Leaders Winter 2008

Page 1

John Allen

In Search Of Outward-Looking Leadership In this issue

• Debbie & Ngahau Davis: Social Entrepreneurs  P6 • Values-based Leadership  P23 • Leading With Hope  P29


issue 4 WINTER 2008

Leadership New Zealand

THE PEOPLE Vision A culture of leadership in an integrated

We thank the following people for their generous support of Leadership New Zealand.

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Leadership New Zealand Trustees

Weaving the threads of community leadership

• Jo Brosnahan – Chair, Leadership New Zealand and

into New Zealand by raising the debate around leadership and to actively assist and promote the identification, nurturing, development and celebration of leaders across the community.

Corporate Director • Tony Nowell – Deputy Chair, Leadership New Zealand • David McGregor – Senior Partner, Bell Gully • Reg Birchfield – Director, 3media Group


• Peter Kerridge – Director, Kerridge & Partners


• Pauline Kingi – Regional Director, Te Puni Kokiri

Generous of spirit

• Michael Barnett – Chief Executive, Auckland Chamber of

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Commerce • Lindsay Corban – Managing Director, Lindsay Corban & Associates Ltd • Mark Otten – General Manager Finance, The Warehouse

Leadership New Zealand

• Dr Morgan Williams – Principal, Future Steps

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48 Shortland Street Auckland T: +64 9 309 3749 E: info@leadershipnz.co.nz W: www.leadershipnz.co.nz

NZ, FINSIA • Rewi Spraggon – Alumni, Leadership New Zealand Leadership New Zealand Advisory Trustees • Bob Harvey – Mayor, Waitakere City Council

Leadership New Zealand Staff

• Ian MacRae – Managing Director, Hay Group NZ

Lesley Slade – Chief Executive

• Bennett Medary – Chief Executive, Simpl

Michelle Jurgens – Programme Leader

• Tim Miles – Director, Macquarie Goodman

Vijaya Nory – Administrator

• Dr Jan White – Chief Executive, Accident Compensation

Disclaimer The opinions expressed in this publication do

Corporation • Rob Fenwick – Managing Director, Living Earth

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• Sir Paul Reeves – Chancellor, AUT

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• Louise Marra – Director, Auckland Ministry of Economic

While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information, no responsibility can be accepted by the publisher for omissions, typographical or printer’s errors, inaccuracies or changes that may have taken place after

Development • Jenny Gill – Chief Executive, The ASB Community Trust • John Hinchcliff • Jenni Raynish – Managing Director, Raynish & Partners

publication. All rights reserved.

EDITORIAL TEAM Leaders is published by Leadership

Reg Birchfield, Chris Fogarty, Robyn Cormack,

New Zealand. Copyright © 2008: All

Milton Henry, Lance Kennedy, Manu Keung,

material appearing in Leaders is copyright

Lesley Slade, Michelle Jurgens

and cannot be reproduced without prior permission of Leadership New Zealand. Issue 4 WINTER 2008

issue 4 WINTER 2008

Stepping Down From Stand-Out Job Lesley Slade’s recently announced decision to resign from her role as establishment Chief Executive of Leadership New Zealand is the toughest personal career call she has ever had to make. “But,” she says “there are right times to go and I believe it is right when you can leave something when it is strong and you can feel personally strong about your decision. That is a good combination.”

Contents Leading The Troops: Drilling Down For Vital Traits Jo Brosnahan & David Mcgregor


John Allen: In Search Of Outward-Looking Leadership Chris Fogarty


Debbie & Ngahau Davis: Social Entrepreneurs Lance Kennedy


Lesley has led Leadership NZ since day one, three and a half years ago. It has been, she adds, “the stand-out role of her working life”. She is not bowing out of her working life, but she’s determined to spend more time with her family and to start working on some of her other dreams. “I will stay in the leadership space because it is important and fascinating. But some of the things I have thought about doing have seemed a bit scary in the past. Now I want to give some of them a shake up and see if I can make them happen.” With her appointment as CEO of Leadership NZ Lesley was, she says, handed a blank canvas on which to work with others to paint a picture of how to deliver future leaders that would serve New Zealand well. “I got to put a huge amount of myself into the role. I have thoroughly

Dr Helen Anderson: Fostering Innovation


Simativa Perese: Seeing Justice Done


Qiujing Wong: Change Agent


2008 Programme Launch


Having Their Say: Thoughts From The Class Of 2008 12

enjoyed it and it has been a privilege to have had the opportunity – I am quite clear about that.” Lesley sees Leadership NZ as a “genuinely unique” organisation and her role as CEO has, from the beginning, been focused on the positive and future development of people. “It doesn’t get much better than that,” she adds.

Values-Based Leadership


The Future In Their Hands


Making Their Mark Lesley Slade




Being Maori-Chinese – Mixed Identities Reviewed By Manu Keung


It has been a job that “constantly reminds [me] of the generosity of others” which, she admits, was not so prevalent in her other corporate career roles. “Leadership New Zealand is successful because a lot of people are committed to the big [leadership] picture and generally people are captivated by it, whether they are trustees, advisory trustees, course participants, funders, speakers or those who have joined the dialogue sessions to learn more about us. I have been heartened by the large scale generosity of people to build something for the

Leading With Hope Lesley Slade


future.” And Lesley is absolutely clear that Leadership New Zealand has a positive and important future because, as she puts it, “it is the right leadership development model for our times”.

Reg Birchfield

*To read Lesley Slade’s full exit interview go to www.leadershipnz.co.nz


Trustees’ Foreword

Leading The Troops Drilling Down For Vital Traits


he awarding of a Victoria Cross to Willie Apiata creof Kippenberger, Denis McLean summarises the qualities that he ated a new hero leader for New Zealand. Here is a believes a successful military leader needs: humble young man who has been projected into the •  Leaders must be succinct, with intelligence and a clarity of spotlight through his courage and skill; a young leader mind, and an ability to express themselves clearly. who appeals to the values of a nation. •  They must know their game. It is timely therefore to reflect upon the qualities of a military •  They must be decisive and cool headed. leader; what are the special qualities that make a military leader? •  They must have instinct, and the ability to find the necessary Do these differ from those of leaders in other environments, and courage to do the job at hand. if so, why? •  They should have authority together with kinship, giving We have just returned from Crete, where many young New them the ability to inspire men; this translates into mana. Zealand men lie buried in the Commonwealth cemetery at •  They must have fitness and stamina – energy to deliver upon Souda Bay, having fallen at the Battle of Crete: one of the lost batthe task at hand. tles of the Allied Forces during the Second World War. We were •  They must have a passion and a belief in the purpose; that accompanied by Denis McLean, former Secretary of Defence and can be transmitted to others. NZ Ambassador to Washingon who is about to publish a book •  And perhaps most importantly, the successful military leadon Major-General Sir Howard Kippenberger, a key New Zealand er needs an empathy for his people. officer in Crete. Together we all reflected upon the circumstances Howard Kippenberger made a point of visiting his men on a of war in which a leader like Kippenberger applied his leadership daily basis, which both gave him a close appreciation of what was skills: upon the unique factors happening in the field, and ascontrolling the military enviThere is a need for leaders to be for- sisted him to read the situation. ronment and upon the leadmost importantly, it indiever evaluating the situation at hand and But ership characteristics that are cated to his men that he cared being prepared to change approach if the about them. “There was always required for success. Military leadership is unique time for a friendly word for the current situation is not working. in that in the final event, there common soldier.” There was is the potential for each leader and follower to pay the ultimate rapport, sympathy, humour, and most importantly humanity. sacrifice: death. The risks are huge and they are managed as much Successful leadership does not necessarily call for flamboyas possible by structure and training. The leadership environment ance: this is certainly not the New Zealand style. In the case of is strongly hierarchical, and the chain of command is fundamenKippenberger, he was considered to have “the common touch tal. The appropriate channel of communication must always be of leadership”. adhered to and is achieved through formatted orders prescribed Military leadership differs from that in other environments at every level. There is so much more emphasis upon training; in that it is so hierarchical and structured. However, in assessupon battle drills to ensure that under pressure, there will be dising the characteristics of the military leader as outlined above, ciplined reactions to each situation. This training also provides they are in the main the same as one might expect in a leader the basis upon which confidence and courage can be built and in any other circumstance. It is the managerial environment of therefore the ability to react positively under stress. hierarchy and structure that is perhaps different. There is a need for military leaders to have an innate underIn the final event, the real leadership lesson out of Crete standing of the principles of war; like any other leader, they need was that there is a need for leaders to be forever evaluating to have the expertise and skill of their profession. There is also the situation at hand and being prepared to change approach a need to maintain flexibility, to be able to react to a change in if the current situation is not working. At the Battle of Crete, circumstance. there was an inability of commanders to read the battle, and It is essential that every military leader has effective managethose young followers – the Kiwis and Australians, with their ment skills for every conceivable scenario, the most important of British counterparts – paid the final price. Those concise lines which is the maintenance of morale. To this end, there is a need of white tombstones at Souda Bay bring to mind the quote for integrity, for kinship, to maintain the common touch. from Albert Schweitzer: “The soldier’s graves are the greatest Howard Kippenberger, at the time of the Battle of Crete was a preachers of peace.” Brigadier. He was described as “a quiet lean figure, in no way assertive, but carrying authority”. He had mana. From his research Jo Brosnahan and David McGregor are trustees of Leadership New Zealand. 2


Cover Story

John Allen John Allen was appointed Chief Executive of the New Zealand Post Group in 2003 after 10 years working in the business in a number of senior management positions. Before that, he was a partner with law firm Rudd Watts & Stone where he began his legal career in the early 1980s. In addition to his leadership role at NZ Post, John Allen is a director of 10 companies including NZ Post Bravo Limited, the Datacom Group, DataMail Limited, The ECN Group and KiwiBank. He is also co-chair of the Australia/New Zealand Leadership Forum and Chair of the Territorial Forces Employer Support group. John Allen has clear views about leadership. His ability to articulate his views ensures he is in demand as a speaker. He talks to Chris Fogarty, a member of the Leadership New Zealand 2005 Alumni, about leadership focus and the importance of taking risks. WINTER 2008

In Search Of Outward Looking Leadership


ohn Allen does not think New Zealand business leaders are sufficiently outward looking. And our lack of a world focus on business opportunities concerns him. In his opinion, New Zealand business leaders need to be “more engaged with the world; to take more risks and to grow our export base”. Unless we are more committed to exporting and do more than simply talk about it, “New Zealand will not make the progress” he believes we, as a nation, both wish and need to make. So why don’t our business leaders have a more global view of things? He offers a range of reasons. One is that we are inclined to “believe our own hype” and think we are world-leading exporters when indeed we are not. “If you take [dairy industry giant] Fonterra out of the mix, there’s actually a very skinny export base in New Zealand,” he says to support his contention. “We also think we’re unbelievably innovative and the reality is that we are not investing much in research and development, and we don’t produce as many patents or other indicators of innovation as many economies of similar size.” New Zealand leaders are, in John Allen’s view, risk averse. To illustrate his point he 3

Risk taking is a critical part of effective leadership.

