August Edition

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Buckshot Bradley photos provided by Kimberlea Montgomery

Wake the Desert, Ty Fischer wins 1st place in the Junior Wakeboard Division (Spotlight photo/ Kanji Adams)

Tuesday, August 2nd

Thursday, August 4th

Friday, August 5th

Linedrives and Lipstick - See Linedrives and Lipstick - See True Blue ASU: ASU Student Page 7 for more details. Page 7 for more details. Government Association is launching a campaign to have Concho Valley Farmers Mar- Concho Valley Farmers Mar- San Angelo community memket @ 609 S. Oakes St, 7am – ket @ 609 S. Oakes St, 7am – bers wear ASU blue on Fridays 12pm – Locally grown fresh pro- 12pm – Locally grown fresh pro- and during ASU events. duce offered for sale. duce offered for sale. Linedrives and Lipstick - See rd Stories and Songs for Pre- Page 7 for more details. Wednesday, August 3 schoolers: Every Wednesday th Linedrives and Lipstick - See and Thursday at 10 and 10:30 Saturday, August 6 A.M. at the Tom Green Central Page 7 for more details. Library. 33 W. Beauregard 1st Saturday at the Old Chicken Farm Art Center The first Stories and Songs for Preschoolers: Every Wednesday Art Thursday, 2pm-6pm @ the Saturday of each month is a and Thursday at 10 and 10:30 Museum of Fine Arts – In the special treat at the Art CenA.M. at the Tom Green Central Education Studio Art activities ter. We feature work of special for children and their families. invited artists plus all of the art Library. 33 W. Beauregard FREE center artist‟s studios are open for visitors. Located at 2505 Martin Luther King Blvd. - FMI call 325-653-4936

Tuesday, August 9th Linedrives and Lipstick - See Page 7 for more details. Concho Valley Farmers Market @ 609 S. Oakes St, 7am – 12pm – Locally grown fresh produce offered for sale. Stories for Preschoolers: at 10am at the Angelo West Branch Library. 3013 Vista Del Arroyo.

Wednesday, August 10th Linedrives and Lipstick - See Page 7 for more details Stories and Songs for Preschoolers: Every Wednesday and Thursday at 10 and 10:30 A.M. at the Tom Green Central Library. 33 W. Beauregard

Linedrives and Lipstick - See Page 7 for more details. Thursday, August 11th Concho Valley Farmers Mar- Linedrives and Lipstick - See ket @ 609 S. Oakes St, 7am – Page 7 for more details. 12pm – Locally grown fresh produce offered for sale. Concho Valley Farmers Market @ 609 S. Oakes St, 7am – Sunday, August 7th 12pm – Locally grown fresh produce offered for sale. Linedrives and Lipstick - See Page 7 for more details.

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Water Color Paintings by John Norman

Wake the Desert 2011, Wakeboard and Surfing completion, OUTLAWS! (Spotlight Photo/Kanji Adams)

Stories and Songs for Preschoolers: Every Wednesday and Thursday at 10 and 10:30 A.M. at the Tom Green Central Library. 33 W. Beauregard

Angelo Museum of Fine Downtown Artwalk, 5pm-9pm Arts. FMI: Season Neucere 325 @ the San Angelo Museum of Fine Arts and downtown partici-658-1714 pating galleries and merchants. Free admission to the Museum Sunday, August 14th including refreshments, entertainment, and a make and take 24th Annual Wool Capital Triathlon, Oldest Olympic Triathlon art activity for children. FMI 325in the southwest consisting of a 653-3333 1500 meter open water swim Art Thursday, 2pm-6pm @ the (no wetsuits), mostly flat and fast 40km bike and 10km run on Museum of Fine Arts – In the Education Studio Art activities the infamous "Dirt Road from for children and their families. Hell”. Takes place at Middle FREE Concho Park at Red Bluff Road. Great beginner event 2nd Annual National Wild Turwith plenty of amenities includkey Federation Banquet @ the ing a special 24th Anniversary Knights of Columbus Hall, 3636 "Dri-Fit" T-shirt. This event is sanctioned. For additional infor- N. Bryant Blvd., 6pm, includes silent auction. For ticket information: 817-707-0500 day or mation contact 325-374-6867 or night. for online regisOld Town Second Saturdays, tration. Every Second Saturday in his- Tuesday, August 16th toric district on the 500 block of Orient Street (Old Town) artist Concho Valley Farmers Mar- Friday, August 19th designers, craft vendors and ket @ 609 S. Oakes St, 7am – more will be showcasing and 12pm – Locally grown fresh pro- True Blue ASU: ASU Student selling their goods. This outdoor duce offered for sale. Government Association is boutique style marketplace oflaunching a campaign to have fers shoppers a variety of origi- Wednesday, August 17th San Angelo community memnal and unique handmade items, bers wear ASU blue on Fridays home-baked goods, fresh flow- Stories and Songs for Pre- and during ASU events. ers, etc. Participating will be schoolers: Every Wednesday th non-profit agencies, clubs, and Thursday at 10 and 10:30 Saturday, August 20 groups and organizations. Musi- A.M. at the Tom Green Central Concho Valley Farmers Marcians and food vendors will also Library. 33 W. Beauregard ket @ 609 S. Oakes St, 7am – be on site. Visit Old Town on 12pm – Locally grown fresh proOrient Street behind the San Thursday, August 18th duce offered for sale.

