Ambulance UK - August 2019

Page 1

Volume 34 No. 4

August 2019


In this issue Paramedic Intubation Newsline In Person

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130 The groundbreaking 3.5 tonne DCA set ‘to turn blue lights green’

Ambulance UK This issue edited by: Dr Matt House c/o Media Publishing Company 48 High Street SWANLEY BR8 8BQ ADVERTISING: Terry Gardner, Brenda Pickering

132 Paramedic Intubation CIRCULATION:



Media Publishing Company







Media House, 48 High Street Tel: 01322 660434 Fax: 01322 666539 PUBLISHED BI-MONTHLY: February, April, June, August, October, December

COVER STORY TAKE PART IN THE ZOLL EMS CHALLENGE In 2019, the ZOLL EMS Challenge is returning to the Emergency Services Show in Birmingham. The EMS Challenge is an interactive experience where all participants will have the opportunity to try ZOLL’s advanced technologies first-hand. The challenge features four stations for delegates to complete. The first station will enable participants to ‘Advance Care for Critical Patients’. Utilising the latest tools on ZOLL’s X Series® – including telemetry, real-time ventilation feedback, and a specific dashboard for suspected brain injuries –rescuers will be empowered to treat critical patients with more confidence. The second station features the Z Vent®, our compact and easy-to-use portable ventilator for the EMS market. Challenging themselves with manual ventilation, attendees will then experience how to ‘Simplify Ventilation’. Participants will also ‘Optimise Cardiac Arrest Care’ with the integrated system of X Series, utilising its unmatched CPR feedback, and the AutoPulse® for automated CPR. In RescueNet® CaseReview we will review and debrief the whole case, including the individual CPR performance.

COPYRIGHT: Media Publishing Company Media House 48 High Street SWANLEY, Kent, BR8 8BQ PUBLISHERS STATEMENT: The views and opinions expressed in this issue are not necessarily those of the Publisher, the Editors or Media Publishing Company. Next Issue October 2019 Subscription Information – August 2019 Ambulance UK is available through a personal, company or institutional subscription in both the UK and overseas. UK: Individuals - £24.00 (inc postage) Companies - £60.00 (inc postage) Rest of the World: £50.00 (inc. surface postage)

If you have not registered to attend the Emergency Services Show yet register for free today, and make sure you come and see us on stand L57. Everyone who visits our stand and completes the EMS Challenge will receive a FREE BACKPACK.

subscriptions via most major credit

£75.00 (airmail) We are also able to process your cards. Please ask for details. Cheques should be made

We look forward to seeing you there! To learn more about ZOLL’s latest technologies visit



Finally, attendees will ‘Respond to the Unexpected’ with ZOLL’s AEDs. All ZOLL AEDs are equipped with Real CPR Help® technology, guiding every rescuer to high-quality CPR when facing a Sudden Cardiac Arrest.

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127 Do you have anything you would like to add or include? Please contact us and let us know.

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EDITOR’S COMMENT They say a change is as good as a rest. Like many in the NHS, I had found myself flagging a little from the endless cycle of emails and meetings that can take up a lot of our work. Although a necessary part of our roles, they can blunt your enthusiasm if you let them. Last week I had the opportunity to spend a few days with some of my military colleagues. In particular I was working with paramedics from the military. They were Army and RAF; regular and reserve. Some worked partly for the NHS, and one was on her last day in the Army after twenty-two years, and about to take up a job in an NHS ambulance service. We were in a training environment, and the weather was exceptionally good, so we were already feeling positive.

It would be unfair to say I don’t see this in the NHS. I do. Perhaps it was more to do with my own state of mind than it was to do with these individuals. But either way, I was inspired by them. I actually left them with more work on my plate than when I met them. But I left with a spring in my step, and a much more positive view of work as a whole. It just goes to show how change can indeed be as good as a rest. I look forward to the work this group have got me involved in. I also wish Dawn all the best in her new career!

Dr Matt House, Co-Editor Ambulance UK


“They could see the issues, but the mentality was to overcome these. It was infective.”

However, the thing that really impressed me was the enthusiasm and drive that these people worked with. Don’t get me wrong: They still had to contend with some of the administration issues we do in the NHS. They still got the influx of emails, and the meetings. But despite all this they were on a mission to improve their own practice, and that of their charges. They could see the issues, but the mentality was to overcome these. It was infective.

129 For all your equipment needs visit:


THE GROUNDBREAKING 3.5 TONNE DCA SET ‘TO TURN BLUE LIGHTS GREEN’ The new WAS 3.5 tonne DCA has arrived. This highly-anticipated

state-of-the art chassis system has enabled this previously out of

vehicle will be unveiled at this year’s Emergency Services Show (ESS)

reach goal once again to be a reality, putting the UK at the very

in Birmingham, Wednesday 18 – Thursday 19 September 2019.

forefront of mobile medical technology.

John Rumsey, Commercial Manager at WAS UK, is looking forward

All of the WAS UK test data has been independently validated by

to unveiling the vehicle in Birmingham, “I believe that our 3.5 tonne

Millbrook testing ground. Emissions and fuel consumption were

frontline DCA is a game changer in the market. A 3.5 tonne DCA

compared for normal driving, emergency driving and overall.

really is the ‘Holy Grail’ in terms of ambulance design and we have achieved this by using an aircraft grade aluminium ‘semi-

Lord Carter’s report into unwarranted variation in the ambulance

monocoque’ design resulting in the lightest frontline ambulance on

service identified the need to make efficiencies in the ambulance

the market today. This weight reduction delivers massive savings

service, including development of a minimum standard ambulance

of up to 20% on emissions and fuel consumption compared to the

specification. NHS Improvement’s recently launched national

average NHS front line fleet and, according to our Millbrook tests,

ambulance specification provided an opportunity to set a new

this will deliver savings of approximately 2,500 tonnes of CO2 and

standard for vehicle specification, with a focus on innovation, the

£1.5 million in fuel savings per annum for a typical NHS front line

environment and to address the practical challenges faced by the

fleet. We have achieved this without compromise as it includes a full

service up and down the country. Neil Le Chevalier comments,

set of equipment at 280kg and space for five people at 90kg, which

“Trusts would welcome a lighter vehicle – it’s something that’s

exceeds the requirements of EN1789. Our next step is to ensure

been talked about for a number of years. The new specification is a

that the NHS improvement team add this design to the National

minimum standard currently, it has been designed to be constantly

Specification by the end of 2019.”

renewed and updated. There are plans for an innovation group to be set up and I hope that they will also take into consideration the

The NHS Long Term Plan also makes commitments to cutting

benefits of this newer, lightweight vehicle.

mileage and air pollution by a fifth (20%) by 2024 and ensuring nine out of 10 vehicles are low emission within a decade. Director

Neil Le Chevalier adds: “In the South Western Ambulance Trust

of Operational Services at South Western Ambulance Service NHS

we’d welcome the opportunity to pilot this innovative new 3.5 tonne

Foundation Trust, Neil Le Chevalier, tells us how the arrival of this

vehicle. A lightweight, 3.5 tonne vehicle helps to address the issues

new vehicle will address key issues affecting the ambulance service

we’re facing in the service in the longer term together with improved

head-on, “In South Western Ambulance Trust we do 24 million miles

environmental and safety credentials.”

a year – we’re a rural service – so we’re always interested in new


ways to be greener. The new WAS 3.5 tonne vehicle is good for fuel

John Rumsey, explains: “The 3.5 tonne DCA is the new vanguard in

economy as well as for the environment.”

terms of ambulance design and judging by the results of our recent poll, conducted on social media, more than 60%1 of respondents

Sales Engineering Manager at WAS UK, Tom Howlett explains,

would like to see the vehicle added to the new ambulance

“As you would expect from a lighter vehicle, the new 3.5 tonne

specification. In the future all newly qualified paramedics, technicians

ambulance provides environmental benefits; it reduces air pollution

and workshop staff will be automatically licensed to drive our

(CO2) by up to 20% compared to a current national specification

vehicles and there will be no need for costly C1 licence tests. We

van. This enables our customers to meet the target set by Simon

hope that this is a significant development in supporting the NHS

Stevens well ahead of the 2024 target. Fuel consumption is also

recruitment of young paramedics into the Ambulance Service.

reduced in line with the emissions reduction, in the case of South Western Ambulance Trust this figure will be hundreds of thousands of

If you’d like to find out more information about the new WAS 3.5


tonne vehicle, find us at ESS 2019, stand J65 or please contact, or speak with Tom Howlett on

Prior to the 1990s ambulances in the UK were based on a 3.5 tonne

07496 982199 or 0845 459 2785.

weight capacity, but with the introduction of more and more lifesaving medical equipment and loading systems the operating weight


of ambulances has continued to increase. The WAS innovative,

1. Twitter poll of 511 people, 62% responded yes to including a 3.5

‘semi-monocoque’ lightweight aluminium body combined with a

tonne box in the National Ambulance Specification

130 For further recruitment vacancies visit:


BEGIN YOUR JOURNEY TO A GREEN FLEET Driving down CO2 emissions and fuel costs by 20%

WAS®. Protecting our environment. WAS UK Ltd • Email : • Phone : 0845 45 927 85 Website : • Twitter : @WASAmbulances • Facebook : Do you have anything you would like to add or include in Features? Please contact us and let us know.