adds: “We choose to be complacent and consequently we focus on the domestic market and the things we know.” For too many business leaders, the height of personal achievement is “the bach and the BMW”. Avoiding risk and a restricted home view of what might be is not how John Allen leads New Zealand Post. Conventional views about the troubled future ahead for postal services don’t rate with him. He is focused on growth. Letters and stamps may be old world communication technology, but that isn’t an inhibitor. “We are positioning the business to grow,” he explains. “We are putting in place the building blocks of a diversified group to meet our customers’ future needs.” And repositioning a business like New Zealand Post is about taking risks. And shouldn’t business leaders be cautious about risk taking? Not in John Allen’s opinion. We are too willing to “castigate” risk takers in New Zealand. “We sit on the fence and wait for things to fail. We are also poor at saluting people who have failed and who then pick themselves up and start again.” All quite the reverse of life in America’s technology haven, Silicon Valley, where, he says, bankers and investors won’t back individuals unless they’ve tried and failed and returned to try again, armed with some invaluable experience. “New Zealanders are poor risk takers and our society is hard on people that take risks,” he says. “And I believe it is essential that we address this issue and change the culture to recognise that risk taking is a critical part of effective leadership. If you are not prepared to take risks, you will not be an effective leader.” John Allen has, he concedes, taken many risks during his tenure of the CEO’s office at New Zealand Post. It comes with the job. “We’ve taken heaps of risks over the years,” he adds. He tried, for example, investing in small technology companies which, as it turned out, was an exercise that failed. “But there was significant learning out of it for me in terms of what is required to develop entrepreneurial businesses.” And it certainly does not faze him that NZ Post is “seen” as a risk-taking enterprise. Quite the opposite: “It is a risk-taking organisation. We started KiwiBank in an environment where everybody said it couldn’t be done. We were told that we would fail,” he adds. “In our courier and express businesses we formed a joint venture with Deutsche Post, a very large European business, and again we were told we couldn’t do it, that joint ventures never succeed, that we’d get squashed by the larger player, and that we weren’t going to create any value. It’s all the mantra of risk aversion you hear so often in New Zealand. 4

“That joint venture took us 18 months to build. It has been fantastic in delivering enhanced capability, delivering profitability, all of that. So yes, I think ours is a risk-taking company. You have to be when your core business, your traditional business, faces the kinds of challenges ours does. We have to innovate and change. We are and have been for 20 years.” Leadership is also about communication, both internal and external. And when a large, former public service organisation wants to communicate a new message to its very large number of employees, what leadership style does John Allen adopt? How do you tell the employees of a former government department that they must think differently, take risks and innovate? “First of all, I like [working with] long-serving employees,” he says rationalising that a long-serving employee is, by dint of the fact he or she is still there, change adept. “Anyone who has been with NZ Post for the past 20 years or more will have been through very significant change. They are people who are able to adapt and respond to change well. “We have many employees who have significant experience and capability in the processes and systems of our business. They understand the DNA of the business extremely well and they are walking role models for it. That is a hugely strong base on which to begin building the sort of dynamic organisation that I have been talking about. “But you can’t communicate that message on your own.” In John Allen’s view, “heroic” and single-handed attempts to communicate a message of this complexity are doomed to failure. “It’s about building teams, about ensuring that others are modelling the behaviours that you want and are delivering the same messages. It simply cannot be about a single person in an office in Wellington.” And when it comes to external messages, what is some of NZ Post’s television advertising trying to communicate? “Our ‘send and you will receive’ campaign is all about underpinning the value of written communication in building long-standing relationships,” he explains. “And yes, there are opportunities to grow letter volumes, notwithstanding the fact we don’t see as many letters as we once did. Letters are still a very effective sales tool for business. They also build relationships because they are targeted, personalised and reach the individual you want to read your message. Reaching the right person can be a challenge given the multiplicity of communication channels that exist today. “But we are not leaving everything to the letter. We are not building the business on the letter. That’s why we have other campaigns like KiwiBank, which is another key part of our portfolio. We have specifically diversified the Group with our data mail business, our express couriers business and our Australian businesses to enable us to offer more comprehensive relevant future solutions.” The KiwiBank campaign is strongly parochial, so is Allen comfortable with that given his views on the need for an outward looking leadership focus? The answer, of course, is yes. The reason is summarised in the phrase: competitive advantage. Emphasising home grown is simply KiwiBank’s answer to www.leadershipnz.co.nz

Cover Story

competing effectively in what is “a highly competitive banking they “should have known better” or insist that they have done market”, he explains. “something wrong” do exist, they are not, in his opinion, leader“We were very clear about what our sources of competitive adship personality types. “I don’t spend my time worrying whether vantage were when we entered the banking market six years ago. my style exposes us to risk,” he adds. “I am accountable, and I’m One of them is that we are New Zealand owned and that we beaccountable whether I am aware, or should have been aware, of lieve there is a place in this country for a significant locally owned a particular action or not. bank. I’m not ashamed about being positive about the benefits of “Accountability and leadership is pretty simple,” he says. New Zealand ownership.” Strategically NZ Post is a “challenger “When things go well, and most times they do, the team takes brand, a small bank competing against very big competitors” so, the good news. When things go badly, I take that responsibilas Allen points out, “we must be quite targeted in the way we get ity. It may not be fair, indeed it is inherently deeply unfair, but our advertising messages across. We simply don’t have the spend if you are not prepared for it then don’t try leadership. Do other that the other major, foreign-owned banks have.” things. You will be a perfectly good person but leadership probKiwiBank’s advertising strategies have nothing to do with ably isn’t for you.” Allen’s global corporate view. “I’d hate to have [observers] think John Allen’s advice to young leaders is summed up on the NZ Post was parochial. In fact, the postal network is one of New points he has already talked about. He’s never completed an Zealand’s larger international businesses,” he says. MBA or any of the conventional management prescriptions, so “We have, and we are developing, significant investments and he’s “nervous” about being “too specific”. capabilities in Australia. We are seriously committed to New But first of all, he believes that intellectual curiosity is a key Zealand being more outward looking and driving exports. That driver of leadership behaviours. “You have got to be intellectusort of activity is important to us, just as our relationship with ally engaged in the community and with your customers in this Australia is important. My leadership role at the Australia/New wider world,” he says. “That’s the outward looking perspective. Zealand Leadership Forum is about implementing the single Intellectual rigour and enthusiasm are critically important. economic market agenda, driving “Risk taking is very imporbetter relationships between the tant. We have talked about that My leadership style is to build two countries and creating opporin the context of willingness to tunities for collaboration.” fail. We have also talked about capability in the group, build a Given these strategies, how does strategy that I know we can deliver accountability.” John Allen describe his personal So what else? “I think I would add and let people do the delivering. leadership style? character to that mix. Character is “My approach to leadership is really important. Character isn’t straightforward. I allow people to get as close to the action as simply telling the truth or stuff like that which, of course, is a possible and have them make as many of the decisions as poshygiene factor in a senior leadership position. You actually besible.” He is not an advocate of excessive centralisation. “I don’t have in a manner that is consistent with the message that you believe in the leadership model that says the apex of the trianare taking to the organisation. gles is where decisions should be made. Front-line teams should “As a leader you are watched more closely than you might make most of the decisions and be supported by good systems, like to think you are. People watch for how you hold your head training etc, to enable them to deliver. when you are saying X or Y; or how you respond when some“The markets in which we operate are so diverse that, for me body says something to you – and they draw conclusions. You to try and make anything other than strategic level decisions, is can’t, for example, be talking about cost cutting while refitting just a nonsense. My leadership style is to build capability in the your office. You can’t talk about green sustainability and buy group, build a strategy that I know we can deliver and let people yourself a new, fast V8 car. I am not drawing any conclusion do the delivering. I don’t micro-manage.” in a value sense about those things, I am just saying that as a John Allen’s rejection of a command-and-control approach to leader you must act in a way that is consistent with what you leadership might fit nicely with his risk-taking philosophy, but are communicating. doesn’t it leave him, and the organisation, somewhat exposed? “We haven’t talked much about self awareness. Some people “Systems and processes still have their place. This is not some regard that as soft HR stuff. But if you don’t understand your anarchic enthusiasm that suggests throwing out all the estabweaknesses and consequently can’t build a team around you to lished rules and guidelines. With robust systems and processes compensate for those weaknesses, you won’t succeed. you are better able to take risks. People understand that the risks “Leaders must not only understand their strengths, they must are taken within a carefully thought through context. We have honestly assess those things they are not so good at. Don’t worry good processing systems, clear delegating authorities, approprithat you have some weaknesses. Play hard to your strengths and ate risk assessment processes and post implementation reviews. get good people around you to help with the problem areas. All that [process] enables people to take the risks they need to “But, in the end you must back yourself which, at times, is take to make the business effective.” challenging. You will face times when everyone is saying ‘don’t’ And while Allen accepts individual personality types that opand the right thing to do is go ahead. Those are often the most erate by pointing out to others when they make mistakes that exciting times. But you have got to be willing to do it.” WINTER 2008


Debbie & Ngahau Davis

Social Entrepreneurs Trying to break life cycles takes courage; trying to change a whole community takes a special type of leadership. Lance Kennedy from the 2008 Leadership Programme spoke to Ngahau and Debbie Davis about their involvement at Moerewa’s He Iwi Kotahi Tatou Trust and the way they’ve positively impacted on Northland’s most notorious town.


walked into Tuna Café on Moerewa’s main street expecting to see typical small rural town fare of pie and chips straight out of the warmer, sandwiches-a-la-sliding glass, and a milkshake machine. So much for my small town memories of rural King Country in the ’70s. What I actually saw was a vibrant, bright and stylish café full of contemporary Maori art, staff enthusiastically preparing for the lunch rush, and a mouth-watering menu of gourmet food. We were warmly greeted by Ngahau Davis, who strode out of the kitchen where he’d made his latté bowl while ordering his Kutai Kao (mussel fritters with plum sauce, pasta and olives with seasonal salad). His banter with the staff was lively, respectful and built on years of interaction, which comes with being whanau as well as friends. I came to this interview opportunity having had the privilege of hearing both Ngahau and Debbie facilitate a session at the Leadership New Zealand event in March 2008. I jumped at the opportunity of trying to tell their story when asked by the Leadership New Zealand team, but admit my other motive was to re-establish the key relationship set in train at that hui. Our two organisations have a lot in common both geographically and demographically and have a Northland social drive. So to the story… “I am a Moerewa boy,” says Ngahau. Debbie describes him as a “driven homeboy”. The choice to work in Moerewa in spite of its reputation was obvious for him. Moerewa is in his blood after spending his first 17 years in the town. He flew the coop and spent 18 years embracing life’s experiences only to be called back to Moerewa by a nagging feeling and an unfinished something he couldn’t describe, as well as missing what he had in growing up there. A lot of learning and listening was done in his time away. Ngahau remembers leaving Moerewa and going to subsistence jobs in factories in Auckland. He recounts stories of how he ob6

served his workmates disrespect and degrade the foremen who were older and Pakeha. He couldn’t understand this behaviour because “where I come from we respect our kaumatua. Why? Because they had the knowledge.” So from the start Ngahau listened to these older guys, which resulted in them mentoring him and teaching him the most efficient way of getting things done. He advanced rapidly, simply by applying the refined methods and learning from the elders. Eventually these guys put Ngahau up for promotion when they retired, because he learnt fast and he listened (never mind the fact he was three times more productive than any of his peers). This respect has been central to his journey; he puts it down to his cultural upbringing. Work was about “putting kai on the table and doing what had to be done for the whanau. I was made in Moerewa, and I wanted to return to the family.” Debbie too was predestined to working with families. She is from Kahungungu in the Hawkes Bay, “but Moerewa is home, it is most likely where I will be buried”. Her story is similar to her husband’s, one of disadvantage and hardship. She remembers the moment her life turned towards helping others, when she opened a letter on her 16th birthday which told her she was no longer a “Ward of the State” and that her records of her childhood spent in care were to be destroyed as she had “come of age”. At that moment she declared she would dedicate her life to families – she says “this is where it begins and where it ends”. When the two got together, they were the right couple at the right time for Moerewa. The two of them put their success down to being the perfect combination, their skills complementary. Where Ngahau is focused on the big picture, Debbie looks just two or three steps ahead. In their early days they were thrown together by their common interests around families, youth and church. They recognised in each other their respective similarities but that their differences complemented each other. This has resulted in 28 years of marriage, which in itself has changed both of them. www.leadershipnz.co.nz


