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Ensuring adequate respiratory protection
Worksafe NZ's Clean Air programme was their first targeted intervention on workrelated health. Their goal was to reduce the risk of respiratory ill-health caused by exposure to airborne contaminants in the workplace.
A key part of the programme is to raise awareness and eliminate or control the health risks of silica dust, organic solvents, welding fumes, wood dust, carbon monoxide and agrichemicals.
In New Zealand cancers and respiratory diseases from airborne substances account for at least 31% of total work-related harm and an estimated 650 deaths per year. They account for 79% of the estimated 750 – 900 people who die annually from work-related health causes - Source: Worksafe NZ.
More information here: https://www.worksafe.govt. nz/topic-and-industry/ work-relatedhealth/ carcinogens-and-airbornerisks/
Whether you are an employer who needs respiratory solutions for employees or a welder, plumber, spray painter, asbestos worker, farmer or even a casual carpenter – LUNG PROTECTION IS VITAL!
It is incumbent on PCBU’s to ensure that workers are not exposed to carcinogens and airborne risks. When the hierarchy of controls in risk management have been applied and risks remain, Respiratory Protection Equipment is one of the last lines of defence.
Choosing the correct type of respiratory equipment can be quite confusing, but here are a few simple guidelines to ensure that employers and workplaces make the right decision. • Get advice from experts. • Use a reputable supplier. • Ensure the respiratory equipment complies with AS/NZS1716:2012. • Use the right filters or opt for an airline system if necessary. • Change filters regularly. • Only use the filters supplied by the manufacturer of the respiratory mask to stay compliant. • Get “fit tested”. pH7 has the expertise and products to assist companies with their respiratory requirements. Follow pH7’s respiratory “fast facts” articles on LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram for more insights.
For end to end solutions, contact us on 0800 323 223, email us at enquiries@ ph7.co.nz or go to www.pH7.co.nz