Cornerstone 2015

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C OR NERSTO N E academic foundation for global leadership

2015 annual report

from the DIRECTOR The Texas A&M University Institute for Advanced Study (TIAS) was a dream of mine and some of my colleagues, and it has taken more than a decade to realize that dream. I am pleased, thanks to the hard work of many people, that TIAS is now an operational reality bringing in its fourth class of Faculty Fellows and is a major player in advancing the academic excellence at Texas A&M.


During the past year, TIAS has enjoyed significant accomplishments. Our fourth class of TIAS Faculty Fellows is the largest to date, and all members of the class are worldclass scholars at the top of their field. TIAS established a prominent eight-member External Advisory Board, chaired by Norman R. Augustine, to provide additional independent input to refine our operations and make TIAS the best it can be. I welcome you to read about our remarkable and accomplished new class of Faculty Fellows and our External Advisory Board in this annual report.

— an important quality or feature on which a particular thing depends or is based — a stone that forms the base of a corner of a building, joining two walls

John L. Junkins Founding Director Texas A&M University Institute for Advanced Study

During the past year and under the leadership of the Texas A&M Foundation’s former President Ed Davis, TIAS managed to attract donors for several TIAS endowed chairs—thanks to matching funds provided from the University. We are grateful and appreciative to Dr. Davis, who retired as president after twenty-two years with the Foundation. However, he will stay on for a while in a principal gifts role to wrap up outstanding gift plans already in the works.

An important parallel development is Texas A&M’s President Michael Young’s recent announcement and launch of the Lead by Example comprehensive campaign. Significantly, TIAS cuts across all five thematic thrusts of the campaign. Gifts to TIAS are fully consistent with the themes and will help accelerate the Lead by Example campaign. Chancellor John Sharp described his $5.2 million contribution to help underwrite the startup of TIAS as the best investment he has ever made. Thanks to that startup investment and the vitally important funding from President Young and Provost Karan Watson, TIAS is in fiscal shape to operate at the current level for the next few years. For the long term, an endowment is critical to stabilize TIAS as a permanent “perpetual motion machine for excellence.” On our watch, there is an important opportunity to make TIAS permanent. I invite you to learn more about all thirty-five Faculty Fellows attracted to date on our website, You will be stunned by the accomplishments of those scholars. For example, every time you use your cell phone or search the Internet, you can thank one of the scholars in the fourth class for his breakthroughs in digital wireless transmission of voice and data. Another Faculty Fellow developed the mathematical basis and experimental validation that is the foundation for understanding how the universe is expanding. Others are helping make control systems for cars that will someday drive with only high-level human guidance, while others have made breakthroughs in genomics, cancer, aerospace technology, economics, kidney disease, food safety, and history. Brilliant scholars are the foundation on which great universities thrive. TIAS is the cornerstone of that foundation at Texas A&M University.

from the CHANCELLOR Beginning with the launch of the Texas A&M University Institute for Advanced Study in 2010, I have consistently championed TIAS and the potential it has to change the landscape at Texas A&M. I am enthusiastic and excited that the $5.2 million commitment from the Chancellor’s Research Initiative has, in some measure, propelled TIAS toward the success it now enjoys.

John Sharp

The 2015–16 class of TIAS Faculty Fellows represents the largest class the Institute has recruited, and these exceptional scientists and scholars will serve as a powerful and positive influence among our faculty and our students. Their collaborations and extraordinary work will have a permanent impact in both intellectual and practical terms at Texas A&M.

Chancellor The Texas A&M University System

“The Institute is the cornerstone of Texas A&M’s approach toward enhancing the quality of our teaching, research, and scholarship.”

from the PRESIDENT The Texas A&M University Institute for Advanced Study is an important part of our ongoing effort to attract worldclass scholars and researchers to campus to share in the transformative intellectual experience we seek to provide for all our students, to enrich our overall culture of excellence, and to help elevate the University’s visibility and prominence around the nation and world. We commend the good work of TIAS to date and are proud that so many of our TIAS Faculty Fellows have continued their affiliations with Texas A&M or have become members of our faculty.

John L. Junkins

Founding Director Texas A&M University Institute for Advanced Study

Michael K. Young President Texas A&M University



TIAS and Vision 2020


Administrative Co-Chairs


Administrative Council


External Advisory Board


Faculty Advisory Board

9 Advocates


TIAS Induction Gala


Faculty Fellows Overview


Faculty Fellows Articles


Incoming TIAS Faculty Fellows 2015–16


TIAS Faculty Fellows


Financial Overview


Charting the Way Forward

TIAS and VISION 2020

Faculty Fellows From Across the Globe

The goals of TIAS are not modest—to contribute a crucial element to elevate the quality and national image of every college and, over time, the stature of Texas A&M University. Simply stated: We seek to play a lead role in elevating the quality and reputation of our faculty (and the University) to national and international leadership stature. Taking note of Texas A&M’s existing strengths, which are many, it is clear that the most important area to emphasize is accelerating the development of existing faculty and

attracting additional internationally prominent faculty members. Achieving national and international leadership stature is an aggressive goal, particularly for a land-grant university, but it will be achieved with a multifaceted approach that takes full advantage of TIAS’s proven ability to attract world-class talent.

TIAS Faculty Fellows: Nominations, Nominations Approved, and Nominees Appointed by College or School (FY13–16) 20

Nominations 15

16 16

“...TIAS is quickly elevating the reputation of Texas A&M as the place where stellar scholars are migrating...”

Nominations Approved

16 15

Nominees Appointed 12

“.5” represents a Fellow shared between two colleges.

10 9

7 6













4 4


2 1

3.5 3.5



2 1 1


Bush School




Vet Med





Liberal Arts





Clearly TIAS is but one element of the University’s strategy. It is a crucial element, however, since it has the proven capacity to bring top talent to the University every year. TIAS is quickly elevating the reputation of Texas A&M as the place where stellar scholars are migrating. With the combined resources from the colleges, Texas A&M’s administration, and the Chancellor’s Research Initiative, six of the thirty-five scholars attracted as Faculty Fellows have joined our permanent faculty: Leif Andersson (Uppsala University, Sweden), Christodoulos Floudas (Princeton University), Karl Hedrick (University of California, Berkeley), Roger Howe (Yale University), Alan Needleman (University of North Texas), and Robert Skelton (University of California, San Diego). Those six remarkable scholars significantly increase

the number of national academy-level faculty at Texas A&M. While recruiting accomplished faculty is a wonderful outcome, TIAS is not specifically focused on recruitment of permanent faculty. Rather, TIAS is a well-optimized way to foster engagement of our faculty and students with the top scholars in their fields. Building a great university is not a “once and done deal.” It requires constant renewal and integration of exceptional scholars and researchers with our extraordinary existing faculty, and TIAS is designed with that truth clearly in mind. The long-term impact of TIAS’s world-class scholars accelerating our faculty, students, and reputation—forever—is immeasurable. Those appointments have demonstrated a proven, affordable way to advance Texas A&M, as expressed in Vision 2020.

TIAS Faculty Fellow selection and recruitment is initiated by nominations from the colleges and focuses on areas that a college feels will significantly enhance excellence at Texas A&M. All colleges are offered the same number of annual Faculty Fellow nomination slots. As is evident, the number of nominations vary across the colleges due to a variety of factors. 2


administrative CO-CHAIRS The TIAS Administrative Council establishes the rules, oversees the operation of the Institute, and reviews its progress. The University’s provost selects the Institute’s director.

Karan L.Watson Provost and Executive Vice President Texas A&M University

TIAS is a unique institute—one that can profoundly affect all fields of study at Texas A&M University. Launched in 2010, TIAS has grown to become an important and widely appreciated catalyst for enhancing academic excellence through affiliation with today’s brightest minds and thought leaders. As we announce our fourth class of TIAS Fellows, departments across the University have embraced the concept and are excited by interactions that the Institute is facilitating. From the outset, TIAS has garnered my full support, as well as that of the president and our deans. That support bolstered our case to the Chancellor’s Research Initiative for funding to ensure a strong financial foundation. We are fortunate to have the tenacious leadership of Dr. John Junkins as Founding Director, and I look forward to the continued success of TIAS.

The 2015–16 Class of the Texas A&M University Institute for Advanced Study is one of the largest and most impressive to date. TIAS has enriched the intellectual climate of our campus, the educational experience of our students, and the overall quality of the A&M research enterprise.

Glen A. Laine Vice President for Research Texas A&M University


TIAS Faculty Fellows hold influential leadership positions throughout the academic and research world, and they tell us that they are consistently in awe of the high-caliber and intellectual prowess of Texas A&M’s faculty and students—a message we are happy for them to share with their colleagues around the globe. As the Institute grows and matures, it will reaffirm Texas A&M’s position among top-tier universities in academic programs and will foster collaborative research programs that will address real-world challenges in a dynamic and changing world.

administrative COUNCIL Helene Andrews-Polymenis

Pamela Matthews

Associate Professor Department of Microbial Pathogenesis and Immunology College of Medicine

Dean College of Liberal Arts

Kate C. Miller

Meigan Aronson

Dean College of Geosciences

Dean College of Science

Paul Ogden

M. Katherine Banks Vice Chancellor and Dean Dwight Look College of Engineering Director, Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station

Tadhg Begley Distinguished Professor Holder, Derek Barton Professorship in Chemistry and Robert A. Welch Foundation Chair Department of Chemistry College of Science

Karen L. Butler-Purry Associate Provost Office of Graduate and Professional Studies

Leonard Bierman Professor Mays Research Fellow Department of Management Mays Business School

Ed Davis Former President (1993–2015) Texas A&M Foundation

Ricky W. Griffin Distinguished Professor Holder, Blocker Chair in Business Mays Business School

Interim Senior Vice President Texas A&M Health Science Center Dean College of Medicine

Michael O’Quinn Vice President for Government Relations Office of the President

Timothy D. Phillips Distinguished Professor Department of Veterinary Integrative Biosciences College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences

Jeffrey Savell Distinguished Professor Holder, Meat Science & E. M. “Manny” Rosenthal Chair in Animal Science Department of Animal Science College of Agriculture and Life Sciences

Thomas R. Saving Distinguished Professor Holder, Jeff Montgomery Professorship Department of Economics College of Liberal Arts Director, Private Enterprise Research Center

Jerry R. Strawser Vice President for Finance and Administration and Chief Financial Officer Division of Finance and Administration


external ADVISORY BOARD The External Advisory Board annually reviews the activities of the Texas A&M University Institute for Advanced Study to provide guidance, advice, and recommendations.

External Advisory Board Meeting, October 2015.

Norman R. Augustine

Ray M. Bowen

Jon L. Hagler

Anita K. Jones

Linda P. B. Katehi

V. Lane Rawlins

Herbert H. Richardson

Ronald L. Skaggs

Chair External Advisory Board

Vice Chair External Advisory Board

Former Under Secretary, US Army Former Chair and CEO, Lockheed Martin Corporation Former President, National Academy of Engineering Chair, Rising Above the Gathering Storm: Energizing and Employing America for a Brighter Economic Future National Medal of Technology

Distinguished Visiting Professor, Rice University Former President of Texas A&M University (1994– 2002) Former Chair, National Science Board Former Division Director and Deputy Director, National Science Foundation

Former Director, GMO LLC Former Chairman, Texas A&M Foundation Board of Trustees (1999) Former Co-Chair, Texas A&M’s Vision 2020 Planning Initiative Sterling C. Evans Medal, The Texas A&M Foundation Honorary Doctor of Letters degree, Texas A&M University

Professor Emerita, University of Virginia Former Director, Defense Research and Engineering, US Department of Defense National Academy of Engineering Committee Member, Rising Above the Gathering Storm: Energizing and Employing America for a Brighter Economic Future Former Vice Chair, National Science Board

Chancellor, Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of California, Davis National Academy of Engineering American Academy of Arts and Sciences Humboldt Research Award

Former President, University of North Texas (2010– 2014) President Emeritus, University of North Texas Former President, Washington State University Former President, University of Memphis National Collegiate Athletic Association Board of Directors

Chancellor Emeritus, The Texas A&M University System Director Emeritus, Texas A&M Transportation Institute Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Mechanical Engineering, Texas A&M University National Academy of Engineering Rufus Oldenburger Medal

Chairman Emeritus and CEO, HKS Inc., Architects/ Engineers/Planners President, American Institute of Architects (AIA) (2000) Chancellor, AIA College of Fellows (2013) Board Chairman and Vice Chair, National Institute of Building Sciences (2002– 2010) National Academy of Construction Distinguished Alumnus, Association of Former Students, Texas A&M University




faculty ADVISORY BOARD The TIAS Faculty Advisory Board is key to the process of identifying world class scholars who will be invited to join the Institute for Advanced Study.

Each year this Board reviews all Faculty Fellow nominations submitted by the colleges, the Health Science Center, the School of Law, as well as other campus entities. The Faculty Advisory Board ensures that the nominees have obtained prominence in their chosen fields, provided major contributions to those fields, and possess outstanding mentorship qualities. Ultimately, the Board identifies their top candidates for selection in the upcoming year.

