Beneath the Barcode Action Kit

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MEDIA VOICES FOR CHILDREN PRESENTS A traveling exhibit exposing child labor around the world and showing consumers that their economic choices truly make a difference.

M e d i a Vo i c e s f o r C h i l d r e n P r e s e n t s

Beneath the Barcode AC T I O N K I T



IN TRODUCTION There are over 150 million children worldwide who are working instead of going to school and living a life of freedom. Of that number, 70 million children work in what we call the worst forms of child labor-hazardous child labor that compromises the health, safety, and basic human dignity of a child. The name of this exhibit, Beneath the Barcode, is an acknowledgement that everything we purchase has a child associated with its production at one point or another. Beneath the Barcode is an effort to raise our attention to the impact of our economic choices on children. The exhibit features very particular sectors, or areas, of child labor which can invariably be found in poorer parts of the world, as well as in the United States. This show is a chance to examine how children factor into the production, transportation, manufacturing, refining and distribution of everything we use. In each of these sectors, there are choices that we can make that are good, sound choices. The tools and information are available, and that is another important part of this work. We want to equip the people who look at this exhibit with the information they need to become informed consumers. Beneath the Barcode is an opportunity to arm people with the tools, knowledge, and resources to make the right choices and do their part in ending child labor.









The Association of Farmworker Opportunity Programs’ Children in in the Fields Campaign and EarthJustice

Coffee companies with the Fair Trade Certified Label or mark

Human Rights Watch and the Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids

Slave Free Chocolate

Goodweave and the Clean Clothes Campaign


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Beneath the Barcode AC T I O N K I T



APPS SWEAT AND TOIL Developed by the ILO, this app allows you to check every product you purchase and determine whether there could be child labor or forced labor in the development of that product. ENDSLAVERY Allows you to get involved and do your part in ending modern day slavery, even if that just means becoming more informed.

SLAVE FREE BUYING GUIDE Features companies, brands and social enterprises that address slavery, forced labor and human trafficking in their supply chains.

END OF CHILDHOOD REPORT 2017 Published by Save the Children.

VIDEOS CHILDREN IN THE FIELDS Child labor through a child’s eyes.

The dangers of dumpsites and electronic waste.

Child labor and tobacco in the U.S.

60% of child laborers Socially responsible between the ages of 5 ways to recycle and 17 work in elecronics. agriculture.



FUNDING FOR BENEAT H T HE BARCODE PROVIDED BY The Massachusetts Cultural Council The Farm Neck Foundation The Martha’s Vineyard Cultural Council The Umberto and Clorinda Romano Foundation Media Voices for Children More information available at

Action Kit designed by Morgan Keyt

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