The Games Industry in Berlin-Brandenburg
Content of The GErman capital Region Growth
The Berlin-Brandenburg Region Berlin Brandenburg, the German capital region, is one of the worlds foremost international meeting places for creatives and also one of Europe’s leading digital start-up capitals.
Ireland Great Britain
04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12
Funding and Financing Strongest growth in Germany in the games and software industry (over 140 percent in the past 10 years) 2
Sweden Denmark BErlin Brandenburg
elgium Luxembourg
Czech Republic
Austria ● IT Capital with 4,000 companies with over 36,000 employees and an annual Switzerland turnover of over € 2 billion in the software and games industry ● Innovative Games Cluster: Well-networked creative location for digital Slovenia entertainment, online and browser games, serious games, social games, Croatia mobile games, virtual worlds, edutainment and E-Learning Italy ● International Creative Capital with Excellent Educational Opportunities: Excellent educational opportunities in games and computer-generated 3D animation ● High Ranking Industry Events: DGT – Deutsche Gamestage, Quo Vadis game developers’ conference, Deutscher Computerspielpreis, LARA – German Games Award, A MAZE. Festival etc. 3
Dr. Dietmar Woidke
Klaus Wowereit
Dr. Dietmar Woidke Minister President of the State of Brandenburg 디터 보이드케 박사 브란덴부르그 주총리
Klaus Wowereit Governing Mayor of Berlin 클라우스 보베라이트 베를린 시장 4
Games embody an exciting mixture of creativity and technological innovation that perfectly suits our dynamic, young and adventurous German capital region. Indeed, one of the major objectives of our joint economic development policy is to further Berlin-Brandenburg’s status as a game industry leader. The capital region is Germany’s No. 1 creative location and continues to set trends and influence developments in the worldwide digital start-up scene. In the past several years, a games cluster unique in Germany has emerged here at the very heart of Europe, with countless innovative developers’ studios, online publishers and globally prominent portals for mobile and Internet-based games. The strongest growth in Germany in the games and software industry (over 140 percent in the past 10 years), 4,000 companies, a workforce of more than 36,000 indiv iduals and an annual turnover of over €2 billion in the software and games industry speak for themselves. No other location is better suited to your business ventures in Germany and Europe. We’d be happy to welcome you to Berlin-Brandenburg! 창의력과 혁신적인 기술의 흥미있는 조합인 게임은, 우리의 다이나믹하고, 젊고, 진취적인 독일의 수도에 딱 들어 맞는다고 할 수 있습니다. 실제로, 우리 지역 공동 경제 개발 정책의 주요 목적 중 하나는 베를린시와 그를 둘러싼 브란덴부르그 (Berlin-Brandenburg) 지역의 위상을 게임 업계를 위한 최고의 입지로 확대 하는 것 입니다. 독일의 수도권 지역은 가장 창의적인 지역으로, 전 세계적으로 디지털 사업의 트렌드를 이끌어가며 영향력을 미치고 있습니다. 지난 수년간 셀 수없는 혁신적인 개발자 스튜디오, 온라인 게임퍼블리셔, 세계적으로 유명한 모바일 및 인터넷 기반 게임 포털업체와 같은 독일 내에서도 독특한 형태의 게임 클러스터가 유럽의 심장부인 이 곳에 생겨났습니다. 독일내에서 게임과 소프트웨어 산업의 (지난 10년간 140프로가 넘는) 강력한 성장, 4,000여개의 기업, 36,000 명 이상의 인력과 연간 20 억 유로(약3조원)의 소프트웨어 및 게임 산업 매출이란 기록이 이러한 사실을 스스로 증명해 주고있습니다. 유럽과 독일 안에서 여러분의 비즈니스 벤처를 위해 이 곳보다 더 적합한 장소는 없을 것 입니다. 우리 베를린과 브란덴부르그주는 여러분을 환영합니다!
