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Power Lunch

The Science of Dream Teams

How does an employer find the perfect person for the job in a stack of hundreds of resumes? Why do some teams succeed while others — made up of equally talented people — stumble? If the quality of a business’s workforce is the business’s most important asset, then why are its managers still basing these critical decisions primarily on interviews and their gut instincts? In The Science of Dream Teams, Mike Zani details a data-driven approach to talent optimization that makes hiring, motivating and managing people more efficient and effective than ever. Whatever the business or industry, this game-changing approach has the power to unlock an unbeatable competitive advantage.

The Science of Dream Teams: How Talent Optimization Can Drive Engagement, Productivity, and Happiness

Mike Zani

McGraw-Hill Education

240 pages

Available 7/6/2021


Scaling for Success

Managing a high-growth organization requires both strategy and adaptability. Unfortunately, startup founders and executives seeking to scale up to the next level find all too frequently that growth turns into chaos. Rather than laying the groundwork for the future, organizations get stuck by covering up complex problems with unsustainable band-aids and duct-tape fixes, implementing anecdote-based solutions from the latest tech-industry unicorns or leadership books, and relying on too much on-the-fly learning from inexperienced managers.

Practical, actionable, and supplemented with numerous diagnostic tools and illustrative examples, Scaling for Success helps readers identify the core people-management programs and practices that are best for an organization at its current stage and size while also supporting a foundation for continued development and the capacity to adapt to inevitable surprises.

Scaling for Success: People Priorities for High-Growth Organizations

Dr. T. Brad Harris and Andrew C. Bartlow

Columbia Business School Publishing

Available 7/6/2021

208 pages


Pie Graphs are commonly used by corporations to illustrate their diversity. Improvements in pie graph analytics have been accepted as progress by corporate standards. True Diversity challenges this conventional wisdom, exposes the inherent weaknesses of pie graphs and challenges companies to “Go Beyond the Pie Graph.” Is it possible that these individuals who would occupy the same slice of a pie graph may actually be more dissimilar than they are similar? Is it even remotely possible that the only reason we group them in the same slice of the pie graph is to make ourselves feel better? How can we harness the power of their True Diversity that is not captured on a pie graph?

TRUE DIVERSITY: Going Beyond The Pie Graph

Jesus Leal and Nathan Williams BookBaby

242 pages

Available 7/22/2021


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