The Pulse - Fall 2011

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The Pulse I

Literacy, immunization and headlights

sland doctors clearly had a lot on their plate at the recent annual general meeting of the Medical Society of P.E.I., judging from the quality of resolutions discussed and passed.


ne of the most pressing items was the call for a study that could form the basis of a badly needed suicide prevention strategy in this province, and which government should make a top priority. But there were at least three other resolutions that merit attention as well.

Fall 2011


ne was the call for the province to develop a provincial pre-school literacy strategy. According to society president Dr. Rachel Kassner, literacy is a key determinant of health, since low literacy can lead to misuse of medication, misunderstanding of health information and failure to seek early medical help until health problems reach a crisis. There are many reasons for supporting initiatives that improve literacy levels, and in passing this particular resolution, Island doctors have highlighted a compelling one. A second resolution underscored the need to promote immunization for school-age children. According to Dr. Kassner, outbreaks of measles in Quebec are an example of diseases reappearing because of lower immunization rates. Island doctors are reminding parents and guardians to make use of free vaccine programs in the province. That’s sensible. The fact these diseases are no longer as prevalent as they once were may have led to a more relaxed attitude -- and a subsequent reappearance. The doctors are right to alert us to this. A third resolution also merits comment. The Medical Society wants legislation requiring the use of daytime running headlights on vehicles. Such lights, the Medical Society asserts, can decrease injuries caused by daytime crashes by three to 10 per cent. Presumably most newer vehicles have lights that automatically turn on, however, those vehicles not so equipped are apparently numerous enough for the doctors to cite them as a hazard on the road. Daytime lights have become the norm for good reason. They’re more visible to other motorists. Drivers who don’t have daytime headlights put themselves and others at risk. Government should bring in a law that makes it crystal clear to motorists that the use of daytime lights isn’t an option. It’s a matter of public safety.

2  THE PULSE - FALL 2011  Medical Society of PEI




The Polyclinic Allergy Testing

Be sure to join us for these upcoming member events!

Department is open for new referrals. Please contact our Allergy Testing Department at (902) 629-8814 for further information and patient forms.

PAIN WAIT TIMES REDUCED that average wait times for






S 1































Date Event




oct 28

Osteoporosis: Closing the Gap

Presented by the PEI Chapter, Osteoporosis Canada; call: 367-3933 to register.

Holiday Inn Express, Charlottetown

8:30 AM – 4:00 PM

Nov 3


“The Ottawa Model for Smoking Holman Grand Cessation: Simpler, Systematic...and Hotel More Successful Approaches to Smoking Cessation” Dr. Bob Reid, Associate Director, Division of Prevention & Rehabilitation, University of Ottawa Heart Institute.

dec 21

PEI RECRUITMENT The day will include visits to both TRIP (MEDICAL Summerside PCH and a STUDENTS FROM DAL) local clinic, and Charlottetown QEH with a stop in Hunter River at the Health Center to get a more rural view. The funded trip is to give students a true view of the benefits of PEI practice.

PCH QEH & Hunter River Health Center

all day

dec 21


Studio Theatre, Confederation Centre, Charlottetown

7pm reception 9pm band

Memo to: Island Physicians

I am pleased to announce

december S

Mixer for Island Medical Students & Residents. We encourage members to come meet their future colleagues.

new assessments at the Pain

noon - 1:30pm

Clinic have been reduced to 5 months, and I hope to be able to continue to reduce that wait even further. In an

Right Brain Released has been announced for 2012

effort to maintain short wait

The Medical Society proudly announces the third annual Right Brain Released Art Show. Last year’s

times for new assessments, we

robustly creative artists presented their many talents in the visual arts genre at The Guild Gallery, down-

are referring stable patients

town Charlottetown. This year we are encouraging you to get an early start on your art piece(s) to ensure

we have been following back

inclusion in this richly received exhibition.




physicians Your

The MSPEI artistic membership is invited to submit their original works of art to the 2012 Right

support in this endeavour is

Brain Released. Original works such as photography, paintings, ceramics, drawings, fabric or textile art,


pottery, jewellery, sculpture, and multi-media will be accepted – notice of date for submissions will be






are underway to recruit my


replacement as I creep towards retirement.

