4 minute read
From The Chamber’s Diary
from Economic Vision 2022
by Mediahut Ltd
Transparency, good governance, ethical business 20th January 2021
In continuing its call for good governance, The Malta Chamber launches a report on the reform needed in Public Procurement.
Chamber presents public procurement recommendations to prime Minister and the leader of the opposition 3rd February 2021
A delegation from The Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry, led by President Perit David Xuereb, this afternoon presented a copy of its recently published report on a proposed Public Procurement Reform to the Prime Minister The Hon Dr Robert Abela. The document makes 36 tangible recommendations for improved public procurement processes, following a thorough consultation process with The Malta Chamber members. The Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry also presented the Leader of the Opposition with a copy of its report this morning. Dr Grech was visiting the Exchange Buildings for the first time since his appointment as Leader of the Opposition.
The Malta Chamber and jaye team up to shape Malta’s future 17th March 2021
The Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry signed a Memorandum of Understanding with JAYE Malta Foundation with the aim of promoting an entrepreneurial culture amongst the young, the leaders of tomorrow. Malta Chamber appoints new Ceo 22nd april 2021
The Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry is pleased to announce that Dr Marthese Portelli will be joining its dynamic staff complement in the role of Chief Executive Officer as from 1st June 2021.
The Malta Chamber outlines priorities for recovery 6th May 2021
Earlier today, The Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry held a virtual meeting with the Hon Prime Minister Dr Robert Abela to introduce the new Board of Management and put forward its priorities for the coming months. The Minister for Economy, the Hon Silvio Schembri was also present.
The Malta Chamber launches a document led by the education Thematic Committee titled education for the Future 16th June 2021
President Ms Marisa Xuereb welcomed Minister for Education, then Hon. Minister Justyne Caruana to The Malta Chamber. The delegation included CEO Dr Marthese Portelli and individuals forming part of the Education Thematic Committee, chaired by Ms Claudine Attard.
The Malta Chamber furniture makers and MCasT join forces to address shortage of workers 29th June 2021
The Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry joined forces with MCAST to promote carpentry and joinery programmes as the sector faces a shortage of skilled workers.
The Malta Chamber and Foundation for Transport committed to sustainable mobility 11th august 2021
The Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry, and the Foundation for Transport signed a cooperation agreement to promote forms of mobility that are sustainable, energy-efficient, and respectful of the environment.
The Malta Chamber launches its recommendations on the national Workforce strategy 25th august 2021
The Malta Chamber, in collaboration with RSM Malta, presented its recommendations on the National Workforce Strategy during a press conference which was attended by Hon. Minister Clyde Caruana and Opposition Spokesperson Hon. Dr Jason Azzopardi, among others. The central theme to the recommendations is to nurture, attract, retain, and upskill talent so as to boost productivity and increase the added value provided by the workforce.
a budget which acknowledges present realities 11th OctOber 2021
The Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry welcomes this year’s budget. The Chamber recognizes the challenging fiscal position in which the Minister of Finance formulated the Budget. Malta Chamber Facilitates a Q&a session For Members With eu Commissioner gabriel 4th nOveMber 2021
The initiative was led by Stefano Mallia, President of the Employers’ Group of the EESC, supported by four Employer organisations in Malta.
The Malta Chamber launches rediscover – a new vision For The Tourism industry in Malta 10th nOveMber 2021
Tourism Operators Business Section calls for industry renewal as it puts forth 125 recommendations.
The Malta Chamber insists on better Communication between businesses and Mbr 11th nOveMber 2021
The Malta Chamber is all for better regulation and full compliance without excessive bureaucracy and without disproportionate administrative burdens and costs.