Stand J65 Emergency Services Show 2019 NEC Birmingham Sept 18-19



PARAMEDIC INTUBATION Daniel Davis Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2014 22(Suppl 1):A2 © The Author(s). 2014, licensee BioMed Central Ltd. Reproduced with permission from the Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine

One of the most controversial topics in resuscitation science

improved outcomes with paramedic ETI, particularly among more

is the inclusion of endotracheal intubation (ETI) within the

severely injured patients [4,5]. In addition, a prospective, controlled

scope of practice for non-physician providers in the prehospital

trial using advanced practice paramedics in Australia documented

environment. Unfortunately, the medical literature is unable

improved neurologic outcome with prehospital use of paralytics to

to provide clear evidence for or against this perspective,

facilitate ETI [6].

leading to tremendous variability in practice throughout the world. To better understand this topic, one must address four

Although selection bias has clearly influenced the results of prior

separate but related issues: 1) the physiological rationale for

studies investigating the impact of paramedic ETI on outcome,

early intubation during resuscitation, 2) the inconsistency of

making it difficult to define an optimal therapeutic approach to

published reports addressing this controversy, 3) the possibility

airway management during resuscitation, a growing number of

that suboptimal performance of ETI and subsequence

studies have identified suboptimal performance of the procedure as

ventilation can explain a lack of outcomes benefit, and 4) the

well as the subsequent ventilation as critically related to outcome

relationship between provider type, training, and airway skills

in these patients. The two most important technical components to

performance. Each of these will be addressed below.

early ETI that have been identified include avoiding desaturations (particularly with the use of paralytics to facilitate laryngoscopy)

The ABC’s of Resuscitation represent a fundamental paradigm,

and eliminating hyperventilation following successful placement of

which recognizes that airway obstruction and hypoxemia often

an advanced airway. Desaturations may exacerbate existing brain

accompany severe injury and illness. Furthermore, addressing

injury and can result in asphyxial arrest. Hyperventilation decreases

these – with ETI representing “definitive” therapy in this regard

cerebral perfusion via hypocapneic cerebral vasoconstriction

– may prevent deterioration or reverse secondary injury from

(unique to the cerebral vasculature) and via a decrease in

hypoxemia. The relationship between hypoxemia and poor outcome

cardiac output associated with the rise in intrathoracic pressure

from traumatic brain injury (TBI) is well described [1]. Unfortunately,

that accompanies excessive ventilation rates or prolonged

the vast majority of severe TBI patients appear to have pulse

inspiratory times. Both desaturations and hyperventilation

oximetry values below 90% [2], underscoring the importance of

have been associated with poor outcomes, and it appears that

this issue. In addition, obtunded patients are at risk for aspiration

eliminating these might have reduced or avoided completely the

and subsequent pneumonitis or pneumonia, which may further

increase in mortality observed during the San Diego Paramedic

contribute to a critical clinical picture. While these concepts

Rapid Sequence Intubation Trial [7,8]. Both desaturations and

would appear to provide irrefutable support for early intubation in

hyperventilation can be reduced or eliminated completely with

resuscitation, it should be noted that reversing hypoxemia may not

targeted training and equipment interventions. Other opportunities

prevent hypoxia-mediated injury and that outcomes evidence is

exist to improve clinical outcomes by addressing specific

conspicuously lacking to support an aggressive approach to airway

technical issues. These include avoiding the potential dangers of


hyperoxemia associated with ETI, minimizing the rise in intracranial pressure during laryngoscopy, and exploring novel strategies for

While the need to control the airway and provide ventilatory

providing ventilation during cardiopulmonary arrest and shock.

support to critically ill and injured patients is rarely challenged,


the published literature does not provide definitive evidence in

The final issue that must be considered with regard to defining

this regard. In fact, early intubation has generally been associated

the optimal scope of practice for non-physician pre-hospital

with poor clinical outcomes, with the preponderance of studies

providers concerns the complex relationships between provider

performed using non-physician providers leading to the present

type, procedural experience (both recent and total), training,

controversy [3]. Unfortunately, the most likely explanation for

and available equipment. While these relationships are only just

these results has less to do with the provider type and more

beginning to be elucidated, there appear to be several important

related to research methodology. Despite sophisticated statistical

observations from the existing literature. First, the type of provider

methodologies to adjust for injury severity, the fact remains that

(e.g., physician, nurse, paramedic) appears to be less important

patients being considered for invasive airway management are

than experience and training. Well-trained, experienced flight

inevitably more critically ill and injured, which almost certainly

nurses and paramedics can achieve intubation success and clinical

explains the consistent association between early ETI and

outcomes than rival or even surpass their physician counterparts

increased mortality. More recently, unconventional statistical

[9]. Second, it may be difficult for non-physician providers in some

methodologies and population-based studies have suggested

prehospital systems to accumulate enough clinical experience with

132 For further recruitment vacancies visit:

VISIT US Stand C90 The Emergency Services Show NEC, Birmingham 18-19 September 2019

certain procedures including ETI to maintain competency. Third, it appears that procedural experience – particularly recent experience – is associated with both performance as well as clinical outcomes [10]. Finally, simulation appears to be able to provide an alternative for clinical experience, although the “exchange rate” for actual clinical encounters remains to be defined [11]. In the future, scope of practice should be related to competency, with better education and training algorithms designed to identify and correct individual deficiencies to assure optimal performance. In summary, the optimal approach to airway management during resuscitation remains unclear. Although physiological justification exists to support an aggressive approach that includes ETI by non-physician providers, outcomes data remain difficult to interpret and plagued by selection bias. The medical literature appears more clear on the importance of avoiding suboptimal performance of airway management, particularly desaturations and hyperventilation, which can be accomplished via novel approaches to training and equipment. Future efforts must focus on refining

Resuscitation and Emergency Care

technical performance of airway management procedures through better training approaches and equipment as well as elucidating optimal clinical therapeutic interventions. References 1. Chesnut RM, Marshall LF, Klauber MR, et al: The role of secondary brain injury in determining outcome from severe head injury. J Trauma 1993, 34:216-22. 2. Davis DP, Fisher R, Buono C, et al: Predictors of intubation success and therapeutic value of paramedic airway management in a large, urban EMS system. Prehosp Emerg Care 2006, 10:356-362. 3. Davis DP, Hoyt DB, Ochs M, et al: The effect of paramedic rapid sequence intubation on outcome in patients with severe traumatic brain injury. J Trauma 2003, 54:444-53.

A full range of products for use in an emergency and resuscitation situation. • • • • •

Bag-Valve-Mask (BVM) Pocket Resuscitation Mask Airway Management Devices Video Laryngoscopy Oxygen Therapy Masks

4. Davis DP, Peay J, Sise MJ, et al: Prehospital airway and ventilation management: a trauma score and injury severity score-based analysis. J Trauma 2010, 69(2):294-301. 5. Davis DP, Koprowicz KM, Newgard CD, et al: The relationship between out-of-hospital airway management and outcome among trauma patients with Glasgow Coma Scale score of 8 or less. Prehosp Emerg Care 2011, 15(2):184-92. 6. Bernard SA, Nguyen V, Cameron P, et al: Prehospital rapid sequence intubation improves functional outcome for patients with severe traumatic brain injury. Ann Surg 2010, 252:959-65. 7. Warner KJ, Cuschieri J, Copass MK, et al: Procedural experience with out-of-hospital endotracheal intubation. J Trauma 2007, 62:1330-8. 8. Davis DP, Dunford JV, Poste J, et al: The impact of hypoxia and hyperventilation on outcome after paramedic rapid sequence intubation of severely head-injured patients. J Trauma 2004, 57:1-10.

The complete solution from the respiratory care specialists To view the full range visit

9. Wayne MA, Friedland E: Prehospital use of succinylcholine: a 20year review. Prehosp Emerg Care 1999, 3:107-9. 10. Wang HE, Kupas DF, Hostler D, Cooney R, Yealy DM, Lave JR: Procedural experience with out-of-hospital endotracheal intubation. Crit Care Med 2005, 33(8):1718-1721. 11. Davis DP, Buono C, Ford J, et al: The effectiveness of a novel, algorithm-based difficult airway curriculum for air medical crews using human patient simulators. Prehosp Emerg Care 2007, 11:72-9.