Advocates for the Texas A&M University Institute for Advanced Study champion the Institute to anyone who shares an interest in the advancement of Texas A&M. In addition, Advocates identify like-minded prospective donors who may want to help establish a strong financial foundation for the Institute’s mission.

Norman R. Augustine

Rodney C. Hill

Thomas W. Powell ’62

Jason A. Blackstone ’99

Michael A. Hitt

Herbert H. Richardson ’48

Ray M. Bowen ’58

William E. Jenkins

Jess C. (Rick) Rickman III ’70

Janet Briaud

Christopher Layne

B. Don Russell ’70

Jean-Louis Briaud

Carolyn S. Lohman

Stephanie W. Sale

Bill E. Carter ’69

Joanne Lupton

Thomas R. Saving

Jerry S. Cox ’72

George J. Mann

Marlan O. Scully

John L. Crompton ’77

William J. Merrell Jr. ’71

Les E. Shephard ’77

College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences

Christodoulos A. Floudas

Charles R. Munnerlyn ’62

James M. Singleton IV ’66

Rajan Varadarajan

Edward S. Fry

Alan Needleman

Ronald L. Skaggs ’65

J. Rick Giardino

Wanda Needleman

Michael L. Slack ’73

Melbern G. Glasscock ’59

Gerald R. North

Christine A. Stanley ’90

William C. Hearn ’63

Erle A. Nye ’59

Bruce Thompson

Three of the nine seats on the Faculty Advisory Board are chosen by the University’s provost and its vice president for research. The remaining six seats are chosen by the Electorate from among its members. Deans are not eligible to serve on the Faculty Advisory Board.





J. N. Reddy Dwight Look College of Engineering

Stephen Safe

Mays Business School

Fuller Bazer College of Agriculture and Life Sciences

John Gladyz

James. E. Womack

College of Science

James Womack College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences

Kim Dunbar College of Science

Christodoulos Floudas Dwight Look College of Engineering

Marlan Scully College of Science


Terms Expire November 30


TIAS induction GALA Each year, the Texas A&M University Institute for Advanced Study introduces and honors its newest class of Faculty Fellows at a formal gala on the Texas A&M campus.

Faculty Fellows and their guests enter under a traditional Sabre Arch Salute provided by the Texas A&M Aggie Corps of Cadets Ross Volunteer Company, the official honor guard for the governor of Texas.

When the program ends, guests—including members of the A&M System Board of Regents, University and System administrators, deans and department heads, former TIAS Faculty Fellows, and friends of TIAS and Texas A&M— dance to the music of the Greg Tivis Orchestra.

After dinner, the Institute’s Founding Director, John Junkins, invites The Texas A&M University Induction of the fourth and largest class to date System Chancellor and the President of Texas is scheduled for Friday, February 26, 2016. A&M University to say a few words. Each of the new Faculty Fellows is called to the stage and presented a bronze replica of Rodin’s The Thinker.

“When you combine TIAS with the Chancellor’s Research Initiative in bringing in academy members, Nobel laureates—I just think it’s one of the really wow programs at this University, and I commend all the people that have been a part of it.” John Sharp

Chancellor The Texas A&M University System



faculty fellows OVERVIEW The hallmark of a great university is to provide opportunities for its students to work with the finest academic minds in the world and for its faculty to conduct cutting-edge research for the benefit of humankind.


Hubbel Prize in Literature

Dr. Robert Levine presenting a TIAS Eminent Scholar Public Lecture, “Frederick Douglass, Lincoln, and the Civil War.”

Dr. Robert Skelton working with a graduate student in the Dwight Look College of Engineering.

Dr. Rakesh Agrawal collaborating with graduate students in the Dwight Look College of Engineering.

Mr. Harold Adams working with undergraduate students and faculty member Mr. Wei Yan in the College of Architecture.


Since 2012, the Texas A&M University Institute for Advanced Study has brought thirty-five leading scholars to campus as Faculty Fellows. This includes two recipients of the Nobel Prize (economics and physics) and one each of the Wolf Prize (agriculture), the Hubbell Medal in Literature, the National Medal of Science (chemistry), and the National Medal of Technology and Innovation, members of the national academies of science, medicine and engineering and similarly prestigious honors in other disciplines from across the nation and around the world.

During their time on campus, Faculty Fellows engage in intense research. They establish objectives with faculty, interact with students, and present public lectures in a TIAS Distinguished Department lecture series. In addition, one Faculty Fellow is chosen each semester to present the TIAS Eminent Scholars Lecture. The annual influx of talent enriches our intellectual atmosphere, enhances the quality of our programs, accelerates solutions to difficult research problems, and enhances Texas A&M’s reputation as a top-tier research university.

These scholars advance Texas A&M’s position as an academic and research leader on the global scale. Faculty Fellows collaborate with Texas A&M’s own stellar faculty–researchers and with rising stars among the University’s junior faculty and graduate students. These collaborations offer participants opportunities that could fundamentally enhance their career options.

The Texas A&M University Institute for Advanced Study serves as a beacon of excellence for our academic and research community. It is more than a nice idea that might work; it is a reality that is working.


National Academy of Sciences Members

Wolf Prize Recipient


National Academy of Engineering Members


Nobel Prize Recipients

Dr. Yuri Oganessian collaborating with faculty in the College of Science.



“TIAS is going to have a considerable impact at Texas A&M, particularly as collaborations build—it will enhance the visibility of this great place.”

faculty fellows ARTICLES

Peter Stang

2013–14 TIAS Faculty Fellow



placemaking on CAPITOL HILL

harold ADAMS A self-described “architect of an architecture firm,” Harold L. Adams is best known for building RTKL Associates from a small practice in Annapolis, Maryland, to a global leader in architecture, planning, and design.

Revisiting the U.S. Capitol Visitor Center project to preserve, secure, and keep open democracy’s most enduring symbol.

He is a fellow of the American Institute of Architects and an Ed Rachal Foundation Faculty Fellow for the 2014–15 academic year. Adams received his bachelor’s degree in architecture from Texas A&M University in 1962. After graduation, he worked in Washington, D.C., for John Carl Warnecke & Associates, where he worked with President and Mrs. John F. Kennedy on several important projects, including the Lafayette Square project and the site selection for the JFK Presidential Library.

Chairman Emeritus RTKL

Adams was the project manager for the 1962 redesign of Lafayette Square in Washington, D.C., a project that featured the Howard T. Markey National Courts Building and the New Executive Office Building. He later served as project manager for the John F. Kennedy Memorial in Arlington National Cemetery. He joined RTKL Associates in 1967, becoming president in 1969, CEO in 1971, and chairman in 1987. Under Adams’s leadership, RTKL developed into a global design practice with a strong reputation for its design and management expertise. When he retired in 2003, the firm had grown to 1,200 employees in fourteen international offices. Adams is one of the first U.S. citizens to hold a first-class Kenchikushi license from Japan’s Ministry of Construction. He is a registered architect in the United Kingdom. He belongs to the Royal Institute of British Architects and serves as a trustee and board chair for several arts, education, and civic organizations in the Baltimore–Washington area. Winner of the Kemper Award for Service to the American Institute of Architects in 1997, Adams has devoted much time to the organization as a keynote speaker, committee member, and officer at the local and national levels, including serving as chancellor of the association’s College of Fellows in 1998. In 2014, Adams received the College of Fellows’ highest honor, the Leslie N. Boney Spirit of Fellowship Award, for his years of service. Adams has endowed four professorships and one scholarship with Texas A&M’s College of Architecture and is a member of the College Development Advisory Council. Adams is a member of the Texas A&M President’s Council, and he was recognized as a Distinguished Alumnus in 2011. That same year, he was inducted into the National Academy of Construction. Adams is a member of the board of the Fairfax, Virginia-based architecture and engineering firm Dewberry. He also serves on the boards of Legg Mason, Lincoln Electric Holdings, and Commercial Metals Co. As a TIAS Faculty Fellow, Adams interacted with faculty and students in the College of Architecture.


Last fall, TIAS Faculty Fellow Harold Adams, chairman emeritus of RTKL, recounted his experience orchestrating the design and construction of the U.S. Capitol Visitor Center in Washington, D.C., at a TIAS Eminent Scholar Lecture in the Annenberg Presidential Conference Center at Texas A&M University. As executive architect on this monumental project, Adams was the only constant. For twenty-two years he skillfully navigated a byzantine bureaucracy of ever-changing politics and strong-willed personalities in a quest to preserve, secure, and make welcoming one of the most important and symbolic buildings in the world: the U.S. Capitol.

recommended a major building program to improve security and replace buildings that could not be renovated to meet security standards. RTKL, Adams said, was well equipped for the task, having previously amassed expertise while working on several security-sensitive projects for the U.S. intelligence community and the Department of State.

- - The Capitol Visitor Center (CVC) (Figure 1) was a project born from and advanced by tragedy. The need to better secure the Capitol was initially realized in the wake of the October 23, 1983, suicide truck bombing of the U.S. Marine barracks in Beirut, Lebanon. The bombing claimed the lives of 299 American and French servicemen, prompting President Ronald Reagan to ask Admiral Bobby Inman, former deputy director of the Central Intelligence Agency, to chair a commission studying the safety of public buildings in the United States, as well as embassies overseas. The resulting Inman Report recommended an array of security improvements, including an increased 300-foot setback between federal buildings and public streets. It also

Figure 1. Completed CVC. In 1986, George White, then Architect of the Capitol, hired RTKL to conduct a security study of the Capitol building. “He had been alarmed,” said Adams, “by Capitol Police Force consultant recommendations calling for missile batteries on the top of adjacent buildings as well as other conspicuous enhancements grossly lacking concern for those hallowed historic structures and grounds.”


Because RTKL understood preservation was the foremost consideration in historic site renovations, Adams said the design team began the project with an in-depth study of the building’s rich architectural heritage. “The history of the Capitol is fascinating,” he said. “It was built in the early 1800s, then burned by the British in 1814 and rebuilt. The dome was pretty modest in its original form, they enlarged it, then the great iron dome, which is being restored today, was built just before and during the Civil War.”

But it didn’t take extensive research for the design team to understand they were confronted with reconciling several seemingly incompatible objectives: • undertaking a monumental construction project without impeding the building’s daily operations, • preserving the Capitol’s cherished visual and historic integrity, and • ensuring that the seat of American democracy remained open and was made even more accessible and inviting, while also addressing twentyfirst-century security realities—a need that would be tragically and repeatedly underscored as the project advanced. “The Capitol’s prominence and symbolism make it a target,” said Adams. “The horrific events of the last two decades are vivid reminders that the threat is real, changing, and potentially devastating. Our goal was to address this reality while embracing the guiding principles of free and open access.” RTKL’s initial security proposal provided the required 300-foot setback from the street with an idea resurrected from the Capitol’s history, a large gated fence around the East Plaza. As happened with the ornate fence that the third Architect of the Capitol erected there after the 1814 fire, the idea was roundly rejected; however, said Adams, the proposal succeeded in raising interest for the project.

Figure 2. General plans for the improvement of the U.S. Capitol Grounds by Frederick Law Olmsted, 1874. Also integral to the Capitol’s history and character were its grounds, designed by Frederick Law Olmsted (Figure 2), the father of American landscape architecture whose famous contributions to historic place making include New York City’s iconic Central Park.


Harold Adams | 2014–15 TIAS Faculty Fellow

With renewed support for the project but little support for the fence, the RTKL designers went back to their sketchpads. They had learned that the architects who added thirty-two feet to the east front of the building in a 1958–1962 renovation never fully realized their plans to build a two-story underground garage, but they did complete a large conference room under the east front steps. Because the Capitol is equally split into north and

Figure 3. RTKL’s underground solution for the CVC. south domains occupied by the Senate and House, respectively, Adams said the conference room, owned by both bodies, was the one place where all legislators could gather. “The north wall had a Senate clock keeping tabs on voting in that chamber, and the south wall had a similar clock tracking House time,” said Adams. But the future would be behind a knockout panel on the east wall, where the underground garage was planned. From those decades-old plans, the RTKL designers got the idea for an underground visitor’s center (Figure 3). An underground solution, Adams said, would facilitate the necessary enhancements to Capitol security, provide refuge for visitors awaiting a tour—a pleasant alternative to lining up outside in the heat, rain, or snow—and allow for the preservation and restoration of Olmsted’s historic landscape elements. But by the early ’90s, when RTKL produced a set of detailed drawings, support for the project had mostly waned. Then in 1995, after the first midterm election of the Clinton presidency, when the Republican Revolution brought a fifty-four-seat swing in House membership and swept Newt Gingrich to the helm as Speaker, the CVC project was cut from the budget.

Despite support from several U.S. Representatives such as John Mica, R-Fla., and Richard Gephardt, D-Mo., who had backed the visitor center from the beginning, Adams said, “those in power just didn’t see the need for this project, and that is one of the reasons it took so long.” But it wasn’t for lack of trying. “I met personally with Gingrich, pleaded with him, but ‘nope,’” Adams recalled. “Even though it has great educational value, even though the people coming to visit the Capitol were being mistreated— left standing out in the snow and the heat—he said, ‘it’s not necessary.’” Sadly, it took two more tragedies to revive the project. The April 19, 1995, bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma got politicians talking about building safety once again, said Adams. But it ultimately took another murderous rampage even closer to home, the July 24, 1998, shooting of two Capitol Police officers, to get the CVC project back on the budget. According to witnesses, the gunman headed to offices used by senior Republican representatives, including Majority Whip Tom DeLay and Representative Dennis Hastert, future Speaker of the House and a close protégé of then Speaker Gingrich.