Family Day at the Museum of Fine Arts Family, 10am-3pm Celebrating Korea. Families can participate in hands on art activities, sample new foods, listen to the music of different culture and Art Thursday, 2pm-6pm @ the tour current exhibits for FREE. Museum of Fine Arts – In the FMI 325-653-3333 Education Studio Art activities for children and their families. Fry an Egg on the Track @ the Railway Museum, 10am – 4pm FREE The Depot celebrates the hot days of summer with a special Friday, August 12th competition. Guests ages 6-12 True Blue ASU: ASU Student and 3-5 will receive an egg with Government Association is their admission. They will be launching a campaign to have encouraged to "FRY" the egg on San Angelo community mem- the rail. Winners with the best bers wear ASU blue on Fridays sunny-side up, over easy and scrambled eggs will win prizand during ASU events. es. FMI: 325-657-4880

Saturday, August 13th Concho Valley Farmers Market @ 609 S. Oakes St, 7am – 12pm – Locally grown fresh produce offered for sale. Adult Birding Adventure, 9am @ the San Angelo State Park/ South Gate – Bring your binoculars and camera. FMI Bob 325944-1839 United Way Kick-Off @ Kirby Park, 10am will kick off with a Children‟s Parade. The event will also feature a free hotdog lunch for parade participants and their families. Children 12 and under are encouraged to participate and may dress in costume and walk, ride decorated tricycles, or pull wagons. Children must pre-register for the event, and line-up begins at 9:30 a.m. FMI: please visit, or call the United Way office at 9493716.

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Concho Valley Farmers Market @ 609 S. Oakes St, 7am – 12pm – Locally grown fresh produce offered for sale. Stories and Songs for Preschoolers: Every Wednesday and Thursday at 10 and 10:30 A.M. at the Tom Green Central Library. 33 W. Beauregard

Wooly Bully Festival 7pm, Featuring Mutton Bustin' and Stick Horse Rodeo and more for the kids. At the Downtown Stock Yards (across from the Old Western Mattress Building) See website above for details or call 325-655-2345. Sponsored by Downtown San Angelo, Inc. and Suddenlink.

Tuesday, August 23rd

Saturday, August 27th

Concho Valley Farmers Market @ 609 S. Oakes St, 7am – 12pm – Locally grown fresh produce offered for sale.

Concho Valley Farmers Market @ 609 S. Oakes St, 7am – 12pm – Locally grown fresh produce offered for sale.

Stories for Preschoolers: at Tuesday, August 30th 10am at the Angelo West Branch Library. 3013 Vista Del Concho Valley Farmers MarArroyo. ket @ 609 S. Oakes St, 7am – 12pm – Locally grown fresh proWednesday, August 24th duce offered for sale. Stories and Songs for Preschoolers: Every Wednesday and Thursday at 10 and 10:30 A.M. at the Tom Green Central Library. 33 W. Beauregard

Thursday, August 25th Concho Valley Farmers Market @ 609 S. Oakes St, 7am – 12pm – Locally grown fresh produce offered for sale. Stories and Songs for Preschoolers: Every Wednesday and Thursday at 10 and 10:30 Kalyn and Joshua ready to go to the Wake the DesA.M. at the Tom Green Central sert Competition. (Spotlight photo/ Kanji Adams) Library. 33 W. Beauregard Art Thursday, 2pm-6pm @ the Museum of Fine Arts – In the Education Studio Art activities for children and their families. FREE

Friday, August 26th True Blue ASU: ASU Student Government Association is launching a campaign to have San Angelo community members wear ASU blue on Fridays and during ASU events.