To Ngahau and Debbie, change and the need to change is imthe business circumstances, which resulted in survival.” portant. Ngahau’s first admission shows how significant his changI observed very much that the strength of their leadership was es were. He says: “If you ask Debbie about me, she will tell you in the combination of them both. when we first went out, I hit her, I hit her! But I don’t anymore, I He Iwi Kotahi Tatou Trust and Kaitaia’s Community and don’t anymore!” He is proud of the changes he has effected. Environment Centre have recently been awarded a multi-year, He says of Moerewa: “It is a place of opportunity, it is also a multimillion-dollar contract to deliver the Tai Tokerau Healthy place of hardship, but it is resilient, these together result in a fast Homes initiative. It is just another example of a resilient compace and adoption of change. Strong families, strong survivors.” munity economic development initiative. Ngahau recounts a story about being a young man recently reSo now they’ve got the Trust taking on challenges throughout turned home, who was taken to a meeting on a local marae where the community, what is their long-term vision for themselves? there were people from Iwi and hapu, from Ngapuhi, Ngati Hine, Retirement? Ngahau snorts … Debbie quips, “Not likely … just Ngati Wai and Te Rarawa. He was creating a stir and the people a change of pace and more than likely as Kaumatua and Kuia, wanted to know what he was doing in Moerewa. mentoring the younger ones.” So Ngahau listened to the elders complaining about how their When describing the Trust and the work it does, Ngahau quottamariki (children) were koretake (useless) and how their mokoed a Whakatauki (saying) that captures the Davis’ vision for the puna (grandchildren) were koretake and following the same patcommunity and their own attitudes; it isn’t about money and interns. He sat quietly feeling shy about speaking to these elders, comes, nor huge houses, or even graffiti. It’s simple. What is the and hoping they would forget to ask him to korero. Just before most important thing? lunch when the meeting was due to adjourn to watch a rugby “He Tangata, He Tangata, He Tangata.” “The People, The People, test, someone remembered Ngahau was there. “Hey boy you had The People.” better have your korero, tell us what you are doing.” Ngahau who had great respect for his kaumatua (elders) Interview by Lance Kennedy, General Manager of Ngapuhi Iwi Social Services simply said: “You know those koretake children and koretake and a participant in the 2008 Leadership New Zealand programme. grandchildren, where do you think they learned to be koretake?” He was shy but had so much passion for the issue; his Background of the Trust korero overcame his shyness in the same He Iwi Kotahi Tatou Trust was started in the •  Building a future – what they can be, and way you instinctively know how to swim. early 1980s in response to growing unemploy- who is responsible for making that happen. He asked the kaumatua “how can we say ment problems. Youth issues were a focus in The focus in 1998 was asking what people we want to change a community when the early years, which led to the development wanted the town to look like: public toilets, we won’t change ourselves”. This epitoof training programmes. In 1995 the Trust de- a rest area, the shopping area tidied up. The mises Ngahau’s reason for coming back cided to change direction due to difficulties community had stopped fighting between to Moerewa – to embrace the changes he reaching employment outcomes required of themselves and had taken a good look at made for himself and to apply his learna training provider (there weren’t enough what they wanted for the tamariki and starting to his community. jobs). What followed was a number of years ed working together to build the community. The He Iwi Kotahi Tatou Trust, where focused primarily on the business of training, Christmas 1998 was memorable… as Debbie and Ngahau are part of a strong but there were issues developing sustainable Moerewa opened its park area with new leadership team, has faced its biggest employment initiatives. public toilets, the town celebrated its achievechallenges in the past 12 months. It has The big question was, “What were they ments and there has been no turning back. lost some huge contracts and has closed a training people for”. Korero (discussions) and mahi (work) conbuilding business. Debbie asked not to be The Trust’s focus has changed towards the tinued, resulting in a kids’ skateboard park, quoted on this aspect, but the response development of programmes that meet the a new art gallery and weaving workshops from the question posed about her leadneeds of the community. It started grow- – all based in the main township – plus the ership style truly reflects positively on her. ing initiatives from the ground up, working opening of a community-owned computer She says: “I have been in a siege mentality, in the social services sector, offering coun- training room, and the Tuna Café. World recontrolling, for the last six months, and selling, whanau support, drug and alcohol nowned hair dresser Ka Van Eyk owns The with the support of three strong women programmes and school programmes. They Worxz hair salon, which also operates out of who worked hard to recover from the had to understand the minds of the people – the Moerewa town centre. loss of business, I can say I am coming out the way they think and how they feel about Moerewa knows what economic developof that mentality now. In normal circumMoerewa. ment means, not because it has been trained stances, leadership is about allowing peoThey held a three-day festival in 1998 or has any great learning about the principle to grow and learn, it’s about growing and called it Moerewa Magic. The festival ples of Community Economic Development, their capacity in an environment where involved: but because it has evolved to a natural place mistakes are learning experiences.” •  Celebrating the past – acknowledging their where the community has developed. It can Ngahau is quick to add, “It’s like kaumatua & kuia, and the achievements of translate its efforts into tangible opportunianything, it’s about adapting to cirthe past. ties to create income and employment. cumstances, Debbie has adopted a •  Acknowledging the present – what they *Abridged from information on the He Iwi leadership style that was appropriate to are now. Kotahi Tatau Trust website. www.heiwi.co.nz WINTER 2008



Dr Helen Anderson

Fostering Innovation


elen Anderson became chief executive of the Ministry of Research, Science and Technology in February 2004, after being chief scientific adviser for more than five years. She sees her role as helping research, science and technology improve New Zealand, and during her tenure she has made a significant contribution to increasing the impact of research, science and technology on a wide range of policy issues. These include setting a clear agenda for science, and growing public and private sector investment in science. She has also been closely involved with the development of the Oxygen Group, Vision Matauranga, the Advanced Network and the Capitalising on Research Summit. Helen has been a speaker on the Leadership Programme each year since 2006. What’s your role and why do you do it? I’m a scientist by background, and my calling is to play a leadership role in creating a positive future for New Zealand in a globalising world. Science and technology is about ideas, the future and really smart people. It’s exciting. Whether it’s a breakthrough solution to agricultural systems or climate change, my role’s about getting the right evidence into social policy and doing things that make sense. It’s also about making sure that a lot of talent in New Zealand can be unleashed. The Ministry is a very small part of that – but we’re at the interface between the science system and Government. There’s $750 million per annum invested in science. So I’ve got to be great at the money and great at supporting the Minister. I need to make a strong case for science as playing a role for the future. I take this very seriously, and I’m a realistic and optimistic advocate. What’s the greatest leadership challenge facing New Zealand now, or into the future? Holding true to our New Zealand values, particularly our social and environmental values in a rapidly changing world. Global challenges are very profound (China, food crises, financial volatility) and can be very scary. We need to be resilient, celebrating our uniqueness and telling ourselves more positive stories about what’s great about New Zealand. We bag ourselves a lot. I often travel overseas, and now I understand why the Pope kisses the ground, because I feel like doing that every time I return home! What is your leadership style? I learn from others, and I hope I create the environment in which others can flourish. I want to provide an environment that is safe to be innovative, in a risk averse way. We must push the boundaries and try new things. My organisation is small, like New Zealand is small, so we can try things and foster innovation. We must be an 8

exemplar of this. What I really enjoy about my leadership role is nurturing talented young people. I support the Oxygen Group of emerging leaders who are not yet in management roles. They’re optimistic about science and the role it can play in New Zealand’s future. What’s critical to creating the right environment for others? Unassailable integrity. People working in the public service and science have to have unquestionable integrity. We are custodians of taxpayers’ money. We have a responsibility not a right, to give back to New Zealand – which is the most important thing. What’s expected of you in your leadership role? As a senior public servant I must support my Minister with high quality advice – by challenging their thinking, telling the truth in a free and frank way, encouraging them to look over the horizon, and creating a trusted environment to do that. My own organisation expects me to be energetic, and superhuman (but is forgiving when I’m not!). They expect me to trust them and provide the environment where they can do a good job. I think I generally succeed at that. For example, the people who do the work front it to the Minister and externally, get opportunities to work across issues, learn new things, and take ownership and responsibility. I encourage a strong learning environment, and a fun culture within that. Challenges of leadership? Leadership’s often spoken about as being lonely. I think it’d be challenging to be a leader without a personal partnership at home, whether you have a friend or a partner. My husband Michael plays a huge role in this, enabling me to do what I do. They say there’s only one job lonelier than being a chief executive, and that’s being a chief executive’s husband or wife. That supporting role is very important and not generally understood. The partnership role needs more recognition. What are you reading right now? Jeffrey Sachs’ Common Wealth – it’s fascinating, based on the economy and the environment are not trade-offs and have to be linked. I’m also reading Great Women Travel Writers about heroic women like Lady Hester Stanhope, who left the United Kingdom and went to live in the middle of various Arab states in the early 1800s. Slightly mad, but terribly heroic! I love it because I’m not a hero. I’m a home-body hero. Interview by Robyn Cormack – Marketing manager, Department of Conservation and a member of the 2007 Leadership New Zealand programme alumni.



Simativa Perese

Seeing Justice Done


imativa Perese is a barrister, specialising in civil and commercial litigation and youth justice advocacy, a member of the Auckland Crown Solicitors prosecution panel and a member of the Human Rights Review Tribunal. He has had broadcasting experience in practical and advisory capacities and was employed as an announcer with both Radio New Zealand and Television New Zealand for 11 years, and as a senior contract announcer for Wellington 2ZB and ZMFM. He also assisted in the establishment of Samoa Capital Radio in Wellington. He is the immediate past Chair of the National Pacific Radio Trust having been appointed in 2002. Simativa has been a speaker on the Leadership Programme each year since 2006. What is your role and why do you do it? I am a barrister. I love to argue and enjoy the adversarial role, to challenge ideas. I believe in justice and fairness and ensuring that people’s voices are properly heard as there are always two sides to every story. What is the greatest challenge facing New Zealand now and into the future? The biggest challenge facing New Zealand in the foreseeable future is race relations. Unlike the days of old when you grew up not giving a damn about your school or workmates’ colour or ethnicity – and you appreciated that, actually, we all want the same things in life – there are now generations of young New Zealanders who define, and have defined for them, their place or space in New Zealand with reference to their colour and ethnicity. Unless there are some significant changes in the way we appreciate ourselves and our relationship to this land, and truly value each other, we will continue to talk at, or passed, each other, or worse still – not talk at all. What style of leadership do you support? The Playcentre style. It is a philosophy that accepts and respects people for where they are at. Each person brings their own skills and experiences and it is important to reduce the level of burdensome expectation. The leadership styles that I most admire are those that value people – he tangata, he tangata, he tangata. What are leadership experiences that you have enjoyed? I have enjoyed being part of people’s growth and leadership WINTER 2008

journeys, seeing people achieve, people realising their potential and making their difference. For me, leadership is a role – you may take a number of leadership roles in your lifetime. However, it is also important to remember that at times you need to fulfil the role of follower and support someone else’s leadership role. I like people who value people ahead of the bottom line. There is an old saying. “You chase success not money.” Think of Bill Gates, he didn’t start off thinking I want to make three billion, he chased the success of a product and a system and the money just came. What expectations are placed on you? Of course, with education and the ability to speak, people have expectations of roles that you should fulfil. I have often being asked to go into politics. But there’s only so much you can do. It is important to be judicious about what you do and realistic about your energy. After the recent Clydesdale report which tried to damage the reputation of Pacifica people, I took the issue up directly with the university and wrote to the ViceChancellor. I also did one radio interview. These were where my efforts were best placed for the voiceless communities. What are you passionate about? Fishing! I want to catch a kingfish – great eating fish, particularly for raw fish. I am not one of those people who catch fish and let them go for sport. I love to fish, being part of the elements and enjoying the anticipation of what might be. I could do it for a living, get a boat, a quota and do some crayfishing. What are you doing with your free time? Reading, film, theatre, culture? Outside of my law books, I am a big Lionel Richie/Commodores fan. I have every album. Family is big for me. As the head of my extended family I try to ensure that I keep in touch with the different branches. It’s not unusual for over 100 people to turn up at home on a Sunday to have lunch together. I also have a traditional Samoan male full boy tattoo and when time permits I enjoy helping guys who are going through the journey of having the symbols of their family and Samoan culture tattooed on their bodies. Interview by Milton Henry – Teacher, Selwyn College and a member of the 2006 Leadership New Zealand programme alumni.