Quality, innovation and choice lnteract with us



Chingford cardiac arrest survivor thanks staff A man has been reunited with staff from London Ambulance Service who saved his life after he collapsed at home in

After running into the sitting room and checking if he was breathing, they immediately dialled 999. They spoke to Emergency Call Coordinator, Fran De Wet, working in the London Ambulance Service control room, who started directing them through cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).

cardiac arrest.

with the help of doctors and nurses has made a full recovery.

by Fran, Esme and Amanda.

lucky to survive. If it wasn’t for the London Ambulance Service, my wife and daughter I wouldn’t be able to thank them all personally.”

family visited Walthamstow

well. I did so much better than

Call handler Fran said: “This is

ambulance station recently

I thought and that’s because of

why we do the job. That feeling

for the opportunity to meet

her help.”

of knowing that something

His wife Tina, 63, recalls the moment her daughter, Christina, 37, alerted her to Andreas’s collapse at their home back in February 2018: “All of a sudden my daughter came to me and said: ‘Mum, I don’t know if dads asleep or ignoring me’.”

you’ve done has really helped An ambulance was quickly

someone and their family.”

dispatched and London Ambulance Service paramedic crew Esme Choonara and Amanda Gowing responded to the scene. They managed to get a pulse and rushed Andreas into Barts Heart Centre at St Bartholomew’s Hospital, where

The family wants to raise awareness of the importance

Andreas said: “I must be really

to do CPR and the rhythm as



Andreas and Tina were joined

Andreas Kallis, 68, and his

and personally thank all those

has been overwhelming – I promised I wouldn’t cry but I

At the emotional reunion

here now. It was wonderful to be “Fran told us precisely how

“The whole experience

“In over twelve years working for the Service I have taken several cardiac arrest calls. But I have only ever received three letters to tell me that those patients have returned to normal life and have walked out of hospital. So to actually meet Mr Kallis is truly amazing.

We offer innovative EMS solutions, helping you provide a high level of care

of the general public learning lifesaving skills such as CPR. Tina said: “I had done a bit of CPR training years ago, but you never really think that something like this is going to happen to you. “I just feel so good that I was able to help save him.” “We are so grateful to all of the ambulance staff and everyone at St Bartholomew’s Hospital, the nurses, the doctors and the police who also attended that day. It feels like it is the closure we needed. To thank them and to see them in lovely surroundings not in that traumatic, horrendous way.”

More power to you


This document is intended solely for the use of healthcare professionals. A healthcare professional must always rely on his or her own professional clinical judgment when deciding whether to use a particular product when treating a particular patient. Stryker does not dispense medical advice and recommends that healthcare professionals be trained in the use of any particular product. The information presented is intended to demonstrate the breadth of Stryker product offerings. A healthcare professional must always refer to the package insert, product label and/or instructions for use before using any Stryker product. Products may not be available in all markets because product availability is subject to the regulatory and/or medical practices in individual markets. Please contact your Stryker representative if you have questions about the availability of Stryker products in your area. Stryker Corporation or its divisions or other corporate affiliated entities own, use or have applied for the following trademarks or service marks: Power-PRO XT, Power-LOAD, Stryker. All other trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners or holders. The products depicted are CE marked in accordance with applicable EU Regulations and Directives. 08-2018, 2018-18327

136 For more news visit:


Trust commits to further strengthen relationship with armed forces South East Coast Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust, (SECAmb), is committing to further strengthening its relationship with the armed forces. Many SECAmb staff have previously been employed as

commitment to those who serve or who have served in the armed forces and their families and outlines how the Trust will support them, officially, as a militaryfriendly employer.

SECAmb Executive Director

The commitments set out in the covenant include promoting SECAmb as an armed forcesfriendly organisation, seeking the employment of veterans young and old and endeavoring to offer flexibility in granting leave for service spouses and partners before, during and after a partner’s deployment.

and linking up with all sections

The Trust reaffirmed its commitment to work closely with

In June SECAmb attended an event in Crawley organised by the South East Reserve Forces’ and Cadets’ Association (SERFCA).

the sector as the country marked Armed Forces Week. SECAmb signed up to the Armed Forces Covenant in November last year. The covenant is a

said: “I was very pleased that we signed the Armed Forces Covenant to demonstrate our commitment to supporting of the military. This was an important official step to help ensure that we continue to strengthen this important relationship. “In this Armed Forces Week I would like to thank all our staff, volunteers and their families

military personnel or continue to serve in a voluntary capacity.

of Operations Joe Garcia

The briefing event is one of five held across the region each year with this event focusing on the armed forces approach to diversity, youth and inclusion.

and friends who have links to the armed forces. Having served myself prior to my career in the ambulance service, I would encourage others to consider, if they are due to end their forces career, whether the ambulance service could be the

“In this Armed Forces Week I would like to thank all our staff, volunteers and their families and friends who have links to the armed forces.”

right next step for them.”








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Ambulance service celebrates baby deliveries A birth is something to be celebrated and North West Ambulance Service (NWAS) has launched a new initiative to recognise members of staff who have helped deliver a baby. Clinicians and emergency medical dispatchers are now presented with a certificate and a branded stork pin badge if they have

Communications Manager for NWAS, Sarah Morley, said: “As an ambulance service, our staff spend a lot of time helping people in the worst moments of their lives but in the event of a birth, it’s a rare opportunity for them to play a part in the happiest and we thought that it is something we should recognise. “There’s always a buzz around the control room or ambulance station when a baby has been born and it’s an extremely proud moment for our staff to be involved in.”

assisted in the birth of a baby to

In just ten days since the scheme

mark the happy occasion.

has been launched, the trust has already received nine nominations

Wigan based Paramedic,

for team members who have been

Jaroslaw Wierzycki and

involved in births.

Emergency Medical Technician, Mark Smyth became one of the

The trust’s Communications Team

first to receive pin badges after

issue the badges and certificates

they helped delivered a baby in

which are then presented to staff

the ambulance.

by their local managers.


CFR TEAMS! You’ve got to be in it to win it! The winner of this year’s #ELKToTheRescue competition taking place at the Emergency Services Show will walk away with their very own Camel Lifting Cushion or a bottle of Champagne. AMBULANCE UK - AUGUST

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Do you have anything you would like to add or include in Newsline? Please contact us and let us know.

09/08/2019 16:09


NEWSLINE From various fundraising


efforts and donations from the

Ambulance service nurses awarded for excellence

local community, the school raised enough money to buy a community defibrillator cabinet to house the donated defibrillator from the Trust. This has now

Ambulance service nursing

been installed at the front of The

staff have been commended

White Lion Pub in Allesley and is

by Chief Nursing Officer (CNO)

accessible to the community in an

for England, Ruth May as she

emergency 24 hours a day, seven

visited North West Ambulance

days a week if required. The

Service (NWAS) to present two CNO Silver Awards for

Craig Hayden receiving his award from Chief Nursing Officer Ruth May

own defibrillator, in a separate

Excellence in Nursing. Attending the emergency control centre in Greater Manchester, Ruth presented the awards to two members of staff who have excelled in their performance, going beyond the expectations of their job, Mental Health Manager, Gill Drummond and Advanced Practitioner, Craig Hayden. Gill is a mental health nurse with

school have also purchased their

He has been commended for his

will see existing NHS 111 nurses

dedication and innovative practice

spending time in the community

which has meant that he has been

to inspire future generations

able to push the boundaries of

of nurses, as well assisting

nursing within the organisation.

colleagues to develop their roles.

Chief Nurse for NWAS, Angie

The roles form part of an England-

McKeane, said: “We were really

wide campaign which aims to

pleased to welcome our CNO

attract more people into the

to the ambulance service and

nursing profession.

delighted that two of our members

venture, which is situated onsite to further bolster life-saving potential within the community. Liz Hayes-Jones, Head Teacher for Hollyfast Primary School, said: “We are pleased that the fundraising target we set has been successfully completed. This has been achieved through the joint efforts of our community which marks the loss of a parent

School and pub are helping to save lives in Coventry

and friend to Hollyfast, Matt

immediately think about

A primary school and a pub in

A special thank you to all

NHS Long Term Plan. An excellent

paramedics but we have so

Coventry are the proud owners

who have helped us achieve

leader, Gill has been successful in

many different roles within the

of a life-saving defibrillator

this, including Persimmon

influencing colleagues to change

trust including our brilliant nurses

thanks to the fundraising efforts

Homes community donation,

practice and service delivery to

who work with us in our NHS

of their local community.

neighbouring school Keresley

meet patients’ needs.

111 service, our emergency

over 34 years’ experience working in a wide range of health care sectors. Relatively new to her role in NWAS, she has undertaken a robust review of the trust’s mental health action plan in line with the

of staff have been given this prestigious recognition. “When people think of the

Whitehead, who sadly suffered a cardiac arrest and died whilst out running last summer.

ambulance service, they

Grange, individual contributions

operations centre and out on the

Hollyfast Primary School in

through a marathon sponsorship

road. They all do a fantastic job.”

Coundon, Coventry, began a

and other donations, Dave

works within the trust’s emergency

fundraising initiative to purchase

from Brady’s Electricians who

operations centre to offer support

The visit comes in the same week

a defibrillator for the school in

completed the defibrillator box

that the trust has announced new

November last year after the

installation for free as well as The

nurse ambassador roles which

parent of one of their pupils

White Lion Pub (Vintage Inn) who

suffered a cardiac arrest and

agreed to house the community

sadly died in 2018.


Advanced Practitioner, Craig

and advice to colleagues handling 999 calls and out on the road.

AMBULANCE UK - AUGUST Gill Drummond receiving her award from Chief Nursing Officer Ruth May

Early into their fundraising, the

A special thank you, also, to

school decided to contact West

West Midlands Ambulance

Midlands Ambulance Service to

Service for their very kind

find out more about defibrillators.

donation of the community

It was during a conversation

defibrillator. Our joint efforts have

between the school and the

resulted in two life-saving devices

Trust’s Community Response

being introduced in the Coundon

Manager, Bobby Qayum, that

and Allesley areas which we

the ambulance service offered

hope will make a difference to

to donate a defibrillator to further

someone’s life. We are proud of

bolster the community’s life-

our joint efforts in making this

saving potential.