The legislation authorizing the construction of the facility was titled the Jacob Joseph Chestnut–John Michael Gibson United States Capitol Visitor Center Act of 1998, in honor of the slain lawmen. Still, it would take ten more years to build the center. Reimagined in the aftermath of yet another national tragedy, the CVC project, initially estimated at $265 million, would expand to cost $621 million and ultimately encompass more than 580,000 square feet—approximately three-quarters the size of the Capitol itself. Throughout the project Adams worked with an ever-changing menagerie of official and unofficial project stewards and politicians, including three different Architects of the Capitol, four speakers of the House, seven Senate majority leaders, and three presidents pro tem of the Senate. The project was overseen by the U.S. Government Accountability Office and the Capitol Preservation Commission, a bicameral, bipartisan committee composed of eighteen people that included the speaker of the House, the Senate majority leader, and various members of the House and Senate hierarchy. “On top of that, any member of Congress could question what’s going on and call a hearing,” said Adams. “So we had many hearings along the way.” Eventually, the project garnered wide bipartisan support; no small feat then, said Adams, “but today, with partisan disagreements on everything in both chambers, I’m not sure it could happen again.” Though the center was conceived to enhance the visiting public’s experience and to protect the building, its sacred treasures, and every person therein, a


Harold Adams | 2014–15 TIAS Faculty Fellow

big part of the expansion was aimed at enhancing congressional workspace. As the project got under way, lawmakers eagerly tacked on about $70 million worth of new secluded facilities, including hearing chambers, meeting rooms, media studios, office space, and storage. But ultimately, it was terrorism, this time the 9/11 attacks followed by the sinister scheme to poison congressmen and others with anthrax-laced letters, that greatly expanded the scope of the CVC project beyond what had been imagined. “Everything changed after 9/11,” said Adams, recalling the gallant heroes on United Airlines Flight 93, who that day forced down a Washington, D.C.-bound jet that many think was targeting the U.S. Capitol. In the post-9/11 world, security was paramount. The installation of bollards and landscape elements called for in the Inman Report to stop car bombs were just the start of the reimagined state-of-theart security systems integrated into the post-9/11, and now mostly top secret, CVC designs. Change orders rolled in for $44.5 million worth of post-9/11 security enhancements, such as upgrading the air filtration system to contend with the now existential threat of bioterrorism. “I can’t tell you much about it for security reasons,” Adams occasionally said while highlighting the myriad other CVC amenities he could talk about, like the CVC’s third underground level that includes a big loading dock, Capitol Police offices, and a highly secure truck tunnel that runs under Constitution Avenue to facilitate deliveries and keep trucks away from the building.

Capitol’s East Plaza as quickly as possible by using a process called top-down construction. They excavated, built reinforced concrete walls around the project site to hold back the earth and building, and then erected columns to support the new plaza floor. Underneath, the construction continued out of sight.

Figure 4. CVC excavation. Building underground required a great deal of excavation, much of it precariously close and potentially threatening to the iconic 200-year-old Capitol, which specialists, as well as RTKL’s structural engineers, continuously monitored for any sign of movement. “We got up close to the building, seventy and eighty feet deep,” said Adams. “We had no movement, the dome did not fall in, but you can imagine that we had some sleepless nights” (Figure 4).

The Capitol grounds, designed between 1874 and 1894, are among Frederick Law Olmsted’s greatest achievements, but the East Plaza, never built as Olmsted envisioned, had become a parking lot. “The landscape improvements undertaken as part of the CVC project included the preservation and restoration of some of Olmsted’s key defining elements,” said Adams, “like the elliptical ovals flanking the eastern grounds; the restoration of seating walls, ornamental lanterns, and fountains; and the principle of a strong processional access along East Capitol Street.” To ensure the Capitol’s security, the public entrance was moved 300 feet from the existing building (Figure 5). Following advice

Digging that deep in an area about the size of five football fields removed about 65,000 truckloads of earth, he said. And because of strict security precautions, it took a very long time. “Every single truck had to be X-rayed before it entered the Capitol grounds, and every worker had to be cleared,” he said. “Getting all of those construction workers cleared was no easy task.” Once cleared, the workers had to submit to fingerprint checks to enter and exit the job site, and everything they carried, including their lunch pails, had to be inspected. For security as well as aesthetic concerns, the contractors worked to restore the

Figure 5. CVC entrance.


from Disney crowd management experts, Adams said, the center was designed to facilitate the secure entry and screening of up to 3,800 tourists per hour, welcoming them in a civil, friendly manner befitting the historic site.

grand public space bathed by natural light streaming in from giant rectangular skylights that offer visitors dramatic views of the Capitol dome” (Figure 6).

As the largest single addition to the Capitol in the history of the republic, the CVC can comfortably accommodate 4,500 people at any one time, tripling the previous visitor capacity.

Next to the hall is a 15,000-square-foot museum-quality space with sophisticated environmental controls for the display of historic documents and artifacts for the education of visitors. The center also has two 250-seat auditoriums where a visitor orientation film is shown.

“The heart of the Visitor Center is Emancipation Hall,” said Adams, “a

To accommodate visitors, RTKL added a 500-seat restaurant, constituent meeting

Figure 7. The Visitor Center uses materials found within the Capitol itself, such as sandstone, marble, and granite to establish a strong visual compatibility with the historic building. rooms, bookstores, and twenty-six public restrooms (compared with only five in the Capitol). Drawing upon classical proportions, yet employing a contemporary vocabulary of detail, the Visitor Center uses materials found within the Capitol itself, such as sandstone, marble, and granite, (Figure 7) to establish a strong visual compatibility with the historic building, but in an expression that mediates between past and present. “While the expression of the Visitor Center is grounded in the twenty-first century,” Adams said, “the new work blends

seamlessly with the historic Capitol, which remains a timeless symbol of democracy and one of the most architecturally impressive and symbolically important buildings in the world.” “Over its 200-year history,” he said, “the Capitol has been built, burned to the ground, rebuilt, renovated, enlarged, and extended—each time with an addition and/or modification responding to the changing needs of the nation. I am honored to have played a role on a large team of very talented people who successfully realized one of these transformative projects.”

Figure 6. CVC Emancipation Hall.


Harold Adams | 2014–15 TIAS Faculty Fellow


roger HOWE Over the last five decades, Yale University’s Roger E. Howe has expanded the frontiers of mathematics while also working to better prepare new generations of mathematicians. As a scholar, Howe is best known for his breakthroughs in representation theory, which allows mathematicians to translate problems from abstract algebra into linear algebra, thus making them easier to manage. Howe first introduced the concept of the reductive dual pair—often referred to as a “Howe pair”—in a preprint during the 1970s, followed by a formal paper in 1989. That and other significant contributions to mathematics earned Howe a membership in the National Academy of Sciences in 1994. Today, as the William R. Kenan Jr. Professor of Mathematics, Howe continues to work on representation theory, as well as other applications of symmetry, including harmonic analysis, automorphic forms, and invariant theory.

William R. Kenan, Jr. Professor Mathematics Department Applied Mathematics Department Yale University

As a teacher, Howe has championed national initiatives to advance math education, serving on several prominent national panels and committees. In 1997, Yale presented him with the Yale College/Dylan Hixon ’88 Prize for Teaching Excellence in the Natural Sciences. In part, his citation reads, “if mathematics is a language, you certainly speak it beautifully. Fortunately for those who are not themselves native speakers, you have demonstrated a gift for making fundamental concepts in the structure of mathematics become familiar and intelligible.” Howe received his doctorate in 1969 from the University of California, Berkeley. After joining the faculty of Yale University in 1974, Howe served as the mathematics department’s director of graduate studies in 1982–83 and 1986–87 and as department chair from 1992 to 1995. He became Yale’s first Frederick Phineas Rose Professor in Mathematics in 1997. He belongs to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering, and he was a fellow of the Japan Society for the Advancement of Science and the Institute for Advanced Studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. In 2006, Howe received the American Mathematical Society Award for Distinguished Public Service. He became a fellow of the American Mathematical Society in 2012. As a TIAS Faculty Fellow, Howe collaborated with faculty and students in the College of Education and Human Development’s Department of Teaching, Learning, and Culture.

Towards Standards-Based Teacher Preparation in Mathematics

The recent report, The Mathematical Education of Teachers, II (aka METII) from the Conference Board of the Mathematical Sciences calls for at least twelve credit hours of mathematics courses for elementary teachers. However, as METII emphasizes, the nature of the mathematics coursework is as important as the amount. Assuming that the quantity recommendation for teacher preparation in mathematics is met, then the wise use of that time is vital, and it becomes even more important to think about what teachers should be learning in their mathematical studies. A fairly common way to organize teacher preparation is to have prospective teachers take one or two courses from the mathematics department that deal with the basic ideas of elementary mathematics and then to take a course in “mathematical methods” that discusses techniques for teaching. However, this separation of mathematics into pure ideas on the one hand and general tricks of teaching on the other leaves prospective teachers with a large job of integration to do. Teachers should certainly understand the basic principles that underlie the mathematics they teach, but that is not enough. The essential knowledge that teachers need to help children learn mathematics is how mathematical knowledge develops through the elementary school years. They need to know how the different parts of mathematics, especially arithmetic and geometry, interact, and how to build strong connections between


these topics as students learn more about each. They need to know effective ways of presenting topics. They need to be familiar with common student misconceptions and how to detect and correct them. It has been convincingly shown in recent years that there are ways of knowing mathematics that are different from the standard knowledge

Howe discusses orthocenters with faculty in the Department of Teaching, Learning and Culture at Texas A&M University. of mathematicians and that contribute to effective teaching. These ways of knowing mathematics are often called mathematical knowledge for teaching (MKT). Learning mathematics in ways that are disconnected from the classroom fails to develop strong MKT. Also, the intimate and intricate interconnections between seemingly distinct topics may not be appreciated.


Mapping the Unknown Territory In the twentieth century, when mathematics in kindergarten through the twelfth grade in U.S. schools was largely an unknown territory, even to experts, and different curricula might handle topics in different ways, perhaps a general knowledge of the basic ideas was the best one could achieve in teacher-preparation programs. However, in recent years, beginning with the publication in 1989 by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) of their Standards for School Mathematics and continuing through the recent release in 2010 of the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics (CCSSM), there has been substantial effort expended to describe in considerable detail the concepts and skills that a good K–12 mathematics program should impart to students, grade by grade. The CCSSM has been adopted by about forty-five states, while Texas has decided that the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS)— a set of standards it already had constructed in response to the NCTM standards—is superior to the CCSSM. (Of course, substantial overlap exists between the two.) Now that good sets of blueprints are available for K–12 mathematics, the way seems open for an alternative and potentially more effective approach to teacher preparation. The idea would be to construct a sequence of three courses that unite two mathematics courses and one mathematics methods course into


Roger Howe | 2013–14 TIAS Faculty Fellow

a coherent whole that takes teachers through the elementary curriculum on a year-to-year basis, as specified by the curriculum standards. Those courses could combine the mathematician’s sense of logical structure and coherence with the mathematics educator’s knowledge of student cognitive development and common misconceptions. They could develop standard mathematical content knowledge and MKT simultaneously. A key feature of such courses would be to pay attention to logical or conceptual dependence, with frequent discussions of how earlier learning has paved the way for successful mastery of a given concept, along with features of effective lessons.

The Role of the Number Line For example, consider the number line. When it is first introduced, the number line is actually a number ray, extending only in the positive direction from 0. The full number line is introduced when students begin to study signed numbers, such as −2 or +3. The number line is a vital piece of glue in mathematics. It lies at the nexus of arithmetic, measurement, and geometry. Although it is essentially a geometric object, it can play a vital role in arithmetic by offering students a visual way to think about fractions that emphasizes their connection to whole numbers. For example, the geometric process of placing lengths end to end provides a uniform way of thinking about addition—equally valid for fractions or whole numbers. That approach is in contrast with the symbolic procedures for adding fractions, which seem quite different from those of whole numbers and relies on the sophisticated notion of equivalence of fractions (which also can be usefully interpreted using the number ray).

Thus (among many other uses), the number ray can support the mastery of fractions, which is one of the choke points of the curriculum for many students. However, for it to play this role, the principle that governs placing numbers on the number ray must be solidly established in students’ minds. This principle is, in fact, rather sophisticated: A number on the number ray is telling the distance of the point it labels from the origin as a multiple of the unit distance. Most students will not come to a clear understanding of this idea without help. Many rising fifth graders will view the number ray as simply the number row—whole numbers lined up in order. The connection with length and distance was not part of their conception. Without a firm understanding of distance/length as the crucial idea behind placement of numbers, students have no basis for using the number ray for working with fractions. Thus, to realize the potential of the number line to support learning about fractions, the three aspects—geometric, measurement, and arithmetic—of the line must be carefully coordinated. Doing so is particularly difficult in the United States, with the curriculum separated into strands, of which arithmetic, measurement, and geometry are three major ones, each of which tends to get developed on its own, separate from the others. Developing the necessary connections for young children is a particularly demanding pedagogical task that could receive detailed attention in a program based on mathematics curriculum standards.

