1 minute read
group you joined going?
Joe: Great. I see a lot of new faces every week.
Moe: Hey, I got an aardvark joke for you!
Joe: I always say there’s nothing better than a good aardvark joke.
Moe: Alrighty then! What do you call an aardvark that’s three feet long?
Joe: A yaardvark! I have one for you: What do you get when you cross an aardvark and a pig?
Moe: A laardvark?
After the Titanic struck the iceberg, its captain called the crew together and told them, “I have good news and bad news.
“The bad news is that our ship is sinking, and nothing we can do will save it.
“The good news is that we will win eleven Oscars.”
Moe: What’s faster than a calculator?
Joe: I’ll go with a calcu-sooner.
Moe: I should have told you this joke in December, but what do you call a wreath made of $100 bills?
Joe: Aretha Franklins?
Moe: I’ve been diagnosed as a kleptomaniac.
Joe: What are you taking for it?
Moe: Whatever I can get my hands on.
Moe: What has 5 fingers, but isn’t your hand?
Joe: Ok, I give. What is it?
Moe: My hand.
Moe: How is that plastic surgery support
Joe: These are horrendous, Moe. Let’s stop with this one: What do you call an overcooked aardvark?
Moe: I think that would be a chaardvark.

Moe: Do you think Dr. Pepper was really a doctor?
Joe: I heard he was a fizzician.
Moe: So this fortune teller walks into a store and looks at a blouse and asks the clerk if they have it in her size...
Joe: Let me guess... she’s a medium.
A big muscle-bound construction worker is constantly teasing his scrappy little co-worker.
One day the little guy decides he’s tired of it and wants to end it once and for all.
“I’ll bet you $100,” he says to the muscle man, “that I can put something in that wheelbarrow over there and move it 10 feet forward, but you won’t be able to push the very same thing back.”
“You’re on, little man,” says the big guy. The little guy walks over to the wheelbarrow, points at it and says, “Get in.