Stomatology previous year solved (2012)

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STOMATOLOGY PREVIOUS YEAR SOLVED (2012 batch) TERMS (28 marks) 1. LEUKOPLAKIA: a predominantly white lesion of the oral mucosa that cannot be characterized as any other definable lesion 2. WEDGE-SHAPED DEFECT: Abrasion is the mechanical wearing away of tooth substance by forces other than mastication. 3. PERIODONTIUM (THE PERIODONTAL DEFECT) It is the functional unit of tissue and supports the tooth. It consist of 4 parts; the gingiva, peridental ligament, cementum, bone. 4. DENTAL CARIES Dental caries is a disease of the dental calcified structure (enamel, dentin, and cementum) that is characterized by demineralization of the mineral components and dissolution of the organic matrix. 5. PERICORONITIS OF WISDOM TOOTH The third molar pericoronitis is a purulent inflammation of soft tissue around the crown caused by the third molar eruption or impaction. 6. ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SPACE INFECTION Are inflammatory diseases of jaw and facial soft tissue caused by the invasion of pathogenic micro-organisms. 7. DENTAL PLAQUE It can be defined as the bacteria and metabolic products that adhere to the acquired pellicle.

LONG QUESTIONS (72 marks) 1. PLEASE WRITE DOWN THE CHARACTERISTICS OF DENTAL PULPAL PAIN? • Pulpal pain is severe, intermittent, and throbbing. Very poorly localized. Intensified by heat, cold and sometimes chewing. • The pain results from deep dental caries, pulpal inflammation, vertical tooth fracture, or infection, and may occur without provocation and persist after stimulus is removed.

• NOTE: Chewing pain (occlusal pressure) can be indicative of pulpal pathology. 2. PLEASE WRITE DOWN THE FACTORS INVOLVED IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF DENTAL CARIES? Etiology of dental caries 1. Host: Parasite/ Bacteria, Environment complex 2. Nutrition: Carcinogenic food (Ph <5.5 leads to demineralization of enamel) 3. Bacteria: Acidogenic, Mutan streptococcus, Actinomycin, Lactobacillus 4. Time



3. PLEASE WRITE DOWN THE CLINICAL MANIFESTATION OF SIMPLE PERIODONTITIS? The primary clinical features of periodontitis a. Clinical attachment loss b. alveolar bone loss c. periodontal pocketing d. gingival inflammation( enlargement or recession ) e. increased mobility, drifting & / tooth exfoliation may occur h. progress continuously as chronic inflammation or by burst of activity 4. PLEASE WRITE DOWN THE CLINICAL FEATURES OF MINOR APHTHOUS ULCER (MIAU)? • Feature : yellow red ,concave, painful, small (2-4 mm) • Course : 7-10 days • Number : 1 -5 • Position : Non keratinized oral mucosa • No Systemic symptoms 5. WHAT IS THE COMMON SYMPTOMS OF FRACTURES OF MAXILLA? 1. Pain

6. Visual changes (Blindness)

2. Bruise

7. Upper airway obstruction

3. Limit of opening mouth

8. Multiple injuries

4. Altered sensation

9. Displacement

5. Deformity

10. Malocclusion

6. THE PREVENTION OF ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL TUMORS? - Block carcinogenesis I - Etiology II - Early detection, Diagnosis, Treatment III – Eradiction of tumor, prevent recurrence - Eliminate/ reduce cancer causing factors, physical, chemical & main factors - Treat precancerous lesion in timely manner - Anti-cancer propaganda - Census & monitoring 7. THE NAME AND NUMBER OF THE PRIMARY/BABY TEETH? •4 central incisors 4 lateral incisors 4 cuspids (also called canine) 4 first molars 4 second molars


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