Qiujing Wong Change Agent


iujing (Q) Wong is a producer with a passion for social change filmmaking. With degrees in both commerce and journalism, Q has experience in documentary filmmaking, television series and one-off films for international markets. Q’s greatest strengths lie in the development of an idea, working with great partners to turn the idea into a reality and deliver it to the world through television, the internet or alternative broadcast media. Using both business and creative skills, she now manages the development and producing role for all Borderless Productions projects. Q spoke at the Closing Retreat of the 2007 Leadership Programme. What is your role and why do you do it? I created and now run Borderless Productions with my partner Dean Easterbrook. Our passion is to have a business that delivers films for the purpose of “creating change” on the planet. It all began in 2004, when we were living in Canada, and since then, we’ve covered stories in Nepal, China, Africa, North America and of course New Zealand. My background is in documentary filmmaking, corporate and commercial storytelling and business so what I do now is a great mix of all these skills. I believe what we do now is very powerful and I take this responsibility seriously. It’s meaningful work and a lot of fun at the same time. What are you passionate about? I am passionate about economics, business, people and being a catalyst for change. There are so many thrills and rewards in the process of what I do. It always provides an exhilarating challenge. I am also really passionate about equity. Around 40% of this planet lives in poverty and while it may seem idealistic, I want to change this. I believe we all need to be working towards what seems ideal in life – we may not reach it all the time, but at least we’re aiming for it. I want to do my part, taking courage from others who do it and ultimately help this planet close the gap. What drives the force for good? I think deep down everyone wants to be a force for good; it is a question of making the economics work. This motivated us to make A Grandmother’s Tribe (www.agrandmotherstribe.com). We could do something which was good and sustainable. I am firm about commitment. If you have an idea and commit to doing it then you will make it work. Once you have made the true commitment then you will be focused. Positive experiences empower people. When a project is completed and confidence is built, it’s amazing what you can conquer. It is an attitude. 10

What values drive you? We recently refined our company charter and all our values revolve around people. We support people to reach excellence. We are focused on creating long lasting legacies of change. Integrity is important. Questioning opportunities for improvement and staying fresh is integral. With these things in place, greatness is possible. It is also important not to lose sight of the successes we achieve every day. I am a positive realist – I focus on the here and now as much as I dream about the future. What experiences have you had where you have benefited from good leadership? In one of my first jobs out of university, I worked for someone who had a lot of confidence in me, allowing me the chance to shine. Every time I changed roles in that company I grew in my own confidence and began to realise that anything is possible. Success for me is about confidence and proving to myself that I have the skills, and in time I want to pass this belief onto others. I like people who take risks – who aren’t afraid to say things, to speak up. I have been fortunate to have mentors. Everyone benefits from a mentor, official or unofficial, wiser or older. I have always liked asking questions and have never felt stupid in doing so. People are inherently good and want to help when asked. New Zealanders are good this way. What makes New Zealand distinctive? We have a history of creating international benchmarks. We have so many success stories, from fashion to film. I think New Zealand’s big opportunity is to be a “high value” nation. Personally, I’d rather be making high quality films with longstanding legacies rather than a lot of temporary material. Kiwis have a great reputation overseas. We are viewed as refreshing and talented. Our humble, number-8 wire mentality goes down well. I think we should focus on being the best in the world. What are you reading? I am reading Common Wealth: Economics for a Crowded Planet, by Jeffrey Sachs, which is an exciting book. It suggests that the future of the world has to be focused on equity. I am also reading The Other Side of the Story, by Marian Keyes. Interview by Milton Henry – Teacher, Selwyn College and a member of the 2006 Leadership New Zealand programme alumni.


2008 programme

2008 Leadership Programme Launch


he launch of the 2008 Leadership Programme was held on the evening of Friday 8 February. The event was held at the gorgeous new Waitakere City Council Chambers, once again kindly hosted by Mayor Bob Harvey, who addressed the current programme participants, alumni and wider Leadership New Zealand community. We would like to thank Mayor Bob and his wonderful team for their generosity, as well as Foodstuffs (Auckland) and Bell Gully for providing refreshments for the evening.



Having Their Say Thoughts from the class of 2008

Paul Argar I work for ZESPRI International based in Mt Maunganui. ZESPRI is the international brand name for New Zealand kiwifruit sold through the ‘Single Desk’, which is the regulated method of exporting New Zealand grown kiwifruit around the globe. ZESPRI holds the exclusive ownership rights globally to ZESPRI GOLD kiwifruit and licenses growers in different countries to grow the kiwifruit with profits coming back into New Zealand. My role is the tax manager for the group of 30 companies

based in 17 countries. The role is incredibly challenging and varied requiring me to manage a diverse range of issues from legal structures to cross-country agreements negotiated between governments in different countries. I also participate in lobbying the New Zealand government for tax changes to improve the lives of New Zealand growers and shareholders. The job is best described as a risk management role focused on taxation. My reasons for participating in this programme involve improving my understanding of issues affecting New Zealand as a player in the global arena, and gaining knowledge of the role that leadership plays in putting New Zealand firmly on the map, and ensuring a sustainable future.

Marija Batistich I am a Senior Associate with Bell Gully and specialise in environmental and resource management law. I advise on the environmental, land use and planning issues that can occur at all stages of developments and projects for a range of clients from various sectors, including large scale infrastructure, land transport, energy, mining, and agriculture (including viticulture). My role principally involves assisting clients in navigating their way through New Zealand’s environmental legislation and regulatory processes. Bell Gully is New Zealand’s leading

law firm and as a result I am part of a talented and diverse team of people who are experts in their area and passionate about the work we do. I think the Leadership New Zealand programme will provide me with a better understanding of the society in which we live and the issues that we face as a nation. As I have returned to New Zealand after more than five years overseas I am keen to contribute to the debate on the New Zealand identity and the future of this country, particularly how the broader global framework affects the decisions made. I look forward to exploring this further with the incredible selection of speakers and participants on this year’s programme, and learning from their leadership experiences.



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Moi Becroft I am proud and privileged to be working for the ASB Community Trust, a philanthropic community trust that grants approximately $45 million annually to the Auckland / Northland communities. My role at the ASBCT is as Project Manager of a Maori and Pasifika Education Initiative that is targeting the increased educational achievement of these communities. This initiative is a new way of working for the Trust in that it is based on community development principles and is considering multi-year funding projects for up to five years. The projects being considered for funding need to be innovative, they need to challenge the status quo and need to prove that they are grounded

and owned by the community. This new initiative builds on my past employment working for the Department of Internal Affairs in community development. The difference with working for the ASBCT is that in being a philanthropic trust there is more flexibility to be truly responsive to the community’s needs. The Leadership New Zealand programme is a wonderful opportunity to just stop everything and allow the time to challenge and stretch my mind and thinking. The opportunity to be exposed and to learn from significant New Zealand leaders, some of whom I don’t agree with, is invaluable for my own self analyses and thinking on topical issues facing New Zealand and leadership. The participants of the course are also great teachers, challengers and resources for me. It is an opportunity to learn about my own leadership style and step up in a leadership role with confidence in my work and within civil society.

Michael Berry I am an Anglican Priest currently serving as Vicar of St Philip’s Church in St Heliers Bay. St Philip’s is a growing and energetic parish, reaching out to encourage values of strong community, faith and family. My role has varying responsibilities; encouraging and supporting members of the congregation in their ministries; journeying with individuals and families as they meet the joys and challenges of life, from birth to death; leading and facilitating services; and interacting with community organisations and events. As Vicar I also

have management responsibilities, from financial planning and employment issues, to changing light bulbs and putting the rubbish out. I believe the greatest value of the Leadership programme lies in the diversity of people; in the speakers and experiences offered, but also in my fellow participants. It is a huge privilege to meet with these people, ask questions with them, and develop my own understanding of leadership and of life in general here in New Zealand. The Church faces many challenges, amongst them the need to be relevant and accessible to people from many walks of life. I know that this year will provide me new understandings so that I can be of benefit to my community, my God and my Church.



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Leanne Campbell It is a privilege to work for the Youth Development Trust Wellington as the Director for the Greater Wellington region programmes of Kiwi Can, Stars and Project K. I started this trust in 2002 and we worked with 12 students; this year we are working with over 3000 students. My role involves fund raising for administration, staff and programme costs; event management; financial management and staff management.

I was honoured to be selected as a participant for the 2008 Leadership New Zealand programme. This is a unique opportunity to hear from a range of leaders and learn from them the skills and lessons they have learnt to support them to be the leaders they are today. I believe my views will be challenged and enhanced this year, which will enable me to become a more informed and balanced leader. Leadership New Zealand offers a unique opportunity for people from varied backgrounds and sectors to come together and I believe many of the friendships formed will be lasting.

Karen Chan I am Business Development Manager for the corporate department of Bell Gully, a leading commercial law firm with a history that stretches back to 1840. My role ranges from supporting the partnership in tenders and pitches to helping drive new strategies across the firm. I’ve been fortunate to work with talented lawyers and a business development team committed to the highest standards of excellence in this emerging field, drawing on skills developed in my previous career as a financial journalist.

I’ve already been enriched by the generosity a diverse range of leaders has shown participants in the programme so far this year. By sharing their leadership journeys with us, and offering further insight and understanding into those journeys in response to our questions, they have provided a fascinating framework through which we have begun to explore the challenges that face New Zealand society, think about the roles we can play and the solutions we can offer. The programme offers a rare opportunity for reflection on the things that matter, and to develop views open to challenge by a great group of intelligent and informed people. I am certain the experience will develop my leadership potential in a much broader context, both in my professional and personal environment.

Shane Chisholm As the Regional Manager for Housing New Zealand Corporation’s Southern Region, I am responsible for the corporation’s response to the housing needs of communities throughout the West Coast, Mid & South Canterbury, Otago and Southland areas. With a great team of staff, Housing New Zealand Corporation provides a variety of products and services including the management of a state housing portfolio of 3200 properties, lending and home-ownership products, community group homes, and support for other social housing providers. My key responsibilities include strategic planning, stakeholder

management and providing leadership in relation to addressing housing issues in the region. I’ve recently been appointed to a new role of national manager responsible for customer services. This newly created role is responsible for the leading the corporation’s continued focus towards becoming more customer centric. Discovering and developing your own personal leadership style and skills is a lifelong journey. Leadership New Zealand has provided me with an excellent opportunity to be exposed to a wide range of leadership concepts and approaches. The general knowledge, along with the thought-provoking views provided by the guest speakers, has already proven beneficial as I continue in my journey towards excellence in leadership.



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Alistair Drake I work for Whangarei District Council as its Corporate Services Manager, a position I have held for six years having been originally employed as Finance Manager. I lead seven managers and 115 staff covering various administrative functions. My role involves finance, customer services, democracy, information technology and information management – areas in which many challenges exist as we cope with a growing district and greater demand for data and services to support our frontline operations for all citizens and ratepayers. My job is to show

clear leadership and guidance so that people understand our mission and vision and the strategy to get us there. It’s about nurturing and developing good talent to turn people into great operators and enjoy and grow in their roles as they do it. The challenges in the role are in coping with change, diversity, different generations and very hands-on governance that comes with the public sector. Public demand for service whilst making everything affordable at the same time is a major challenge. I seek from the Leadership New Zealand programme the wisdom of other people’s experiences to ensure that I am better equipped to deal with all that lies ahead in my role. I seek insight that can be put into practice and help others in my community to realise some of their ambitions.