If you don‟t go to watch the competition, you should certainly go for the raffle prizes! ( Spotlight photo/ Kanji Adams)

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Linedrives And

Lipstick Stepping into the “Linedrives and Lipstick” exhibit at Fort Concho you can almost hear the crack of a bat and the roar of the crowd. Visitors will be transported back in time to a pivotal point in history for women and baseball. The All-American Girls Professional Baseball League gave over 600 women athletes the chance to play professional baseball and to play it at a level never before achieved. The League operated from 1943 to 1954 and represents one of the most unique facets of America‟s baseball history. Philip Wrigley, owner of the Chicago Cubs, started the league in the spring of 1943 to fill the major league ballparks during the war. Fearing collapse of America‟s national pastime, women were called on to “play ball!” to keep the stands filled to capacity with fans. Lady athletes from all over the United States and Canada replaced their aprons with hats, gloves, and cleats to sign up. Many had husbands and brothers in the service overseas and this brought positive national publicity to the league.

Zach taking in the Exhibit. (Spotlight photo/ Stephanie Cumberledge)

Wrigley managed to make the most of the patriotic mood of America during the war by using the “AllAmerican girl next door” image. They were expected to play the game while still retaining aspects of femininity and beauty while their men dreamed of them from overseas. Exhibitions were played in support of the Red Cross and armed forces, as well as visits to the wounded veterans in hospitals.

On display are more than 60 period photographs, game programs, posters, and articles from magazines such as The Saturday Evening Post and Ladies Home Journal from as early as 1910. “A League of their Own,” a hit movie starring Tom Hanks and Gena Davis, was made in loving memory of the women who played the game. Among the artifacts to see is a baseball that was used by the Rockford Peaches, a team portrayed in the movie. People from as far away as Los Angeles and Costa Rica have come to see the exhibition. “We get people from all over. We are the best represented frontier landmark west of the Mississippi,” said Evelyn Lemons, historian for Fort Concho. The exhibit will be open in the Quartermaster building Tuesdays – Saturdays, 10 to 4, and Sundays from 1:30 to 4:30 until August 11th. Please call Fort Concho at 481-2646 for more information. By Stephanie Cumberledge

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to play… songs I like to cover. Is that okay?” O‟Toole asks his crowd as he does a sentimental and yearning version of Elton John‟s “Rocket Man”. He introduces his next cover tune; “Here‟s my other favorite song to play. It‟s a totally different kind of song” as everyone becomes roused by the chorus on Hank Williams Jr‟s “Family Tradition” by raising drinks and singing along. He ends the near two-hour long set with the lively new hit that most radio stations aren‟t willing to play due to their own personal convictions (as it‟s believed to be at least), “Marijuana and Jalapeños”.

It’s often that Rich O’Toole comes to town to entertain us with his good looks and lively, rollicking music. For this humid July evening, an intimate acoustic set is in place and the buzz around town is fierce and anticipation is in the hearts of his faithful listeners. It‟s his very first of the CD release shows he‟s giving and Blaine‟s Pub happens to be the place; San Angelo‟s favorite dive joint known for the legacy of its previous owner Blaine Martin and the never ending enjoyment of dancing on the tables. Rich hasn‟t returned to the stage at Blaine‟s since 2009. Even before that time, O‟Toole and company have maintained a steady following so there‟s no doubt that excitement was brewing as folks started to pour in from off of the streets. As the day began for Rich, he made a stop by Wal-Mart for shaving cream only to notice that his newest release, Kiss of a Liar, was sitting top shelf awaiting its buyers. One can only imagine that there had to have been a sense of accomplishment and promise to have settled in a proud heart. Interviews,

has long been carried in the heart of O‟Toole‟s own followers and shows everyone in Rich‟s path that he is fully capable of being as proficient as his predecessors. For more on Rich O‟Toole you can visit his website at: Or Follow him on: Facebook Twitter MySpace By Bob Simpson

Rich O‟Toole has graced the ears of Texas country listeners for the past four years. His latest record, Kiss of a Liar, is his best record yet. It simplifies everything that Rich stands for musically; he can rock, he can be sensitive, he can be collaborative, and he can certainly be witty.

