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Movers and Shakers: The Future is Yours to Conquer
Business is about identifying future market needs and developing innovative solutions to address those needs.
Whether it is about technological solutions to address the pressing sustainability challenges of today’s economies, smarter marketing platforms to reach more customers, improved delivery channels to overcome logistical challenges, new payment gateways, superior customer experiences, or innovative investment opportunities, there are always some innovative entrepreneurs behind every successful business venture; they are the movers and shakers of the business world. And they are typically also members of the Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry. We are therefore very proud to showcase their achievements. Great business ideas generate significant value in the economy. They create new jobs and generate wealth. They provide other businesses with more opportunities to provide supporting services for new ventures. They up the game for operators within the same sector and stimulate more ambition and a drive for competitiveness. They provide the edge with which local companies can access international markets and grow beyond our shores. They can also provide investment opportunities for those who have the cash and want to diversify their investment portfolio into new ventures.
Investing in start-ups is a relatively new concept in the local economy, but the market is ripe for this both in terms of innovative business ideas and idle funds.
Movers and shakers are also a source of inspiration for others who may be mulling over innovative business ideas. The Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry is not only the voice of business, but it is also the home of entrepreneurs of all ages and from all sectors, who come together to support and inspire each other.
The constant exchange of ideas that happens between The Malta Chamber and its members and among its members in the various consultation and networking sessions that are organised by The Malta Chamber is what inspires policy proposals and recommendations to local authorities to foster a more positive and enabling business environment.
The COVID-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine have tested the resilience of our businesses and our economy. It is in trying economic times that the impetus for the greatest leaps in business is created. It is reasonable to expect that, while the next months will be challenging for business, the future is full of opportunities and our businesses
will strive to be part of those great leaps that we expect to see in digital transformation, application of artificial intelligence and data exchange technologies, smarter building and transportation solutions, innovation solutions in agricultural production and food supply, and breakthroughs in the energy generation, storage and distribution that will inevitably be provoked by the current food and energy crises.
As geopolitical developments reshape the map of the world and put more onus on strategic international relations for future prosperity, The Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry will continue supporting our movers and shakers in developing their businesses and reaching new heights both locally, and more importantly beyond our shores. M+S