Gillian Dudgeon I am one of about 10,000 people who work for ANZ National, one of the largest and most diverse financial services groups in New Zealand. Did you know that one in every two New Zealanders has a relationship with us? Our size brings with it significant corporate responsibilities but also a huge team focused on helping people, businesses and communities succeed. My current role is Head of Retail Risk, which covers the management of risk activities relating to the personal and small business customers for both ANZ and the National Bank. My team has developed great working relationships across our organisation,

which ensures risks can be quickly identified, appropriately managed and sensible customer-focused solutions found. For someone who has spent their entire career in varying roles in the world of banking I am relishing the opportunity to spend time with this fantastically diverse group of leaders. The combination of our differing experiences mixed with the insights of our inspirational speakers provides an environment where I constantly have my paradigms challenged. I was excited by the opportunity to broaden my view of leadership across the community and I am especially interested in finding ways to help relieve pressures on New Zealand families in today’s world. I am confident that through my experiences this year I will find opportunities for both myself and New Zealand National to contribute in new ways to the wider community.

Irene Feldges The YWCA is the largest women’s organisation in the world, being represented in over 100 countries and with over 25 million women members. As Executive Director for the YWCA Auckland, my role is quite varied. It involves supporting our three main programmes. Our first programme, ‘Future Leaders’, is a four-year-long mentoring programme for young women. We match young women at age 14 with a successful woman mentor. Apart from one-on-one mentoring, the young women have regular workshops to build their leadership qualities. The second programme ‘Dream It Do It’ targets the mums of

the ‘Future Leaders’ participants to not only encourage their own personal growth and development, but also to provide further support to their daughters in their development. ‘Encore’ our third programme is an education and pool-based exercise programme for women post breast cancer surgery. The Leadership New Zealand programme is a wonderful opportunity to take time out and consider the bigger picture and discuss issues, ideas and thoughts with a diverse group of leaders. The diversity of the group and the speakers exposes me to new ways of thinking, which working in a small organisation isn’t always easy to achieve. Also, as an immigrant to New Zealand, it raises interesting issues about identity and belonging. I am looking forward to sharing those ideas with the young women on our programme.



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Carl Graham I am a director and hands-on manager of a small business called Construction Carpentry. Over the years we have been involved with the construction of houses, factories, bridges, schools, wineries, hotels, hospitals etc. My daily function is to drive enthusiasm in what we do among the casual and full-time staff. This year, I am hoping to hear different and challenging opinions to my own, and to learn new skills that will aid me in relationship building. I have enjoyed the openness of both the

group and speakers. The building industry has some huge challenges over the coming few years. I am hoping to hear messages from the current speakers that will be both relevant to me and that will suggest new approaches to current challenges. I am enthusiastic about the future youth of our country as I am able to help fulfil their personal dreams via trade training and home ownership. I see the Economic Development Foundation (New Zealand) fulfilling its mission, “To assist and to serve for greater social and economic outcomes”, and the Construction Carpentry mission, “Quality without compromise”, thanks to the new approaches I am learning and will continue to learn during this exciting year.

Tim Hamilton I am the Chief Executive Officer of Netball North Harbour and Regional Manager of Netball North. With over 12,000 players, the challenges that come from making the game desirable, accessible and affordable for all are many and varied but yet provide me with so many drivers to take the sport to new heights. I lead a fantastic and energetic group of people who

share a common vision to be the best and who all want to make a difference in the lives of others through the medium of sport. I’ve often thought that you can put many elements of your life into boxes. Leadership has a unique box of its own. Through my involvement in the 2008 Leadership New Zealand programme I want to ensure I can fill this box to the brim with new knowledge that will be gained through the various leaders I will come into contact with, whether they be guest speakers or fellow participants. This I know will help me grow as a person and as a leader committed to making a better New Zealand.

Stephen Henry I work for New Zealand Post Group, an institution that has been serving New Zealand for more than 160 years. My role looks after three distinct areas: our Group Sales & Marketing team who look after our top 40 customers, brand, marcomms, events and sponsorship; our portfolio of smaller businesses limited to businesses with revenues of less than $70 million;

and, our Strategy & Innovation team who bring new opportunities to the wider New Zealand Post Group. As I had hoped, the key learning experience for me is being exposed to the diversity of thinking from within the 2008 Leadership New Zealand group and the speakers we have been privileged to hear from. The diversity has not just come from people’s backgrounds and experience but also from the work they do and the lives they live. I expect that this will provide a great foundation for the leadership challenges I face in work and my personal life.

Penny Hulse I am currently Deputy Mayor of Waitakere City Council. I have had the privilege of representing Waitakere City as an Elected Member for the past 15 years. My role is a challenging one as I also Chair the Policy and Strategy Committee. Much of my time is spent planning the future and directing the implementation of great ideas that promote a more sustainable future for our city. Some duties are ceremonial and even fun!

Participating in community events is often the highlight of my job. Other duties are more practical as I also deal with day-to-day ratepayer concerns and issues. The Leadership New Zealand programme is invaluable as it provides the luxury of spending time with clever forward thinking and generous leaders around New Zealand. The speakers have inspired me to act more decisively and to deepen my knowledge around the aspirations of tangata whenua. I am committed to implementing what I have learnt during the programme through the opportunities my current leadership role offers me.



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Deborah Ingold For the past 10 years, I have worked for Hay Group, one of the world’s largest, most established and successful management consulting firms. My initial role was as consultant support to a very busy consulting team. Since 2005 I have been in the role of Consultant Support Manager. This role ensures that Hay Group consultants throughout New Zealand have timely and high quality support when working with their clients, especially with regard to offices and general facilities, IT, marketing and sales backup, and finance and accounting systems and processes.

Being a participant on the 2008 Leadership New Zealand programme is a great opportunity for me to widen my horizons by hearing from and engaging with fellow participants and respected leaders in our community. In a short time I have learnt so much which is of value. Being on the Leadership New Zealand programme gives me the time and space to focus on the key issues facing our country and community. The programme speakers present to us with passion. They are knowledgeable, experienced but humble. They give us valuable insights on what it takes to be a leader and how we can help make a real difference to our country and our communities.

Hilda Johnson-Bogaerts The Selwyn Foundation, New Zealand’s largest not-for-profit aged-care provider, has employed me as its General Manager Residential Services. The challenge to develop and trial a financial viable and baby boomer friendly model to provide aged care in the future is the fun part of my job. Besides this, my days are filled with the operations management of the presently operated rest homes, hospitals and dementia services which comprise of 600 beds in six different locations from Whangarei to Hamilton. I have a team of nine managers.

Participating in the Leadership New Zealand programme is for me as an immigrant from the other side of the world a dream opportunity to learn about the real New Zealand spirit and context, as opposed to having to rely on the stories uttered by the media. So far I have been impressed by the stories and the value-based leadership of prominent leaders, so I go to sleep a bit easier knowing all is well with the world. I have been looking forward to being amongst and learning from peer leadership trainees from various industries because I am sure the experience will widen my perspective on the business world and give me a deeper insight in my own journey and growing as a leader so that I can go back to my organisation with more confidence and determination to create a success story.

Murray Jordan I am the General Manager Property Development at Foodstuffs [Auckland]. I feel really privileged to work for such a great Kiwi owned co-operative. My team is responsible for developing Foodstuffs’ property strategy and then implementing it. We are involved

with a multitude of property solutions for the co-operative from selecting new sites for supermarkets, through to the construction of large distribution centres to house our product for our customers. The Leadership New Zealand programme provides a great opportunity for me to step back from the coalface and explore what it is to be a leader with a bunch of really interesting, challenging people.

Lance Kennedy As the General Manager of Ngapuhi Iwi Social Services, I am responsible for implementing the Social Services Strategy for Ngapuhi Iwi. I have been empowered by the Leaders of Ngapuhi to deliver these social outcomes for 122,000 registered descendants, according to the 2006 census. I love my job. My role involves working with outstanding people who spend their time helping children and their whanau through sometimes difficult times in their lives. These staff try to make a difference every day. I manage relationships, across sectors including com-

munity, iwi, crown agencies, government and whanau. I advocate for those who need a voice. I expect a lot from the Leadership programme! I have also found the Leadership programme expects a lot from me, and I am up for the challenge. Great people, who in their own rights are emerging leaders of New Zealand business who encourage me to deliver my best. The leaders who donate their time to impart their world views to the participants of Leadership New Zealand are very much appreciated. My learning expectation is to be challenged by the wider group about my perceptions and to have my opinions valued. In turn I will bring these offerings back to my environment and spread the word.



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Manu Keung I am currently working in Counties Manukau DHB as a consultant. The ‘Let’s Beat Diabetes’ project which I am part of, is essentially built around intersectorial relationships and community collaborations. My task is to bring key stakeholders such as Manukau City Council, Housing New Zealand, schools, food industry groups, Counties Manukau Sport etc, to facilitate lateral thinking and engage in discussion, so that agencies are working in a more integrated, focused and coordinated manner and are

better placed to effect change for individuals and whanau in respect of health, particularly diabetes, and the wider environmental issues which evolve around prevention and education. Having the privilege to be part of Leadership New Zealand 2008 allows me to broaden my thinking and exposure to various sectors and individuals which help influence and shape our society. I look forward to meeting a diverse range of talented people who are willing to harness our like minds, skills and strengths in making a positive impact within our whanau and community. I seek to develop opportunities whereby I will be challenged, whilst at the same time receiving/confirming clarity of my vision and values.

Taane Mete I guess I can say I wear many hats depending on what part of the week it is. I am a dancer, choreographer, dance tutor at Unitec, drag artist and one of two directors of Okareka Dance Company Ltd, which my business partner and I established in 2006. I have a number of roles which all add to the web of my passion, dance. Over the past 18 months my focus has been the making of ‘Tama Ma’ (meaning men who come together with clarity) which premiers on 9 October 2008. We have employed a staff of prominent New Zealand technicians for the

production who are at the top of their field including choreographers Michael Parmenter and Douglas Wright, to name a few. ‘Tama Ma’ will cover new ground, leading the way for dance in Aotearoa. On the first day of the 2008 Leadership New Zealand programme there were so many ‘aha’ moments for me. I now have the confidence to openly discuss many topics without hesitation where as before my understanding was limited. At each session I gain knowledge and understanding of issues that face New Zealand now and into the future. Leadership New Zealand has given me momentum to step forward and lead my company as well as encouraging others to lead.

Sina Moore As Chief Executive of the Pacific Media Network and National Pacific Trust, I lead a team of some 100 passionate people who “Celebrate the Pacific Spirit” and work every day “to inspire, inform, educate, entertain and connect Pacific Peoples, to reinforce Pacific languages, culture and identity, and contribute to the social, economic and cultural prosperity of Pacific Peoples in Aotearoa, through quality innovative broadcasting services”, namely the NiuFM Radio Network, Radio 531pi, and the Pacific

Radio News service. The Leadership New Zealand programme gives me the opportunity to interact with and learn from leaders across a diverse range of sectors across society, to be exposed to new ideas, different ways of thinking; to challenge and expand my thinking; to take that learning back to my team and our organisation; and to personally gain through self-development. I am inspired by the stories and experiences that I hear every month and am enjoying the way the programme enables us to gain insights from amazing leaders; both the invited speakers we meet and the other participant leaders that I am getting to know as we journey together in 2008.



pen portraits

Sacha O’Dea As the National Policy Manager for Accident Compensation Corporation, I lead a group of 20 policy analysts who work on a wide range of policy areas including injury prevention, treatment, rehabilitation, compensation and maintaining fair and stable levies. ACC has been a New Zealand icon since the scheme was established in 1974. The Scheme provides comprehensive, 24 hour, no-fault personal injury cover and entitlements for everyone in New Zealand – whether they are a citizen, resident or

temporary visitor. It is the only scheme of its kind in the world and it is exciting to be part of it. The Leadership New Zealand programme is providing me with an opportunity to think and read more broadly about the challenges facing New Zealand, the types of leaders we need to meet these challenges, and the role that I can personally play. I want to increase my understanding of the issues facing us and the range of perspectives on each issue, through exposure to the experiences of a variety of leaders, and discussion and reflection with the wider group. I feel incredibly privileged to have this opportunity, and to be spending my year with such a diverse, talented and interesting group of people.