Cooperation Across Disciplines A significant challenge in developing curriculum standards–based teacher preparation courses is that it would require close cooperation between departments of mathematics and education. Mathematicians could identify logical and conceptual dependencies and structure the material in a logically coherent way. Educators could contribute results from research on MKT, including effective modes of presentation and insights into student thinking. For example, an important aspect of such courses would help teachers structure their knowledge about problem solving. In recent decades, mathematics educators have articulated a taxonomy of one-step addition and subtraction problems. Such a taxonomy could form the basis for a substantial amount of work allowing teachers to develop systematic insights into the structure of multistep word problems. A valuable side effect of curriculum standards–based teacher preparation in mathematics is that it would produce a cadre of mathematicians who think about K–12 curricula on an ongoing basis, which could possibly lead to continuous improvement. A focus on K–12 curricula has been sorely lacking in U.S. math education. In particular, these standards would lead to scrutiny from a mathematical and pedagogical point of view. Over time, that scrutiny would lead to improvements in the standards themselves. The potential of curriculum standards–based teacher preparation to improve U.S. mathematics education is large. My efforts at Texas A&M will go toward promoting and developing this approach to teacher preparation.

In Collaboration With Dianne Goldsby, clinical professor; Department of Teaching, Learning, and Culture; College of Education and Human Development Robert Gustafson, associate professor, Department of Mathematics, College of Science Yeping Li, professor; Department of Teaching, Learning, and Culture; College of Education and Human Development Sarah Witherspoon, professor, Department of Mathematics, College of Science



Superheavy Elements

Acknowledged as a leading figure in experimental nuclear physics, Yuri Oganessian conducts research into nuclear reactions with a focus on synthesizing new chemical elements. His name is closely connected with the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) in Dubna, Russia, about eighty miles north of Moscow. Oganessian is credited with three confirmed element discoveries and eleven inventions. Today, Oganessian serves as the scientific leader of JINR’s Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions and is a member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS). With his colleagues, Oganessian has conducted fundamental experiments on synthesizing elements with atomic numbers between 102 and 106. The atomic number is the number of protons found in the nucleus of an atom of a specific element.

Scientific Leader Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions Joint Institute for Nuclear Research Dubna, Russia

Oganessian proposed—and with his colleagues developed—a method to synthesize extremely heavy nuclei through fusion reactions of calcium-48 nuclei, an extremely rare isotope of calcium with twenty protons and twenty-eight neutrons, with nuclei of artificial actinide elements, which have atomic numbers from 93 to 98. In experiments conducted from 1999 to 2010, these reactions yielded, for the first time, elements with atomic numbers of 113 through 118. The decay properties of these new elements proved the existence of the “island of stability” for very heavy elements, a theory first proposed in the late 1960s. He earned a doctorate from Moscow State University in 1963 and a doctorate from JINR in 1970. As chairman of the RAS Scientific Council on Applied Nuclear Physics, he coordinates applied research at Russia’s leading nuclear physics centers. His work earned the USSR State Prize in 1975, the I. V. Kurchatov Prize of the RAS in 1989, the G. N. Flerov Prize of the JINR in 1993, the Alexander von Humboldt Prize in 1995, the L. Meitner Prize from the European Physical Society in 2000, the MAIK Nauka/Interperiodika in 2001, the Gold Medal of the Armenian National Academy of Sciences in 2008, and the State Prize of Russia in 2010. He has served on the editorial boards of the Journal of Physics, Nuclear Physics News International, Il Nuovo Cimento, Physics of Elementary Particles and Atomic Nuclei, and Particle Accelerators, as well on the scientific councils of GANIL (France), RIKEN (Japan), and FAIR (Germany). He is a foreign member of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts and the National Academy of Sciences of Armenia, as well as an Honorary Doctor of Goethe University in Germany and the University of Messina in Italy. As a TIAS Faculty Fellow, Oganessian worked with faculty and students in the Cyclotron Institute and the Department of Physics and Astronomy in the College of Science.


Throughout the development of human society, attention has focused on the fundamental questions of the universe and, in particular, on the limits of the existence of the material world. At different times, the answers were a reflection of our understanding of the structure of this world. If we discard old naive views, we should apparently start with the construction of the periodic table of elements (Mendeleev 1869), which shows that elements and their atoms have their own structures that can change their chemical properties in a certain way. After forty-two years, British physicist Ernest Rutherford proposed a planetary model of the atom, based on his brilliant experiments. In that model, the atom has a compact nucleus that concentrates all the positive charge and practically the whole mass of the atom while electrons circulate around the nucleus at a distance. How large can an atom be? Rutherford’s structure of the atom appeared to be quite stable up to elements with atomic numbers 174–176 (Dirac 1928). However, stability of the nucleus puts limits on the existence of atoms. That fact presents a problem for nuclear physics. To this day, nuclear matter is the subject of extensive studies. First, concepts of a nucleus as a drop of charged liquid (Gamov 1928) allowed for the classification of nuclei not only by mass and size but also by various modes of nuclear transformations. The latter include

spontaneous fission of heavy nuclei into two fragments. (Figure 1). In the liquid-drop model of fission (Bohr and Wheeler 1939), only nuclei with atomic numbers of less than 100 can survive because of a dramatic increase in the probability of nuclear fission with the increase of the charge of the nuclear drop. Indeed, these predictions seemed to be

Figure 1. Liquid-drop model of fission. confirmed in full when the first nuclear reactors were put into operation, thus enabling production of the first artificial elements heavier than uranium. Further studies of nuclei, especially those of transuranium elements (elements with atomic numbers greater than 92), led to the conclusion that nuclear substances are not amorphous like liquid drops, but instead have an internal structure. Because of this structure, the so-called magic nuclei that contain specific numbers of protons and neutrons are more strongly bound (i.e., more stable) than other nuclei.


Map of the nuclides with Z ≥ 104 is a difficult one. We chose the reaction of fusing two nuclei to produce a nucleus with sum mass and charge. As targets, we took isotopes of artificial transuranium elements accumulated in high-power nuclear reactors from the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in the United States and the Scientific Research Institute of Atomic Reactors in Russia; we used a projectile made from the rare and expensive isotope calcium-48, accelerating it to almost 1/10 of light speed, at the heavyion accelerator at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in the city of Dubna, about 80 miles north of Moscow.


Elements and Isotopes from the Island of SHE

118 116

Z=118 117 Lv



proton number


Db Rf


Elements and Isotopes from Mainland

Hs Bh Sg




Ds Mt

















56 s














1. 6


0.69 s







113 Cn











168 170 172 174 176 178


180 182

neutron number

1 86 184

Figure 2. Map of the nuclides with Z ≥ 104.

However, from the point of view of the new microscopic nuclear theory, it is predicted that both the magic nucleus and its neighbors will have high stability. These nuclei form a new domain of nuclei (elements and isotopes) that was given the name “island of stability of superheavy elements” (Figure 3). To verify this nontrivial hypothesis, one should find or synthesize these nuclei and, if they do exist, study their properties. Production of such heavy nuclei is an extremely difficult task, and for a long time it was considered unsolvable because of their high neutron excess. Nuclei of the elements around us are not so neutron-


Yuri Oganessian | 2014–15 TIAS Faculty Fellow

rich. Neutron excess in nuclei is determined by the process of natural synthesis of elements that took place at the origin of the solar system 4.56 billion years ago. On the other hand, from 1970 to 2000 worldwide attempts to artificially synthesize superheavy elements in various nuclear reactions produced no results. However, a method of synthesizing superheavy nuclei was found, although it

New lands -5 0 120 P r o to n n u m b e r

Seven magic numbers exist: 2, 8, 20, 28, 50, 82, and 126. Doubly magic is the nucleus of lead: 82 protons and 126 neutrons make this element stable. As predicted by a new microscopic nuclear theory (1969), a similar structure will next occur in a superheavy nucleus with 114 protons and 184 neutrons (Figure 2), which is a nucleus that the liquid-drop model says cannot exist.


1µsabout 40 1s years 1h ago… 1y



Microscopic theory

LogT1/2 s


At the start of the new century from 2000 to 2015, we succeeded in synthesizing superheavy elements, and we demonstrated that the “island of stability” does exist. Properties of all twenty-two isotopes of six new elements with atomic numbers 113–118 corroborate the predictions of the theory. The limits of existence of nuclei and chemical elements are definitely pushed beyond atomic number 120 and probably even farther. In the periodic table of elements, a row is called a period. Thanks to ongoing research into superheavy elements, the seventh period is now filled, and attempts are under way to synthesize the first elements of the eighth period with atomic numbers 119 and 120. The first experiments aimed at exploring the chemical properties of elements 112 and 114 have been performed.

As proposed by their discoverers, elements 114 and 116 by decision of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) received the names flerovium (Fl) and livermorium (Lv) to honor the cooperating laboratories: Flerov Laboratory in Dubna and Livermore National Laboratory in California. Synthesis of superheavy elements spurred research in new scientific directions in nuclear physics, chemistry, atomic physics, and astrophysics. A series of lectures on this subject was presented at Texas A&M University’s Cyclotron Institute to postgraduate and undergraduate students and at a large international symposium, Super Heavy Oganessian collaborates with faculty Nuclei, in 2015. The at Texas A&M University’s Cyclotron Institute. University, its faculty, and its students have shown great interest in various aspects of the problem of superheavy elements. At the same time, we have discussed the issue of extending international cooperation and joining efforts of nuclear research centers of the United States, the European countries, Japan, and China in further studies on new heavy-ion accelerator complexes under construction. In this collaboration, active involvement of Texas A&M is foreseen.

Island of Stability Shoal shoal


Nobelium Peninsula peninsula



SHE Sea of Instability

Continent con nent


In Collaboration With


Lead 70 100









Neutron number

Figure 3. Island of stability of superheavy elements.


Greg Chubaryan, research scientist, Cyclotron Institute, College of Science Joseph Natowitz, Distinguished Professor, Department of Chemistry, College of Science Shalom Shlomo, senior scientist, Cyclotron Institute, College of Science Sherry J. Yennello, professor, Department of Chemistry, director, Cyclotron Institute, College of Science


robert SKELTON For more than fifty years, Robert E. Skelton’s research has focused on integrating system science with material science to create new material systems. His contributions to innovative engineering serve humankind in outer space and on Earth. Skelton joined the faculty at Purdue University in 1975, where he served for twenty-one years as a professor of aeronautics and astronautics. He directed the Structural Systems and Control Laboratory for Purdue’s Institute for Interdisciplinary Engineering Studies from 1991 to 1996. In 1996, Skelton moved to the University of California, San Diego (UCSD), where he founded the university’s Systems and Control Program and became director of UCSD’s Structural Systems and Control Laboratory. In 2006, UCSD named Skelton the Daniel L. Alspach Professor of Dynamics Systems and Controls in the Jacobs School of Engineering. UCSD named him professor emeritus in 2009.

Professor Emeritus Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Jacobs School of Engineering University of California, San Diego

Most recently, Skelton pioneered the mathematical description of tensegrity structures. Derived by combining “tension” and “integrity,” the term “tensegrity” describes materials composed of strings and rods. His papers have explained the tensegrity nature of the cytoskeleton of red blood cells and of the molecular structure of nature’s strongest tensile material, the spider fiber. Tensegrity materials can change shape by altering their string tension. That ability to adapt allows tensegrity to produce material systems that can modify their acoustic, electromagnetic, or mechanical properties. In addition, tensegrity structures may include built-in actuators, sensors, and power-storage devices. That versatility makes tensegrity an attractive alternative to conventional design. Skelton earned a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from Clemson University in 1963; a master’s degree in electrical engineering from the University of Alabama in Huntsville in 1970; and a doctorate in mechanics and structures from the University of California, Los Angeles, in 1976. Skelton received the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Award in 1986, the Humboldt Foundation Senior U.S. Scientist Award in 1991, the Norman Medal from the American Society of Civil Engineers in 1999, and the Humboldt Foundation Research Award in 2011. NASA recognized Skelton in 1974 with the Skylab Achievement Award and again in 2005 with a NASA Appreciation Award for his service during missions to repair the Hubble Space Telescope. Skelton became a member of the National Academy of Engineering in 2012. He is a fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers; a fellow of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics; and a life member of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, a nonprofit foundation in Germany established to promote cooperation in international research. He has published four books: Model Error Concepts and Compensation (1986), Dynamic Systems Control (1988), A Unified Algebraic Approach to Control Design (1996), and Tensegrity Systems (2009). As a TIAS Faculty Fellow, Skelton interacted with faculty and students in the Department of Aerospace Engineering in the Dwight Look College of Engineering.