Organized by Dr. Jenni Zelin, Dr. Jen Ashby, and MSPEI staffer, Heather Mullen, 2012 Right Brain Released will highlight


the many individual perspectives of our Island physicians,

Desmond Colohan, MD, FRCPC

residents and medical students. Stay tuned for more

October 5, 2011

exciting details.

Island Pain Management Boardwalk Professional Centre phone 902 367 3344 fax 902 367 4114

Medical Society of PEI  THE PULSE - FALL 2011  3

More data needed for suicide prevention strategy The provincial government should heed Island doctors’ recent advice and conduct a study into suicides in the province. It’s a crucial piece of the puzzle that’s missing, and without it how can the province address the problem? At the recent annual general meeting of the Medical Society of P.E.I., doctors passed a resolution calling for government to produce an epidemiological study on suicides so the province could develop a prevention strategy. According to Dr. Charles Trainor, the province’s chief coroner who seconded the resolution introduced by Dr. Shabbir Amanullah, head of psychiatry at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, suicide was the leading cause of non-natural deaths in the province in 2009. In that year there were 16 suicides. In 2010, there were 18, and so far this year, according to autopsy figures, there have been 10.

at suicide prevention. These are doctors’ orders we should heed. We shouldn’t be completely surprised at the lack of statistical information on this subject. It would be accurate to say that as a society, we remain uncomfortable

It’s time to shed some light on this subject for everyone’s sake. The statistics on suicides, after all, are just the tip of the iceberg. The Canadian Mental Health Association’s website says one in five Canadians will experience a mental illness sometime in their lives, and that it costs the Ca-

ernments about the importance of making mental health concerns a priority. As a society, we need to address the reality of mental illness and dispel the stigma around it that often keeps people from seeking treatment. And certainly we need to confront the issue of suicide. As Dr. Amanullah said at the Medical Society’s annual meeting, suicide prevention is everyone’s business: “As long as we all know that somebody is not doing well or expressing suicidal thoughts, it’s important to access help or help them access help. We may not be able to eliminate suicide completely, but we should at least be able to bring it down.”

“As long as we all know that somebody is not doing well or expressing suicidal thoughts, it’s important to access help or help them access help. We may

not be able to eliminate suicide completely, but we

What the medical society is recommending is an active research project that works with the coroner’s office in collecting more data. It’s this information, they say, that would help shape a strategy aimed

should at least be able to bring it down.” with the subject of suicide, and that this discomfort is no doubt reflected in public policy. Advocacy groups that have been pushing for suicide prevention strategies say dispelling the secrecy and sense of shame and guilt surrounding suicide is key to addressing the problem. In fact, some insist the very unwillingness to talk about it allows governments off the hook when it comes to adequately funding mental health services.

The first step toward donadian economy $51 billion a year. ing this is gathering more informaEach day, 500,000 people miss work tion. And the provincial government because of mental health problems. needs to make this a priority. In this province last spring, the P.E.I. Union of Public Sector Employees held a town hall on mental health featuring a panel of experts and people living with mental health problems. That was useful for two reasons: it encouraged discussion about mental health needs, and it sent a powerful message to employers and gov-

We are excited to launch our First Link® Program! First Link® is a program designed to assist individuals living with Alzheimer disease and related dementias (ADRD), their family members, and caregivers to be connected with learning, services, and support as early as possible in the disease process. We need your help! Our goal is to partner with physicians and other diagnosing professionals, to create a support system for individuals at the point of diagnosis. The First Link ® program contains five essential elements. 1 Partnerships with physicians, health professionals and community organizations. 2 Formal Referral as soon as a diagnosis is made or at any other time in the dementia journey. 3 Proactive outreach to individuals and families 4 Information and connection to Alzheimer Society of PEI programs and services, and referrals to other community and health care services. 5 Planned follow up at 3 months, 6 months, etc. . . so families are supported. Our message today is to invite your support in serving Islanders living the journey of dementia. We will be contacting you and we invite you to call us at 628-2257 or email: You can also visit our website at Caregivers have shared: “People need help being prepared and educated, and need more support early in the illness.” - Marcella Cormier, Caregiver “I think that with improved education and more support from experts in dementia I could have cared for my mother better. Even though some services were available, I didn’t know of them, and was so consumed with caring for her I couldn’t reach out to access them. First Link® will help caregivers on this journey.” - Dawna Gillis, Caregiver Alzheimer Society First Link® Steering Committee includes: Dr. Barbara Flanagan, GP Polyclinic Kim Gallant, Island Native Council Dr. Huy Nguyen and Elaine Campbell, Provincial Geriatrics Program Catherine Freeze, Seniors’ Policy Advisor - Community Services, Seniors and Labour Seniors Secretariat Mary Sullivan, Director, Home Care - Health PEI