Deidre Otene As Counties Manukau Youth Offending Teams Coordinator, I am responsible for the management of the coordination of the Counties Manukau Youth Offending Teams. Youth Offending Teams are multi-disciplinary, multiagency teams set up in 2002 under the Government’s Youth Offending Strategy. The teams consist of managers and practitioners from CYF, Police, MOH, MOE and in some teams local council, iwi/ marae, NGOs, MOJ and community groups. My main objectives are to: improve collaboration between youth justice agencies

across Counties Manukau and wider Auckland; ensure effective and efficient management of Youth Offending Teams in Counties Manukau; strengthen service development outcomes for Counties Manukau Youth Offending Teams and to promote multi-agency best practice in response to youth offending. This Leadership New Zealand programme is a unique opportunity to meet, understand and gain knowledge from peers who represent a diverse cross section of leadership throughout New Zealand. I am seeking to gain an ability to open my mind to new ideas, whilst holding strong to my personal values. As a result my goal to gain effective knowledge in key areas of my personal development will be achieved. “Ko tou rourou, k otaku rourou, ka ora ai tatou.”

Malcolm Paul I am the General Manager for Information Management Solutions at Foodstuffs (Auckland). My team is responsible for the support, development and smooth running of all of Foodstuffs’ computer systems. As a proudly New Zealand-owned co-operative, Foodstuffs is an exciting, challenging and just plain fun place to work. There are new challenges every day and the IMS team are usually in the thick of most of

them. I really enjoy the fact that the work we do is relied upon to serve hundreds of thousands of Kiwis every week. I am probably the only person who regularly cheers (quietly!) when they receive their till receipt. I am keen to learn as much as I can about leadership; what it is, how to do it, what not to do and who is doing it well. I also think that this will be an excellent opportunity to meet new people with different views, opinions and goals who I can learn from and be challenged by. I suspect that leadership is a journey not a destination and as with any journey, how much you enjoy it will depend on the company you keep.



pen portraits

Manu Sione My name is Manu Sione and I am General Manager, Pacific Health Division, Counties Manukau District Health Board (CMDHB). CMDHB has a Pacific population of approximately 100,000 which makes up 21% of the total Counties Manukau population and 38% of the total Pacific population of New Zealand. My role is to support CMDHB to provide better

access and services for Pacific peoples, therefore to improve the health status of Pacific peoples to at least that of the average New Zealander, to build a Pacific workforce and support CMDHB to link with other providers to get the best health outcomes. My expectations from the leadership programme are to understand new ways of thinking about management, leadership and strategic planning from local, national and international perspectives. It is also to build a network of relationships from the programme that will support and build on the learnings from the programme and to test the implementation of these ideas.

Dave Miller My role as General Manager of Field Extension for DairyNZ is a privileged one. DairyNZ is a levy-funded industry-good organisation charged with lifting the profitability, sustainability and competitiveness of New Zealand dairy farmers. My role is to lead the field-based consultants who are the interface and conduit for the two-way flow of innovations and new technologies from science to farmers and vice versa. The strong cooperative philosophy in the dairy industry gives us an edge in providing an environment conducive to rapid uptake of

new ideas and technology – a trait that is so important in keeping New Zealand dairying one step ahead of our international competitors. My whole career has been in the dairy industry. Leadership New Zealand presents a unique opportunity to broaden my horizons and outlook and to gain a more complete perspective of New Zealand society. We all develop a unique leadership style but that style shouldn’t remain static. Having access to the insights of so many leaders from all sectors of society can only help to develop and grow me. I like to think the learnings from these 12 months will help me, in some way, to have an influence on the type of society my children and their children will inherit.

Emma Taylor I am lucky to be a viticulturist with Villa Maria Estate Winery. I am a Project Manager working on a variety of projects all based around the viticulture department. As a viticulturist my role is based out in the vineyards – working from the planning of a new vineyard, what varieties to plant where, right up to the harvest of the grapes and handing over the quality fruit to the winemakers. It is an interesting and varied role and I deal with a large number of people from grape growers to financial staff. I am currently working for Villa Maria in a part time

capacity as I am mum to our little girl Ellie who has just turned one and in October my husband Chris and I are expecting our second child. Leadership New Zealand has brought me into contact with a wide range of people from across New Zealand who are all leaders in their own field. It has amazed me the different attitudes, knowledge and experiences that these people can bring to the group. In addition the exposure to a wide range of leaders from a cross section of New Zealand’s society who speak to us at each session is truly enlightening and I am always amazed at how they inspire me to challenge my thinking and prompt me to further investigate other areas of my community.

Aaron Topp I’m a third-generation lime miller at Hatuma Lime Company in Hawke’s Bay. As Director of Marketing & Sales it’s my role to maintain and build our strong presence in the market, as well as facilitate and communicate new initiatives, including research and development, to the farming community. For me it’s an exciting time to be involved in the agricultural sector as it journeys to greater sustainability awareness. I’m also an author in my spare time which has varied day-to-day challenges

(although the satisfaction from seeing the finished product in a college library far outweighs them). The Leadership New Zealand programme is a great opportunity for me to step outside my rural bubble and immerse myself in what the broad issues are as a nation, while defining the vision we have for the future. I see the programme not only as the catalyst to a year of self-discovery, but as a vessel for continual shared knowledge and support through the new friendships gained and the expansive alumni base. So far I’ve been challenged and inspired, empowered, then challenged some more; all of which have gifted me a new appreciation of how I can start to make a difference in our society.



pen portraits

Essendon Tuitupou As the lead business development agency for New Zealand’s Pacific community, the Pacific Business Trust is tasked with the challenge of addressing the economic disparity between the Pacific community and other communities in New Zealand. The Trust’s instrument of choice is the generation of successful and sustainable SMEs owned by Pacific people. As its Business Development Manager, I work with the talented and hardworking team that wields that instrument at the coalface.

A central aspect of my role is to understand the various dynamics that arise in the intersection between Pacific with mainstream, and business with community. Leadership New Zealand provides an outstanding opportunity for me to gain a wider insight into the leadership experiences of others involved in community, organisational, business and societal leadership. It is also an opportunity to engage others from the programme in the challenge for Pacific people. When I walk away from this programme at year’s end, I aim to be enriched by the experience, challenged by my peers and enthused by the journey ahead – wherever that may lead.

Michelle van Gaalen I am Group Manager Retail for the New Zealand Post Group. The Retail Business includes all the PostShop Kiwibank stores (corporate and franchise) and PostCentres across New Zealand. This is a great opportunity to widen my exposure to issues facing New Zealand outside of my normal environment. As PostShop,

Kiwibanks or PostCentres are often an integral part of local communities, understanding more around the social issues facing New Zealand, as well as the more macro-economic, social and environmental issues ahead, will assist us in developing a sustainable business which will be a productive part of New Zealand communities for another 160 years. This is a great opportunity to hear from various parts of New Zealand of their perspective of our future challenges, and how we might address them, which will help broaden our thinking around New Zealand’s future.

Annie Wahl I work as a Branch Manager for ACC’s Waikato branch. I am responsible for ensuring that ACC’s resources are effectively and efficiently used to provide excellent delivery of services to those who have been seriously injured in New Zealand. I also represent ACC to the local community. This involves raising awareness and obtaining acceptance of ACC’s purpose, to ensure that everyone has fair access to entitlements. I work with a great team of people in an organisation that truly values its employees and stakeholders.

I feel very privileged to be given the opportunity to participate in this programme. It is giving me the chance to hear from many of New Zealand’s outstanding leaders and to develop a deeper understanding of the issues that we face as a young country moving forward. Also, the opportunity to network and learn from other talented leaders on a regular basis is something that is a unique opportunity. I am stepping outside my comfort zone this year, and the learnings / insights from Leadership New Zealand are going to be an asset not only to myself, but to others that I cross paths with. This programme is enabling me to expand my knowledge and to be a more confident leader.

Wane Wharerau My position is based at the Waitakere Police precinct. It’s a supervisory role for the 16-member Waitemata Police Forensic Unit. I’m a sworn policeofficer, with qualifications as a Crime Scene Examiner through Auckland University, ESR and police itself. The role entails keeping a brief on changing legislation and new technology; then ensuring best practice is developed and maintained contingent to these adjustments. Regular inter-agency meetings identify trends, which in turn stimulate strategies to improve service delivery. Finally, I monitor staff per-

formance and training so that outputs are at best quality. While the focus is on the team – personal contact is most critical. Leadership New Zealand offered an opportunity to extend my sphere of influence through leadership understanding. At mid-point in the 2008 programme I’ve found my pre-existing opinions on the subject have galvanised, but concurrently learned there’s much more to leadership than first anticipated. A broader knowledge and the chance to test evolving ideas with diverse individuals is priceless. The discussion format – for me – is a superior learning platform. The programme has totally challenged my comfort-zone and muddled my career plans in a positive manner. Paradoxically, I’m more focused and eager for fresh challenges.




Do you have the leadership material New Zealand is looking for? Leadership New Zealand provides a unique opportunity for the leaders of today and tomorrow A Life in Leadership

2 As a leader with potential, you’re invited to be part of Leadership New Zealand’s year-long programme for mid-career leaders.

2 Be challenged. Learn to listen – really listen. Discover new ways of thinking and decision-making. Then, take up the challenge of living a life of leadership, in business and in your community.

2 Leadership New Zealand takes leadership learning beyond theory. We offer participants a unique opportunity to talk to a cross-section of today’s leaders, to hear their frank opinions and concerns and learn from their experiences.


The programme allows participants to meet, exchange ideas and work together at regular intervals through an action-packed year.


Candidates are drawn from diverse backgrounds (ie: business, public sector, rural, the arts, religion, community, not for profit), and are selected based on merit.

2 Places are limited to a maximum of 34 each year. Applications for the 2009 Leadership Programme close

Candidates should: Have demonstrated leadership capability Have at least 10–15 years’ experience in their field of expertise Have a genuine interest in New Zealand in the broadest context Have the potential to commit to their community after the programme Have support from their organisation Be ready to accept a substantial time commitment, including two or three days each month during the programme (February to November).