Podcasts, and friendly phone calls to the radio station 103.1 KKCN (Kickin‟ Country – Rich‟s biggest San Angelo radio supporter), filled the day for O‟Toole in San Angelo. One lucky fan even won a contest to have dinner with him at the Japanese Kiss of a Liar has hardly any imsteakhouse, Bonsai Garden, a perfections and also exceeds all expectations. It sounds a little local favorite. more grown up than his past reRight at 9:59 pm, Rich O‟Toole leases but never ceases to let enters into Blaine‟s pub and go of the freewheeling underwalks onto the stage with grace tones that it possesses. Every and with little nervousness to be track spotlights something a little seen. With a simple hello, he sits different from the song previouson his stool and strums into “I ly heard before. From the openWanna Be with you”. With an ing rocker, “Red Hot Kiss” to the attentive and responsive crowd singer-songwriter texture of “The that Rich has never had any Cricket Song”. A few listener faproblems of captivating, he tears vorites are “Ay Dios Mio”, as into “Casino Queen”, then roar- sang with the current popular ing into the set giving a nod to Texas singer Josh Abbott, and his friends in the song “Kelly “Banks of the Mississippi” that is Comes to Town”. Notes from already generating some buzz. fans filled with requests get The albums biggest surprise passed up to the stage; every- (and biggest kicker) is the Wilco one wanting his attention in classic “Casino Queen”; a duet song. Songs like “Poncho Villa” with country star Pat Green who and “The Cricket Song” are be- Rich says, “is making his comeing shouted to play as he grate- back to Texas”. The record ends fully fulfills his audiences wishes. with the rallying, “Marijuana and Rich‟s performance comes Jalapenos”; O‟Toole‟s current across as very natural and easy. radio single. His swagger and confidence seems to shine not only in per- Kiss of a Liar is a strong effort son on stage, but in his smooth and stands out above the new Texas liberated projects. Overvocal style. “I want to play some songs I like all, it enables a vibrant spirit that

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An entry-level band that‟s coming into its own could also be described as one that shows signs of maturity and growth. For San Angelo‟s Texas Country “outlaws”, Buckshot Bradley has certainly shown progress. After the bands first release in 2008, Pump Jack, minor success occurred as they began to open for most every Texas Country/Red Dirt act to pass through the city. While making new friends and fans, Buckshot Bradley went onto write more music, play more shows, release a few radio singles for Texas music airplay, and show San Angelo who the real bad boys of its music scene were. From Blaine‟s Pub to festival stages with big names, Buckshot Bradley is back and will soon be ready to release their second album with much anticipation and excitement.

rillo set out to get his life in order which started the process of writing new songs. “I wrote two songs in there that mean more to me than anything I‟ve ever written”, says Carrillo. After his release, a change of heart along with a new sense of peace, Clete and company came out swinging and sounding almost like a brand new band adding two new members; guitarist Kyle White and keyboardist Palmer Wilson.

a hill and what started that was I tripped on a buckshot. I picked it up and kind of laughed at it. So I was sort of known as Buckshot Bradley and that‟s where that came from. But I use Bradley because being in a band isn‟t exactly what my family wanted me to be in. I‟ve always hated my middle name because whenever I was in trouble, I‟d always hear, “Bradley, get your butt over here”, so I kind of use it as a double standard.

The spirit of the bands‟ music has since been objective and always displayed as so on stage. Now, more recently, the band gives more energy and life passion for music (and Texas), a to their performances and now vision was assembled. It was has enhanced all abilities to capsoon after lead singer, Clete tivate their audiences. Carrillo, and drummer, John Gill, made the decision to further their fun and ambitions to start a band, they elected bassist Robert Rainey and Adrian Blanco to fill in on lead guitar to make up the rest of the group. After a short time and many songs written, the band retreated to Robert Lee, Texas to record their first album. Soon after its release, regional radio both on air and online were playing the song, “Drink One for Texas”, in frequent rotation. Needless to say for the group, the rest is selfproclaimed history.

Spotlight: How did the band form? Clete: First it was me and the drummer, John Gill. I went to watch him play one night and then he came up to me and says, “I heard you write your own stuff. Are you any good?”