Dr. Paul Price, Ophthalmology Dr. Shabbir Amanullah, Psychiatry Elva Myers, Caregiver Jaime Constable, Alzheimer Society of PEI Corrine Hendricken-Eldershaw, CEO Alzheimer Society of PEI

4  THE PULSE - FALL 2011  Medical Society of PEI

or protocols representing current standards of care for specific disease entities. For example, a Family Physician being reviewed could expect an assessor to request charts for patients which include Hypertension, Congestive Heart

From Peer to Peer

David Hambly, M.D.

Atlantic Provinces Medical Peer Review

For 19 years, the At- site reassessments.(Note: under the direction of the

lantic Provinces Medical these figures do not in- Licensing Authorities. Our Peer Review has been as- clude Nova Scotia after approach allows us to prosessing physicians in keep- 2004 when NS chose to vide confidentiality to the ing with our mission to implement its own pro- physicians being assessed; “contribute to quality pa- gram under the control of only total program results tient care through the as- the College of Physicians are provided to our supsessment and education of and Surgeons of Nova porting bodies each year. physicians, and the promo- Scotia).

The exception to this policy

tion of excellence in medi-

occurs in the rare instances

cal office practices and pro-

APMPR operates under (only 16 to date) when a

cedures.” From modest be- identical enabling legis- physician is referred to his/ ginnings when only Family lation within the Medical her licensing authority as a Physicians were assessed, Act in New Brunswick, complaint. APMPR has evolved into a Newfoundland & Labra-

program through which all dor and Prince Edward Is-

APMPR’s evaluation

eligible physicians in most land. It is funded by physi- process is based on a chart office and hospital-based cians themselves through review, a model which has practices are reviewed ap- the Colleges of Physicians proven to be a valid indiproximately every 7 years. and Surgeons and Medi- cator of physician perforIn fact, many physicians cal Societies (Association) mance and which has been assessed in the early years in each Province. We op- in use in both British Columhave been assessed a sec- erate, however, at arm’s bia and Ontario for over 30 ond time as they became length from our support- years. In an onsite review, eligible in the cycle. We ing bodies, which makes a peer assessor will review have completed just un- us unique in Canada (and 15-20 charts selected at rander 3000 new onsite and elsewhere) where quality dom in conjunction with offsite reviews, and on- assurance programs are clinical practice guidelines

Failure, Type II Diabetes Mellitus, COPD, Dyslipidemia and Chronic Pain. A Cardiologist would be asked for charts for Angina, Atrial Fibrillation, Congestive Heart Failure, Hypertension and Mitral Regurgitation. For offsite review, physicians are asked to send 5-6 charts representing the same disease entities to the Moncton office where they are reviewed by a peer assessor. Obviously, offsite review is not as comprehensive a process; assessors, therefore, will err on the side of caution if they have concerns about charting or questions of care. In this case, a follow-up onsite review may be required. As well, physicians who have been reviewed offsite in one cycle are likely to be reviewed onsite seven years later when their turn comes around again.

We look forward to pro-

viding you with more information about APMPR in the coming months. In the meantime, if you have questions you would like answered in this column, please drop us a note at or call the Moncton office at 506852-4441.

Medical Society of PEI  THE PULSE - FALL 2011  5

The Invisible ‘Terrorist’

