Welcome to our incoming NGAT Board of Directors
Capt Jolene Hinojosa 176th Engr Bde
SFC Ruben Wilson 71st EMIB
2nd Lt Emily Martinez 147th Attack Wing
Marvin Harris becomes a Certified Association Executive THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF ASSOCIATION EXECUTIVES (ASAE) has announced that Marvin E. Harris, Executive Director of the National Guard Association of Texas (NGAT) has earned the Certified Association Executive (CAE) designation. The CAE is the highest professional credential in the association industry. To be designated as a Certified Association Executive, an applicant must have experience with nonprofit organization management, complete a minimum of 100 hours of specialized professional development, pass a stringent examination in association management, and pledge to uphold a code of ethics. Marvin is also a member of the Texas Society of Association Executives (TSAE) and he is one of five Texans who passed the CAE exam administered in May 2021. They were part of a group of 131 professionals worldwide to earn their CAE in May. Congratulations! H
SFC Tielow-Taneesha N. Henson 36th Sustainment Bde
SMSgt Bryan Shreve 149th Fighter Wing
Terri Marshall selected to serve on the Payroll Deduction Coordinating Board (PDCB) IN LATE MARCH DURING THE NATIONAL GUARD EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS ASSOCIATION (NGEDA) ANNUAL MEETING, NGAT Insurance Administrator,
CW4 (Ret) Terri Marshall was selected to serve on the NGEDA Payroll Deduction Coordinating Board (PDCB). The PDCB is a committee of NGEDA charged to represent and assist those states which have signed a memorandum of agreement with the Department of Defense for the National Guard payroll deduction system as it pertains to the State Sponsored Life Insurance (SSLI) program. PDCB maintains coordination with the DFAS centers. PDCB receives, reviews, and presents recommendations received from the utilizing states to the Department of Defense. The PDCB plays an important role in protecting SSLI as a unique National Guard benefit. Congratulations Chief Marshall on your selection. H
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