Contributed photo/ Kimberlea Montgomery It wasn‟t until a few years later, the band would endure light per- In this interview, Carrillo and I said, “yeah but who are and he tells me that he‟s a sonal turmoil when Carrillo talks about the band, you” songwriter and I asked him if he would be sent to county jail on DUI charges; forcing the band to their songs, and their up- was any good and he said, “Yeah”. So we met up the next With what started as two friends go on a very brief hiatus and re- coming release. day and he came over to my who began playing music to- form as a brand new and levelgether and shared the same headed band. While in jail, Car- Spotlight: Where does the house and we started jamming name Buckshot Bradley come out. He was impressed, I was impressed. So then we found from? Clete: Well, the band, we‟re a Robert, a friend of ours to play whole bunch of hunters who live bass. And before that, we had here in San Angelo, TX and tried out different bass players Buckshot we got from hunting but he really stuck out. So we and Bradley is my middle name went looking for another guitarist so that‟s where we got that from. and we found one but he never We kept trying to think of a showed up to practice. So we name and I didn‟t want to use found our lead guitarist like five my real name just because it days before our first show which sounds boring. So we were out was the grand opening of the hunting at Twin Buttes, which is Texas Coffee Company, and he government land to hunt on. So had 3 days to learn about twelve We probably weren‟t we were just out there drinking songs. that good but we had fun. and hanging out by the lake and Continued page 14 I kind of stumbled and slid down Contributed photo/ Kimberlea Montgomery

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Wednesday, August 3rd Manny Campos – Sealy Flats Coy Moses – Stagecoach Saloon

Wednesday, August 17th The Henchmen/ The Limit Club – The Deadhorse Monty Branham – Sealy Flats Coy Moses – Stagecoach Saloon

Thursday, August 4th Jesse Ramirez – In Vino Veritas Drew Kennedy – Blaine‟s Pub Clever Blue – Sealy Flats Roger Creager – Midnight Rodeo

Thursday, August 18th Bleu Edmondson – Midnight Rodeo Jimmy Rose – Sealy Flats


Friday, August 5 Vallejo – The Deadhorse Tish Lancaster & Mizzbehavin Band – Sealy Flats Saturday, August 6th Rosehill – Blaine‟s Pub L. A. Guns – The Deadhorse Erin ”Icewater” Jaimes – Sealy Flats Eli Young Band – Midnight Rodeo

Saturday, August 20th Thunderosa/ Quietly Violent – The Deadhorse Robby White – House of FiFi Dubois Emory Quinn – Blaine‟s Pub The Mighty Gil T – Sealy Flats

Wednesday, August 10th Darren Morrison Band – Sealy Flats Coy Moses – Stagecoach Saloon

Tuesday, August 23rd Flexx Bronco – The Deadhorse Lightnin’ Malcom for 2 nights – Sealy Flats

Thursday, August 11th Megafauna, The Dry Season – The Deadhorse Jesse Ramirez – In Vino Veritas Live Music in the Courtyard – Chicken Farm Art Center Aaron Watson – Midnight Rodeo Bernie Pearl – Sealy Flats Friday, August 12th Ulrich Ellison – Sealy Flats The Brison Bursey Band – Blaine‟s Pub Ryan Beaver – Midnight Rodeo Shotgun Rebels/ A Black Anatomy – The Deadhorse Saturday, August 13th Kevin Seale Band – Melvin Trading Post Powderburn/ The Jagerettes – The Deadhorse Chris Ruest – Sealy Flats

Friday, August 19th Buster Jiggs – Party Ranch Robby White – Blaine‟s Pub Jeff Strahan – Sealy Flats DIZZY REED of Guns n’ Roses – The Deadhorse

Wednesday, August 24th Coy Moses – Stagecoach Saloon Thursday, August 25th Johnny Cooper – Blaine‟s Pub Spring Mill Grind – Sealy Flats Friday, August 26th Danny Brooks – Sealy Flats Steven Roloff – Little River Club Six Market Blvd – Blaine‟s Pub Bart Crow – Midnight Rodeo Saturday, August 27th Mike Milligan and the Altar Boyz – Sealy Flats Buckshot Bradley – Blaine‟s Pub