by Dr. Shabbir Amanullah

Flying involves the usual boarding and disembarking with all its difficulties. Add small children to the equation and it takes on a whole new dimension. Vast amounts of money are poured into what we are told is a high risk, despite what one would consider a relatively remote threat of a severely deranged individual wanting to make a statement. If the new body scanners would pick up lesions/growths and for a small price we were entitled to the reports some would argue it would generate a profit, enhance safety and be worthwhile. Others may differ, “asbestos and tobacco were deemed to be ‘safe’ at one time.” What about people walking around with a threat that no one even notices? No, it’s not the ‘suspicious’ looking person or package beside you but the person with the package you don’t see. The hospital is a place where anyone can come in without any concern of what they may be carrying and sit amongst the many others who may be immune deficient, weak, old etc. They breeze by, shake your hands, or even cough into the open when visiting their loved ones. The risks are high these days with MRSA/VRA and yet little is done to screen them at entry. It makes one wonder how limited the hand wash routine is. You see kids touch many things and when they have a dripping nose, they wipe it on their arms. Washing their hands may kill the germs there, but not the ones on their arms. So when nanny hugs them, she is very likely to have the germs that the little one brought in from school. Imagine what dad and mom’s hands would have touched.There should be measures in place to tackle this growing problem. Once upon a time people went to the hospital to get cured. Now they come out with another illness that can’t be cured.

Physician recruitment


Sheila MacLean, RPR Physician Recruitment Coordinator Recruitment and Retention Secretariat Department of Health and Wellness.,

New Physicians Dr. Tahir Rafiq

Emergency Medicine - Summerside

April, 2011

Dr. Ihab Abdelmalek

Family Medicine - Tyne Valley

May 2011

Dr. Rory Porteous


June, 2011

Dr. Owen MacAusland

Emergency Medicine - QEH (.25 fte)

June, 2011


Family Medicine - Charlottetown

June, 2011


Family Medicine - Charlottetown

September, 2011


Family Medicine - Charlottetown

September, 2011

Committed to Begin Practice

(Signed letters of offer)

Dr. Matthew Sommons

Psychiatry – Summerside

April, 2012

Dr. Thomas Bronaugh

Emergency Medicine – QEH

October, 2011

Dr. Pedro Perez

Anesthesia – Summerside/Pain Management


Dr. Aaron Sibley

Emergency Medicine – QEH

January, 2012

Dr. Anna Coolen


January, 2012

Dr. Ihab Abdelmalek

Family Medicine Souris/Tyne Valley

March 30- April 2, 2011

Dr. Aaron Sibley*

Emergency Medicine – QEH

May, 2011

Dr. Thomas Bronaugh

Emergency Medicine – QEH

June 2 – 4, 2011

Dr. Derek Cooze

Family Medicine – Psychiatry – Souris/Montague

August, 1, 2011

Dr. Matthew Sommons

Psychiatry – Summerside

July 20 – 22, 2011

Dr. Matt Shaffner

Oral Maxillofacial Surgery

July 22, 2011

Dr. Ron Henbest

Family Medicine - Souris

August 16, 2011

Dr. Stuart MacKinnon

Emergency Medicine – QEH

August 4, 2011

Dr. Kristen Mead


September 24-26, 2011

Site Visits

*combination site visit and locum

6  THE PULSE - FALL 2011  Medical Society of PEI

The Medical Society and Health PEI invite you the annual Medical Student & Resident Holiday Reception Wednesday, December 21, 7:00 p.m., at Mavor’s Bistro & Bar, Confederation Centre of the Arts, Charlottetown Storm Date: Wednesday, December 28 Holiday home-time includes party time, so we have invited the band Bab Habits to perform for you following the reception in The Studio Theatre. Showtime: 9:00 p.m. R.S.V.P. by Friday, December 14 by phone (902) 368-7303 or email:

Medical Society of PEI  THE PULSE - FALL 2011  7


H E A LT H The CMA Centre for Physician Health and Well-being and the

and incorporation

Incorporation adds a level of complexity to estate planning, so extra steps must be taken to ensure that the Canada Revenue Agency isn’t inadvertently a chief beneficiary of the estate. By Mike Oxner

Ontario Medical Association

Incorporation adds a level of com-

sues as winding up or restructuring a corporation,

Physician Health Program in

plexity to estate planning, so extra

it may make sense to hire a professional to act as

collaboration with the Canadi-

steps must be taken to ensure that the

executor or co-executor.

an Medical Foundation, invite

Canada Revenue Agency isn’t inadver-

Testamentary trusts

such as universal life or whole life insurance,

you to the 2nd biennial Cana-

tently a chief beneficiary of the estate.