140 For further recruitment vacancies visit:

NEWSLINE Bobby Qayum, Community

assessment techniques used by

to be involved in an initiative

APP. A free interactive post fall

Response Manager, said: “When


where we are having a direct

assessment tool launched to

impact on helping to reduce

support care staff to be able to assess fallen residents and make

the school contacted me and explained that they wanted a

It is part of a continuing initiative

unnecessary ambulance callouts

defibrillator in memory of a parent,

to decrease the number of

and safeguarding the lives of

I felt it was only right that the

unnecessary ambulance callouts


service donated a defibrillator to

to un-injured fallers which is

the community as well. It’s been

currently costing the NHS

Especially when you see the

a pleasure supporting this local

over £50 million a year and to

positive feedback and results that

community if either defibrillator

safeguard the lives of residents

have already come out of it. In

helps to save just a life, then

living in care homes.

fact, an early project evaluation

As well as being market leaders

has shown an 80% reduction in

in patient lifting and independent

it’s money well spent. As an

informed decisions whether they can lift the faller themselves safely and with the appropriate lifting equipment.

ambulance service we know

Every year in the UK, more than

decisions to call an ambulance

living products, Mangar Health’s

that the quicker someone in

1350,000 residents living in care

within the first month of receiving

recent acquisition by French

cardiac arrest is given CPR and a

homes will fall and usually, manual

the support package.

medical device company

defibrillator is used, the better the

handling policies restrict options

chances of survival.”

care staff have for lifting. Care

It is a great example of how the

homes, therefore, commonly rely

public and private sector can

on a paramedic to perform the

work hard together and strive to

lift, even if the faller is uninjured,

reach our joint goal of creating

which puts added pressure on

better healthcare outcomes for all

the already stretched ambulance


Successful collaboration reduces calls to the Welsh Ambulance Service to lift uninjured fallen residents living in care homes

Winncare Group means they now


have an extended product range that includes care beds, pressure care mattresses, and hoists. If you’re interested in getting involved in a similar project

Mangar Health have also worked

in your area, please contact

Simon Claridge, CEO at Mangar

closely with The Welsh Ambulance

Andrew Macphail by emailing

Health said; “It’s been an honour

Service to launch the ISTUMBLE

A milestone collaboration between the Welsh Ambulance Service Trust and Mangar Health launched last January has reduced the number of calls made by care homes to lift uninjured fallen residents. Supported by Welsh Government, the initiative is designed to enable ambulance services to redirect resource to priority calls while safeguarding the lives of care home residents. The initiative saw nearly 600 care homes taking part across Wales. Over the past months, Mangar Camel Lifting Cushion, which was selected by the Welsh Government and Welsh Ambulance Service as the lifting equipment of choice. Care home staff then received training on post fall management protocols, how to use the lifting device and were introduced to health

Pictured (left to right): Daniel Colclough, Senior Business Development Manager at Mangar Health, Paul Watts, Senior Business Development Manager at Mangar Health, Jason Killens, CEO of the Welsh Ambulance Service Trust, Craig Butcher, Robin Petterson, Frequent Faller Lead, Welsh Ambulance Service Trust, Andrew Macphail, Commercial Director at Mangar Health.


each care home has received a

141 For all your equipment needs visit:


Where Emergency Services meet to talk business

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This unique event features over 450 leading suppliers exhibiting,

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80 free CPD-accredited seminars for all services, live demonstrations

to discover emerging technologies and operational solutions,

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I hope no other family has to go through what we did A new scheme to equip Birmingham city centre businesses and late night venues with specialist first aid kits that could save the lives of victims of stabbings and gunshots has been launched. Birmingham Community Safety Partnership (BCSP) has been working with campaigner Lynne Baird, of The Daniel Baird Foundation and West Midlands

after arriving at hospital due to

The BCSP received £4,000

catastrophic bleeding.

from the West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner to

Patients suffering catastrophic

purchase 50 kits which were

bleeds from serious injuries such

developed by WMAS and

as those caused by a stabbing,

the West Midlands Trauma

shooting or car accident can

Networks. WMAS Chief

prove fatal in as little as three to

Executive, Anthony Marsh, said:

five minutes if the bleeding is not

“In cases such as Daniel’s,


every second counts and being able to stem the bleeding could

The idea behind the bleed

make the difference between

control kits is to buy the first vital

life and death. I also hope

minutes before ambulance staff

that the work of the Daniel

can reach the scene.

Baird Foundation will result in

Lynne Baird, Daniel’s mother,

kits becoming as common as

said: “Daniel died very quickly

defibrillators are so that many

after he was stabbed due

more lives can be saved right

to the level of blood loss.

across our country.”

Ambulance Service, to develop

Unfortunately, there was no first

and deliver this initiative at

aid kit available that could have

Staff at the 50 venues will

locations across the city centre.

helped him and that’s why we’ve

receive training on these kits,

helped develop these kits as

and people who call 999 will

they could make a difference.

be directed to the nearest kit

The Daniel Baird Foundation was set up by his family after

and talked through how to use

he was fatally stabbed while out

“I just hope that these kits might

it by the WMAS call handlers

with friends in Birmingham in

mean that no other family has to

who take 999 calls about such

July 2017. Daniel died shortly

go through what we have.”


“I just hope that these kits might mean that no other family has to go through what we have.”

“...the moment they turned the camera on, the patient in front of them and their attitude immediately changed - so it is having that deterring effect. “ Mark Cotton, assistant director at NEAS



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NEWSLINE roof. I remember sleeping naked

I remember standing up ready

I am very lucky to be alive and

on top of the covers with the

to leave to go to the doctor’s

not to have lost limbs but I feel

windows wide open – my fiancé

and soiling myself. I remember

people need to understand the

couldn’t even share a bed with

hanging my head out the

mental state that is left after

me as I was too hot. But it was

car window to cool down. I

this kind of ordeal especially

At 25, I had not long become

paracetamol and rest like the

remember not being able to sit

for employers, family and

engaged and had begun

doctor said.

in the doctor’s office as I was


Sepsis - Lesley’s Story

planning my wedding. I was

too warm. I was unable to walk and barely conscious.

My life has completely changed

On the Sunday morning I

The doctor advised my dad to

I wouldn’t say it is a bad thing

couldn’t take it. I knew there

drive me to the hospital – around

On the morning of Wednesday,

was something not right. I texted

30 minutes away from the doctor

April 13th 2016, I woke up with

my mum and asked her to call

in the opposite direction from my

the most terrible flu, cough

NHS 24 as at this point, I had

home – as she believed I was

and sore throat. I had never

no voice at all. I remember lying

dehydrated and needed to be

experienced such illness – it was

next to her as she answered

put on a drip.


questions about how I was

enjoying life and my job

“I feel like I’m dying”

working with children in a nursery.

feeling. This was at 10.30am and The days went on and by the

I said jokingly to her “I feel like

Friday I made an emergency

I’m dying”.

appointment at my GP. After a

“Minutes to live” On arriving at the hospital I believe they had picked up on

car journey there I was told I

I was given an appointment

the notes sent that I may have

had a bad cold and had to take

at 7pm at the out of hours

been suffering from sepsis and

plenty of paracetamol and rest

doctor around 30 minutes

so home I went and back to bed.

from my house although I live

they had a space set out for

minutes from a hospital. I don’t Saturday night came and my

remember much from this point

temperature was through the


me and a drip ready. They did not think, however, I would be arriving with minutes to live. A nurse took off my shoes and I remember my legs being purple. This is when it all got a bit crazy. People began running around – lights were flashing my clothes were being ripped from my body and I had tubes coming from all over my body. I remember a nurse saying to my mother “we will do everything we can”. The next few days were touch and go. On Wednesday the 20th due to aspirating I arrested. I was put in a coma and a CT scan showed a mass in my left lung. I had severe pneumonia and an infection in my chest.


I have a lot more details of my two weeks in hospital and I still suffer from the trauma, having

since I became unwell although as I believe it has given me a better outlook on life. But it is so important that people are understanding of the aftermath of what sepsis does to a human body both physically and mentally. Now you have read my story, please support Sepsis Research’s Sock it to Sepsis Campaign and help raise vital funds for Sepsis Research. Email to receive a free fundraising pack.


Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust tops the table for research Yorkshire is the ambulance trust that undertook the most clinical research studies and recruited the highest number of participants last year, according to a national league table from the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR). The league table is published by the NIHR Clinical Research Network and aims to make engagement in clinical research more transparent and accessible to patients, health and social care professionals and decisionmakers.

nightmares and anxiety over simple things. I have lost faith

The table provides a picture

in my family doctor as after my

of research activity across all

episode when I spoke to him

NHS trusts and CCG regions in

about my feeling I was told “to

England. The table data includes

move on with my life”.

how much clinical research is

144 For more news visit:

NEWSLINE happening, where, in what types

Injuries and Emergencies, he

studies, which is amazing and will

of trusts, and involving how many


help to improve patient care.”

patients. “Patients who have serious

Professor Rachael Fothergill,

Last year ambulance trusts

injuries or emergency health

Chair of the National Ambulance

contributed to 29 research studies

problems are often in pain and

Research Steering Group and

on the Portfolio, recruiting nearly

very frightened. Plus, there is

3,000 participants. This shows

a need to get them to hospital

Head of Research for London

great commitment to improving

quickly. It is particularly difficult

patient care through research in

for ambulance crews to offer

such a challenging area.

information about research to patients and to deliver research

The 2018-19 table published on

studies in the pre-hospital

2 July and shows that Yorkshire


Ambulance Service NHS Trust

Ambulance Service, said: “Clinical research is something that ambulance services are very committed to and this is reflected in the year on year increases in research activity that we are seeing. The delivery of research

had recruited to the most

“Therefore, we were nervous

clinical research studies (8) and

when we asked every ambulance

recruited the highest number of

trust in the country to recruit

participants (753), followed by

participants to two or more

South East Coast Ambulance

research studies as part of the

Service NHS Foundation Trust

NIHR Clinical Research Network

(691 participants) and South


have successfully recruited large

NHS Foundation Trust (562

“It is a great testament to the hard

trials is a testament to the


work of the ambulance trusts that

commitment of our staff.”

Western Ambulance Service

by ambulance services can be particularly challenging due to the emergency and transitory nature of our interaction with patients, so to be able to show that we numbers of patients into research

every single one of has achieved Professor Matthew Costa is the

this objective for two consecutive

The clinical research league table

NIHR Clinical Research Network

years. Many are helping patients

is available at:

National Specialty Lead for

to take part in more than two



FOLLOW us on Twitter to enter: @PROACTMedical and TWEET using hashtag: #ESSPROACT2019

“It is a great testament to the hard work of the ambulance trusts that every single one of has achieved this objective for two consecutive years. Many are helping patients to take part in more than two studies, which is amazing and will help to improve patient care.”

145 Life Connections - The Affordable CPD Provider:


Region’s ambulance service makes ground-breaking commitment to tackle poor mental health in Yorkshire Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust has committed to tackling poor mental health in Yorkshire and the Humber by signing up to the Prevention Concordat for Better Mental Health from Public Health England (PHE).

least one diagnosable mental

staff to talk about their mental

Lily Makurah, national lead for

health problem in their lifetime. This

health and the provision of support

public mental health at PHE, said:

is influenced by the environment

for staff following traumatic events. “We’re delighted that Yorkshire

in which we are born, grow, live and work, meaning many of these

Dr Julian Mark, Medical Director

Ambulance Service has joined the

problems can be prevented.

at Yorkshire Ambulance Service

growing list of organisations signing

NHS Trust, said:

up to our Prevention Concordat for Better Mental Health.

Having good mental health is important because it can help us

“Our commitment to improving

to be more resilient, feel good and

the mental health of our patients

“This is designed to help

function well, have more positive

and staff is further endorsed by

communities promote good

relationships with those around us

signing up to the Concordat.

mental health and prevent mental

and deal with difficult times now

Bringing together information,

health problems. Through local

and in the future.

data, resources and best

and national action across sectors,

practice gives us a common

we can all contribute to improving

The Prevention Concordat marks

understanding of the challenges

mental health and wellbeing and

the first time agencies across the

many people face and what we

reducing stigma for everyone.”

community and care sectors have

can do to support them.” By signing up to the concordat,

come together to make prevention a priority for mental health.

Working closely with PHE, the

Promoting good mental health is

Yorkshire Ambulance Service

everyone’s responsibility and can

is not only showing public

Trust is making significant steps

The commitment from Yorkshire

only be achieved if organisations

leadership in addressing

towards promoting good mental

Ambulance Service includes

– including local authorities,

mental health problems in local

health and preventing mental

the roll-out of mental health first

NHS trusts, businesses, local

communities; they are also putting

health problems.

aid training for managers and

communities, and religious

effective prevention planning

groups – work together at local

arrangements in place, using

and national level.

resources from PHE.

supervisors, promotion of the Time Ambulance Today 2p.fhmx 1/9/17 11:42 Page 1 to Change campaign to encourage One in six adults experiences at




For further recruitment vacancies visit:

NEWSLINE As well as recognising that

anybody, regardless of their age,

has exceeded all expectations

mental health is as important as

background or location, might one

not only in raising money but

physical health, this represents

day or night need the services of,

in creating such a fantastic

a movement away from stigma

which is why we’re doing our bit to

atmosphere in Hangar 9.

and fear, and towards achieving a

support their amazing work.” “The determination of the

fairer and more equal society.

Organisers of Air Aid Ball hit fundraising high

The ball has been held every

organising committee, every one

two years since 2007, the main

of them a willing volunteer, to

sponsor of this year’s Air Aid Ball

support the life-saving work our

was Crawley-based GEW, one

crews is phenomenal.

the world’s leading suppliers This year’s Air Aid Ball was the

to the labelling, packaging and

‘’They work so hard in making

biggest ever, raising more than

commercial printing industries,

the Air Aid Ball happen and we

£100,000 for the life-saving Air

alongside other local businesses

are immensely grateful for the

Ambulance Kent Surrey Sussex.


contribution they make to our

Organised by volunteers, the

Guests enjoyed a dinner, an auction

service to the 4.7 million people

seventh Air Aid Ball welcomed

hosted by Sky Sports presenter

that live in our area so a massive

372 guests and took the total

Pete Graves, followed by live music

thank you.”

money raised to more than

and dancing at the event, which

£450,000 for the work of the time

took place on Saturday 22 June at

The top lot on the auction was a

critical emergency care charity.

Redhill Aerodrome in the historic

holiday at Chalet Chopine, a ski

Hangar 9.

chalet in Mèribel, donated by Peter

capacity to deliver a 24-hour

and Julia Lee which raised £16,500

Chair of the Air Aid Ball organising committee, Andy Farrant of

Dr Helen Bowcock, Chair of Air

and will help fund the charity which

White & Sons, said: “The Air

Ambulance Kent Surrey Sussex,

undertakes more than 2,500 life-

Ambulance is a charity which

said: “Once again the Air Aid Ball

saving missions every year.

“The Air Ambulance is a charity which anybody, regardless of their age, background or location, might one day or night need the services of, which is why we’re doing our bit to support their amazing work.” 01295 709774



147 Do you have anything you would like to add or include in Newsline? Please contact us and let us know.


North East Ambulance Service retains top Stonewall credentials North East Ambulance Service has retained its place as a top Stonewall employer for the fourth consecutive year. The Trust, which employs more than 2,500 people, including an estimated 250 lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) employees, has maintained its position from last year’s Stonewall Top 100 Employer shortlisting as the highest ranked NHS Foundation Trust and the top performing ambulance service UK wide. It also continues to be the top ranked emergency service in the North East. Stonewall’s Top 100 Employers is the definitive list showcasing the best employers for LGBT staff. The list is compiled from submissions to the Workplace Equality Index, which is an annual audit of the workplace culture and a powerful benchmarking tool used by employers to create inclusive workplaces. Now in its 15th year, the list celebrates the pioneering efforts of leading organisations to create inclusive

themselves in the workplace

to HR colleagues, launched a

year running it has been named

and that we maintain an

transgender ally programme

as a partner.

environment where people feel

and improved its collaboration

safe, supported and included.

across the region and the UK

It will see SECAmb continue

There is strong evidence to

on LGBT issues.

to work closely with NHS

suggest that having happy staff

Employers and other

leads to improved outcomes for

Yvonne continued, “The

organisations throughout


framework and feedback we

the year to support system-

receive from Stonewall surveys

wide efforts to improve the

“We’re extremely proud of the

helps us to identify the areas we

measurement of diversity,

work we have done to make

perform well and the areas that

inclusion and equality across

sure our service considers the

require further improvements.

the health and social care

needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual

It also helps us to attract and


and transgender people and we

retain LGBT people in the

will continue to work with local

workplace and provide them

The work will include a specific

communities and the National

with a safe and supportive

focus on areas including the

Ambulance LGBT Network to

working environment.

Workforce Disability Equality

identify further improvements.