Elmar Giglinger
Elmar Giglinger Managing director Medienboard BerlinBrandenburg 엘마 기글링어 베를린-브란덴부르그 미디어 산업 진흥원 원장
Welcome to Berlin-Brandenburg, Germany’s capital region and the digital heart of continental Europe. This is where the creative and digital-media industries continue to set major trends and where promising new ideas are fostered from start to finish. And we invite you to join us. Germany’s capital region is already home to 200 games- industry companies, including such major players as Wooga, Crowdpark, Yager and morgen studios. It also hosts leading industry events, such as DGT – Deutsche Gamestage, the Quo Vadis developer’s conference and the A MAZE.Indie Connect Festival. Entrepreneurs will find the perfect environment to put new business ideas into practice here. The region offers a comprehensive and highly effective spectrum of consulting, network, financing and funding services. All of us at the Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg, Berlin Partner for Business and Technology, Brandenburg Economic Development Board (ZAB) and look forward to welcoming you to Berlin-Brandenburg very soon. 독일의 수도이며 유럽 대륙의 디지털 중심인 베를린-브란덴부르크 지역에 오신 것을 환영합니다. 이 곳은 크리에이티브 산업과 디지털 미디어 산업이 지속적으로 새로운 트렌드를 만들어 나가는 곳이며, 유망한 아이디어가 새롭게 태어나고 끝을 이루는 곳입니다. 그리고 이 곳에 여러분이 함께 하시도록 초대합니다. 이 곳 독일 수도권은 이미 웅가, 크라우드파크, 예거, 모르겐스투디오 같은 200여개 주요 게임 기업의 본산지입니다. 뿐만 아니라, 독일 게임데이, 쿠오바디스 개발자 컨퍼런스, 어메이즈 인디커넥트 같은 행사도 개최한 바 있습니다. 기업인들은 이곳이 새로운 사업 아이디어를 만들고 실현하기 위한 완벽한 환경임을 아실 것입니다. 이 곳 지방 정부는 컨설팅, 네트웍, 투자 및 재정지원을 아우르는 완벽하고 매우 효율적인 일련의 서비스를 제공하기 때문입니다. 베를린 브란덴부르그 미디어산업 진흥원, 베를린 파트너 산업 기술 진흥원, 브란덴부르그 경제개발 진흥원 (ZAB) 및 게임스넷은 여러분을 베를린 브란덴부르그 지역에서 곧 뵙게 되기를 바라겠습니다. 5
Expand your Business in Europe. Invest into the Games Capital Berlin-Brandenburg. International, Creative, Innovative, Cost-efficient 국제적, 창조적, 혁신적, 비용 효율적
Located in the heart of Europe International breeding ground for start-ups
Pioneer in funding innovative game content Germany’s leading talent pool Where content meets technology
유럽의 심장부에 위치 국제적인 성장의 출발지 혁신적인 게임 컨텐츠 지원금의 선구자 독일의 선도적인 인재 풀 콘텐츠가 기술을 만나는 곳
The Games Industry in Berlin and Brandenburg
Key Facts
주요 사항
● Host of the events DGT – Deutsche Gamestage with Quo Vadis, A MAZE., Making Games Talents etc. ● Tight network for the games industry thanks to, medienboard, ZAB and Berlin Partner for Business and Technology, BIU, G.A.M.E. and many more ● Grants of up to 50 % for labor costs and capital investment in fixed asset grants and loans for tech-oriented R&D projects ● Grants of up to 50 % for labor costs and capital investment in fixed asset grants and loans for tech-oriented R&D projects ● Public-private partnerships and trade fair appearances (gamescom, Game Connection, G-Star, GDC etc.) ● Financial support (VC Fonds Kreativwirtschaft Berlin, VC Fonds Technologie Berlin, Frühphasenfonds Brandenburg, BFB II Growth Fund) ● Funding for game development projects (Medienboard BerlinBrandenburg) ● Top education for top talent (Games Academy, MD.H, School4Games, SAE/QANTM, L4, HTW, Uni Potsdam, TU and HU Berlin etc.)
