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serves as the basis for a competitive, consumer and provider friendly telecommunications environment. Enhancing the quality of life through telecommunications is the ultimate goal.

What We Do


• Development of policies for the telecommunication and post industry.

• Implementation and execution of task as established by the Minister of telecommunication.

• Preparation of the rules and regulation and laws for telecommunication and post for country St. Maarten.

• Execution of responsibilities and task according to the “landsverordening” telecommunication and post.

• Where necessary on instruction of the Council of Ministers, represent and defending the interest of country St. Maarten related to telecommunication and post; national, regionally and internationally.

• General advice to the minister and members of parliament.

• General advice and execution of responsibilities and task for government services and third parties related to the minister and members of parliament.

• Execution of other activities as instructed by the Minister of telecommunication.

• Execution of other activities in accordance with the “landsverordening”.

• Inspections and examination of telecommunication equipment and infra structure.

• Issuance of compliance certificates.

• Issuance of certificates and letters of authorization for telecommunication educational programs.

• Set guidelines to prevent and resolve network quality issues and complaints.

• Issuance of warnings, fines and attachments/ liens on equipment in case of non-compliance or violation with telecommunication require and regulations.

• Revoking of licenses.

• Issuance of certification and letters of authorization for specific maritime radio communication.

• Administration, issuance of invoices and collection of payments related to the telecommunication sector; including legal collection measures.


• Issuance of licenses and permits according to article 13.1 “Postlandsverondering” 1998.

• Administration, issuance of invoices and collection of payments related to the Post sector; including legal collection measures.


• Issuing licenses for radio frequencies and telecommunication equipment and infrastructure.

• Managing of radio frequencies.

• Issuance of numbers and managing the number plan for St. Maarten.

• Issuance of approvals for test standards.

Contact Us:

Bureau Telecommunications and Post St. Maarten

Cannegieter Street #15 - Unit 5.1, Phillipsburg, St. Maarten

Tel: +1(721) 542-4699

Fax: +1(721) 542-4817

Email: info@sxmregulator.sx

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