OUT PATIENT Appointment setting with HMO accredited doctors for teleconsult PREMIUM PROGRAM Securing ofBASED Timely Approval and Issuance of LOA from the HMOs of Member’s Doctors Referral (face to face or teleconsultation) .Securing of Timely Approval and Issuance of LOA from the HMOs of Member’s Laboratory, Imaging or Other Diagnostic Procedures Providing of Personalized and Premium Healthcare Services Providing Professional Insights on the Stepby-Step HMO Utilization Procedures Gatekeeping for Efficient and Effective Utilization Management
IN PATIENT Securing of Timely Approval and Issuance of LOA from HMOs from eligibility, Access PREMIUM BASEDDiagnosis, PROGRAM to Hospital/Doctor, Procedures, Room Entitlement, Coverage and MBL .Facilitation and reporting of admission to the HMO Ensuring of a Hassle-Free Discharge Through Constant Monitoring and Personal Assistance
EMERGENCY Confirming of ER eligibility and access to hospitals PREMIUM BASED Coordinating TimelyPROGRAM Approval and Issuance of LOA from Diagnosis, Procedures, Coverage, MBL
1818 MEDICAL CONCIERGE CONTACT NUMBERS Viber Nos: 0917-1243039 0917-3241363 0917-3231363 0917-8315289 Landline (02)5310-1818 4