Standard (WDES) and the

Retaining our place in the

“Equality, diversity and inclusion

Learning Disability Employment

Stonewall Top 100 index and as

are the foundations of the way

Programme (LDEP). NHS

the top performing ambulance

we work and we strive to create

Employers will also work with

organisation in the UK serves to

a safe working environment

SECAmb to develop more

recognise this work.”

where everyone feels confident

effective regional networks

bringing their whole selves to

and help it to further improve

A pride report survey found that

work. This also includes treating

the overall staff experience

80.6% of respondents would

patients with dignity and

for under-represented and

consider working for NEAS,


disadvantaged groups and

which is an increase of 4.4%


compared to 2017. Of the 249

“The Workplace Equality Index

respondents, 89.5% of people

provides us with assurance that

SECAmb Head of Inclusion and

said they would recommend

our approach to LGBT equality

Wellbeing Angela Rayner said:

the Trust’s service to family

is delivering success for

“We’re really pleased to join this

and friends. Replies from LGBT

employees and patients. This

partnership work for the second

people that have used the

is the best benchmarking tool

year running. I know that our

ambulance service state that

in class and it should provide

involvement will strengthen our

97.79% felt they were treated

people with confidence that our

focus on this important area of

fairly and 98.9% said that staff

approach is effective.”

working within SECAmb and

treated them with dignity and respect.

further afield. SECAMB

To maintain the Trust’s status

Trust chosen as national diversity and inclusion partner for second year running



in the Stonewall Top 100

More than 1,000 organisations

have been made within the

have taken part in the

organisation, which included a

Workplace Equality Index since

new policy to help employees

it began. NEAS got involved

better understand transgender

with the Stonewall Top 100

issues, new call taker guidance

South East Coast Ambulance

Employer nine years ago,

to improve support for

Service NHS Foundation

because the Trust in order to

transgender and non-binary

Trust (SECAmb) is pleased

benchmark its equality work

employees and patients, as

to have been chosen as one

against other organisations in

well as more engagement

of NHS Employers’ Diversity

the public, private and third

with LGBT staff and patients

and Inclusion Partners for


at Pride events. The Trust


Employers list, improvements

“We have always had a strong emphasis on equality and diversity at SECAmb and our continued participation in the programme will ensure we retain additional valuable support to further our understanding and build on our

has also reviewed its family

achievements to date.”


Thank you to our amazing volunteers We are remembering the

Yvonne Ormston, NEAS chief

friendly policies, launched a

The decision followed a

amazing people from right

executive, said: “It’s important

reverse mentoring scheme,

successful application process

across the West Midlands

that people are able to be

provided advice and guidance

by the Trust and is the second

who volunteer, day in, day

148 For more news visit:

NEWSLINE out, to support West Midlands

recognised level and provide

Advice and Liaison Service)

Ambulance Service and the

lifesaving treatment to people

advisors play in supporting staff

public at large.

in their local community. They

in a whole range of situations; I

are willing to drop everything

truly value the help and support

Literally hundreds of people

to provide immediate medical

you provide.

support the Trust on a daily

care prior to the arrival of

basis so it is only right and

ambulance resources. Last

proper that we pay tribute to

year they responded almost

them during Volunteers Week.

12,000 times and were available many hundreds of thousands

Trust Chief Executive, Anthony

of hours.

Marsh, said: “Whether you are a community first responder

“I would also single out the

(CFRs), a BASICS Emergency

many hundreds of individuals,

Doctor, someone who trains

communities and businesses

people in CPR, a volunteer car

that have raised money

driver or someone who raises

or invested in life saving

vital funding for one of our air

defibrillators. In the UK,

ambulance charities, your work

135,000 people die each as

is immense and helps to save

a result of suffering an out of


hospital cardiac arrest. By increasing the number of

“I would like to single out our

defibs, many more lives can be

CFRs who show incredible


“The final group that I would like to single out are the Trusts Governors who help the organisation on an on-going basis. The Governors represent the local community, staff and key stakeholder’s interests who together help shape the service. “Whichever form of volunteering you participate in, I am extremely grateful for all that you do to support us.” Kind regards, Murray MacGregor Communications Director

dedication; they are teams of volunteers who are trained

“I also recognise the hugely

West Midlands Ambulance

by WMAS to a nationally

important role our SALS (Staff


“I would like to single out our CFRs who show incredible dedication; they are teams of volunteers who are trained by WMAS to a nationally recognised level and provide lifesaving treatment to people in their local community.”


149 Life Connections - The Affordable CPD Provider:



£2.1 million investment in Ambulance Vehicle Preparation Service A £2.1 million investment at Leeds and Huddersfield ambulance stations has provided new Ambulance Vehicle Preparation (AVP) facilities where a dedicated team now prepares vehicles ready for clinicians when they arrive at work to start their shift. The AVP service is operated by a team of ancillary staff who work on a 24-hours a day/seven days a week basis to ensure that ambulance crews are able to access fully equipped, re-fuelled and re-stocked ambulances at the beginning of each and every shift. This includes checking medical devices and medical consumables. Previously, ambulance staff were required to carry out these duties at the start of their shift. The £2.1 million extra investment in Leeds and Huddersfield was secured by Integrated Care Systems and related partnerships in Yorkshire and the Humber.


Contact us for further information and brochures

This is an exciting development at the Trust and follows on from the successful AVP pilots at the Trust’s Manor Mill Resource Centre in Leeds and Wakefield Ambulance Station and mirrors best practice as recommended by Lord Carter’s recently published report on Operational Productivity and Performance in English NHS Ambulance Trusts.


150 For further recruitment vacancies visit:

Commenting on the development of the AVP service, Nick Smith, Executive Director of Operations at Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust, said: “The new service is already proving beneficial and feedback from frontline colleagues has been overwhelmingly positive. They are confident in the preparation work carried out by the dedicated AVP team and appreciate having a ‘made ready’ vehicle at the start of their shift. “We’re very grateful for the funding which has allowed us to progress this development and we’re now looking to roll out the service at additional locations. Rod Barnes, Chief Executive at Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust, said: “This is the start of what we hope to be a major investment programme to improve our facilities to support our staff to deliver the best possible care for patients and communities.” Rob Webster, Lead CEO for West Yorkshire and Harrogate Health and Care Partnership (Integrated Care System), said: “Our Partnership will only succeed if it is supporting the effective delivery of care and this is an example of how we are making a difference. This service will ensure our ambulances are fully equipped for staff when they need them to save people’s lives across our area. I’m delighted that our partners at Yorkshire Ambulance Service have received this much needed funding.”


Paramedic wins New Orleans trip for project to improve learning An advanced paramedic from North West Ambulance Service

Shaun’s work was published in

huge achievement and thankful

process by using the framework.

the British Paramedic Journal

to my tutor for pushing me to get

Shaun is now working to secure

in 2018. Five stand-out journal

the work published.

funding so that this can be fully implemented across the trust.

articles from the year were shortlisted for the Golden Nugget

“I’m confident that this tool will

prize and authors were all

make a real difference to the

Consultant Paramedic, Matt

asked to present at the annual

level of care that patients receive

House, said: “This is an excellent

conference on 15 May where

and passionate about moving

example of the great work being

Shaun was announced the

this forward with the aim to see

done by Shaun and all of our


it implemented in ambulance

advanced paramedics. Shaun’s

services across the country and

work will help NWAS clinicians


further improve the outstanding

(NWAS) has been celebrated at the College of Paramedic’s

Winning the opportunity

National Conference as he is

to present his work on an

presented with the prestigious

international stage at the World

After a successful trial,

2019 Golden Nugget prize

Emergency Medical Services

100% of facilitators reported

“We are very proud to have

winning him a trip to New

(EMS) Expo conference in New

improvements in identifying and

people like Shaun, who look


Orleans this October, Shaun said:

supporting learning and 85% of

constantly for ways to develop

“I’m extremely proud with this

clinicians reported an improved

the service we provide.”

care they provide for our patients.

Shaun Tierney, 49 from Preston, blew away the judging panel with his simple but effective technique to improve the way clinicians are debriefed after a complex incident. As part of his Master’s studies, Shaun identified an opportunity to improve the way that ambulance staff are debriefed by a senior clinician and set about researching a streamlined and consistent approach to reflecting on complicated incidents and gaining learning wherever possible. Shaun discovered that by applying a structured evidence based framework used in hospitals and emergency medicine called ‘The Diamond Debreif’ which explores the factors that influence decision making through a specific process, staff were able to understand their actions more clearly and identify and share any learning opportunities.

which underwent a 12 week trial, is expected to improve patient care by reducing errors as well as improve mental wellbeing for staff as they are able to more clearly understand what factors


The implementation of the tool,

led to certain outcomes in an open and understanding setting.

151 Do you have anything you would like to add or include in Newsline? Please contact us and let us know.

NEWSLINE being Scotland’s biggest killer, with

cardiovascular disease so much

disease compared to the rest of

Heart of Scotland Appeal

41 people a day dying from (CVD),

higher in Scotland compared to the

the UK.

