1 minute read
Socio-Economic Effects of Covid-19 in the United States
3 After they finished carefully reading and analyzing, have them consider questions such as these:
How can you connect “The Hill We Climb” with current events?
How does this poem relate to the right of freedom of expression?
How does this poem relate to the Black Lives Matter Movement?
How is civil unrest approached within the poem?
Is the poem framed within children’s rights in any way? Explain
What is your favorite line? Explain why
Explain the line: “We, the successors of a country and a time where a skinny Black girl descended from slaves and raised by a single mother can dream of becoming president, only to find herself reciting for one.”
4 Which rights were realized so that Amanda could recite a poem on Inauguration Day?
5 What is the importance of young children watching Amanda Gorman recite this poem? How does it tie into representation in media and within activism?
ADDITIONAL ACTIVITY: Can be completed in class or as an assignment
Ask students to choose a cause that affects children worldwide and write their own creative piece. It could be a poem, a short skit, or a song Just ask them to channel their own inner Amanda Gormans!!