The Pulse - Spring 2010

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Greening MSPEI We all know how important it is to think green for the sake of our planet, our health - and to save money! Although the Medical Society of PEI is a relatively streamlined organization, by “Good job on adopting a more approach the using fewer trees!” green Society is not only saving trees, but improving efficiencies in the way its 300+ members are served. With spring here and Earth Day just around the corner, it is a good opportunity to report on phase-one of MSPEI’s officegreening plan. At the start of 2010, all members received a short survey via blast email and facsimile regarding proposed changes including digitalizing all communiqués. Respondents provided an almost unanimous green light (pun intended) to proceed with steps to digitalize many of the

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formally paper-only communiqués. To this end, most of you are reading this article within the spring edition of the PULSE via the internet and receive, as needed (typically monthly) email blasts to inform and remind you of upcoming events and other timely messages. Historically, the Annual General Meeting was the opposite of ‘green’ when taking into account the issue of paper waste. Last year, the process began with registration and documentation available online; only limited quantities of the Book of Reports were printed for those “go green please” unable to receive the document electronically. It was encouraging to see a few members attend with laptops. It was duly noted by some that this transition is not without hurdles. For those unable - or unwilling - paper is still an option. However, it is the goal of MSPEI to eventually operate in as paperless a

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President’s Report As spokesperson for MSPEI, and as a surgeon, I was recently interviewed by CBC in reaction Ontario's Surgery Safety Check List. A 32-point checklist is now mandatory in Ontario following two women mistakenly having healthy breasts removed. Although it has not been addressed by our Medical Society as a priority, I believe it is an important patient safety issue. Our province is in need of a working plan for hospitals; a post and pre-surgery checklist could go a long way to improve patient safety. Another advocacy issue is moving ahead. You may recall the Medical Society passed resolutions at the 2009 AGM aimed at reducing the high rate of melanoma in PEI: That MSPEI request the Minister of Health pledge a commitment to the banning of the use of artificial ultraviolet radiation tanning equipment for those 18 years and younger. The Society will further call for increased regulation for owners and operators.

It has come to our attention that government is currently reviewing the Radiation Safety Regulations under the Public Health Act. We have urged government to consider enacting legislation that would prevent youth access to tanning beds. We also hope to collaborate on an initiative to train non-medical professionals (i.e., hair stylists, esthetician services etc.) to help detect early skin cancers. It has been my observation that the PG1 residency program is fitting in well at PCH/QEH. The program is working well and it appears that the medical staff and residents are enjoying shared learning experiences. The collaboration between the various levels of education and training will certainly strengthen PEI’s delivery of health care in the future. Finally, I would like to share with you that once again, I will be joining colleagues Dr. Don Clark and Dr. Jean Yves Dubois as we travel to Haiti to work for a week in April at the Northwest Haiti Christian Mission.

Dr. Paul Schaefer & Katherine Schaefer view Dr. Paul Price’s artwork at the MSPEI art show, Right Brain Released. The show will continue until middle of April at the Medical Society office in Stratford.

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Executive Director’s Report mspei staff My priority for the remainder of this year is seeing the upcoming negotiations to a successful conclusion (hopefully it won’t take this long!). As you know, in past years Manitoba’s John Laplume has served as the Society’s Chief Negotiator; unfortunately this time around he had to decline. The Negotiating Committee continues to work on finding someone to serve this post, with a potential candidate’s name to go to the Board of Directors for discussion. The main goal in negotiations remains the same: to strengthen recruitment and retention of physicians in PEI. That means the Island must be able to compete with the rest of the country. Competitiveness can only be achieved through meaningful improvements in compensation and working conditions. Wait times at all stages of medical care are already too long and will deteriorate further if this round of negotiations with government is not productive. Getting negotiations right is more important than merely getting it done. This is why your Negotiating Committee is seeking someone to lead negotiations. The Society will continue to work tirelessly to achieve its mission, one in which the needs of patients and physicians are entirely symmetrical. Sandy Irwin, Executive Director

Sandy Irwin Executive Director Kathy Maher, Communications Director Janet MacFadyen, Administrative Assistant Marlene Guignon, Accounting Technician Heather Mullen, Professional Development Officer

the board Executive Committee Chairman of Board: Dr. Roland Chiasson President: Dr. Paul Schaefer Vice President: Dr. Rachel Kassner Treasurer: Dr. Pat Bergin Past President: Dr. Billy Scantlebury Board Members Dr. Elizabeth Barbrick Dr. Ed White Dr. Terry Magennis Dr. Baldev Sethi Dr. Mitchell Zelman

contact us: 2 Mytle Street Straford, PE C1B 2W2 902-368-7303 ph 1-888-368-7303 toll free 902-566-3934 fax