The most common testamentary trusts are es-

offers unique estate planning benefits. It is

dian Conference on Physician

A good estate will consider all of an

tablished for the benefit of spouses and children.

generally much less expensive to make depos-


investor’s assets, including personal

A spousal trust is intended to provide for a spouse

its to a permanent life insurance policy with

This conference will explore

and corporate holdings. Getting the

through payments of income and possibly capital

corporate money rather than with personal

the numerous factors involved

right professional advice is the best

during his/her lifetime. It can also provide signifi-

funds. When the corporation is the beneficiary

in physician health and how to

place to start.

cant income-splitting opportunities. In a properly

of a policy, the death benefit will be paid to it,

Corporate-owned permanent life insurance Corporate-owned permanent life insurance,

support a sustainable health

A will is the foundation

drafted will, transfers of property to a spousal

tax free. This benefit, less the policy’s adjusted

care system.

A professionally prepared will is the core of an

trust will qualify for a spousal rollover, so that

cost basis, is added to the corporation’s capital

capital gains are not triggered upon death.

dividend account and can be used to pay tax-

Join your colleagues from

estate plan. Because a corporation will continue

across the country to share

to exist after the owner’s death, the will must

Double taxation issues

free dividends to surviving shareholders or to

knowledge, insights and ex-

name an executor. This is the person or trust

“Double tax” can occur with the estate of an

the estate.

perience in working towards

company responsible for distributing the estate

individual who owns shares of a private corpora-

Get advice from the experts Incorporation

this year’s conference theme,

according to the terms outlined in the will.

tion. Generally, one level of tax could occur upon

raises complex issues around estate planning

Healthier Doctors <=> Healthi-

Choose a professional executor

an owner’s death when the deceased is deemed

that need to be addressed in order to avoid

er Communities

Choosing an executor of an estate is extremely

to have disposed of his or her corporation’s shares

unnecessary costs for heirs. A financial advi-

Conference Highlights:

important. The executor is responsible for mak-

at their fair market value. This could potentially

sor can customize a plan, ensuring that hard-

- Opening keynote – An inter-

ing the complicated decisions that are required

result in a taxable capital gain, to be reported on

earned assets will be left to loved ones, not to

to ensure the most tax-effective treatment of

the final personal income tax return. A second

the tax man.

- Closing keynote - Touching

the shares of the corporation upon the owner’s

level of tax could occur when the corporation pays

the Earth... a lifelong relation-

death, or that of a spouse or common-law part-

dividends to the estate, if the executor decides to

ship by Dr. Roberta Bondar

ner. Because most individuals don’t have the tax,

wind up the corporation. A proper estate plan can

business and legal know-how to handle such is-

help in avoiding unnecessary taxation.

view with Dr. Brian Goldman

- Take part in a thought-provoking debate - 2 full days of interactive workshops - Wellness and self awareness sessions, including Walk the Doc and Mindfulness Meditation - Enjoy a special performance by internationally renowned Canadian artist Dan Hill Register online at:



MD Physician Services provides financial products and services, the MD family of mutual funds, investment counseling services and practice management products and services through the MD group of companies. For a detailed list of these companies, visit

The CMA:

There’s an app for that

The CMA has introduced a mobile version of

dominant aspect of their day-to-day work.” that will allow members to use smart phones to gain instant access to information

The move comes as the number of mobile

about CMA-related events, news, social media

devices, such as smart phones and browser-

links and discounts for members.

equipped phones, continues to grow exponentially. There are now an estimated 1.82

“With this new mobile site we’re recognizing

billion mobile devices such as smart phones and

the burgeoning use of all mobile devices

tablets in use around the world, compared with

throughout the medical community,” said CMA

1.78 billion personal computers.

Secretary General Paul-Émile Cloutier. “We see the site as a useful tool because for many of

The new site,, was launched

our members mobile technology has become a

during the CMA’s 144th annual meeting in St.

John’s in August. Physicians can download it by opening their smart phone browser and entering in the address bar. Once the site has been downloaded, members can click on contact information for different services or events and be connected to CMA staff by phone or email.

8  THE PULSE - FALL 2011  Medical Society of PEI

MEDICAL Society’s


Mrs. Rashmi Sethi and Dr. Baldev Sethi, pose for a photo prior to Dr. Sethi receiving the Medical Society of Prince Edward Island’s Life-Member Award.

Dr. Rachel Kassner and husband, Joel Palter, enjoy the music at the AGM reception at Shaw’s Hotel.