50% of Scots are not concerned

rest of UK, it’s vital more people are

about cardiovascular disease.

aware of their risk and how they can

“Although great improvements have

reduce it.

been made in the prevention and

72% of Scots have been affected

The Heart of Scotland Appeal is

by cardiovascular disease,

a new campaign from national

“It is worrying to see that, despite

over the last decade, coronary heart

Scotland’s biggest killer, new

charity Heart Research UK to

the number of people with

disease is still Scotland’s biggest

survey reveals.

draw attention to the severity of

loved ones being affected by

killer. With an aging population

cardiovascular disease in Scotland.

cardiovascular disease, so many

and rising levels of obesity and

New research by national charity

Current statistics show that you are

people are not concerned about it.

diabetes, this progress could be

Heart Research UK has highlighted

almost twice as likely to die from

the severity of heart disease in

coronary heart disease in Scotland

“We are urging all Scots to take

Scotland, revealing that almost

than in the South East of England.

cardiovascular disease seriously

treatment of cardiovascular disease

reversed which is why we need to act now.

and support the Heart of Scotland

“We can all reduce our risk of

been personally affected, or had

The money raised will all be spent

appeal so we can all keep our loved

developing heart disease by

someone they know affected by

in Scotland, funding pioneering

ones around for longer.”

leading a healthy lifestyle which

heart disease.

research in to the prevention,

three quarters of Scots have

means eating healthily, exercising

treatment and cure of heart

Professor Nawwar Al-Attar,

regularly, maintaining a healthy

The YouGov study produced for the

disease at Scottish hospitals and

Consultant Cardiac and

weight and not smoking.

charity’s Heart of Scotland Appeal


Transplant Surgeon, Golden Jubilee National Hospital,

“The Heart of Scotland appeal

of questions relating to lifestyle

Barbara Harpham, Chief

Clydebank and Spokesperson for

is a very welcome initiative

choices and personal experiences

Executive of Heart Research UK,

Heart Research UK said:

to support more research at

of cardiovascular disease.


asked 1,000 Scots a number

The findings also show that despite

Scottish universities and address

“With the prevalence of

“Historically, Scotland has had a

the problem of heart disease in

high incidence of cardiovascular



152 For more news visit:

NEWSLINE The Heart of Scotland Appeal

about badges and t-shirts, please

and Luke Vacca, a Clinical Team

and also on the phone from their

features a striking t-shirt and

visit or

Manager paramedic. Around a

control rooms.

call 0113 234 7474.

quarter of our paramedics are

four coloured badges designed


by acclaimed Scottish fashion designer Christopher Kane, each with their own unique message: Live, Life, Brave, Care. These can be purchased at The appeal has been publicly supported by a host of Scottish stars, including Brian Cox CBE, David Moyes, KT Tunstall, Rory Bremner, Amy Macdonald, Val McDermid, Jane McCarry and Iain

Wife of Australian Prime Minister meets Australian paramedics working at London Ambulance Service Jennifer Morrison was welcomed to the Service’s


headquarters in Waterloo

Big names from Scottish politics

Emmerson and met Australian

have also supported the appeal,

by Chief Executive Garrett paramedics working in London.

with First Minister Nicola Sturgeon

“I know many medics who have come to the UK to work and it was

The Service first began a

great to be able to meet Emily

recruitment campaign to attract

and Luke and to hear first-hand

Australian paramedics in 2014.

their experiences and learn more

At the time a national shortage of

about the role of paramedics in

paramedics in the UK meant that


the Service looked to Australia because the skills and training

London Ambulance Service Chief

closely match those in the UK.

Executive Garrett Emmerson said: “It was an honour to welcome Mrs

150 more paramedics from

Morrison to our headquarters to

Australia and New Zealand are to

learn about the work we do and

join the Service in 2019.

to meet some of our Australian paramedics.

Of her visit, Mrs Morrison – whose brother-in-law is also a paramedic

“The Australians in our team are

– said: “It was a real privilege to

a real asset to the Service and to the people of London.

and the Secretary of State for

Luke Vacca, Jennifer Morrison

meet these Australian paramedics

Scotland, the Rt Hon David Mundell

and Emily Brown Mrs Morrison,

who are providing such an

pledging their support.

who was previously a registered

important service in London. It

“We’re looking forward to

nurse, also met two Australian

was fascinating to visit London

welcoming more Australian medics

To donate to the Heart of

paramedics working for the

Ambulance Service and hear

to our team this year to respond to

Scotland Appeal or to enquire

Service, paramedic Emily Brown

about their work – both on scene

those in need in the capital.”


153 Life Connections - The Affordable CPD Provider:

NEWSLINE from Teddington to the North Sea.


We join the Duke of Cambridge at launch of Safer Thames campaign HRH The Duke of Cambridge

The Duke of Cambridge also calls on the public to know what

Prince William met front-line staff

to do if they see someone in

from the organisations, including

trouble in water. This includes

members of our hazardous area

knowing to call 999 and ask for

response team (HART), involved

the coastguard and to never go

in the new partnership working

into the water themselves after a

to reduce the estimated 700

person or a pet.

incidents that occur each year on

was joined at an event on the

the river, where people’s lives are

The agencies who produced the

River Thames in central London

at risk.

new strategy also signed up to

by members of our Service, to launch a new campaign around

Annually there are around 30

Talk Saves Lives” campaign to

safety on the tidal River Thames

fatalities, the majority of which are

the river, an initiative originally

and made a call for the public’s

linked to mental health issues.

developed in partnership with

help in reducing injuries and

The campaign aims to half the

Network Rail. This calls for people

deaths on the river.

cases of accidental drowning

from all walks of life to play their

deaths in the UK by 2026.

part in saving lives, by following

London Ambulance Service, The

safety advice and having the

Port of London Authority, The

Our hazardous area response

confidence to speak to people

Metropolitan Police, London Fire

team (HART) are specially

near the river who might be at risk

Brigade, Royal National Lifeboat

trained medics who respond in

of injury or death.

Institution (RNLI), and Maritime &

challenging or hazardous areas

Coastguard Agency have come

to provide life saving care. This

Dr Trisha Bain, London

together to produce a Drowning

includes incidents on the river.

Ambulance Service Chief Quality

Prevention Strategy for the tidal Thames along its 95-mile course,

Dr Trisha Bain and the pledge board

extend the Samaritans “Small

Officer signed the pledge on The strategy launched by HRH

behalf of the Service.

Mass Casualty Training Anytime, Anywhere! Mass Casualty Incidents have an overwhelming effect on emergency medical services. Although unpredictable, preparedness for an MCI is crucial in order to save lives. Physical MCI training drills can be extremely expensive, time consuming and pose high liability risks to volunteers, personnel and equipment.

Inflatable MCI training manikins can help!  No more lifting volunteers, risking damage to equipment and personnel  Always available - never needs a break or calls in sick!  Re-usable, economical and cost effective  Easily inflated so drill preparation is quick and efficient  Can withstand extreme weather conditions  Suitable for use in decontamination scenarios  Chest pocket allows for the insertion of pre-scripted triage scenarios AMBULANCE UK - AUGUST

 Grommets allow manikins to be tied down in windy conditions  Available in MCI Man approx 5'7" in height and MCI Ped 3' in height  MCI Ped simulates an injured child - hard to achieve with live volunteers  Now available in the UK from Hospital Aids Tel:+44 (0)1604 586501 Email:

154 For further recruitment vacancies visit:


Assistant Chief Ambulance Officer receives Queen’s Ambulance Medal An Assistant Chief Ambulance Officer from West Midlands Ambulance Service, whose career spans 28 years, has been recognised in the 2019 Queen’s Birthday Honour’s List. Steve Wheaton, Resilience and Specialist Operations Director and one of the Trust’s Assistant Chief Ambulance Officers, has been awarded the Queen’s Ambulance Medal (QAM) recognising his dedication

Steve Wheaton at WMAS

and distinguished service to the ambulance sector which carries the same level of Royal recognition as other members of the

West Midlands Ambulance Service Chief

emergency services.

Executive Officer, Anthony Marsh, said: “I have known Steve for 15 years and, in that time, I have

Steve found his passion with the ambulance

watched him progress and flourish within the

service at the tender age of ten when he

ambulance service to become a knowledgeable

became a cadet with a local volunteer

and well-respected individual in his field. I am

ambulance service. In 1991, he went on to

incredibly proud that Steve has been recognised

become a cadet with London Ambulance

in this way and would like to thank him for his

Service where he spent ten years progressing

tremendous service and for the thousands of

to become a registered Paramedic. In 2001

patients he has helped along the way.”

Steve obtained a promotion to Duty Officer at the, then Essex Ambulance Service before

Steve, aged 44, lives in the West Midlands

moving up the ranks to Station Officer,

with his wife Suzie and has three children;

Divisional Commander and the Head of

Liam, Chloe and Thomas. Speaking about his

Emergency Planning.

award, Steve, said: “I am immensely proud and humbled to receive this award. It is a truly

David has also spent five years chairing the Bury Adult Safeguarding Adults Board, and has also been a chair of governors at his local primary school. He is now a trustee of the Christadelphian Care Homes, as well chair of his local scout group. Chairman for North West Ambulance Service, Peter White comments: “We’re delighted to welcome David to the service and are confident that he will be a positive addition to the trust Board. “He has a wealth of experience within social care and health services which will be invaluable to the trust.”

great privilege to be recognised with a QAM and it took some time for the news to sink in.


Dr David Hanley has been appointed from 28 May 2019 until 27 May 2021. He has declared no political activity in the last five years.

New Non-Executive Director appointed to NWAS NHS England and NHS Improvement, North West has confirmed the appointment of Dr Steve Wheaton aged 16 at LAS

David Hanley as Non-Executive Director of North West Ambulance Service NHS Trust. David is currently a lecturer in strategic

Midlands Ambulance Service to head up and

management at the University of Central

expand the Trust’s Emergency Preparedness

Lancashire. He has previously spent 25 years

and Specialist Operations team where he

working in Adult Social Care with his last

remains today. 2013 saw Steve seconded to

role being Director of Operations for Trafford

the role of Deputy Senior Responsible Officer

Council. Part of his remit was developing

at the Home Office where he was responsible

partnership working with health services, as well

for rolling out the national Joint Emergency

as leading on adult safeguarding. David started

Service Interoperability Programme (JESIP)

his career in the NHS, training and working as a

across all emergency services in England.

psychiatric nurse in North Manchester.