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Workers Compensation Board To My Fellow Physicians: I was recently asked to review our most recent Agreement between Workers Compensation Board of Prince Edward Island and the Medical Society of Prince Edward Island with regard to identifying any implementation issues. I would like to share my findings with you. The issue of opioid prescribing, Section 1.05, has been working well with generalized acceptance of The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Prince Edward Island Guidelines (2005) titled “Opioids for Treatment of Chronic Noncancer Pain”, resulting in medication reviews and standard of care prescribing. Thank you for your assistance in this often contentious area. In the Agreement, Section 1.03 acknowledges the principles of Canadian Medical Association (CMA) policy guideline (update 2000) titled “The Physicians Role in Helping Patients Return to Work After an Illness or Injury”, which outlines the benefits of safe and timely return to work, and directs physicians to avoid instilling expectations of disability when positive attitudes will result in recovery. Legibility is still an issue with some physicians, and reports that can not be clearly interpreted can lead to delays in your patient’s claims being processed and your payments being received. The College has reminded us many times of the dangers of illegible records and prescriptions. Section 3.04 of the Agreement states the Board will not pay for reports that are incomplete,

illegible or provide no objective physical findings (eg. ‘no change’, ‘as before’, ‘status quo’). Section 4.01 of the Agreement (Frequency of office visits) outlines the expectation that the necessity for visits should decrease as a worker’s injury reaches maximum medical recovery, and when no further change in condition or response to treatment is expected over the next year. In this instance the Medical Society and Workers Compensation Board of Prince Edward Island agreed that the Board shall not pay for more than one routine office visit every second month. It is disconcerting and medically hard to understand that a very limited number of our physicians continue to submit bills every 2 weeks on worker’s who have reached maximum medical improvement for prolonged periods of time, and despite all the visits there is no functional increase or medical improvement reported. Workers Compensation Board of Prince Edward Island is monitoring these instances and will contact individual physicians as appropriate. Thank you for your help in all these areas, and if I can be of assistance, feel free to call me at 902-368-5596 or toll free at 1-800-237-5049. Kind regards, Steve O’Brien, M.D., C.C.F.P., C.I.M.E. Medical Director Workers Compensation Board of Prince Edward Island

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Right brain, released An old anecdote is told about the famous Canadian writer, Margaret Lawrence. While attending a cocktail party, she is introduced to a surgeon. During conversation, the surgeon tells Lawrence that upon retirement, he hopes to write. She retorts similarly, and shares that upon retirement, she intends to practice surgery. Today’s modern physicians and surgeons no longer pine away their medical practice years waiting to unleash their inner artist at retirement. Our generation of medical practitioners has learned that medical careers are enhanced by participation in the arts. Medical schools now recognize this, and favour candidates who possess a broad range of interests and hobbies outside of science and medicine. Active participation in the visual or performance arts, music, or writing can be a relaxing break from the heavy demands and daily toil of our work. In the words of the late American writer, Kurt Vonnegut Jr., “The arts are a very human way of making life more bearable. Practicing an art, no matter how well or badly, is a way to make your soul grow.” PEI boasts a large number of highly-talented and creative doctors, many of whom who have already had gallery exposure of their works. The first annual Medical Society of PEI, Art Exhibit by Island Docs, “Right Brain, Released,” was initiated to showcase local medical artistic talent. The purpose of the event is multifold: first, it is intended to be a non-judgmental, friendly environment for all artistic talents and styles. Secondly, we hope to share this creative output with each other - and with our larger community, including our patients. We wish to show the artistic side behind the doctors in PEI. We also want this event to start a dialogue about art itself, and its role in creative living. Participating in art engages the senses in a way that broadens one’s mind and imagination. Lastly, and most importantly, the plan is to have fun! The opening night gala event on March 25, 2010, hosted at the Medical Society building in Stratford, PEI, will be a kick off for the art exhibit with refreshments of wines from Rossignol Estates and local Gouda from the Cheese Lady. We are fortunate and honoured to expect the attendance of Dr. Ronald D. Stewart, Director of the Medical Humanities Program at Dalhousie Medical School. Dr. Stewart is a staunch supporter of participation and appreciation of the arts in medical school and beyond. Submitted by Jenni Zelin, a family doctor in Charlottetown. She is a co-organizer of “Right brain, released” and a strong promoter of artistic extracurricular activities for everyone. The works presented in this exhibit are from a current collection, entitled “100 Sh**y Paintings”. The purpose of this project was to strive to create 100 paintings, no matter how bad they are. She hopes that #100 is slightly better than #1.

