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Eighteen-year-old Ryan Kerley was a member of the undefeated Sol de Agosto team in the 8 Goal league last season. “Winning all 4 tournaments was definitely the highlight of my polo career so far,” he admits. Ryan was also called up as a substitute player for the BenSoleimani.com team in the High Goal league, played for FMB in the 12 Goal, and was awarded MVP in the Intra-Circuit Subsidiary Cup. But he doesn’t let any of this success go to his head: year-round, Ryan remains hard at work at the barn and on the field.

Ryan started playing when he was 10 years old, under the careful instruction of his father Mike Kerley, a respected horse trainer and player in the U.S. and Canada. From the start, Ryan demonstrated natural horsemanship and quickly progressed up the ranks of Junior Polo into more competitive leagues. Ryan is modest and unassuming about his accomplishments to date: “I owe all my progress in the sport to my family, especially my dad. He has done everything in his power to help me succeed.”

Ryan’s family ties to Santa Barbara go back more than 60 years. His grandfather Wendell started working at the club in 1958 when he was just 12 years old. Wendell turned pro at a young age, earning a handicap rating of 4 Goals, and winning two Pacific Coast Open titles.

With a current handicap rating of 1 Goal, Ryan strives to become one of the top-rated American players and horse trainers. Working with the horses one-on-one remains his favorite aspect of the sport. “What you put into your horses, you get out of them. They are such an important part of my life and I enjoy them every single day.”

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