Interdisciplinary Systems Engineering In the second half of the twentieth century, engineering was the driver and enabler of new technology, but engineering has left us with isolated component technologies without providing rules on how to put components together to make a good system. As a result, universities have compartmentalized science into many subjects taught in isolation, such as structural engineering, control engineering, electrical engineering, and mechanical engineering. The engineering departments have even further compartmentalized the subjects within engineering, such as structure design, dynamics and structural modeling, control design, signal processing, computing, sensing, and actuating. Moreover, the funding agencies have developed similar divisions in funding strategies. The driver and enabler of improved performance capabilities of engineering systems, most likely, will be the result of finding more fundamental scientific methods to integrate the disciplines. Currently engineering is without such fundamental rules, leaving us without sufficient research activities at the intersection of disciplines. Most managers and engineers give lip service supporting the concepts of “systems engineering,” but in the absence of a rigorous approach, their vision of this concept is simply to encourage the engineers of different disciplines to talk to each other— hence the focus of the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology, or ABET, on team projects, leading to the “design” courses. While such talk and interactions are necessary, they are not sufficient. The disciplines can talk about what they already know, but they don’t have the analytical tools to know what to say to span the gaps between their knowledge.

For example, the control engineers that designed the Hubble Space Telescope’s control algorithm used the best available control theory, and the IBM signal-processing engineers used the best signal processing methods to install that controller into the finite-precision digital flight computer. Neither the control engineers nor the signal-processing engineers were aware of the impact of their individual decisions on the other discipline (and such accuracies could not be tested in the 1g environment

of Earth). Consequently the performancelimiting technology of the telescope was the control system, not the mirror-manufacturing errors so publicly discussed. That limitation was due to the lack of theory to integrate signal processing and control design at the fundamental levels of the design process. We need research at the intersection of the disciplines. Such research is necessary to develop methods for total system optimization by using the smallest resources for material, control energy, and so on. The purpose of this research is to promote scientifically sound approaches to design and manufacture material and structural


systems that make more efficient use of resources and the coordination of resources across the multiple disciplines (modeling, structure, material, signal processing, control, sensor/actuator selections). Achieving that goal could allow us to obtain performance capabilities that cannot be achieved with existing compartmentalized methods.

Tensegrity Engineering, Design, and Manufacturing Nature’s solution to locomotion, cell functionality, and cell structure uses axially loaded elements (tension and compression members) to produce adaptive systems that are much more efficient and effective than human-built systems—such as columns or pillars—that perform similar maneuvers. Such axially loaded structural concepts that can stabilize a structural configuration by tension forces are called tensegrity structures. Indeed, our motivation for tensegrity approaches comes from biology and mathematics (Figure 1). The Harvard biologist Don Ingber describes tensegrity structures as “the architecture of life,” citing the similarity

to biological material (the mechanical structure inside cells, the molecular structure of the spider fiber, as well as the compressive/tension arrangement of material for animal locomotion). By tensegrity structures, we mean only stable connections of axially loaded members. Those structures require the least amount of energy to control, because control of tension elements allows one to change the stiffness or the shape of the structure while maintaining a stable equilibrium. Therefore the control energy is small since it does not push against the equilibrium of the structure, and the structure design and the control design cooperate to allow the smallest mass of the structure and the smallest control energy for control. When the scientific methods are available to engineer efficient tensegrity systems, a revolutionary change will take place in the way structures of all dimensions are made. A giant step in that direction would be the invention of a manufacturing method and process to automate the fabrication of tailor-made tensegrity systems whose mechanical, electrical, and acoustic features would be preprogrammed into the manufacturing process.

Challenges and Applications: • Available engineering and math results prove that tensegrity material topology (axially loaded prestressable structures) is the most efficient of the current material-design paradigms, so tensegrity engineering could be a sound scientific methodology to revolutionize structural and material fabrication methods. • The existing popular 3D printing technology cannot easily produce prestressable structures, so we should not wait for that technology to solve tensegrity-manufacturing problems (Figure 2). • To automatically fabricate tensegrity, one can envision a machine as a cross between a machine gun and a sewing machine. It would have reels of tensile material and magazines of rigid compressive tubes of various diameters. A jig fixture would receive the appropriate set of tubes and secure them in a rigidly fixed position, while the threedimensional sewing begins to weave the cable through the right sequence of nodes, after which the nodes are secured to prevent slip. This tensegrity prismatic unit can then be indexed forward and the next adjacent unit is fabricated to its specifications. • In space, such a machine can “grow” large structures such as solar arrays, mirrors, antennas, space vehicles, or space habitats by using raw material from Earth or space-based material, such as asteroids.

Figure 1. The Ingber Lab has revealed that living cells use tensegrity architecture to control their shape and mechanical properties.


Robert Skelton | 2014–15 TIAS Faculty Fellow

Figure 2. 3D printed columns with three left-handed prisms (top) and columns obtained by `sewing’ the EBM-printed models with Spectra strings (bottom).

• On construction sites such machines could “grow” a house or more sophisticated systems, without requiring large objects or subsystem components to be transported to the construction site (as in current modular construction concepts).


Research Opportunities: Once such a tensegrity manufacturing methodology is created and built (on the small scale this is a machine; on a large scale this is an algorithmic process), many research opportunities present themselves.

Metamaterials • Develop materials that can integrate multidisciplinary functions: acoustics, mechanical, electrical. • Create lightweight wings that can optimize shape as a function of flight conditions and flight control commands (Figure 3).

• Design materials that have negative epsilon and negative mu (permittivity and permeability, respectively), which would be useful for stealth objectives or optics that are not diffraction-limited. • Create materials to integrate thermal and mechanical properties. • Produce 3-dimensional electronics: material design that has specified electrical network properties.

Residential and Commercial Civil Structures • Construct inexpensive housing for developing nations. • Develop approaches that can be used to fabricate a house or building by using the least resources. • Deploy structures for temporary housing, field hospitals, or disaster relief that are dropped by parachutes and require only winch power (manual cranks) to set up. • Develop multifunctional materials that integrate load-carrying structure with air conditioning, water, electrical conduits, or communication functions.

Figure 3. Wings that can optimize the shape as a function of the flight conditions and flight control commands. • Use sun energy to power shade- or light-control functions for light and thermal management in civil structures. • Produce innovative noise-focusing materials, for example, an acoustic lens produced by designing a device to focus and maneuver acoustic energy for noninvasive medical surgery. • Innovative noise-absorbing material: design acoustic walls that can trap or reduce acoustic energy (in a specified spectrum), such as airplane shells, freeway walls, railway noise walls, neighborhood fences, or walls in convention centers or houses.


Robert Skelton | 2014–15 TIAS Faculty Fellow

• Use sun or wind energy to power shapecontrol functions for thermal management.

Ocean Engineering: • Develop autonomous delivery systems in the ocean to take payloads from points A to B. • Create surveillance systems that can follow a designated trajectory. • Generate materials to aid in searchand-rescue efforts. • Build underwater habitats. • Produce self-contained autonomous systems that can swim in the sea, using energy extracted from waves, wind, sun, or buoyancy-controlled gliding.

Construction of Large Greenhouses • Develop an approach that can be used to fabricate a very large greenhouse by using the least resources. • Design a deployable structure needing only winch power to erect. • Apply sun or wind energy to power shade functions for light and thermal management. • Use materials that tolerate high winds and extreme temperatures.

• Build structures that can tolerate large earthquakes, high winds, or extreme temperatures.

• Create large-span greenhouses for the desert to reduce required water consumption during growing season and optimize light for growth.

• Craft control functions (tensioning cables) to reduce cost and improve efficiency of the product, though such control functions might not be needed or retained after construction.

• Craft control functions (tensioning cables) to reduce cost and improve the efficiency of the product, even though such control functions might not be needed or retained after construction.

• Design materials to integrate thermal properties, electrical properties, acoustic properties, and mechanical properties.

• Produce materials to integrate thermal and mechanical properties.

• Tailor the design parameters to use local materials. • Apply lessons learned to modify standard construction, design, and building-code techniques for high-rise and other building industries.

• Build large greenhouses above the Arctic Circle to extend usable living space for humans on Earth that can handle high winds and snow loads. Lack of food is a major reason humans don’t live farther north (Figure 4).

Energy-Producing Material Systems • Develop material systems that can extract energy from the natural environment, including wind, sun, water, or earthquakes. • Erect platforms at sea that can convert wave energy into electrical energy. • Build automated platforms at sea for fish-farming stations in remote places that offer fresh water. • Generate smart fishnets that do not collapse in storms. • Construct energy self-sufficient platforms at sea that offer alternatives to aircraft carriers by handling larger planes. • Produce wave-powered submarine vehicles. • Deploy station-keeping buoys for worldwide monitoring of ocean health. • Use sun energy to power shade- or light-control functions for light and thermal management. • Extract energy from wind via controllable kites that can propel oil tankers across oceans or can provide energy on the ground.

Figure 4. Winter growing domes can extend usable living space for humans on Earth.


Future Habitats for Humanity

integrate several functions such as a water pipe serving as a load-bearing part of the structure. The electrical power subsystems can be integrated with the communication networks; the thermal control functions can modify the outer surface to cool from the winds, or to shade from the sun, or to create solar energy, or to redirect or reduce acoustic energy for noise control; the mechanical parts can be adjustable automatically to relieve stresses created by strong winds, earthquakes, or impacts. A valuable extension of such methods would be to grow the structure to enlarge living space without compromising the livable environment inside. Such technology will require fundamentally new ways for disciplines to cooperate and indeed to modify the disciplinary tools and create new analytical methods that are not currently in place. Such is the future of a systems approach to habitat design—on the Earth, under the sea, or on the Moon.

In the extreme environments of outer space, under the sea, in disaster areas, or in severe climates, habitat design requires integrating the best qualities and functions of all resources in the design (Figure 5). For example, a wall could be designed to

Fabrication of habitats in space will allow a more efficient use of transportation resources (Earth-based launches), and can, in fact, be the enabler for some missions. Such a mission-feasibility study for a spinning habitat to provide Earth-

National Power Infrastructure The nation’s power infrastructure is in disarray and needs modernization. The technology developed in this research can produce towers for high-voltage lines that can adjust themselves to equalize conductor tension and automatically correct tower misalignments after ice storms, high winds, and earthquakes. It is also possible to choose tower designs and materials that eliminate the need for ceramic insulators, since the dielectric properties of selected tower structural components can be nonconducting. That concept is in contrast to the 100-year-old trend to use wood or aluminum trusses for the towers together with substantial ceramic insulators to isolate the wires from the aluminum or wooden tower.

equivalent gravity from centrifugal forces appears in Skelton, Longman, NASA NIAC Study (December 2014). Figure 6 illustrates the feasible design of this study. Such habitats require multifunctional materials to simultaneously serve load-bearing functions, thermal-control functions, infrastructure, water, sewage, radiation protection, energy generation, light control, and artificial gravity. The leveraging of this technology on Earth’s surface has high promise. In the design of the walls of buildings, one could optimize the functions, solving the electrical, plumbing, thermal, water, sewage, acoustic, and mechanical problems in a joint fashion, creating a more efficient use of resources and habitats. Initially, such designs will be more expensive to develop, but they will become a commodity after the research period and could provide inexpensive houses for developing countries or field hospitals for disaster-relief areas.

Habitat Approaches: Our first approach for space habitat design uses tensegrity structural concepts, where compressive and tension members are connected in optimized methods. These “rods and strings” can be fabricated in space from space-based materials such as asteroids, the Moon, or Mars, but our first efforts will send materials and the automated tensegrity-making machine from the Earth. Our goal is to design an automated manufacturing process in space to create

Figure 6. The Skelton, Longman, NASA NIAC Study (December 2014) illustrates the feasibility for a spinning habitat to provide Earth-equivalent gravity.

tensegrity structures given only the raw materials (rods and string), energy, and a mathematical description (software) of the design. Those structures will require the smallest mass to take the required loads, but we must also optimize other functions such as atmospheric pressure, radiation shields, mirrors, growth potential, and control of precession of the spinning habitat. The habitat will require an infrastructure to grow grass and vegetables, and a lightweight tensegrity structure will create the surface lattice for the soil. Water and other cropgrowing requirements must be provided as well. Skelton and Longman, NASA NIAC 2014 summarizes the Phase 1 effort by showing the feasibility of a habitat design that can grow to larger dimensions.

In Collaboration With

Figure 5. Evolvable Space Habitat Development - the Goal Peter Rubin’s artwork (p.rubin@ironroosterstudios. com) depicts a 16 kilometer diameter torus pressure hull habitat. Our research shows a feasible pathway towards engineered habitats at this scale.


Robert Skelton | 2014–15 TIAS Faculty Fellow

Darren J. Hartl, assistant research professor, Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station (TEES), Department of Aerospace Engineering, Dwight Look College of Engineering Edwin A. Peraza Hernandez, graduate research assistant, Department of Aerospace Engineering, Dwight Look College of Engineering Dimitris C. Lagoudas, professor, senior associate dean for research, holder of the John and Bea Slattery Chair, Department of Aerospace Engineering, Dwight Look College of Engineering; deputy director, (TEES) and associate vice chancellor for engineering research, The Texas A&M University System John L. Rohmer, graduate research assistant, Department of Aerospace Engineering, Dwight Look College of Engineering 39

“By bringing in prominent scientists from around the country and the world, we are able to showcase all the important things that we are doing and get the word out about Texas A&M.” Paul E. Ogden

Interim Senior Vice President Texas A&M Health Science Center Dean College of Medicine


incoming TIAS faculty fellows 2015–16


david ARNETT

Regents Professor of Astrophysics Department of Astronomy and Steward Observatory College of Science University of Arizona


When astrophysicists study a supernova, an exploding star that briefly outshines a nearby galaxy, they apply Arnett’s law to explain how the brightness of the explosion changes over time. That law is named for astrophysicist David Arnett, a pioneer in the scientific study of exploding stars.

