4 minute read
No better investment than chemical safety training
No worries about penalties “BEFORE YOU HAVE AN OFFICIAL INSPECTION, GIVE US A CALL FOR AN INFORMAL SITE VISIT” WALK AND TALK CHEMICAL SAFETY SITE INSPECTION “BEFORE YOU HAVE AN OFFICIAL INSPECTION, GIVE US A CALL FOR AN INFORMAL SITE VISIT” WALK AND TALK CHEMICAL SAFETY SITE INSPECTION Changes to our Global Harmonisation System (GHS) chemical regime applying from 30 April 2021 require accurate and timely advice - non-compliance could prove costly. Competent staff avoid expensive and sometimes confusing compliance advice, while enabling an effective response to chemical incidents, often without requiring emergency services. No better investment than chemical safety training Now is the time to schedule your customised Responsible Care NZ Competent Chemical Handler course, conveniently delivered on your own site Ensuring staff are competent to safely manage the harmful chemicals essential to your business includes your effective response to a chemical incident. To enable a smooth, cost-effective transition to and beyond compliance, you need compliance tools: - the updated RCNZ industry Codes of Practice reflecting our revised GHS chemical management system - your 24/7 CHEMCALL® emergency response subscription; and the all-important ‘how to’ advice arising from our popular site ‘walk and talk’ assessments - replacing your Approved Handler with our Competent Chemical Handler certification Essential compliance tools – just accurate compliance advice to enable the safe management and handling No worries about penalties – just accurate compliance advice to enable the safe Inspectors and certifiers with years of expertise warn of a declining national workplace chemical safety performance. These are all cost-effective measures which add value to your business. Talk to us today about compliance tools, which confirm you are a good employer, committed to safeguarding employees and our environment by safely managing your chemical inventory. of hazardous substances A crucial factor is the Responsible Care NZ management and handling and dangerous goods in your workplace. of hazardous substances and dangerous goods in your workplace. continuing loss of onsite chemical safety advice, primarily due to replacing flawed but effective mandatory Approved Handlers ed Global Harmonisation specialist training, through- and emergency response 04 499 4311 www.responsiblecarenz.com with whatever employers System (GHS). out the product life cycle. organisations all benefit now deem sufficient. For struggling, non-com- Chemical incidents now from the expertise and
A second major chemical pliant business operators guarantee media attention, product safety information incident in the same public who are attracting attention often sensationalising the available 24/7 from 0800 facility is a timely reminder from enforcement agencies, incident by highlighting CHEMCALL®, our industry’s that safe chemical manage- practical onsite advice from persons adversely affected unique, subscription based ment is not receiving the Competent Chemical Han- by unwanted exposure to chemical emergency adviattention it deserves. Com- dlers helps lessen the load chemicals. sory service. petent staff are essential. on a diminishing number This can irretrievably Supported by thousands
Onsite Responsible Care of Compliance Certifiers. It damage reputations to both of compliant Safety Data NZ (RCNZ) Competent helps to ensure site chemi- customers and suppliers, Sheets (SDS) combined Chemical Handler Certifi- cal safety measures remain particularly if employers with their collective incation courses are tailored effective. have not taken all practica- dustry expertise and local to reflect your chemical RCNZ Competent Chem- ble steps to safely manage knowledge, CHEMCALL® WE HAVE YOU COVERED! BE COMPETENT, STAY COMPLIANT WE HAVE YOU COVERED! BE COMPETENT, STAY COMPLIANT inventory and enable compliance. Upskill the last of your ical Handlers (CCH) are increasingly in demand, resulting from our popular their chemical inventory throughout their operations. When chemicals do responders provide callers with comprehensive advice about how to safely manHSNO Approved Handlers, ‘Walk and Talk’ site visit cause problems, employ- age the incident, safeguardupdate Certified Handler to assess actual chemical ees, customers, WorkSafe ing people and often avoidrequirements and success- management performance, inspectors, local authorities, ing business disruption. fully implement the updat- identifying the need for health protection officers

3 No better investment than chemical safety training 6 Time to get smarter with more science driving technology 8 Li-ion: an invaluable asset with little regulation 12 The future of on-site training 13 Breathe easy when working with asbestos and silica dust 14 Over $32 million spent on dog bites since 2015 16 Training doesn't have to be ‘on the job’ to be hands-on 18 Standardised training the way forward 19 Take advantage of industry growth with Free Trades Training 20 Unlearning misguided muscle training keeps you pain free at home and work 22 Changing mindsets about chronic conditions 26 Worker engagement brings health and safety benefits 27 Why a pragmatic approach to health and safety just makes sense 28 Practical benefits that certification will drive to the bottom line 30 Chemical safety relies on meaningful cooperation 34 Next generation concept machine for Komatsu 36 Green machine delivers safety and productivity 37 How scalable data centres help Mainfreight’s vision 38 Industry gets serious about electric trucks 40 Billions invested in rail - a special report 48 Review of local government presents major opportunity 50 What is pushing up house construction costs? 51 Budget 2021 - an industry analysis 54 Partnership brings mental health awareness and training to construction

Published by Media Solutions Ltd PO Box 503, Whangaparaoa Auckland 0943 09 428 7456
Original material published online and in this magazine is copyright, but may be reproduced providing permission is obtained from the editor and acknowledgement given to Media Solutions. Opinions expressed are those of the authors and may not necessarily be those of Media Solutions Ltd. Sales Manager Margie Lindsay +64 22 317 8170 margie@infrastructurebuild.com Editor Michael Curreen +64 21 029 20234 michael@infrastructurebuild.com Get our FREE newsletter emailed to you each week