● Quo Vadis, A MAZE., Making Games Talents
행사를 포함한 독일 게임데이 행사를 등 개최 ● 게임스넷 (, 베를린브란덴부르그 미디어산업 진흥원, 브란덴부르그 경제개발 진흥원 (ZAB), 베를린 파트너 산업 기슬진흥원, 게임 산업 협회 (BIU) 게임 개발자 협회 (G.A.M.E.) 등과 같은 기관들을 통한 게임산업과의 단단한 네트워크 ● 인건비와 고정 자산 투자의 최대 50% 까지 보조. 기술 지원, R&D 대출 지원 및 인프라 구축 지원 프로젝트 ● 공공-개인간 파트너십과 무역 박람회 참가 (gamescom, Game Connection, G-Star, GDC 등) 지원 ● 다양한 재정 지원 프로그램( 베를린 크리에이티브산업 벤처기금, 베를린 신기술 벤처기금, 신생기업지원 자금, BFB II 성장기금) ● 게임 개발 프로젝트에 대한 지원 (베를린-브란덴부르그 미디어산업 진흥원) ● 인재에 대한 수준 높은 교육 지원 (Games
Academy, MD.H, School for Games, QANTM, L4, HTW, 포츠담 대학, 베를린 공대, 훔볼트 대 등)
The Games Industry in Berlin and Brandenburg
Funding and Financing
지원금 및 재정
The federal states of Berlin and Brandenburg extensively support start-ups, relocating companies and expanding businesses. For example via grants of up to 50 % for labor costs and capital investment in fixed assets; grants and loans for techoriented R&D projects; via backing for infrastructure projects, competitions, public-private partnerships and trade fair appearances. The Berlin State Investment Bank (IBB) has a € 30 million venture capital fund for the creative industries (“VC Fonds Kreativwirtschaft Berlin”) and a € 52 million VC fund for tech (“VC Fonds Technologie Berlin”).
베를린과 브란덴부르그 주는 신생 기업, 이주 회사, 또한 비즈니스를 확장하는 기업에 대해 광범위한 지원을 하고 있습니다. 예를 들면 인건비와 고정 자산 투자의 최대 50% 까지 보조, 기술 지원 및 R&D 대출 지원 및 인프라 구축 프로젝트, 경연대회 참가, 공기업-사기업 간의 협력 및 박람회참가 등을 지원합니다.
베를린주 투자 은행 (IBB)는 3,000만 유로의 “크리에이티브산업 벤쳐기금”과, 5,200 만 유로의 “신기술 벤처기금”을 보유하고 있습니다. 브란덴부르그의 “신생기업지원 자금”과 “BC 브란덴부르그 기금”은 신기술관련의 소형 및 중형 기업의 초기와 성장단계에 자본을 투자해 왔습니다. “미디어산업 진흥원”은 2006년부터 게임 개발에 자금을 지원해왔고, 독일 내의 게임 개발을 위한 가장 인기 있는 콘텐츠자금 지원기관으로 알려져 있을 뿐 아니라, 다양한 네트워크 이벤트 및 컨퍼런스를 개최하고 있습니다. 이 지역의 비지니스 개발 지원 기관인 “베를린 파트너 산업 기술 진흥원” 과 “브란덴부르그 경제 개발 진흥원” (ZAB) 은 위와 같은 자금지원 기회에 대한 정보를 제공하고 관련 서비스를 해 드립니다.
The Games Industry in Berlin and Brandenburg
In B randenburg, the “Frühphasenfonds Brandenburg” and “BC Brandenburg Capital” invest in tech-oriented small and mediumsized companies in the early and growth phases. Medienboard funds the development of games since 2006 and is renowned as one of the best content funding bodies in Germany. Medienboard also offers a number of networking events and conferences. The region’s two business development companies, Berlin Partner for Business and Technology and the Brandenburg Economic Development Board (ZAB), provide information and support on the financing opportunities mentioned above. Berlin-Brandenburg is known for setting new trends and putting innovative ideas into practice. With more than 30 academies and universities, Berlin-Brandenburg offers top education for top talent. Moreover thanks to the lively and creative atmosphere it is easy to attract international workforce to relocate to the region.