In the field of amino acid biochemistry, John T. Brosnan is known for his groundbreaking research into kidney and interorgan metabolism of amino acids and one-carbon units. His work has changed our understanding of how animals and humans make use of dietary protein and amino acids.

Arnett’s work has led to a deeper understanding of the remnants that result from supernovas—black holes, neutron stars, and white dwarfs—as well as the absence of such remnants. His research has shown that any immediate remnant of a supernova is governed by its production of the radioactive isotope 56Ni. Arnett also developed the first theoretical models to accurately follow light curves, providing the foundation for the discovery of the accelerated expansion of the universe.

Brosnan focuses his research on the metabolism of the twenty key amino acids that compose proteins. Of these, he has published extensively on the metabolism of fourteen.

Arnett earned his bachelor’s degree at the University of Kentucky in 1961. He received his master’s degree in 1963 and his doctoral degree in 1965 from Yale University, where he studied under the renowned astrophysicist Alastair G. W. Cameron. As a postdoctoral student, Arnett worked with Nobel Prize recipient and astrophysicist W. A. Fowler at the California Institute of Technology and astronomer Sir Fred Hoyle at Cambridge University in England. After briefly serving on the faculties at Rice University, The University of Texas, and the University of Illinois, Arnett joined the University of Chicago in 1977 as the B. and E. Sunny Distinguished Service Professor. In 1988, he moved to the University of Arizona as Regents Professor of Astrophysics. Arnett’s scientific interests span theoretical astrophysics and stellar astronomy. The scope of his research includes the origin of chemical elements, supernovae, neutron stars, and black holes; computer modeling of turbulent compressible flow; stellar evolution; and experiments with high-energy-density plasma. He is a member of the National Academy of Sciences, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and Phi Beta Kappa. He is a fellow of the American Physical Society and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. In 2009, the American Physical Society presented Arnett with the Hans Bethe Prize, which recognizes outstanding work in theory, experiment, or observation in astrophysics, nuclear physics, nuclear astrophysics, or closely related fields. In 2012, the American Astronomical Society selected Arnett for its Henry Norris Russell Lectureship, which is awarded for eminence in astronomical research. That same year, he received the Marcel Grossmann Award from the International Center for Relativistic Astrophysics. Other significant honors include the Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship, 1970–72; the Yale University Distinguished Graduate Award in Physical Sciences and Engineering, 1980; the Alexander von Humboldt Prize, 1981; and the Chandrasekhar Lectureship at the S. N. Bose Center for Basic Sciences in Kolkata, India, 2008.

His most significant contributions concern understanding how several amino acids can be converted to glucose, a key element in our ability to withstand prolonged starvation; the regulation of amino acid metabolism by hormones; and how glutamine is used to regulate our acid–base status. Brosnan’s most recent work examines how vitamins—folate, in particular— can facilitate one-carbon metabolism. He is also exploring the key role that formic acid plays in that process.

John Lewis Paton Distinguished Professor Department of Biochemistry Faculty of Science Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada

Brosnan received his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in biochemistry at University College in Cork, Ireland, and his doctorate in biochemistry from Oxford University in 1969. At Oxford, he conducted research under a Nobel Prize laureate, Sir Hans Krebs. After postdoctoral work at the University of Toronto, he accepted a position in 1990 at Memorial University of Newfoundland, where he continues to work as a research professor in the university’s Department of Biochemistry. Brosnan is a fellow of the Royal Society of Canada and the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences. In 1986, the Canadian Society for Nutritional Sciences gave him the Borden Award, the highest award for nutrition research in Canada. He received an honorary doctoral degree from the National University of Ireland in 2005. In 2013, the Danone Institute of Canada gave Brosnan, together with Dr. Margaret Brosnan, the Distinguished Nutrition Leadership Award, the top honor for contributions to the nation’s nutrition industry. In 2014, Memorial University awarded Brosnan the John Lewis Paton Distinguished Professorship. He has served as president of the Canadian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology; chair of the board of Canada’s Institute for Research in Nutrition, Metabolism, and Diabetes; and chair of the research council of the Canadian Diabetes Association. He is an adjunct professor of pediatric nutrition at the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston. He has written one book and published 171 peer-reviewed articles. As a TIAS Faculty Fellow, Brosnan will collaborate with faculty–researchers and graduate students from the departments of animal science, poultry science, and nutrition and food sciences in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences; from the Department of Veterinary Physiology and Pharmacology in the College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences; and from the Texas A&M Health Science Center.

Arnett has written four books and published 211 peer-reviewed articles. As a TIAS Faculty Fellow, Arnett will collaborate with faculty–researchers in the Department of Physics and Astronomy in the College of Science.


Incoming Faculty Fellows



richard DELGADO

During a career that spans four decades, including twenty-three years at AT&T Bell Laboratories, mathematician Robert A. Calderbank has made fundamental contributions to wireless communications, coding theory, and signal processing. He is best known for coinventing space–time codes, a key technology behind the Wireless Revolution in communications and electronics.

Widely acknowledged as a founder of critical race theory, Richard Delgado has fundamentally altered how scholars analyze the social and legal construction of race. His worldwide pioneering work on legal narratives and counternarratives, affirmative action, and hate speech has influenced the study of race and society in several disciplines, including education, sociology, and political science.

His research also has aided the management of “big data,” those extremely large sets of data that—when analyzed with computers—reveal patterns, trends, and associations that relate to human behavior and interactions.

Delgado earned a bachelor’s degree in philosophy and mathematics at the University of Washington. He attended the University of California, Berkeley, School of Law, where he earned a J.D. in 1974 while serving as the Notes & Comments editor of the California Law Review.

Calderbank received a bachelor’s degree from the University of Warwick (England) in 1975, a master’s degree from Oxford University in 1976, and a doctoral degree from the California Institute of Technology in 1980, all in mathematics.

Charles S. Sydnor Professor of Computer Science Director, Information Initiative Electrical and Computer Engineering Pratt School of Engineering Duke University

He joined AT&T Bell Laboratories in 1980 and later became vice president for research at AT&T. While at Bell Labs, Calderbank earned a reputation for bringing together engineers, mathematicians, biologists, and sociologists to work effectively on interdisciplinary research. Under his leadership, the lab was one of the first industrial labs to conduct a serious study of big data, which present three major challenges: massive size, great variety, and rapid change. Big data are difficult to capture, curate, manage, and process; as a result, they can overwhelm traditional software. After retiring from Bell Labs in 2003, Calderbank became a professor at Princeton University, where he led its Program in Applied and Computational Mathematics. He left Princeton in 2010 for Duke University, where he became dean of natural sciences. Today, Calderbank is the Charles S. Sydnor Professor of Computer Science at Duke, as well as a professor of mathematics and electrical engineering. He serves as director of Duke’s Information Initiative, an interdisciplinary program that applies computational research to unlock the potential of big data. He is a member of the National Academy of Engineering and a fellow of the American Mathematical Society, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). Calderbank received the IEEE Information Theory Society Paper Award in 1995 and 1999 for his research into coding and information theory; the 2013 IEEE Richard W. Hamming Medal for his contributions to information transmission; and the 2015 Claude E. Shannon Award, the highest honor offered by the IEEE Information Theory Society. He has written one book and published more than 500 peer-reviewed articles. He holds at least fifteen patents, his papers have garnered more than 30,000 citations, and his inventions are used in billions of consumer devices. As a TIAS Faculty Fellow, Calderbank will collaborate on interdisciplinary research in big data with faculty and graduate students from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering in the Dwight Look College of Engineering, the Department of Sociology in the College of Liberal Arts, the Department of Mathematics in the College of Science, and the College of Medicine.


Incoming Faculty Fellows

Currently the holder of the John J. Sparkman Chair at the University of Alabama School of Law, Delgado has taught law at the University of California, Los Angeles; the University of California, Davis; the University of Wisconsin; the University of Colorado; and the University of Pittsburgh. Delgado’s interests include immigration law, legal change, Latino critical legal scholarship, legal narratives and literature, and civil rights.

Holder, John J. Sparkman Chair of Law Professor University of Alabama School of Law

Among the most influential legal scholars in the United States with more than 5,200 citations, Delgado is also one of the most productive. The Lindgren–Seltzer survey listed him as the number-one legal scholar in the United States in articles published in the top-ten and top-twenty law reviews. Another study placed Storytelling for Oppositionists and Others: A Plea for Narrative, 87 U. Mich. L. Rev. 2411 (1989) as the sixty-eighth-most-cited law review article of all time. A recent survey listed Delgado among the thirty most significant constitutional law professors in the United States. His work has been cited in important law reform cases by several higher courts, including the Supreme Court of Canada, and been reviewed in the New York Times, The Nation, the Washington Post, and the Los Angeles Times. Delgado has received six Gustavus Myers Awards for Outstanding Books on Human Rights in North America as well as a nomination for a Pulitzer Prize. He won the American Library Association Choice Outstanding Academic Book Award in 1997, won the Thomas Jefferson Faculty Award from the University of Colorado System in 2002, and received an honorary doctor of laws degree from the John Jay College of Criminal Justice (City University of New York). Author of twenty-eight books and nearly 200 articles, Delgado served as the Wayne Morse Distinguished Scholar at the University of Oregon and received the Derrick Bell Legacy Award from the Critical Race Studies in Education Association, among other recognitions. As a TIAS Faculty Fellow, Delgado will collaborate with faculty and students at the Texas A&M School of Law in Fort Worth. He also plans to visit the College Station campus, where he will work with faculty and graduate students in education and liberal arts.


richard GIBBS

j. karl HEDRICK

As a pioneer in genetics, Richard Gibbs is best known for his work in whole-genome sequencing for the discovery of genetic diseases. In 1996, he established the Baylor College of Medicine’s Human Genome Sequencing Center, one of the five worldwide sites selected to undertake and complete the Human Genome Project. By 2003, that center contributed roughly ten percent of the sequence and has advanced comparative genomics by sequencing the genomes of fruit flies, rats, honeybees, sea urchins, and cattle.

Karl Hedrick is best known for the development of nonlinear control theory and its applications to transportation, including automated highway systems, power train controls, embedded software design, formation flight of autonomous vehicles, and active suspension systems. Hedrick also has made important contributions to nonlinear estimation and control. Hedrick received his bachelor’s degree in engineering mechanics at the University of Michigan in 1966. He earned his master’s and his doctoral degrees in aeronautical and astronautical engineering at Stanford University in 1970 and 1971, respectively.

A native of Australia, Gibbs received a bachelor’s degree in 1979 and a doctoral degree in 1985, both in genetics and radiation biology, from the University of Melbourne. He moved to the Baylor College of Medicine as a postdoctoral fellow to study the molecular basis of human X-linked diseases, which are single-gene disorders caused by defects on the X chromosome, and to develop technologies for rapid genetic analysis. As a postdoc, Gibbs developed several basic nucleic-acid technologies that are applied to genomic sequencing.

Holder, Wofford Cain Chair in Molecular and Human Genetics Professor Program in Translational Biology and Molecular Medicine Program in Integrative Molecular and Biomedical Sciences Director, Human Genome Sequencing Center Baylor College of Medicine

In 1991, Gibbs joined the Baylor genetics faculty and contributed to the early formulation of the aims of the International Human Genome Project. Today, in addition to directing the center he founded, Gibbs holds the Wofford Cain Chair and is a Distinguished Service Professor in molecular and human genetics at the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston. The Human Genome Sequencing Center pioneered whole-exome capture methods and published the first diploid sequence of a human. The center also demonstrated the utility of whole-genome sequencing for genetic disease discovery and for guiding effective clinical treatments. In 2011, the center’s staff began to deploy these methods in routine clinical practice and to provide full gene sequencing to hundreds of patients each month. The center is now one of three federally funded large-scale genome sequencing centers designated by the National Institutes of Health. It employs a staff of 180, including eighteen faculty members. Their current research is focused on the genomics of cancer, heart disease, and autism. In addition, the center is part of the national program for systematic discovery of the cause of human single-gene defects and has an active bioinformatics program, with research projects involving biologists and computer scientists. Gibbs and his researchers are developing tools for generating, manipulating, and analyzing genome data. Gibbs received the Michael E. DeBakey, M.D., Excellence in Research Award in 2000 and the Chancellor’s Distinguished Lectureship at Louisiana State University in 2001. He was elected to the Texas Academy of Medicine, Engineering, and Science and the National Academy of Medicine, both in 2011. Gibbs has published six books and 356 peer-reviewed articles and owns eleven patents. As a TIAS Faculty Fellow, Gibbs will collaborate with faculty–researchers and graduate students in the College of Medicine.