30 September 2008

For further details, see www.leadershipnz.co.nz or contact: Leadership New Zealand Phone: (09) 309 3749 | Email: info@leadershipnz.co.nz



Funding Partner’s Message

Values-based Leadership


sk Tony Carter what kind of leader he is and he does not miss a beat: “I’m definitely a values-based leader, I really believe that you can’t learn leadership out of a book, it’s the way you behave that’s important.” And when you visit Foodstuffs’ support centre in Mount Roskill, it’s clear that values play an everyday role in the organisation he leads; posters, training, company literature, even the décor is adorned with the five values that Carter and his colleagues have articulated as non-negotiable in the workplace: Honest/ Respectful, Supportive, Enthusiastic, Innovative, Customer Focused and Loyal. “To be honest I think these values were always there, it’s just that a few years ago one of my general managers decided to write them down and that’s been really useful for all of us, although you do have to be a bit careful, there’s a world of difference between having them on a wall and actually living them,” he warns. But doesn’t running a successful organisation require you to be a bit ruthless sometimes? “I want to do well and I want the business to do well, but I would rather be known as doing it with integrity, I would never want to be known as a person who did well for the business but was a cruel person, that’s not me,” he affirms. “I actually remember the first time I ever had to fire someone, I didn’t sleep the night before. Of course you have to do these things, and it does get easier, but I never take pleasure out of them. The day you take pleasure out of something like that is the day you’ve got to stop,” he adds. When asked who inspires him as a leader, Carter really comes alive. “People… people inspire me, yesterday I was invited to a team presentation in one of our distribution centres and it was amazing. The staff there have been working on a continuous improvement programme where they’ve identified every workplace problem they could think of and then implemented their own solutions one by one. The whole place has been transformed and it’s been fantastic to see them grow. My philosophy is if the people do well then the business does well.” So what qualities does Carter look for in his leadership team? “As you can tell, having strong values that are aligned to the company is really important to me, so they have to be important to the people who work with me. If they’re not there’s clearly a disconnect and it just won’t work. Other than that I look for a real mixture; when a role is highly operational I may look for someone who enjoys routine, you also need people who can think forward for things which may not impact our business this year or next year, but maybe two or three years out. It’s good to have a mix and a balance.” WINTER 2008

So where does Leadership New Zealand fit into Foodstuffs? “So far three of our general managers have been through, or are currently on, the Leadership New Zealand programme. One of the main reasons I encourage them to get involved is that’s it’s non-corporate and very much focuses on your contribution to society as a whole. This is really important to Foodstuffs. We’re a core part of the community and feeders of the nation, so just one of the benefits of the Leadership New Zealand programme is that it really helps us understand our customers and employees better.” Carter sees people as one of the biggest challenges facing his organisation and New Zealand businesses today. “Undoubtedly I think the most profound shift in New Zealand over the past decade has been the decline in an available workforce. I’ve been brought up in an era where there were always plenty of people to do the work, but I can see that over the past five years we’ve moved into a period where people are much more scarce and I think that’s for the longer term – much longer term than say the current economic downturn. “That said, the people challenge is a big challenge and an opportunity. If you keep your people alongside you better than someone else [does], you will get an advantage in the market.” Still on the subject of current challenges – when you are ultimately responsible for making sure all New Zealanders get their groceries, it doesn’t take long for the price of fuel to arise: Carter: “If you harvest a so-called ‘free’ resource to extinction, that’s not very bright. We’re moving into a world where we need to treat oil as a more limited resource. As a result we’re being smarter about how we operate our supply chain and I think we’ll start to see some interesting trends around how people shop and work as fuel becomes more expensive. This is going to affect all of us.” That said, he adds, it’s not all doom and gloom for New Zealand. “I think New Zealand is in a wonderful space. Firstly, it’s a beautiful place to live and I think we should never neglect that. The second is that clearly our strength is in growing things; we’re a pastoral economy and we should make the most of it. If we want to, we can essentially become a farmer for the world. “Ten years ago the thinking was that New Zealand needed to diversify away from agriculture because agriculture was a declining industry, some are even saying that today; but I think New Zealand will always be a good producer and as long as we continue to invest in education to make bright people we can easily make up for our lack of scale.” Tony Carter is Managing Director of Foodstuffs (Auckland) Ltd, and of Foodstuffs (N.Z.) Ltd, Chairman of Foodstuffs Fresh and a Director of Vector.


young leaders

The Future in Their Hands Lesley Slade was the keynote speaker at the recent Waikato National Council of Women’s conference where two amazing young women also spoke. Lesley was so impressed with their vision and passion she invited them to speak to the 2008 programme participants. Their presentations are abridged below. See www.leadershipnz.co.nz for their full transcripts. Shakira Nicholas Year 13 student, Waikato Diocesan School for Girls ave you even watched a flock of sheep eating peacefully on a grassy slope – white, fluffy sheep, blue sky and bright green grass. It is the stuff postcards are made of isn’t it? But a sudden disturbance and the picture postcard becomes a video – a rollicking farce of comedy as they all take off, helter skelter, one after the other. Taken to its conclusion one jumps off the cliff edge, followed by the whole flock. One at least might have had the sense to stop, assume the position of leader and avert disaster. I believe it is the need to conform that is the reason for our most serious problems. Take drugs for example. Some young people might take drugs initially to get a high, but how many first smokes of marijuana, first doses of P, or first party pills, were simply the absence of the courage to say ‘no’? Once in, it is even harder to get out – to stop at the cliff edge. Most of you will remember a time when you have felt left out, felt different. Maybe you were the one who sang off key in the school choir, or whose mum made you wear your school uniform longer than everyone else. Or maybe you can recall a time when you have left a newcomer hovering on the outside of the group, because they are “not quite our type”. It takes courage to be the one who reaches out to the one who is different. In my family, there are very strong role models. My grandmother, who became blind in a tragic accident when she was 17, has shown leadership in how she has dealt with adversity all her life. She always says, “It is not how you deal with things when they are going well in your life, it is how you deal with them when they are not going well.” And my mother, who taught me that “you have to be a slave first to be a leader”. So I guess I am not a leader in a loud way – more in a quiet way. I like to think of there needing to be a “little bit of the chief in every Indian”. I’ve had some conflicting parenting advice over the years. My mother always told me to be proud and hold my head up high, while my father said “always keep your head down, in case there is any money on the ground”. I guess that I have to take a middle line here – aim high, but keep grounded! We don’t have to be up the front to be a leader. But we have to be able to stand by our values when tested, as we teenagers are every day.



Zoë van Mil Currently head girl at Hillcrest High School rowing up in a supportive family, coaching and playing team sports, I have learnt that leadership is about being approachable, being a good listener and how well you bring different values, beliefs and opinions together in a group. Being a part of planning our school ball this year has shown me the value of patience, fair-mindedness, tolerance and empathy. These skills let both sides be heard by the group before you start looking at how it could or couldn’t possibly be done. At the same time young teenagers need to be able to stand up for what they believe in, and this comes from self-belief. Looking around the room at my senior leaders meeting, I see 12 very different people. We all hold the same typical qualities, such as timemanagement, organisation, and communication, but it’s our differences that inspire me to stand up for what I believe in, and this is the first major step in becoming a great leader. Being a risk-taker, honest and up-front, courageous, self confident, an optimist, passionate, an easy listener and learner as well as having an awesome ‘can-do’ attitude are all learnt through life experiences and from other people. Leaders to me are those who make it happen. They are made, not born, so the people around you every day greatly influence your choices, ideas and values. My parents say it’s okay to make mistakes, because they are life lessons. From them I’ve learnt to take risks and be passionate, and that determination and hard work create results and achievement. My 1st XI Hockey coach showed me the importance of bringing equality and a sense of belonging to everyone in a team. When he gave me the nickname “rabbit” he made me feel just as important as everyone in the team. In turn I am now trying to do the same things to encourage younger kids who look up to me as a role model. It can be as simple as four words; “you can do it”. My teachers have taught me a style of leadership that encourages people to realise how they can fix their own problems and develop their own strengths. I believe that “what you give is what you receive”. Being friendly, hard-working, encouraging, motivated, enjoying life and inspiring others to do the same is what leadership is all about.




Making Their Mark By Lesley Slade


n December 2006, the Northland Disability Resource Centre changed its name to NorthAble. NorthAble is a non-profit charitable trust operating across Northland. Its core business is needs assessment and service coordination for people under the age of 65 with sensory, physical or intellectual disability. The name change came about following an understanding that the new name would be more empowering and more acceptable to clients. Although the disability community and its providers were familiar with the new name, it became clear that the general population was not, hence the need for a marketing awareness project to promote the new name. LNZ alumnus Irene Durham, is Chair of NorthAble, and she suggested using SkillsBank to assist in developing a marketing strategy. She emailed the LNZ alumni, and got three volunteers, Jane Aickin – Group Manager Visitor Services

comfortable with the process. I would certainly recommend SkillsBank to others.” In reflecting on the project, Jane, Neville and Megan comment that from the beginning NorthAble had the right instinct. There was change going on, and there was a willingness from all involved to let the journey unfold. Jane says she volunteered for the project, not necessarily to lead it, but because she thought it sounded interesting. “I knew that it needed marketing expertise, so I contacted Megan and Neville to ask if they would be interested to form a team.” At every stage of the discussions with Noel, the team tested their thinking with him, and checked they were aligned with his vision. A critical moment was connecting with Noel’s team, and spending sufficient time with them to be sure of mutual understanding. They ended up meeting bimonthly.

The NorthAble team: Noel Matthews, Gloria Rihari, Sharron Blundell, Catharine Mentz, Maureen Gwillim. (Absent Rosalie Eilering.)

Megan Barclay, Neville Pulman and Jane Aickin.

and Assets, Auckland Regional Council, Neville Pulman – Managing Director, Creative Sales and Marketing Group NZ and Megan Barclay – Manager Customer Experience, Vodafone New Zealand. It was a good match. Jane, Neville and Megan worked with NorthAble CEO Noel Matthews, developing an understanding of the function of NorthAble and what its business is. In questioning Noel they were able to focus on the particular needs of NorthAble, and in turn he was able to test their assumptions about the nature of the business. “It was a quite draining process,” says Noel. “Once we were confident we were all talking about the same thing, we put together a ‘Community Connections Plan’ – a title, which for me, sums up the essence of the project.” In March the team met in Auckland to work through the draft plan in detail. They have now put together a timeline and a template for action. Noel says they have created an excellent foundation document, and believes that it will take NorthAble to the next level, and to recognition by the Northland population as a first stop for disability support, services and information. And the key to a successful outcome? Noel says that in the end it came down to good leadership. “Jane organised everything,” he says. “She wrote up the reports, and she facilitated most of the meetings. She was well supported by Neville and Megan. All three are skilled presenters – they made us feel very WINTER 2008

In taking on this project, Jane, Neville and Megan have put into practice the principles of SkillsBank – first to make a contribution to the community, and second to take an opportunity to apply their skills in a different context from their own, and to learn from that context. This transfer of learning is a unique and valuable experience, not only in the personal development of those participating, but also in substantially benefiting the organisation the team is working with. It was evident that the learning and the relationships developed in the programme last well beyond the life of the programme – the programme is in fact the beginning and not an end in itself. Working with a cross-functional and cross-sector group of alumni actually models the values of LNZ, and for Jane, Neville and Megan matching their personal passion and skills with an articulated need provided both success and personal satisfaction. For the SkillsBank team there were key learnings that they will now pass on to other Leadership New Zealand alumni who embark upon SkillsBank projects. Jane, Neville and Megan are enthusiastic about the growth of SkillsBank and encourage other alumni to take the leap of faith, and to participate actively, thereby putting into action the values of Leadership New Zealand. Visit the Leadership New Zealand website www.leadershipnz.co.nz to find out more about SkillsBank.



Our Sincere Thanks To… Key Partners

Supporting Partners

Scholarship Partner

• Rewi Spraggon, Tearepa Kahi and Quinton Hita for allowing us to show their short film ‘Taua’ at the 2008 Programme Launch. • Foodstuffs (Auckland) Ltd and Bell Gully for providing refreshments for the 2008 Programme Launch.

Event Partners

• Nick Hadley from QuattroStar Ltd for his invaluable IT assistance.

• Waitakere City Council for hosting the 2008 Programme launch.

• Reg Birchfield, Fran Marshall, Gill Prentice, Stephanie Beagley and

• New Zealand Post for hosting the May Dialogue Event in Wellington. • Bell Gully for hosting the June Dialogue Event in Auckland. • Bell Gully for hosting post session drinks in May in Wellington. • The ASB Community Trust for hosting Alumni meetings in April and May. • Foodstuffs (Auckland) Ltd, NZ Post, Bell Gully and Production Associates for sponsoring the 2008 Leadership Week dinner.

the team at 3media Group. • Craig Wallace, Cameron Ford and Graeme Pinfold from PricewaterhouseCoopers for providing us with accounting and financial assistance. • Mark Otten from The Warehouse for providing us with financial advice. • Cameron Bagrie for speaking at the May Dialogue Event in Wellington. • Hamish Keith for speaking at the June Dialogue Event in Auckland.