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Buckshot Bradley Continued from page 10 Spotlight: So from then on, you‟ve opened for almost every top shelf Texas country act that‟s come through town. Clete: Yeah, we‟ve opened for Wade Bowen; a bunch of our friends – Rich O‟Toole is a good buddy of ours; Whiskey Myers, No Justice; just some bands that I really admire. We‟ve opened up for pretty much everybody; Josh Abbott, Reckless Kelly. The only band we haven‟t opened up for is Cross Canadian Ragweed which they‟re not together anymore. Spotlight: Your first album came out in 2008. You have a new one coming out. Tell us a little bit about it. Clete: I just got out of a three year relationship with a girl I was downright in love with. We‟d been together off and on and so every song on this album is pretty much about her. And also I went to jail for thirty days for a DWI. So it was pretty much being on probation and not play with your band or do 30 days time. But the funny thing is that the girl I wrote those songs about broke up with me two days before I went to jail, so I was in jail for thirty days with a broken heart. And I did a lot of thinking, a lot of turning around and I‟m a lot more focused on my music career now than what I was. I work out every day and try to get in shape, you know; it‟s part of the scene. I just constantly write. But the new stuff I‟ve got will give you chills and if it doesn‟t, then a person on the other side listening doesn‟t have a feel for music or doesn‟t love music. This next album, I‟ve th ou gh t ab ou t c a lli n g it „Testimony‟ because it‟s pretty much my testimony right now. Or we may go with „Modern Day Outlaw‟, but everything on it is my heart and soul and what I‟ve been through in the last two years. It‟s all blood, sweat and tears. Spotlight: Who are the bands‟ influences? Clete: You‟ll hear a lot of Reckless Kelly; you‟ll hear some Ray Wylie Hubbard. The new song, “Tom Green County Jail”, you‟ll hear a lot of Ray Wylie Hubbard

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in it. We‟ll kind of listen to everybody and anybody from Great Divide to the Doors and Randy Rogers and Wade Bowen; those two guys are like the panty droppers of Texas Country, but their music alone will inspire you to write. Another guy would be Chris Knight. He and Robert Earl Keen are two that I will never ever get tired of. You know, even Hank Williams and Merle Haggard and all the greats that everyone talks about. And people that don‟t listen to it, it‟s a shame because it‟s who we all are today. You know, the poetic side of them is what really gets us and how we relate to it. But there is just so much about music that you can appreciate if you just listen. Music alone can get you through anything. Without music, try spending thirty days in Tom Green County Jail or anyplace without a guitar or without any music and it‟ll kill you. It‟s ridiculous. That was the longest thirty days of my life. Spotlight: What inspires you to make music? Clete: Pretty much every word in every song that I hear. I‟m a songwriter and that‟s what I do. Like, I got so much going on in my mind once I start playing guitar. When I write, I write to get things off my chest. It‟s just what I do. It‟s like therapy. Instead of going to a shrink, I go to my guitar. Then I lay it down and just record it and see what happens. But it‟s all true.

play together or better yet, „musical chemistry‟? Clete: Yes! I am so blessed to get to have the bunch of musicians in my band like I have. Adrian is a great guitar player and comes up with the best riffs…just everyone is great. And it‟s kind of funny because there‟s like this awe. You don‟t even realize you‟re playing. You‟re just in the moment. And when that happens, its bad ass, man. It‟s one of the greatest feelings ever. And Spotlight: Would you say that as when somebody is singing your a band, you all have some sort of song back to you in the crowd, spiritual inner workings when you it‟s like there‟s butterflies and this

crazy feeling. I don‟t know. It‟s just great. The new album is presumably “killer” as drummer John Gill puts it; “There‟s sure to be a few singles from it”. The songs on the album have a lot more personality and resonate a lot better than the bands‟ previous venture. Even if the songs‟ demeanor is not as the bands usual trophy rallying cries for the Keystone drinking elite, they at least have more sense of honesty and effective emotion that resonates. Several songs from the new album to be released, “Adore”, “Roughneck”, and the autobiographical “Tom Green County Jail” go to show that the band has come a long way in style and in sound. “We‟ve really grown”, says bassist Robert Rainey. “We stopped playing songs and started making music”. The albums‟ release date has not yet been set nor has a title been chosen. You can find more on Buckshot Bradley at By Bob Simpson

Contributed photo/ Kimberlea Montgomery

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