Incoming Faculty Fellows

Holder, James Marshall Wells Academic Chair Professor, Mechanical Engineering College of Engineering University of California, Berkeley

From 1974 to 1988, Hedrick was a professor of mechanical engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he directed the Vehicle Dynamics Laboratory. He has served as chair of the mechanical engineering department at the University of California, Berkeley (1999–2004) and as director of the university’s Partners for Advanced Transit and Highways Research Center (1997–2003), which conducts research in advanced vehicle control systems, advanced traffic management and information systems, and technology leading to an automated highway system. Currently, he is holder of the James Marshall Wells Academic Chair and professor of mechanical engineering at Berkeley, where he teaches graduate and undergraduate courses in automatic control theory. He also is the director of Berkeley’s Vehicle Dynamics Laboratory as well as a codirector of the Hyundai Center of Excellence in Active Safety and Autonomous Systems. Hedrick is a member of the National Academy of Engineering, the Society of Automotive Engineers, and the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. As a fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), Hedrick is past chair of the Dynamic Systems and Control Division and its Honors Committee. Other honors include the Outstanding Paper Award from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1998; the American Automatic Control Council’s O. Hugo Schuck Best Paper Award, 2003; the ASME Division of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control’s Outstanding Investigator Award, 2002; and the ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control Best Paper award in 1983 and 2001. Hedrick received ASME’s 2006 Rufus Oldenburger Medal, which recognizes significant contributions and outstanding achievements in the field of automatic control. He delivered the ASME Nyquist Lecture in 2009. He has written two books and published more than 140 peer-reviewed archival publications. As a TIAS Faculty Fellow, Hedrick will collaborate with faculty–researchers and graduate students from the departments of mechanical engineering and aerospace engineering in the Dwight Look College of Engineering and with researchers in the Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station.


richard HOLM

michael KING

Acknowledged as a founder of bioinorganic chemistry, Richard Holm has inspired three generations of chemists with his approach to modeling active sites of enzymes and to explaining how nature creates the metal-based active sites in proteins that carry out the chemical reactions of life.

Michael King’s leadership on NASA’s Terra and Aqua Earth Science satellite projects played an important role in developing the unprecedented capabilities of the U.S. space program to monitor Earth’s atmosphere, oceans, and land. He guided the development of five science algorithms to process data, including a breakthrough for determining cloud optical thickness.

Holm earned his bachelor’s degree in 1955 from the University of Massachusetts– Amherst and his doctoral degree in chemistry in 1959 from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where the renowned chemist F. A. Cotton advised him.

His experience includes conceiving, developing, and operating multispectral scanning radiometers from several aircraft platforms in field experiments that analyzed stratus clouds in the Arctic, oil-fire smoke in Kuwait, and biomass smoke in Brazil and southern Africa. He has lectured about the world’s climate on all continents.

He served on the faculties of the University of Wisconsin, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Stanford University before joining Harvard University in 1980. Holm became Higgins Professor of Chemistry in 1983 and has served as department chair. In 2013, Harvard designated Holm the Higgins Professor of Chemistry, Emeritus.

Higgins Professor of Chemistry, Emeritus Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology Faculty of Arts and Sciences Harvard University

Currently, Holm’s research interests are centered in inorganic and bioinorganic chemistry, with an emphasis on the synthesis and properties of molecules whose structures and reactivity relate to biological processes. He is a member of National Academy of Sciences and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. The University of Chicago presented him with an honorary doctorate in 1993. Holm received the National Academy of Sciences Award in Chemical Sciences in 1993, the American Chemical Society Award in Inorganic and Bioinorganic Chemistry in 1993, and the American Chemical Society’s F. A. Cotton Medal for Excellence in Chemical Research in 2005. Other honors include the John C. Bailar Medal from the University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign, 1973; the F. P. Dwyer Medal from The University of New South Wales, 1988; the Harrison Howe Award from the Rochester Section of the American Chemical Society, 1977; and the Centenary Medal of the Royal Society of Chemistry. He has held more than ninety lectureships in the United States and abroad, including the Frontiers in Chemistry Lectures (Texas A&M University, Case Western Reserve University), the A. D. Little Lectures (MIT), the Muetterties Lecture (University of California, Berkeley), the Basolo Lecture (Northwestern University), the Taube Lecture (Stanford University), the Baker Lectures (Cornell University), and the Centenary and Joseph Chatt Lectures in the United Kingdom. Holm has written one book and published more than 500 research papers on various aspects of inorganic chemistry, including static and dynamic stereochemistry; structural equilibria; nuclear magnetic resonance of paramagnetic molecules; the electron transfer concept; metal dithiolenes; synthetic metal-sulfur chemistry; reduced hemes; metal chalcogenides and molecular cluster excision; iron–sulfur and heterometal–iron–sulfur clusters; and the biologically related chemistry of vanadium, molybdenum, tungsten, iron, and nickel. He holds five patents. As a TIAS Faculty Fellow, Holm will collaborate with faculty–researchers and graduate students from the Department of Chemistry in the College of Science.


Incoming Faculty Fellows

King earned his bachelor’s degree in physics in 1971 from Colorado College and received his master’s and doctoral degrees in atmospheric sciences from the University of Arizona in 1973 and 1977, respectively.

Senior Research Scientist Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics Aerospace Engineering Sciences University of Colorado Boulder

He joined NASA Goddard Space Flight Center in 1978 as a physical scientist, where he served as project scientist of the Earth Radiation Budget Experiment from 1983 to 1992 and as senior project scientist of NASA’s Earth Observing System from 1992 to 2008. After retiring, he joined the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics at the University of Colorado Boulder as a senior research scientist. King’s current research includes the remote sensing of cloud optical and microphysical properties from reflected solar radiation measurements, the bidirectional reflectance of natural ecosystems, the inversion of aerosol optical and microphysical properties from ground-based sun/sky radiometers, and satellite remote sensing instrumentation and analysis. He is a member of the National Academy of Engineering and a fellow of the American Geophysical Union, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, and the American Meteorological Society. He received the American Meteorological Society’s Verner E. Suomi Award in 2000 for fundamental contributions to remote sensing and radiative transfer. The NASA Goddard Space Flight Center presented King with the William Norberg Memorial Award for Earth Science in 2001, and he accepted the Space Systems Award of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics on behalf of NASA’s Earth Observing System Team in 2006. Other honors include the Transaction Prize Paper Award from the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society in 1993, an honorary doctorate from Colorado College in 1995, the Award of Excellence from the Society for Technical Communication in 2001, and the Presidential Rank Award of Meritorious Senior Professional
from President George H. W. Bush in 2006. He has written one book and published eighty-nine peer-reviewed articles. As a TIAS Faculty Fellow, King will collaborate with faculty–researchers and graduate students in the Department of Atmospheric Sciences in the College of Geosciences.


steve POLASKY Stephen Polasky is widely recognized as a leading economist working at the intersection of ecology and economics. His research examines the contributions of nature to human well-being and analyzes the impacts of land use and land management on the provision and value of ecosystem services and natural capital. His research interests extend to issues in biodiversity conservation, sustainability, environmental regulation, renewable energy, climate change, and management of common property resources.

The ongoing research of John A. Rogers seeks to understand and exploit interesting characteristics of “soft” materials, such as polymers, liquid crystals, and biological tissues. His aim is to control or induce new electronic and photonic responses in these systems, with an emphasis on bioinspired designs and biointegrated devices. His research combines fundamental studies with forward-looking engineering and draws on expertise from nearly every field of technical study.

Polasky attended the London School of Economics from 1977 to 1978 and received his bachelor’s degree from Williams College in 1979. He earned his doctorate in economics from the University of Michigan in 1986.

Rogers earned bachelor’s degrees in chemistry and physics from The University of Texas at Austin in 1989. He also received a master’s degree in both chemistry and physics in 1991 and a doctorate in physical chemistry in 1995, all from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. From 1995 to 1997, Rogers was a junior fellow in the Harvard University Society of Fellows.

He joined the economics faculty of Boston College as an assistant professor in 1986 and moved to Oregon State University as an associate professor in 1993. Polasky also served as the senior staff economist for environment and resources for the President’s Council of Economic Advisers in 1998–99.

Regents Professor and Fesler– Lampert Professor of Ecological/ Environmental Economics Department of Applied Economics College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences University of Minnesota

In 1999, Polasky became the Fesler–Lampert Professor of Ecological/Environmental Economics and Regents Professor in the University of Minnesota’s Department of Applied Economics and the Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior, as well as a fellow at its Institute on the Environment. In addition, Polasky serves on the board of directors and science council for the Nature Conservancy, the sustainability external advisory board for the Dow Chemical Company, the science advisory board for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and the science advisory board for the Environmental Protection Agency. As a member of the National Academy of Sciences, he is one of six economists in the Human Environmental Sciences section. He is a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and is a fellow of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economics and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. He has cowritten or edited three books and published more than 150 peer-reviewed articles. His research has appeared in Science, Nature, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Frontiers of Ecology and Environment, Land Economics, and Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, among other publications. He is an associate editor for Ecology and Society and the Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economics. Polasky also serves on the editorial board for the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences and Annual Review of Environment and Resources. He has served as coeditor and associate editor for the Journal of Environmental Economics and Management and associate editor for the International Journal of Business and Economics, Conservation Letters, and Ecology Letters. As a TIAS Faculty Fellow, Polasky will collaborate with faculty–researchers and graduate students from the Department of Agricultural Economics in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and from the Department of Economics in the College of Liberal Arts.


Incoming Faculty Fellows


Professor and holder, Swanlund Chair Department of Materials Science and Engineering College of Engineering Director, Frederick Seitz Materials Research Laboratory University of Illinois at Urbana– Champaign

He joined Bell Laboratories as a member of the technical staff in the Condensed Matter Physics Research Department in 1997 and became director of that department in 2000. In 2003, he moved to the University of Illinois Urbana–Champaign, where he holds the Swanlund Chair, the highest chaired position at the university. He has a primary appointment in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, with joint appointments in the departments of chemistry, bioengineering, mechanical science and engineering, and electrical and computer engineering. In addition, he serves as director of the Frederick Seitz Materials Research Laboratory. Rogers is a member of the National Academy of Engineering, the National Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Inventors, and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. He is a fellow of the Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers, the American Physical Society, the Materials Research Society, and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. He has received an honorary doctorate from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne. His recent honors include the Lemelson–MIT Prize, the Smithsonian Award for American Ingenuity in the Physical Sciences, the Robert Henry Thurston Award from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, the Mid-Career Researcher Award from the Materials Research Society, the A.C. Eringen Medal of the Society for Engineering Science, and the ETH Zurich Chemical Engineering Medal. Rogers has published more than 500 articles in peer-reviewed journals and holds eighty patents. As a TIAS Faculty Fellow, Rogers will collaborate with faculty–researchers and graduate students from the departments of mechanical engineering, biomedical engineering, and electrical and computer engineering in the Dwight Look College of Engineering. He also will collaborate with faculty–researchers in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, a joint department with the College of Science and the Dwight Look College of Engineering.


manfred SCHARTL

kumares SINHA

Manfred Schartl is best known for explaining the molecular–genetic basis of cancer formation—especially malignant melanoma—by using fish and other nonmammalian models and for translating basic evolutionary research into discoveries with clear and direct impacts on human health. His work has aided the understanding of sex determination as well as the functional and evolutionary consequences of gene duplication. He is at the forefront of all fish-based models of human disease, with implications for developmental disorders, aging, and cancers.

For almost five decades, Kumares C. Sinha has contributed to transportation engineering over a spectrum of areas from highway engineering, traffic operations, and safety analysis to land use–transportation system modeling, transportation financing, and civil infrastructure management. He pioneered integrated highway-asset-management techniques with innovative research on facility condition modeling, treatment effectiveness, life-cycle costing, and multiobjective optimization of system performance to determine the best times and the optimal levels of effort for renewing and repairing pavement, bridges, and other facilities. The results of his research have been adopted worldwide.

Schartl studied biology and chemistry from 1973 to 1978 at the University of Giessen in Germany, resulting in a doctoral degree in genetics. He became a lecturer at Giessen in 1983 and team leader of a research group at the Gene Center of the Max Planck Institute for Biochemistry in Martinsried, Germany, in 1985. In 1991, he became a professor at the Biocenter of the University of Würzburg, where he now serves as head of the Department of Physiological Chemistry. He is a founder of the biomedicine program at Würzburg.

Professor and Head Department of Physiological Chemistry University of Würzburg, Germany

For the last thirty-five years, Schartl has studied the molecular genetics and biochemistry of cancer, with an emphasis on malignant melanoma. He also has explored the mechanisms that guide the molecular-developmental decisions in embryos to become male or female. Both topics are linked by common molecular and developmental methods and by the evolutionary and comparative approach to using fish as models for understanding human physiology and diseases. Schartl is vice chairman of the Rudolf Virchow Center, the university’s research center for experimental medicine. He is an adjunct professor for experimental cancer research in the Department of Molecular Biology at the University of Bergen in Norway. Schartl has chaired the scientific advisory board for the Center of Molecular Biology at the University of Göttingen since 2005 and the Sars Centre for Molecular Marine Biology in Bergen since 1999. He is member of the Leopoldina, the National Academy of Sciences of Germany. Honors include the Heisenberg Award from the German Research Foundation, the Jenkinson Lecture of the Oxford University in 1991, the NUSS Annual Lecturer and Guest Professorship at the National University of Singapore 2015, and the Ray Chaudhuri Lecture at the University of Varanasi in India in 2011. He received an honorary doctoral degree from the University of Bergen in 2004 and Japan’s Prince Hitachi Prize for Comparative Oncology in 2007.

