.), the hereditary King of Scots being the traditional Grand Master of the Order, and, in the absence of a King of Scots, a vacant Chair holding the emblems of royalty is present in the Grand Lodge and in every Provincial Grand Lodge throughout the world.
Aims According to its doctrine, the Order was established to correct the errors and reform the abuses that had crept in among the three degrees of St. John’s (Craft) Masonry. The Order is highly Christian Trinitarian, and the ritual of the Degrees is delivered in catechetical form between the Provincial Grand Master (or his Deputy) in the east and the two wardens in the west. The ceremonial ritual is delivered in ancient versified form and it touches on most, if not all, of the Degrees and Orders practiced in this State.
Organisation The Provincial Grand Lodge of Victoria was chartered on 7 th February 1945 and was constituted on 27 th April that same year. The
Provincial Grand Lodge currently meets at the Western Masonic Centre, Callaway Boulevard, Sunshine West, on the first Wednesday of the odd months, January excepted, and the Installation meeting is held each July. The Provincial Grand Master is nominally appointed to his office for a five year term. The remaining Officers in the Lodge, are appointed on a yearly basis.
Qualifications Candidature is by the invitation of current members and may be extended to suitably qualified Master Masons who profess a belief in Trinitarian Christianity.
Degrees The Order consists of two degrees, Heredom of Kilwinning, which is in two parts, known as ‘The Passing of the Bridge’, followed by ‘Admission to the Cabinet of Wisdom’. The Degree is presented in the Provincial Grand Chapter of the Order. The second Degree, presented in the Provincial Grand Lodge, is ‘Knighthood of the Rosy Cross’. Candidates received into ‘Heredom of Kilwinning’ at meetings during the year are admitted to ‘Knighthood of the Rosy Cross’ at the Installation meeting each year.
The meetings are always concluded with the presentation of a two course meal and refreshment. The annual dues are quite moderate and regalia is readily available at a reasonable cost.