In 2008, Steve made the move to West

Dr David Hanley

155 Do you have anything you would like to add or include? Please contact us and let us know.


Air Ambulance doctor receives OBE

Dr Fong joined the Air Ambulance Kent

Commenting on the award, Dr Fong said: “I was

Surrey Sussex in 2014 as part of the crew

utterly bewildered to hear the news of this award.

providing around-the-clock pre-hospital

Doctor Kevin Fong, a doctor with the Air Ambulance Kent Surrey Sussex, has been awarded an Order of the British Empire in this year’s Queen’s Honours List.

emergency services. When not at Redhill, the

“It’s one that I genuinely never expected but

air ambulance’s base, he works at University

it’s a lovely surprise. I’d like to accept it on

College Hospital in London where he

behalf of all the brilliant teams I’ve worked

specialises in anaesthesia and intensive care

with, but especially the Air Ambulance Kent


Surrey Sussex family who are a particularly important part of my life. This award represents

His interest in high risk, high reliability systems,

everybody’s success.”

and organisations, began after graduating

He has been awarded the OBE for his ‘Services to healthcare and medicine’. Dr Fong is the third member of the Air Ambulance Kent Surrey Sussex team to be recognised for their work by Her Majesty the Queen. Earlier recipients for ‘Services to emergency medicine’ include Medical Director Malcolm Russell, who was awarded an MBE in 2014, and Associate Medical Director, Professor Richard Lyon, presented with an MBE in 2017.

with degrees in Astrophysics, Medicine and

Dr Helen Bowcock, Chair of Air Ambulance

Engineering, during which he spent time

Kent Surrey Sussex, added: “We congratulate

working with NASA’s human space exploration

Kevin, who along with our doctors, paramedics

programme at Johnson Space Center,

and pilots, does an amazing job every time


the helicopter takes off on a mission, providing lifesaving treatment often in the most extreme

He is also an honorary senior lecturer in

of circumstances.”

physiology and was very recently appointed as Professor of Public Engagement for Science, Technology & Medicine at University College London.

Dr Fong, aged 47, qualified as a doctor in 1998 and lives in London.

LAS News

Antony will lead the external communications, internal communications, partnerships and volunteering teams London Ambulance Service has announced that Antony Tiernan, the communications director – improvement and development at NHS England and NHS Improvement, will join the Trust as the director of communications and engagement. Antony has more than 20 years of health related communications experience, much of it within acute trusts across London. He joins London Ambulance Service from NHS England and NHS Improvement where he has spent the last four and a half years in senior strategic communications roles including leading the NHS70 campaign to celebrate 70 years of the National Health Service. AMBULANCE UK - AUGUST

Antony will lead the external communications, internal communications and partnerships teams as well as leading on volunteering for the Trust. Volunteering is an important new priority for the capital’s ambulance service as it continues to seek bolder and more innovative ways to Doctor Kevin Fong

156 For more news visit:

support frontline staff who already provide outstanding patient care to Londoners.

IN PERSON Mr Tiernan will take up his new job towards the

on Breast Cancer. He worked in public affairs

and other professionals who want to make

end of August.

for a number of national charities, before

a positive and lasting difference to the

joining the NHS in 2003.

healthcare of Londoners. Ali is particularly

A member of London Ambulance Service’s

committed to diversity and inclusion,

executive committee, he will report to CEO

Antony spent five years at Guy’s and St

especially visible diversity which she has

Garrett Emmerson who said:

Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust and led on the

pledged to improve when she joins the Trust.

opening of the £60 million Evelina Children’s “We are well into the second year of our five

Hospital. He has also worked as Director of

Ali will took up her new job at the beginning

year strategy which is set to improve outcomes

Communications at both Epsom and St Helier

of September, taking over from Patricia

and experiences for all our patients by

Hospitals NHS Trust and West Hertfordshire

Grealish who left London Ambulance

providing the right care to patients, at the right

Hospitals NHS Trust.

Service at the end of June. A member of the

time and in the most cost effective way. This

Service’s executive committee, Ali will report

will mean up to 122,000 fewer patients being

He joined NHS England in 2014 and has

to CEO Garrett Emmerson who said: “We’ve

taken to emergency departments when their

held a number of high profile roles, including

made great strides thanks to Patricia who

needs could be better met closer to home,

leading the NHS’s 70th birthday celebrations,

has led our People & Culture Directorate

and we will deliver significant efficiencies in

which were named as one of PR Week’s top

with great success and developed an

avoided costs to the urgent and emergency

campaigns in 2018.

inspirational People & Culture strategy that

care sector.

has tangibly improved the experience of He currently manages a team of 65 including

working in our Service.

“Building relationships and developing

digital, publishing, events and strategic

partnerships across the wider NHS,

communications, including leading on EU Exit.

“Ensuring we have a welcoming and

communicating effectively with our own

He speaks regularly at conferences and sits on

progressive culture where everyone feels

staff and, crucially, with our patients and

a number of boards in a voluntary capacity. In

valued, coupled with increasing our visible

Londoners is central to realising our ambitious

2018, he was named by the CIPR (Chartered

diversity at the Trust so our workforce is

strategy. Attracting someone of Antony’s talent

Institute of Public Relations) as one of the UK’s

more representative of the population we

highlights the progress we have already made.

top PR people.

serve are the top priorities for our People and Culture Directorate. I’ve no doubt Ali

On behalf of the Board, I’m delighted to welcome him to my leadership team and more widely to London Ambulance Service which is a fantastic organisation.” Antony started his career at the award-winning charity Breakthrough Breast Cancer and was an advisor to the All Party Parliamentary Group

LAS News

London Ambulance Service appoints Ali Layne-Smith to head up People and Culture Directorate London Ambulance Service announced

is the perfect person to lead on this work given her extensive experience in senior HR roles and her commitment to diversity and inclusion. On behalf of the Board, I’m delighted to welcome her to my leadership team and more widely to London Ambulance Service, a great organisation that I’m sure Ali will make even better.”

that Ali Layne-Smith, Director of People and Organisation Development at West Midlands Police, joined the Trust as the Director of People and Culture. Ali has had a long and distinguishing career already with over 20 years’ of HR experience in large, high profile organisations spanning both the public and private sector. She joins London Ambulance Service from West Midlands Police where she has spent the last two and a half years as their first Director of AMBULANCE UK - AUGUST

People and Organisation Development. Ali will lead the People and Culture Directorate – a team of 65 which encompasses areas including Talent, Workforce Analytics and Engagement, Diversity and Inclusion, Employee Relations, Staff Experience and Leadership and Performance. Organisational culture is a real Antony Tiernan

focus for the Trust as it strives to become an employer of choice in London for clinicians

Ali Layne-Smith

157 Do you have anything you would like to add or include? Please contact us and let us know.


Built to face your challenges - Dräger Oxylog® VE300 We did not spare any effort – except yours PREPARED TO TAKE ON ANY CHALLENGE When it really matters, you should be able to concentrate only on one thing – your patient. This is why we have developed a portable emergency ventilator, which is designed to allow you to do just that: the Dräger Oxylog® VE300. Robust, ergonomical and simple to operate. One device with many added values. However, there is one item we saved on: weight. Weighing a mere 3.6 kg the emergency ventilator is easy to

Switching to the CPR-mode

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suitable for first responders, as well as emergency ventilation of the patient during transport and in the hospital. At your disposal are volumecontrolled ventilation, noninvasive ventilation (NIV with CPAP) as well as spontaneous breathing and pressure support.

Easy to carry, quick start for ventilation • Reliable even under extreme operating conditions (-20°C to +50°C) • Three step device start up takes less than 10 seconds • Device check takes less than a minute • Preset parameters for fast ventilation start • Replaceable and rechargeable battery for up to nine hours of operation • Low oxygen consumption

• Clear, simple-to-follow user guidance with moderate training time • Easily accessible documentation with Bluetooth® and USB interface: patient data, system test, screenshots • Wall mount permits flexible positioning • Practical extras available as an option: belt, stretcher mounting, accessory bag, battery charger • Ergonomic carrying handle directly above the device’s centre of gravity

30 Years of WaterJel in Europe Since 1989 Water-Jel burn care products are helping the professional medical community to deal with burns, scalds and the serious effects to the human body. Our products helped treating millions of patients and reduced the damage to their body. Now we are excited to announce

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Stay tuned.

158 For further recruitment vacancies visit:

PARAMEDICS - SOUTH WEST £24,214 to £37,267 pa (plus unsocial hours payment)* Join us and you’ll find an Ambulance Service that understands the better we look after you, the better equipped you’ll be to look after our patients. We are passionate about providing care closer to home and equip all of our staff with the training, support and skills they need to deliver a higher level of care, enabling more of our patients to be treated without conveyance to hospital. And we want a better future for you too. Our career framework supports our paramedics to develop specialist or managerial careers, with the progression of many of our current staff testament to our commitment to internal progression and career development Whether you crave a coastal location, the best of the British countryside or the historic cities of Cheltenham, Bath and Bristol (to name but a few), you really will find a better lifestyle outside of work here in the beautiful South West. • • • •

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