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Right Brain, released 1 The art exhibit will continue until the middle of

April at the Medical Society, Stratford.


2 Painting by Dr. Farah Daya


3 Painting by Dr. Jenni Zelin 4 Dr. Shabbir Amanullah with his family & his

trusty camera.

5 Planning committee (Heather Mullen, Drs. Jennifer


Ashby, Jenni Zelin) thanking our sponsors, Alban Moran, OMA and Doug Lefurgey, MD Financial. Painting by Dr. D I Stewart.

6 Painting by Ashley Crane, MUN Med Student.


7 Painting by Dr. Paul Price 8 Never too young to appreciate art. Dr. David Ashby

with grandson Sebastian (son of Dr. Jenn Ashby & Dr. Huy Nguyen)


9 Dr. Dagny Dryer beside her watercolour &

ink painting.


10 Dr. Ian Reid meeting Dr. Ron Stewart, Director of

the Medical Humanities Program, Dal Medical.

11 Seaglass jewellery by Dr. Kathie McNally






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Bike Lanes Please I was disappointed to read about the outcome of the open meeting recently held by the Department of Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal (The Guardian, Feb. 24, 2010). At this meeting, plans for a $5-million project involving changes to Riverside Drive in Charlottetown were discussed; apparently, there are no plans to include the means for active transportation, such as bicycle paths or sidewalks. Essentially, these plans exclude all but motorized transportation for this busy and dangerous stretch of road. As a medical doctor, an active member of the health care and promotion committee of the Medical Society, a parent, and an active transportation participant and promoter, I find this unacceptable. As a cyclist who works at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital on Riverside Drive, I have always found my commute to work, when cycling, harrowing and dangerous. If these proposals are enacted, biking to work will no longer be an option for me. As you may be aware, the Medical Society of P.E.I. unanimously passed the following resolution that I put forth at the September 2009 annual general meeting: That the Medical Society of P.E.I. work collaboratively with like-minded organizations in the promotion of active transportation in P.E.I. as defined by the Canadian Medical Association policy outline on active transportation; that is, any human-powered form of transportation. In particular, that a strategy be developed to identify ways to make cycling a safe, convenient and practical way to get around.

the planned changes to Riverside Drive. From a health perspective, improving cycling opportunities in P.E.I. is beneficial in two major areas: improved cardiovascular health (affecting countless health conditions, such as obesity, type II diabetes, hypertension and osteoarthritis, to name a few) and safety on P.E.I.'s roads. Policies that encourage more Islanders to be physically active will inevitably decrease health-care costs by reducing the economic burden of chronic disease and injury as well as provide a superior quality of life enjoyed by those who are physically active. European countries embracing pro-cycling policies have reaped benefits. P.E.I. can learn from their successes. The Netherlands, for example, has the lowest non-fatal injury rate as well as the lowest fatality rate for cycling injuries despite having high and growing rates of cycling. Cycling is over five times as safe in the Netherlands as in the U.S., resulting in a population that perceives cycling as a safe means of transportation in all age categories, both sexes and all socioeconomic groups. Efforts made in Germany, Denmark and the Netherlands over the past 40 years have greatly improved cycling safety while levels of cycling have increased during that period in all three countries; meanwhile, the total number of cycling fatalities has dropped by over 70 per cent during this period.

Cycling is a doable mode of active LETTER TO THE EDITOR transportation for most people for many Guardian - 01/03/10 months of the year. By ignoring the growing global trend towards active Losing an transportation when planning infrastructure opportunity to changes, P.E.I. could be losing an promote fitness opportunity to improve the health and safety of Islanders (and tourists) on our Dr. Jenni Zelin The proposal has an obvious infrastructure roads. component, and is not acknowledged by

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Sleigh Ride 2010 Out ta m y w ay!

Whoa...Did someone grease my saucer?

Is that those doctors and their kids AGAIN?

o?... e Hell uld us o c se sure me hor w! so er no pow

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Who is doing Research? Who is doing research on PEI - non Pharma related? We are making a list - please email Heather at the Medical Society.

