The Malta Chamber will continue to be the voice of ethical business BY PRESIDENT MARISA XUEREB
he Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry is the true and vibrant voice of the Maltese business community that will celebrate 175 years of solid representation in a year’s time. At a time when the challenges for business seem to multiply with each turn of global events, we would do well to stand together within the structures of this respected organisation and its landmark building. As this 100th edition will show you, the main hall of The Malta Chamber has just completed the first phase of its refurbishment, and one of the most important collections of portraits in Valletta is back in its place. The subjects of these portraits are gentlemen who have given a huge contribution to the development of business in Malta and the country as a whole over the past decades. The Malta Chamber, which is the only business organisation established by the Commercial Code of Malta, is as important today as it was throughout these years. Times change, new challenges present themselves, but this organisation remains extremely relevant, because it stays ahead of the times. That is why the gender composition today at The Malta Chamber is very different from that of the paintings in the main hall. We are also proud of this, because today this organisation is the most gender-diverse body sitting around the MCESD table. The loyalty and pride of the most senior of our respectable members is today matched by the energy and enthusiasm of our younger members - the entrepreneurs who are shaping our country’s future. The Malta Chamber today is the business community’s interlocutor with all Governmental authorities, with all political parties, with all resident and non-resident embassies, with all academic institutions, and with all media houses. We are attracting some of the best talent in business, policymaking, and communications. When they start working with us, they flourish because there is real fire in this organisation. Businesses that want to make a real difference approach us not just to become members, but also to sponsor our policy work and events. The relentless pace with which we are operating today, in terms of both the breadth of what we do and the depth of engagement, not only with the business community and relevant authorities, but also with various sections of society, is delivering results. The Malta Chamber is highly visible in the media, but what people see out there is only the tip of the iceberg. A lot of the work we do today will reap the results in future years.
Today we speak clearly and with conviction. Significant investment in terms of thought, time and energy has gone into shaping our policy positions on several fronts, and we continue to renew this every day so that we remain ahead of the policy curve. We do not only react to what matters for business, but we are on the lookout to anticipate relevant developments. Businesses needs to be in the driving seat, communicate and inspire all sections of society. We are engaging actively with the upcoming generation. We constantly say that education is the key to the future of our businesses, and that education is much broader than schooling, and we are involving ourselves in the broader process of education through various forms of interaction with young people. Our own Young Chamber Network for members under 40 is gaining ground, and we have recently launched a Global Shapers Hub under the umbrella of the World Economic Forum for youths between 18 and 30 years of age who have the potential to inspire change. We are also proud to be an unyielding voice on good governance and sustainability. Our positions on these matters are clear and consistent. The Malta Chamber will continue to be the voice of ethical business because we believe in fair competition and in doing business on a level playing field. We are also working hard on this within the European dimension, where we have renewed The Chamber’s engagement on
the challenges of operating from a micro island state within the single market. I therefore urge you all to actively contribution to the work of The Malta Chamber and to make the best possible use of this platform and of the connections and resources we have. Our doors are wide open for business, and our staff will be knocking on your doors if we don’t see you around, because the mission is clear: to support, represent and connect businesses to grow and engage in shaping Malta’s future. Special thanks go to the Board of Management, especially Deputy President Chris Vassallo Cesareo, Vice-President Liz Barbaro Sant and Vice-President Nick Xuereb, and to our CEO Dr Marthese Portelli, for their sterling commitment to their respective roles. I am confident that with such a strong team at the helm of The Chamber, this organisation will continue growing from strength to strength in the foreseeable future. n