베를린-브란덴부르그는 새로운 트렌드를 만들고 혁신적인 아이디어가 실천되는 곳으로 잘 알려져 있습니다. 베를린-브란덴부르그는 약 30개 이상의 대학, 전문대학과 함께 재능을 가진 인재를 대상으로 수준 높은 교육을 제공하고 있습니다. 또한, 활기차고 창조적인 분위기 덕분에 베를린은 국제 인력을 유치하기 매우 좋은 위치입니다.
The Games Industry in Berlin and Brandenburg
The region is home of highly successful game developers for PC, mobile, web and consoles, as well as a hotbed for start-ups in the fields of design, technology, social media as well as IT and eCommerce. The capital r egion hosts a wide range of industry services, including payment systems, sound recording, localization, quality assurance and concept artwork. Not only thanks to, Berlin-Brandenburg is well networked and a wide range of advisory services, financing and subsidies ensures a strong business environment. The two German game industry associations, G.A.M.E. and BIU, have their headquarters here. The sector’s leading players gather regularly in Berlin for the DGT – Deutsche Gamestage (April 8 – 14, 2014). The Computer Games Museum offers a globally unique permanent games exhibition. Add to that numerous research institutions and no other location in G ermany offers such a comprehensive infrastructure in the field of games.
이 지역은 PC, 모바일, 웹, 콘솔 분야에서의 성공적인 게임 개발자 들의 본고장일 뿐 아니라 디자인, 기술, 소셜 미디어, IT 및 전자상 거래 분야의 신생 기업의 왕성한 서식지라 할 수 있습니다. 이 곳 수도권 지역은 전자결제 시스템, 사운드 레코딩, 현지화, 품질관리 및 디자인을 포함한 광범위한 서비스업체들이 공존하고 있습니다. 베를린-브란덴부르그 지역은 새로 설립된 게임스넷 ( 을 포함하여 업계 네트워크가 잘 구성되어 있으며, 광범위한 자문 서비스, 금융 및 보조금을 통해 강력한 비즈니스 환경을 보장하고 있습니다. 게임산업 관련 협회인 “G.A.M.E”와“BIU” 의 본부도 베를린에 위치하고 있습니다. 이 분야의 주요 업체들은“독일 게임스데이” (DGT ‐ Deutsche Gamestage: German Game Days ‐ 2014 년 4월 8 일 ‐ 14일)에 베를린에서 정기적인 모임을 가집니다. “컴퓨터 게임박물관” (Computer Games Museum) 은 세계적으록 고유한 상설 게임 역사 전시관입니다. 그 외에도 베를린에는 많은 연구 기관이 위치하고 있으며, 독일의 어떤 곳에서도 게임 분야에 있어서 베를린보다 포괄적인 인프라를 제공하지는 못하고 있습니다.
Your Business 足Partners in Berlin and Brandenburg
Berlin Partner for Business and Technology – economic d evelopment on behalf of the state of Berlin. We advise and assist investors in establishing operations in Berlin, and focus on business retention in the capital once they’re here.
Berlin Business Financing Package: We’ll find the best funding and financing opportunities for your business
Berlin Business Locating Package: We’ll help select the ideal property for your company
Berlin Business Recruiting Package: We’ll assist with employee recruitment
ZAB is the State of Brandenburg’s central contact point for investors, local companies and technology-oriented start-ups. nancial and Provision of current fi sector information Tailor-made location packages Customized information on industrial and office space Advising on investment assistance and financing and on support of R&D projects Helping in recruiting specialist staff Assistance in getting in contact with networks and co-operation partners
Berlin Partner for Business and Technology Ludwig Erhard Haus Fasanenstr. 85 10623 Berlin / Germany
ZAB Brandenburg Economic Development Board Steinstr. 104 – 106 14480 Potsdam / Germany
Contact Birgit Reuter T + 49 (0)30 / 4 63 02 – 338 F + 49 (0)30 / 4 63 02 – 444
Contact Otmar Hamp T + 49 (0)331 / 6 60 – 32 31 F + 49 (0)331 / 6 60 – 31 44
medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg GmbH
Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg is the first stop for creative professionals active in film, tv, games and other media industries in Berlin-Brandenburg. Media business development and (digital) content funding Supporting the games industry since 2006 Interdisciplinary networking DGT – Deutsche Gamestage with the conferences Quo Vadis and A MAZE. Representing the capital region on fairs and international conferences such as gamescom, GDC SF, G-Star etc.
Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg August-Bebel-Str. 26 – 53 14482 Potsdam / Germany Contact Wiebke Herger T + 49 (0)331 / 7 43 87 – 46 berlinbrandenburg is the platform for the games industry in Berlin and Brandenburg. represents and connects companies in the capital region in order to create a sustainable business-to-business network. Supporting big players and start-ups Excellent contacts in the industry, politics and science Accelerating direct dialogue Regular networking events promote varied exchange between all members from corporations to universities berlinbrandenburg c/o berlinbrandenburg, Wöhlertstr. 12 – 13 10115 Berlin / Germany Contact Lilija Bairamova T + 49 (0)30 / 2 46 28 57 – 10 F + 49 (0)30 / 2 46 28 57 – 19
The Enterprise Europe Network helps small businesses make the most of the European marketplace and beyond. We bring together close to 600 business support organisations from more than 50 countries, we help small companies seize the unparalleled business opportunities in the EU single market. Offering the combined s ervices of these highly successful predecessors, and more, we are a true one-stop shop for small businesses. More than 3,000 e xperienced staff provide you with practical answers to questions in your language. Develop your business in new markets Source or license new technologies Access EU finance and EU funding
Enterprise Europe Network Berlin-Brandenburg c/o Berlin Partner for Business and Technology Fasanenstr. 85 10623 Berlin Contact Sibylle Kubale T + 49 (0)30 / 4 63 02 – 593 F + 49 (0)30 / 4 63 02 – 444 14
Company Profiles
EGDF – European Games Developer Federation
Games Academy
1SDK Greeting
1SDK 1SDK is a SaaS (Software as a Service) platform for mobile App/Game Companies to grow In-App revenue with dynamic pricing based on user actions/behavior. THE PROBLEM The In-app virtual goods market is valued in excess of $10B, but almost 50% of the revenue is captured by the top 25 App and Game Companies. Why is this? The top 25 make great Apps, but they also have sophisticated monetization tools and dedicated revenue management teams. The rest of the 180K+ mid-size companies and developers lack such tools and teams and hence struggle to monetize. 1SDK levels the playing field.
THE SOLUTION 1. Gather data about your user base • with a single SDK connect and gather data from multiple appstores 2. S egment user from their In-app behavior • identify your mostly valuable users, those at risk of attritions and the ones likely to buy more 3. G row in-app revenue with dyna mic pricing • easily test price points, offer price promotions to battle churn and convert users to paying customers STATUS 1SDK software is available for free trial at
Contact 1SDK Charlottenstr. 2 10969 Berlin / Germany 17
ad2games Content
ad2games ad2games is an innovative performance marketing network for games. Partnering directly with the most renowned gaming portals, ad2games provides loyal, high quality users for more than 150 game publishers such as Bigpoint, Gameforge, ChangYou, Perfect World, Kabam, Goodgame Studios and Nexon. ad2games is active in over 50 countries and the volume of
more than 500.000 quality leads for one premium publisher per month proves exceptional expertise in user acquisition for free-to-play online games. ad2games is headquartered in Berlin with additional offices in San Francisco and Seoul and employs marketing and gaming experts from more than 15 different countries.
Contact Johannes Rolf (CEO) ad2games GmbH Rosenstr. 17 10178 Berlin / Germany T + 49 (0)30 / 240 888 – 223 18
Greeting AppLift
AppLift We help mobile game advertisers acquire loyal, quality gaming users at scale through innovative solutions on a CPI basis. On the supply side, we offer to our media partners to easily and effectively monetize their traffic with relevant game offers, on both iOS and Android. We help games get to the top of their league by providing loyal users and maximizing their ROI.