Programme Partners • Foodstuffs (Auckland) Ltd for hosting the March programme session. • Jenni Broom and her team for hosting a visit to the RMS Refugee Resettlement Centre in March. • Auckland Regional Council for co-hosting the April programme session. • Greg and Gerry Glover for the tour of their farm in Hamilton in June. • ANZ National for hosting the May programme session in Wellington. • DairyNZ for hosting the June programme session in Hamilton. • 3media Group and Maori Television for hosting the August programme session in Auckland.

• Qiujing Wong and Borderless Productions for her energy and support. • Foodstuffs (Auckland) Ltd for providing the 2008 programme participants with ‘Pams goodie-bags’! • ANZ National for providing the programme participants with the much-loved cush-balls! • All invited contributors and people who gave their time to be interviewed for this magazine. • Peter Cammock for providing discounted copies of his book, The Spirit of Leadership. • Hugh Gyton for proving copies of his book, The Art of Conversation. • David Williams from Production Associates, Reg Birchfield and Rewi Spraggon, Leadership New Zealand Trustees for their invaluable advice and assistance with the 2008 Leadership Week

Contributing Partners • The 2008 Leadership Programme selection panel: Jo Brosnahan, Peter Kerridge, Frank Olsson, Leisa Siteine, Ian Macrae, Maureen Crombie, Neville Pulman, Lindsay Corban, Joris de Bres, Denise Cosgrove, Chris Fogarty, Morgan Williams, Elaine McCaw, Teresa Tepania-Ashton, Claire Nesus, Cheryl Holloway. • Elenka Nikoloff for her advice and assistance. • Nic Dalton for facilitating the Board Strategy sessions. • Cheryl Bowie for hosting the Alumni BBQ in February.


dinner in August. • John Allen, Rod Oram, Georgina Beyer and Mayor Bob Harvey for speaking at the Leadership Week dinner in August. • Members of the Leadership New Zealand Alumni that have given their time and energy at various events and SkillsBank projects so far this year. • All of our Trustees, Advisory Trustees and Funding Partners for their ongoing support and invaluable advice. • All of our programme speakers who have generously shared with us their leadership stories, time and thoughts.


2008 Programme Speakers February – Exploring Leadership The different faces of leadership; leadership and the community; characteristics of leadership; toolkit day. Jo Brosnahan

Chairman, Leadership New Zealand

Rod Oram

Contributing Editor – Unlimited Magazine & Author of ‘Reinventing Paradise’

Joe Williams

Chief Judge, Maori Land Court and Chairperson, Waitangi Tribunal

Martin Fenwick

Executive Coach, Altris

Toni Snelgrove

Executive Coach, Altris

March – A Civil Society Elements of a civil society; ethics; community development; social entrepreneurism; poverty; human rights; diversity; refugee resettlement; family. Dr John Hinchcliff

Advisory Trustee, Leadership New Zealand

Debbie & Ngahau Davis

He Iwi Kotahi Tatou Trust

Jenni Broom

National Manager Client Services, RMS Refugee Resettlement

Christina Fordyce

Branch Manager, Refugee Quota Branch, Immigration NZ, Department of Labour

Nicola Henderson

Refugees as Survivors New Zealand

Pat Snedden

Author, Entrepreneur, Social Commentator, Board Member

Dr Rajen Prasad

Chief Commissioner, Families Commission

Dr Manying Ip

Associate Professor, School of Asian Studies, The University of Auckland

April – Our People Our people – past, present and future challenges; the face of poverty in New Zealand; leadership journeys and lessons; tribes and cultures. Satiu Simativa Perese


Pauline Kingi

Regional Director, Te Puni Kokiri and Leadership New Zealand Trustee

Michael Henderson

Corporate Anthropologist, Values at Work Ltd

Teresa Tepania-Ashton

Chief Executive, Te Runanga a-Iwi o Ngapuhi and Leadership New Zealand Alumni (2006)

Sir Paul Reeves

Chancellor, AUT and Advisory Trustee, Leadership New Zealand

Major Campbell Roberts

Director, Social Services, Social Policy & Parliamentary Unit, Salvation Army

Diane Robertson

Auckland City Missioner, Auckland City Mission

May – Our Future Economic and business challenges; research & development; sustainability; the arts; science and technology and innovation. Gisella Carr

Director Funds Development, Te Papa

Dr Helen Anderson

Chief Executive, MoRST

Phil O’Reilly

Chief Executive, Business New Zealand

Peter Douglas

Chief Executive, Te Ohu Kamoana Trust

Khoon Goh

Senior Economist & Interest Rate Strategist, ANZ National Financial Group

Dr Warren Parker

Chief Executive, Landcare Research

June – Rural New Zealand The shape of rural New Zealand now and into the future; rural/urban partnerships; land and environmental management; export market challenges; tensions and sustainable practice in the meat and wool, wine and horticultural industries. Dr Morgan Williams

Principal, FutureSteps and Trustee, Leadership NZ

Dr Liz Wedderburn

Section Manager, Land and Environmental Management, AgResearch

Dr Louis Schipper

Associate Professor, Department of Earth and Ocean Sciences, Department of Waikato

Tim Mackle

Chief Executive, DairyNZ

Dean Astill

Export Manager, Delica (New Zealand) Ltd and Leadership New Zealand Alumni (2006)

Philip Gregan

Chief Executive, New Zealand Winegrowers

Rob Davison

Executive Director, Economic Sector, Meat & Wool New Zealand



book review

Manying Ip and Manu Keung.

Being Maori-Chinese: Mixed Identities By Manying Ip RRP $44.99 Review by Manu Keung


or those who have thought that Maori can sing and dance and Chinese are purely focused on academic results and material wealth, then you can only imagine what surprises await when one discovers the emergent mix of both cultures together. Being Maori-Chinese : Mixed Identities highlights some of the obvious differences, and subtle similarities between the two cultures. As a participant for one of the family case studies, I often wondered how the author would be able to weave directed themes and personal stories in a way that would be of any interest and relevance to any reader who doesn’t have a vested curiosity in the topic. Manying Ip has been extremely successful in depicting authentic family stories of how the two cultures have been combined. The book traverses the issues of struggling with identity, displacement (at times), yet also celebrates the resilience, growth and learnings which have been experienced by the individuals and family. In most scenarios, it began with the Chinese males coming across to New Zealand. Their intention was to provide more income for their wives and familes they left behind in China. Upon arriving in New Zealand, they often found company of young Maori women, which invariably resulted in marriage. In fact, in one case, a Maori mother was very deliberate in having 28

all four daughters marry Chinese men. Her goal was to ensure that her daughters would be well cared for, and have a greater chance at being financially secure. Early New Zealand was not very open to the concept of intermarriages. Opposition also could be felt from their immediate family. Faced with the challenges of raising a family in a foreboding society appears only to have enhanced and strengthened family ties resulting in a strong sense of family unity and individual determination. Beneath the surface there are various elements which have influenced the decision of which culture an individual may affiliate more closely with. Physical appearance, education, language, extended family, religion, occupation, country of residence etc, all contributed to where one may have felt more comfortable and connected at a particular stage in their life. The reader is able to believe that there is still a sense of belonging by individuals towards their less dominant culture, compounded with an innate feeling of pride and desire to explore more of their heritage to see where one truly fits. “The triumphs of these Maori-Chinese families show how far New Zealand has progressed as a civil society. The aspirations and dreams of the youngest generation also show how much farther the most inspired wish to go.� Manying Ip, an associate professor of Asian Studies at Auckland University, is a social historian and a long-time researcher on Chinese New Zealanders. Manu Keung is a participant in the 2008 Leadership New Zealand programme.


chief executive’s Message

Leading With Hope


hroughout the course of the past three and a half years efforts to use it in the workplace. And what are the elements that there have been several consistent messages from leadthey identify? “Possibility; agency; worth; openness and connecers who have shared their thinking, leadership experition.” “Hope,” they write, “can be an energetic force for positive ence and their stories with programme participants on change.” the Leadership New Zealand leadership programme. One recurWhat is hope? According to the same HBR article it is somering message that I have thought about a great deal is that New thing more than wishful thinking, but short of expectation. It is a Zealanders are innovative and creative people but do not have a rejection of cynicism and dispiritedness. It is always positive. shared vision for the future. Just recently David Skilling, outgoCentral to the premise of a shared vision is hope that the vision ing CEO of the New Zealand Institute, was quoted in the NZ will bring positive change. Building and holding a shared vision is Herald as saying: “My view increasingly over the last several years not a simple process. In the first instance, reaching agreement on is that the real challenge facing New Zealand is that we don’t a shared vision is an iterative, messy and far from linear process inknow what we want as a country.” volving genuine dialogue, preparedness to compromise and often The people I have had the privilege to meet, listen to and speak leaps of faith. Once agreed, there is no one right way to achieve with over the past three and a half years are certainly not short of a shared vision and a high degree of flexibility is required to acvisions for the future, and it is often commodate the diverse ideas about of interest to me that very different how to reach the end goal. While What are the elements of people describe similar compelling diversity offers the richness of crealeadership that create authentic dreams for their children and grandtivity, it also challenges our ability to opportunities to discover and hold think beyond our preconceptions. It children. What then is the role of leadership in creating environments is no surprise then, that during hard fast to shared vision? where those people with apparently times we are in danger of abandondiverse interests can move beyond the barrier of assumption and ing the vision that requires much of us, in favour of security, prediscover the profusion of shared vision around them? What are dictability and low risk. the elements of leadership that create authentic opportunities to The leadership which holds together and guides the shared vidiscover and hold fast to shared vision? sion in testing times has an abundance of passion, generosity, reSimple conversation provides a strong foundation for discovspect, care and courtesy for people. Difference is valued, different ery and understanding. Steven Carden, author of New Zealand voices are freely expressed. There is a high degree of alignment Unleashed, told the 2007 programme participants that responsibetween rhetoric and action – the leader is trusted to act with bility falls on leaders to enable New Zealand to have a new conintegrity and to act in the best interests of those people whom versation about what sort of society we want: “I don’t think there they serve. Self awareness enhances the leader’s ability to build is a shortage of interest in conversation – but in opportunities for strong and complementary teams. And then there is the power conversation,” he said. of positivity, optimism and hope. The HBR again: “Much can be At the same final programme session, when Vino Ramayah, accomplished in a reflective pause to ask: Is what I am about to do Rod Oram, David Skilling, Qiujing Wong and Frank Olsson talked or say likely to be destructive or will it build hope? If you are an about their aspirations for New Zealand, it was obvious that the executive trying to lead change, know that hope can be a potent driving force behind each of these leaders is a desire to create a force and it’s yours to give.” better New Zealand and a better world. It was also obvious that these leaders are commonly motivated by their strong sense of optimism, of positive thinking and of hope. Qiujing Wong told the group, “Our role as film makers is to tell a story that injects a sense of hope.” The concept of hope as an element of leadership caught my interest and reminded me of the results of the Harvard Business Review (HBR) survey which had asked its readers what they thought were the key emerging ideas. Near the top of the 2007 Lesley Slade is Chief list is the role of hope in leadership. Harry Hutson and Barbara Executive of Leadership Perry (authors of Putting Hope to Work) write that hope has been New Zealand. shown to be the key ingredient of resilience in survivors of traumas. Studies have shown that people who score higher on measures of hope also cope better with injuries, disease and pain and perform better in school. Hutson and Perry write that their contribution to the discussion has been to outline the elements of hope in a way that guides WINTER 2008


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Hay Group www.haygroup.com

JR McKenzie Trust www.jrmckenzie.org.nz

altris www.altris.co.nz

Boardworks International www.boardworksinternational.com

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