producer of custom modular systems
s u p p o r t
f r o m
d e s i g n
t i l l
c o n s t r u c t i o n
[1 ]
Straight DMK
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customer Rehau DESIGN and construction Labybel (BE) system DMK 992x992 frames [3 ]
Straight DMK
customer Alsico DESIGN Gregory Moulin / Blauwe Peer Gent construction My Stand (Be) system DMK frames
w w w. b e M a t r i x . b e customer Danneels DESIGN and construction Travelexpo (Be) system DMK frames + ceLights
[5 ]
Straight DMK
customer Omco DESIGN and construction Cubiblue (De) system
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 DMK frames + DMHL eyecatcher
[7 ]
Straight DMK customer Edition Panorama DESIGN and construction Cubiblue (De) system DMK frames
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[9 ]
Cost-saving through re-usability of the system
Straight DMK
customer Corporate booth Coca-Cola Europe DESIGN and construction Tailormate (Be) system DMK frames
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[1 1]
Straight DMK
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customer Transuniverse FORWARDING DESIGN Gregory Moulin construction My Stand (Be) - C4you (Be) system ECOLOGICAL STAND IN DMK
[1 3]
Straight DMK
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customer Geislinger DESIGN and construction Raumsystem (De) system DMK [1 5]
What you do not see is what you get
customer KĂœPPERSBUSCH DESIGN and construction Fuchs Messebau (De) system NICE FINISH
Covers & Perfect corners
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[1 7]
customer K端pperbusch DESIGN and construction Fuchs Messebau (De) system PERFECT CORNER
customer Bio Solar DESIGN and construction Next Level (Be) system DMQ Corner Profile
Covers and Perfect corners
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[1 9]
Covers and Perfect corners customer Stone Carpets DESIGN and construction Labybel (BE) system DMK 992x992 frames + DMK-Cover profiles
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[2 1]
Covers and Perfect corners
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customer Visual Impact DESIGN and construction Visual Impact (Ma) system perfect L-corner & perfect U-corner
[2 3]
Doors (Straight, Curved)
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customer Fagron DESIGN and construction Laarhoven design International (Nl) system DMK frames [2 5]
customer SwissQ Print DESIGN and construction Bost (Ch) system curved door
Doors (Straight, Curved)
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customer KING DESIGN and construction Labybel (Be) system segmented door [2 7]
CEILING customer MOLENS JOYE DESIGN and construction Xtension (Be) system huge arches in DMK
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[2 9]
customer Scandinavian Tobacco Group DESIGN and construction Labybel (BE) system Ceiling in DMHL
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customer Oudshoorn DESIGN and construction Verel Expo (Nl) system Porch in DMK + black dibond [3 1]
customer MANPOWER DESIGN and construction Laarhoven design International (Nl) system different curves
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[3 3]
customer Novartis DESIGN and construction Laarhoven design International (Nl) system tunnel-effect
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[3 5]
customer Colombina DESIGN and construction Integra Design (Co) system curved canopy + slatwall in DMK
w w w. b e M a t r i x . b e customer Microsoft DESIGN and construction Stallion (Qa) system colourful curved
[3 7]
customer Brinkhof DESIGN and construction Laarhoven design International (Nl) system double curved
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CURVES [3 9]
customer Extessy DESIGN and construction Raumsystem (De) system DMK curves R 426,5
customer SwissQ print DESIGN and construction Bost (Ch) system seamless in floor
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[4 1]
CURVES customer Etihad DESIGN and construction Red Exhibition (UAE) system Tunnel-effect with DMK-Curved frames
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[4 3]
Endless combinations with panels, textiles or light
CURVES customer bematrix DESIGN and construction NextLevel & D-ice (Be) system Mezzanine + DMK-curved
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[4 5]
The most custom modular system in the world
customer Gazet Van Antwerpen DESIGN Gregory Moulin construction My Stand (Be) system DMK frames + cut-out infills
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[4 7]
customer General Dynamics DESIGN and construction Leading Edge (UK) system Curved display in DMK
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[4 9]
CURVES customer Chipsoft DESIGN and construction Laarhoven design International (Nl) system curved eyecatcher
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CURVES customer Sectra DESIGN and construction BRG Marketing (Se) system Corner curved frame R 988,5
[5 1]
DMHL customer Renson DESIGN and construction Next Level (Be) system DMHL
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[5 3]
customer Joico DESIGN and construction Laarhoven design International (Nl) system DMHL
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[5 5]
w w w. b e M a t r i x . b e customer Osram DESIGN and construction B채ssler Messebau (De) system DMHM
[5 7]
customer Levis DESIGN Nexus (Be) construction ASP Blue Square (BE) system DMHM
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[5 9]
customer DeltaLight DESIGN and construction Seghart & Next Level (Be) system Maxiscreen + DMHL
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[6 1]
TEXTILE customer Wolvenberg DESIGN and construction E-Demonstrations (Be) system Maxiscreen + DMK
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customer ACOVA DESIGN and construction Labybel (BE) system Maxiscreen in Wooden framework
[6 3]
customer Sectra DESIGN and construction BRG Marketing (Se) system Textile + panels + profiles
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[6 5]
customer St. Jude Paris DESIGN and construction ASP Blue Square (BE) system Maxiscreen with retro-projection screen
w w w. b e M a t r i x . b e customer La Provence DESIGN and construction Blue Squares France system Textile + Backlit Textile + DMK frames
[6 7]
Frames for probably the fastest building system in the market
Panels (Glass, Forex, ‌) customer Bulex DESIGN and construction Concept Expo (Be) system DMK frames with glass
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[6 9]
Panels (Glass, Forex, ‌)
customer Volkswagen DESIGN and construction Concept Expo (Be) system DMK frames with glass
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[7 1]
Panels (Glass, Forex, ‌)
customer Professionails DESIGN and construction Outstanding (BE) system DMK frames with printed infills
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[7 3]
Let there be light
customer PDC Brush DESIGN and construction Saflot (Be) system Fixsreen 124
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[7 5]
customer Ducati DESIGN and construction Concept Expo (Be) system Boxscreen + textiles
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[7 7]
customer Belim Bouwteam DESIGN and construction Square+ (Be) system Fixscreen 20S
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[7 9]
Lightboxes customer Professionails DESIGN Professionails (Be) construction Syrinx (BE) system Maxiscreen
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[8 1]
Specials customer Spliethoff DESIGN and construction Laarhoven design International (Nl) system DMK + Maxiscreen
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[8 3]
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[8 5]
customer Eandis DESIGN and construction Xtension (Be) system DMK
Specials customer Ziggo DESIGN and construction Laarhoven design International (Nl) system DMK
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[8 7]
customer SBS DESIGN and construction Clockwise (Be) system DMK
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[8 9]
customer Lego DESIGN and construction Stockwerk1 (De) system DMK
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[9 1]
T +32 (0)51 200 750
desig n by pi xi ns pac
beMatrix Industrieweg 49 B-8800 Roeselare Belgium