Sinha received a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering from Jadavpur University in 1961, as well as a master’s degree in municipal engineering in 1966 and a doctoral degree in civil engineering in 1968, both from the University of Connecticut.

Edgar B. and Hedwig M. Olson Distinguished Professor Lyles School of Civil Engineering College of Engineering Purdue University

After six years at Marquette University, he joined Purdue University in 1974 and is currently the Edgar B. and Hedwig M. Olson Distinguished Professor of Civil Engineering there. Sinha is a registered professional engineer who has consulted with the World Bank on transportation and infrastructure issues. He has served as the president of the Transportation and Development Institute of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), the Research and Education Division of the American Road and Transportation Builders Association, and the Council of University Transportation Centers (CUTC). He is currently a member of the executive committee of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) and on the editorial boards of five professional journals, including the Journal of Transportation Engineering as editor-in-chief emeritus. Sinha is a member of the National Academy of Engineering, an honorary member of ASCE, and a national associate of the National Academies. Recent honors include the CUTC Award for Distinguished Contribution to University Transportation Education and Research in 2005, the TRB Roy W. Crum Award in 2009, and the ASCE James Laurie Prize in 2011. As a TIAS Faculty Fellow, Sinha will collaborate with faculty–researchers and students from the Zachry Department of Civil Engineering in the Dwight Look College of Engineering and with researchers from the Texas A&M Transportation Institute.

He served as president of the German Genetics Society from 2009 to 2011 and has served as a member of its advisory board since 1999. Schartl has published more than 370 peer-reviewed articles. As a TIAS Faculty Fellow, Schartl will collaborate with faculty–researchers from the Department of Biology in the College of Science, as well as faculty–researchers from the Health Science Center and the College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences.


Incoming Faculty Fellows


susan SULEIMAN Considered one of the leading U.S. scholars of twentieth-century French literature, Susan R. Suleiman ranks among the world’s foremost scholars in her field and is considered a leading international scholar of gender and Holocaust studies. Among her works is the 1983 Authoritarian Fictions: The Ideological Novel as a Literary Genre, one of the most important critical studies on the political novel written over the last four decades. Suleiman earned a bachelor’s degree from Bernard College in 1960 and her doctoral degree from Harvard in 1969. She joined the faculty at Harvard in 1981, where she is currently the C. Douglas Dillon Research Professor of the Civilization of France and Research Professor of Comparative Literature. She chaired the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures from 1997 to 2000, 2003 to 2004, and 2011 to 2012, and the Department of Comparative Literature from 2007 to 2009.

C. Douglas Dillon Research Professor of the Civilization of France Research Professor of Comparative Literature Department of Romance Languages and Literatures Faculty of Arts and Sciences Harvard University

She received the Radcliffe Medal for Distinguished Achievement in 1990 and a decoration by the French government as an Officer of the Order of Academic Palms (Palmes Académiques) in 1992. She held a Guggenheim Fellowship from 1988 to 1989 and a Rockefeller Humanities Fellowship in 1984. Suleiman has been an invited fellow at the Collegium Budapest Institute for Advanced Study in Budapest and at the Center for Advanced Study of the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters in Oslo. In 2005–06, she was a fellow of the Radcliffe Institute. During 2009–10, she was the invited Shapiro Senior Scholar-in-Residence at the Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C. Suleiman served as an elected member of the executive council of the Modern Language Association from 1993 to 1996 and as vice president and president of the American Comparative Literature Association from 1995 to 1999. Suleiman is the author or editor of many books and more than one hundred articles on contemporary literature and culture published in the United States and abroad. Her latest book, forthcoming from Yale University Press, is about the Russian-French novelist Irène Némirovsky and issues of “foreignness” in twentieth-century France. Her other books include Crises of Memory and the Second World War (2006); Subversive Intent: Gender, Politics, and the Avant-Garde (1990); Risking Who One Is: Encounters with Contemporary Art and Literature (1994); and the memoir Budapest Diary: In Search of the Motherbook (1996). She has edited and coedited influential collective volumes, including French Global: A New Approach to Literary History (2010) and After Testimony: The Ethics and Aesthetics of Holocaust Narrative for the Future (2012). Other edited volumes include Exile and Creativity: Signposts, Travelers, Outsiders, Backward Glances (1998) and The Female Body in Western Culture: Contemporary Perspectives (1986). In addition to her scholarly articles, she has published book reviews in the New York Times, the Boston Globe, The American Scholar, and other newspapers and magazines, as well as autobiographical essays. Suleiman will interact with faculty–scholars and graduate students from the College of Liberal Arts’ departments of international studies, English, and history, as well as the Gender and Ethnic Studies Program.


2014–15 Harold Adams

Ed Moses

RTKL Associates Inc.

Giant Magellan Telescope Organization

American Institute of Architects (AIA) Kemper Award, AIA

National Academy of Engineering


Incoming Faculty Fellows

Fusion energy, high-power laser physics

Architecture and building construction

Rakesh Agrawal Purdue University National Academy of Engineering National Medal of Technology and Innovation


Yuri Oganessian Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia USSR Academy of Sciences State Prize from President of Russia (1975 and 2010)

Research Nuclear physics

Chemical engineering, invention

Jack Dongarra University of Tennessee and Oak Ridge National Lab National Academy of Engineering American Association for the Advancement of Science


Robert Skelton University of California, San Diego National Academy of Engineering Institute of Electrical Engineers and Electronics

Research Systems and aerospace engineering

Computational mathematics

William Marras The Ohio State University National Academy of Engineering American Association for the Advancement of Science International Ergonomics Association

Research Ergonomics and occupational health



Information as of fall 2015 55

TIAS faculty FELLOWS 2013–14


Leif Andersson

Christodoulos Floudas

Robert Levine

Jay Dunlap

Aleda Roth

Uppsala University, Sweden

Princeton University

University of Maryland

Dartmouth College

Clemson University

Wolf Prize in Agriculture, 2014 Foreign Associate Member, U.S. National Academy of Sciences

National Academy of Engineering

Hubbell Medal for Lifetime Achievement in Literature Outstanding Book Award, Choice Magazine, 1997

National Academy of Sciences Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science

Distinguished Fellow, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management Society Fellow, Decision Sciences Institute Fellow, Production and Operations Management Society

Research Chemical and biological engineering

Research Animal genetics

Satya Atluri University of California, Irvine National Academy of Engineering European Academy of Sciences

Roy Glauber Nobel Prize in Physics National Academy of Sciences

Research Quantum physics

Roger Howe

Wolfgang Schleich Ulm University, Germany Academia Europaea Austrian Academy of Sciences

Research Theoretical and quantum physics

Louisiana State University Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science Member, Order of Canada

Research Genetics and nutrition

Information as of fall 2013 56

National Academy of Sciences American Academy of Arts and Sciences

Research Mathematics

Genetics, biochemistry

Research Global supply chain management

Peter Liss University of East Anglia, UK

Vernon Smith

Fellow, Royal Society Academia Europaea Commander of the Order of the British Empire (2008)

Nobel Prize in Economics National Academy of Sciences Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Sciences

Chapman University



Environmental sciences

Experimental economics

University of Utah

Alan Needleman

Katepalli Sreenivasan

National Academy of Sciences American Academy of Arts and Sciences National Medal of Science

University of North Texas

New York University

National Academy of Engineering American Academy of Arts and Sciences Timoshenko Medal

National Academy of Sciences National Academy of Engineering American Academy of Arts and Sciences



Materials science and engineering

Mechanical engineering

Yale University

Claude Bouchard


Literary and comparative studies

Harvard University

Research Mechanical and aerospace engineering


Peter Stang

Research Organic chemistry

Information as of fall 2012 57

financial OVERVIEW

For initial funding, the Texas A&M University Institute for Advanced Study received a five-year commitment for $5.2 million from The Texas A&M University System Chancellor John Sharp, plus a five-year commitment from Texas A&M University of $7.4 million, which includes $2 million drawn from funds provided by Herman F. Heep and Minnie Bell Heep through the

Texas A&M Foundation. Texas A&M colleges provide thirty percent matching funds for the Faculty Fellows’ salaries ($2.1 million). In addition, the colleges pay expenses associated with their research, housing, and travel. Significant financial support is anticipated from the Texas A&M Foundation’s forthcoming comprehensive campaign, as well as from members of the TIAS Legacy Society.

committed FUNDS


Texas A&M University $7.4 million



Texas A&M University $7.4 million


The Texas A&M University System Chancellor John Sharp $5.2 million The Texas A&M University System Chancellor John Sharp $5.2 million

College Faculty Fellow Support $2.1 million

expenditures College Faculty Fellow Support $2.1 million Heep Graduate Student Fellowships and TIAS Fellowships $2.7 million

Dr. Roth collaborating with faculty and students in Mays Business School.

Dr. Calderbank working with a graduate student in the Dwight Look College of Engineering.

$12.6 Million in Committed Funds

TIAS Faculty Fellows $5.1 million


TIAS Faculty Fellows $5.1 million

Million Million

TIAS Operations $2.7 million

TIAS Operations $2.7 million

Dr. Stang working with a graduate student in the College of Science. 58

Heep Graduate Student Fellowships and TIAS Fellowships $2.7 million


President Young and Provost Watson have committed university funds for sustaining TIAS after the first five years of operation.


charting the way FORWARD

“TIAS is helping us recognize the grand

Great academic institutions such as Texas A&M University are built upon exceptional scholarship. The Texas A&M University Institute for Advanced Study (TIAS) is designed to serve as the cornerstone securing the University’s future as a top-tier institution of learning and research.

Securing TIAS for Texas A&M forever into its future will depend upon a substantial endowment facilitated from the combined efforts of the Texas A&M Lead by Example campaign, the TIAS Advocates, and the TIAS Legacy Society.

Lead by Example Contributions to TIAS through the Texas A&M Foundation will strengthen our ability to recruit renowned Faculty Fellows and enhance the University’s global reputation. “While we expect continued progress toward the strategic 2020 goals on all fronts, the Texas A&M University Institute for Advanced Study is the key that will dramatically enhance the standing of Texas A&M among worldclass universities.”

The TIAS Legacy Society Former students, faculty, staff, and friends of Texas A&M become members of the TIAS Legacy Society by making cash, gift, or an estate gift to TIAS through the Texas A&M Foundation. Through these generous gifts, members of the TIAS Legacy Society help secure TIAS’s endowment


and demonstrate their conviction that the Institute is crucial to the future of the University: • Janet Bluemel, professor, Department of Chemistry, College of Science • Janet and Jean-Louis Briaud, professor and Regents Fellow, holder of the Spencer J. Buchanan Chair, Zachry Department of Civil Engineering, Dwight Look College of Engineering • Kay and Jerry Cox, ’72 President and Chairman of the Board, Cox and Perkins Exploration Incorporated • Judy and Clifford Fry ’67, associate director, TIAS • John Gladysz, distinguished professor and holder of the Dow Chair in Chemical Invention, Department of Chemistry, College of Science • Elouise and John Junkins, distinguished professor and holder of the Royce E. Wisenbaker ’39 Chair, Department of Aerospace Engineering, Dwight Look College of Engineering • Ozden Ochoa, professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Dwight Look College of Engineering • Eric Xu ’93, Baidu and Chairman, YIFANG Group Holdings Limited

Their financial contributions have helped to permanently underwrite TIAS and to support its mission for years to come.

TIAS Chairs A chair in the Texas A&M University Institute for Advanced Study (TIAS Chair) is unique and prestigious. Each TIAS chair will be occupied by a new scholar every year. A TIAS chair can be designated as an asset for a department, but, alternatively, it can be established for a college, multiple colleges, or for a different college each year at the discretion of the director of the Institute. Earnings from the chair’s endowment will pay the Institute’s 70 percent salary obligation when a Faculty Fellow is brought to Texas A&M. Each TIAS chair holder is firmly associated with the donor. One chair in biology has been established by Eric Xu in honor of his former professor Tim Hall. Two other chairs are currently being funded. Our long-term goal is to have endowments for twenty TIAS chairs. The Institute for Advanced Study can currently match a donor contribution of $1.5 million. The TIAS chair will be permanently named for the donor.

challenges that society is facing, but also helping society recognize the strengths of Texas A&M— this wonderful institution that not only focuses on top scholarship and fundamental issues, but also knows how to translate its strengths to very important approaches that help society.” Karan Watson

Provost and Executive Vice President Texas A&M University

Texas A&M University Institute for Advanced Study Texas A&M University Jack K. Williams Administration Building Suite 305 3572 TAMU College Station, Texas 77843-3572 For inquiries, contact Clifford L. Fry, Ph.D. Associate Director 979-458-5723

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