A LONG STANDING TRADITION The AGM Spouses’ /Partner Luncheon The Dunes Restaurant was the perfect setting for this year’s AGM Spouses’ /Partner Luncheon. Overlooking the beautiful tranquil gardens on a sunny, September Saturday, everyone enjoyed the great company and delicious fare. (First photo) L-R: Shari Ritter, Pat Hobbs, Dr. Gary MacLean, Cindy Sampson, Sharon Moyse and Joel Palter. (Second photo): L-R: Doug Millington, Rashmi Sethi, Sampa Shetty, Jenny Irwin, and Dr. Bev Brodie (Third Photo) L-R: Gayle Chiasson, Kathryn Schaefer, Madonna O’Shea, and Peggy Champion

Medical Society of PEI  THE PULSE - FALL 2011  9


ceremony at Province House Wednesday saw three new members inducted into the Order of Prince Edward Island, all of them still looking forward at what yet needs doing. William C. Callbeck, Central Bedeque, Eleanor Davies of Stratford, and Doctor David Wong of Summerside all received a medal of merit and certificate from Lieutenant Governor Frank Lewis. The citation for Callbeck says he “speaks five languages of service: to religion, social concerns, community, commerce, and the individual. “His work ethic and philanthropy are present for all to see in the landscape of rural PEI, and in the lives of his fellow citizens, employees and neighbours,” says his citation. Davies is honoured for her work in hospice care. “In 1985 she took on the role of educator when she became a founding member of what was once known as the Island Hospice Association,” reads her citation. Dr. Wong is recognized for his work in paediatrics, especially “his devotion to neonatal issues, asthma education and ADHD.” Honoured for their past work and commitment, all of them are looking ahead to still more involvement. A subject of grave concern for Wong is drug addiction among mothers and young children. “Many people have drug addiction on P.E.I.,” he said prior to the award ceremony. He is bothered by increasing breakins into family homes where children live. Wong is also concerned about babies in a drug-addicted world. “What we have noticed, there is an increase in newborn babies born to mothers who are addicted to drugs,” he said. “(The mothers) need to use medicine to help them get off drugs.” In a second forward-looking subject,

Dr. David Wong

Order of Prince Edward Island

Doctor Wong is eager to lobby hard, even across Canada, to get more modern drugs for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder available to clients of social services. “The fact is there are new medications, better medications available over the last eight years,” said Wong. “The government is allowing one, which is an OK medicine but the majority of them, the government does not support.” Davies said prior to the ceremony that she is accepting on behalf of everyone involved with hospice and palliative care for the past 25 years. She remains a weekly volunteer in palliative care and is now working to advance home-based palliative care. “Home care has come a very long

way in the last few years and I think that needs to accelerate so people who wish to remain at home for as long as possible can have access to information and consultation 24/7,” said Davies. She is also lobbying for a catastrophic drug plan for palliative care patients. Callbeck looks to young people to carry on active involvement in P.E.I. communities. “I like to see people involved in community events and particularly, young people,” he said. “I think, by and large, we have some good young people and I think we all go through a stage, and through that stage you have to mould yourself into what comes after. “I believe we are in good hands but (youth) have to be encouraged and they have to be supported and quite

The 2011 Order of P.E.I. ceremony was held at Government House Wednesday. Attending are, from left, Lt. Gov. Frank Lewis, and award recipients William C. Callbeck of Central Bedeque, Eleanor Davis of Stratford and Doctor David Wong of Summerside. Guardian Article Published on October 12, 2011 - Photo by Nigel Armstrong.

often we don’t do that.” Callbeck says that various people have been good influences in his life. One in particular is Walter Hachborn, of St. Jacobs, Ont., co-founder of Home Hardware. “He has been a great influence on me with regard to his community involvement, his business activities and so on,” said Callbeck.