Leaders agmonst us

The Canadian Conference on Physician Leadership will be co-hosted by the CMA and the Canadian Society of Physician Executives on April 22-24, 2010, in Toronto. The conference theme is "How Effective Leaders Solve Complex Problems." The conference will feature a combination of engaging keynote speakers, a physician CEO panel and interactive, practical workshops. For further details and registration,

Issues in Sexual Abuse The Provincial Child Sexual Abuse Advisory Committee is pleased to announce a conference entitled: "Contemporary Issues in Child & Adult Sexual Abuse" The conference which will be held May 6-7, 2010 at the Rodd Charlottetown will focus on the following three themes :Child Sexual Exploitation & The Internet, Working with Survivors of Sexualized Violence in Canada's Ethno-cultural Communities, and Understanding the Physical and Psychological Effects of Sexual Assault. For more information contact Marya Desroches at

Occupational Physician Needed

From time to time employers contact the Medical Society seeking assistance finding a physician to see their employees. These tend to be pre-employment physicals or assisting getting the employee back to work. In the past MSPEI has worked with employers as diverse as Air Canada, Ocean Choice, and taxi companies. Currently AIMs Health has been contracted by Revenue Canada to find a physician to assist injured workers get back to work in a safe way. Are you looking for sporadic assessment work? If so, contact Sandy,

Mark off the afternoon of Friday July 16th - Annual Medical Student, Residents, & Members BBQ in MSPEI gardens.

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Healthy Lifestyle Clinic (Obesity Clinic) This fall we started a healthy lifestyle clinic that was modeled on a program run by Dr. Richard Tytus of Hamilton Ontario. Two trial groups have successfully completed this program. I work in collaboration with registered nurses, a registered dietitian and a kinesiologist to help the individual meet their goals. The sessions occur once a week over a 10 week period. Topics include pitfalls of fad diets, portion control, how to incorporate exercise into your everyday routine etc. The topics are set up to help individuals deal with problems around eating. Individuals will be monitored throughout for success. At completion you will be given an update on your patient’s progress if you desire. Enrollment is limited to 10 to 15 people at a time and the cycle will be ongoing. A $20.00 enrollment fee covers pedometers, exercise bands and pertinent materials. Participants are encouraged to continue with follow up sessions as needed. If you have patients that may be interested they can contact my office or you can send a referral note. Ray Cooke, M.D. Suite 103 - 199 Grafton Street, Charlottetown, PE, Phone: 902-629-8844, Fax: 902-892-0208

Music In Medicine As an inaugural event in their celebration of the 10th year of their unique medical school program, Music-in-Medicine, Dalhousie medical students will travel to the Island for events on the UPEI campus highlighted by a gala concert and reception in the Dr. Steel Recital Hall on April 10. The Music-in-Medicine program is an initiative under the Medical Humanities section of the Medical School and is unique to Dalhousie. The program boasts a research group, a major scholarship fund, and four performance groups--a 100-voice Chorale, a men’s a cappella group, The TestosterTONES, a women’s group, The Vocal Chords, and a Celtic Music Society and Ensemble. This concert will feature an alumnus of the UPEI Music program, Keith Baglole, the baritone soloist of the TestosterTONES, as well as the accompanist for both smaller groups. A graduate of the UPEI Class of 2009, Keith is a member of the Medical Class of 201 the “Lucky Thirteen’s” as they are known on the medical campus. Both The TestosterTONES and The Vocal Chords perform a variety of musical genres, from classical vocal compositions to jazz, folk and modern pop. The concert will take place at the Dr. Steel Recital Hall, UPEI, Charlottetown on April 10, at 7:30 pm, with tickets available from the UPEI Music Department or at the door.

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On January 28th, the PEI Division of the Canadian Cancer Society launched its promotional campaign urging Islanders to make regular cancer screening a part of their healthy lifestyle. Dr. Billy Scantlebury was on hand to represent the Medical Society, reinforcing the key role family physicians play in helping Islanders adopt the recommended screening procedures. “I was quite surprised to learn that more than 90% of patients 50+ rely solely on their doctor to tell them if they need to get screened. Even though the campaign tells people to be proactive and 'get screened,' doctors need to do their part and talk to patients 50+ about the importance of regular screening. The information and tools the Society provides to physicians as part of the campaign will help.”

website or by contacting the Canadian Cancer Society (see contact info below).

