See You at the NGAUS CONFERENCE All systems are “GO” for the 143rd NGAUS General Conference & Exhibition scheduled for Aug 27-30, 2021, at the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada. NGAUS leaders made the unprecedented decision to pivot the conference after meeting restrictions in the original location, Charlotte, North Carolina, looked like they could linger through the summer. A new mask order, went into effect on July 22, 2021, that was approved by the Clark County Commission in Las Vegas, Nevada that requires all employees who interact with members of the public or who are in close contact with co-workers to wear face covering though August 17, 2021. While the mask mandate only applies to employees, businesses are required to encourage both vaccinated and unvaccinated visitors to wear masks indoors as well. This information is subject to change. Registration is still open at and we still have some hotel rooms available in the Texas block of rooms. Registration is $180.00 per person and includes 10 NGAT trading pins, conference materials, Company Grade/Warrant Officer Mixer for officers in this rank, Field Grade Mixer, professional development sessions, Governor’s reception, spouses’ luncheon, hospitality night, defense industry exhibition and the states dinner. Transportation to and from the airport to the hotel is available during the registration process for a fee of $7.00 one way or $14.00 round trip. The Nevada National Guard and the NGAUS staff have been busy at work getting all the events ready for your arrival in Las Vegas. Watch the NGAT website for updates and changes. They are sure to have lots of exciting training and events planned for us. Hope to see you there. H
JOIN NGAUS TODAY TO MAKE AN IMPACT NGAUS IS THE NATIONAL GUARD ASSOCIATION OF THE UNITED STATES. Commissioned officers and warrant officers of the Army and Air National Guard as eligible for NGAUS membership. NGAUS members provide the backbone and guidance NGAUS needs to ensure the National Guard receives the latest equipment and maintains readiness. ANNUAL DUES ARE AS FOLLOWS: O-1, O-2, O-3, WO1, CW2, CW3: $40 O-4, O-5, O-6, CW4, CW5: $80 O-7, O-8, O-9, O-10: $130 NGAUS Life Membership – Currently Serving National Guard Officers – $1,000 NGAUS Life Membership – Retired National Guard Officers – $125
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