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President’s Report
My two years have come and gone.
These last couple years have been exciting and unexpected to say the least. This last year has been a different kind of year that’s for sure. Due to the coronavirus the whole world has and is still being turned upside down. I pray that everyone remains safe and healthy.
Our in person NGAT Conference has been canceled both last year and this year. The NGAT staff and Board of Directors are busy planning our VIRTUAL CONFERENCE for March. Stay tuned for further information on our Facebook page and website.
The Bylaws Committee has reviewed the bylaws over the last year and will be making recommendations on amendments that will be presented to the membership to be voted on at the virtual conference in March. The amendments are aligned with our strategic goals and amended to lead us into the future.
The NGAT Educational Foundation (NGATEF) is currently accepting applications for the 2021 NGATEF Scholarship competition. Scholarships are awarded to members of NGAT or their dependents. Go to the NGAT website www.ngat.org for more information and to download the application form. Deadline to submit applications is February 12, 2021. Are you a current or former member of the NGAT Board of Directors? We will be voting for a new President-Elect during the virtual conference. Current and former members of the NGAT Board of Directors are eligible to apply and must be able to serve on the board for the next four years. We are currently accepting applications and deadline for submission is February 28, 2021. You can download an application from our website.
Our staff continues to work both from home and the office. Although the office is closed to the public, NGAT continues day-today operations and you can contact the staff via phone or email. We are still here for you.
I would like to take this time to thank everyone for their support these last two years. I have been truly blessed to have such great Directors. I would like to extend an extra special thanks to Mike Wolff who has always gone above and beyond to assist NGAT and is always up to any challenges thrown at him.
Stay safe and keep everyone in your prayers. H

THE ADJUTANT GENERAL OF TEXAS, MG Tracy R. Norris presents a retirement gift to Deputy Adjutant General – Air, Maj Gen Dawn M. Ferrell, for her dedication and selfless military service spanning more than 37 years. Maj Gen Ferrell became the first woman in the Texas Air National Guard to be promoted to brigadier general and later major general. Maj Gen Ferrell served as the principle advisor to the Adjutant General of Texas for all Texas Air National Guard issues.
R. STANTON is NGAT Life Member #7. He proudly served in the Texas Air National Guard. When he retired, he was the Ground Safety NCOIC at the 273rd EIS, and from 1982-83 he served as the Senior Enlisted Advisor — which is what we now know as the State Command Chief. He recently celebrated his 80th Birthday and we wanted to recognize him for his continued support. He still reads every issue of the NGAT News Magazine!

Priscilla Leger, CCM, Retired NGAT President