In addition to supporting the role of family physicians by providing toolkits, the Canadian Cancer Society worked with the Medical Society to offer a Continuing Medical Education Session with Dr. Verna Mai on March 23rd. Dr. Mai is the Chair of the Canadian Partnership Against Cancer's Screening Advisory Group and provincial lead, public health at Cancer Care Ontario. Her session addressed the evolving evidence regarding cancer screening, evidencebased guidelines, and the concepts underlying the pros and cons of screening. It is anticipated that conversations with patients can be made easier by increased familiarity with these issues. Her presentation was recorded and plans are The campaign features the slogan “Get screened PEI”, being made for screenings in eastern and western PEI. It urging Islanders to get screened for colorectal, breast and will also be available from the Medical Society by contacting cervical cancers on a regular basis by age 50. It uses Heather at television, radio and newspaper advertising as well as a campaign . The website Please help to create a culture of cancer screening that will features screening information, screening program contact fight cancer by ensuring that Islanders have the best chance information, and an interactive component that allows of successful treatment because of early detection! Talk to Islanders register as a “screener” and sign up for personalized your patients today about regular screening for colorectal, screening reminders. It also serves as a portal to breast and cervical cancers. To obtain a toolkit, gain for more in-depth cancer information. additional information about the campaign, or to provide feedback, contact project coordinator, Amber Collateral materials have also been developed and are or 566-4007. included in physician toolkits that were distributed to family physicians across the province in February. Toolkit materials can be accessed via the “Doctors’ Info” section on the

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Once again, in lieu of a two-day Annual General Meeting, this year’s schedule of events will be divided, occurring on two (2) Saturdays: June 26 and September 11.

Brudenell River Golf Course Saturday, June 26, 2010 9:00–12:30 am CME Breakfast Topic TBA

1:00 pm GOLF TOURNAMENT Shotgun Start, Best Ball includes cart, beginners welcome

6:30 pm DINNER

You are welcome to attend any part of the day. Please Register by fax, mail or call 368-7303 or Also check for online registration.

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for Drea s m

Dr. Harry was a dedicated physician with one of the largest Family Medicine practices in Canada for over 37 years. He loved his work and was very devoted to his patients. Dr. Harry had a special place in his heart for his pediatric patients and would go out of his way to make sure they were looked after regardless of the circumstances. It is truly fitting that he would have his name attached to a fundraiser for the children of PEI who need medical attention and financial assistance. The Memorial Golf Tournament is the primary source of funding for the Dr. Harry Callaghan Pediatric Foundation which provides assistance to assist Island Children with chronic illness and disabilities in obtaining the quality medical treatment and rehabilitation services they deserve. The success of this event in past years has enabled the Foundation to continue its mission. For those who supported us in the past, we thank you and hope you will continue to support this worthy cause. For new supporters we are very grateful that you are joining us this year.


Registration Form

Wednesday, August 11th, 2010 Belvedere Golf Club 1:00 p.m. Shot Gun Start Team: $900.00 Individual: $225.00 Team Name: Contact: Phone: E-mail: Player 1: Email: m Male Shirt Size: Shoe Size:

m mS

Female mM



m mS

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The Dr. Harry Callaghan Memorial Golf Committee


1. MAJOR SPONSOR: $5000.00 • Advertisement on all media communications & photo in the local newspaper • Large banner with company name/logo displayed • Team entry with 4 golfers and golf cars provided • Hole sponsorship displaying company name/logo • Presenter of an award at prize presentation • Gift bag for team players • Golf shirt for team players or sponsors • Complimentary food & refreshments at several on-course locations • Closing banquet, prize presentation, and auction for players or sponsors 2. TEAM SPONSOR: $900.00 • Team entry with 4 golfers and golf cars provided • Gift bag for team players • Golf shirt for team players or sponsors • Complimentary food & refreshments at several on-course locations • Closing banquet, prize presentation and auction for players or sponsors 3. HOLE SPONSOR: $250.00 • Company sign on a designated hole • Company name on scorecard • Company name on program 4.PRIZE SPONSOR: $200.00 (4 prizes valued at $50.00) • Company name on program

Player 2: Email: m Male Shirt Size: Shoe Size: Player 3: Email: m Male Shirt Size: Shoe Size: Player 4: Email: m Male Shirt Size: Shoe Size:

Payable to: Dr. Harry Callaghan Memorial Golf Send Registration to: Blair Mayne, PO Box 700 Charlottetown, PE. C1A 7L3 Email: Phone: 902-569-3322 Cell: 902-628-7511 Fax: 902-368-7392 m Visa m Mastercard Credit Card # Expiry Date:


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