10  THE PULSE - FALL 2011  Medical Society of PEI

Camp Triumph -Thor Christensen Med III, Dalhousie University

Camp Triumph is a place for children who live with a family member who has a chronic or terminal illness. Our camp provides these children with a unique summer camp experience free of charge. Campers join others from across Atlantic Canada and beyond to enjoy a week away from the stresses of their daily lives, and to simply have fun. That get to connect with other kids who are dealing with similar circumstances. They bonds they form with their fellow campers and the staff have proven to form a support network throughout the year. We have now just completed our seventh summer in operation and have seen more than 880 children benefit from Camp Triumph. With a permanent home on PEI we are now looking to secure sources of longterm funding to expand the number of camps we are able to offer, all the while ensuring the camp remains free. We rely heavily on countless volunteers to donate their time as counsellors, kitchen staff, and support staff. Over the years many medical students have volunteered and have all come away with a greater sense of the impact of illness on the whole family. Here are two reflections from PEI medical students who volunteered this past summer. My experience at Camp Triumph is difficult to describe in words. While I have had the opportunity to interact with and get to know many children in many different contexts over the span of my life, Camp Triumph sticks out in my mind as something significantly different. I have never had the experience of observing such a phenomenal transformation

in children in such a short period of time. My experience with children elsewhere has always been in the surrounding context or environment of their lives, and you can see them struggle with detaching themselves from those constraints (both positive and negative) in short time intervals such as an hour or two after school (in Boys and Girls Club or that type of setting). With Camp Triumph, these kids are allowed a full week (although it ends up being a fast week!) of detachment from whatever has made them eligible for the camp in the first place. Don’t get me wrong: Camp is certainly not about ignoring or simply covering up real world problems. In fact, I would argue that it is just the opposite: It acknowledges those real life problems and then tactfully sets them aside and allows these children to strive to attain their full potential. All of the character, skills and talents, and general enthusiasm for life that often remains masked ‘in the real world’ (and for valid, albeit unfair, reasons) erupts to the surface. I still find it hard to contemplate the changes I observe in these kids and the difference between “Day 1 Kid” and “Day 6 Kid.” These children have often emerged from their ‘shells’ and have changed into confident, friendly, outgoing individuals with incredible personalities and new friends that have gone through a similar process and united with them at the end. These children are shining examples of just how much a child can achieve with a bit of dedicated, undivided attention and the proper environment to conduct this. The take home point: Camp Triumph is that ideal environment. You have a solid group of dedicated counselors (many

of which have logged countless hours of working with children), a fantastic kitchen staff and wonderful members of the community that help out in many ways, on fantastic grounds with incredible facilities. Top that all off with being led by one of the most inspirational families that I have ever had the opportunity to cross paths with and the drive to always make things better for the kids, to always move forward and make progress and to never cease at the point which is ‘probably good enough’, and you have a recipe for a very successful summer camp that fills a niche that none other attends to. That, and I still say I have more fun than the kids do. -Thor Christensen Med III, Dalhousie University I was born and raised in Summerside, PEI, attended Acadia University and then made my way to Dalhousie for Medical School; along the way I had heard a lot about Camp Triumph and the positive impact it has had on the lives of children from across much of the country. I was finally persuaded to send in my counselor application after listening to some Camp Triumph veteran counselors tell me about their experiences. Now I would like to pay it forward and share my unforgettable Camp Triumph experience with you. Over the course of a week, the Camp Triumph “Cavemen”, a group of six 7 and 8 year olds, showed me how awesome it is to be a kid and quickly became my best buds. We spent the week playing sports, kayaking, making arts and crafts, eating like kings, singing campfire songs, telling

-Daniel Keefe Med II, Dalhousie University

jokes and having more fun than I can remember having in a long time. However, I would be lying if I said we didn’t have some lows during the week. Hearing a tearful child tell you about their struggles living with a sick family member was a heartbreaking experience but made me realize just how important Camp Triumph really is for these kids. It is an opportunity to be a carefree kid for one week and to escape the realities they face each day as they struggle with the illness of a loved one. It is a place where they can meet other kids who may be going through some of the same feelings and struggles. It was during some of these lows that these 8 year- old little boys showed me what mature young kids they truly are. One afternoon I listened in as they were arguing the outcome of the annual Camp Triumph Olympic games when one boy said, “It doesn’t even matter what team won, I’m just glad everyone had fun”. I was so proud of them; it was moments like this that made me feel lucky to have had the chance to meet each one of them. Experiencing the joy of winning the prestigious “Golden Plunger” award for having the cleanest cabin, building sand castles on the beach, playing air hockey, piggybacks, doing “running screamies”, eating spaghetti with nothing but a garlic press – these are just a few of the reasons I can’t wait to go back to Camp Triumph. That, and the “pinky promise” I made to six 8 year olds to do it all over again next summer. -Daniel Keefe Med II, Dalhousie University

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