We place a strong focus on tracking and optimizing the Customer Lifetime Value of the users we deliver (engagement, retention, virality and monetization).
Contact Kaya Taner (CEO and Co-Founder) AppLift GmbH Rosenstr. 17 10117 Berlin / Germany T + 49 (0)30 / 240 888 – 208 19
CPMStar Content
CPMStar CPMStar is the largest advertising destination specializing in online game content, representing more than 2000 top game sites serving more than 14 billion ads per month. The company’s custom built techno logy was designed to satisfy the needs of performance-based ad vertisers, while offering competitive rates to high quality publishers. CPMStar offers its advertising partners complete campaign management, including pro-active optimization and in-house creative services. By delivering maximum results with targeted efficiency, the ad network has been the top performing vendor for many gaming campaigns, which have included Sony Online, Microsoft, Electronic Arts, Ubisoft, Activision Blizzard and Wargaming.
Supported ad formats include standard banner ads, along with custom placements such as rich media, site skins and video pre-rolls to companies targeting a diverse, worldwide gaming audience. CPMStar is also an approved advertising provider for the Facebook platform and is rapidly expanding its mobile web and app offerings. The company was founded in 2001, and is now owned by the Game Show Network. Headquartered in Santa Monica, California, CPMStar also has European sales representation based in Berlin.
Contact Marian Härtel (Director European Sales) CPMStar T + 49 (0)30 / 31 99 849 – 20
Paul Braunger (GM) CPMStar T + 001 310 / 255 69 28
Crobo Crobo is based in Berlin and our team currently boasts 35 employees. We offer advertisers a full range of online marketing services for Branding & Performance-based gaming campaigns. We provide top consultation on every level, based on specific game competitive analysis and even includes compliance monitoring of activity and results. Our unique portfolio of media channels allows us to provide a wide variety of ad formats, targeting solutions, and lead generation on a large scale. User value and campaign metrics are reviewed on a con tinuous basis, while the results are
used for optimization towards higher player monetization. This guarantees only relevant traffic will reach each one of our campaigns. Crobo has a network of over 600 active publishers in 167 countries. Many companies in the free-to-play market are already in our client portfolio, including such companies as EA, Kabam, Gameforge, Ubisoft, Aeria Games,, Perfect World and more. With the support of Crobo, 4.9 million con versions are generated every month with 53% of all registrations be coming active users.
Contact Matthias Lesch (CEO) Crobo GmbH Schwedter Str. 263 10119 Berlin / Germany T + 49 (0)30 / 284 450 – 961 21
EGDF – European Games Developer Federation Content
EGDF – European Games Developer Federation The European Games Developer Federation is committed to the stimulation and development of a stable, vibrant and creative European games development sector that is competitive globally and recognized culturally. The EGDF will act to advance the political and economic interests of the European computer and video games industry by providing a platform for collaboration and discussion between European institutions and game developers.
The federation represents some 600 studios based in Austria, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Norway, Spain, and the United Kingdom, which together employ about 17,000 people. The European computer and video games industry, including distributors and students in game edu cations, encompasses almost 100,000 individuals.
Contact EGDF Prof. Dr. Malte Behrmann, Lawyer (General Counsel) bbw Hochschule Leibnitzstr. 11 – 13, Raum 114 10625 Berlin / Germany T + 49 (0)30 / 319 90 95 – 61 F + 49 (0)30 / 319 90 95 – 55 22
Dr. Behrmann & Härtel Kantstr. 98 10627 Berlin / Germany T +49 (0)30 / 3199849 – 10 F +49 (0)30 / 3199849 – 19
GameGenetics Smart distribution of online and mobile games is what we do. We work with over 200 developers, promoting more than 660 games and have over 50 billion ad impressions per month in our campaigns, leading to millions of game registrations and app installs. We find gamers that activate and monetize well. Our specialty are free-2-play online and mobile games. Our customers include Ubisoft, Kabam, EA, Travian, Supercell, Gameforge and many others. Our vast network of international distribution partners is strenghtened by exclusive media partnerships – we run the
gaming channels for some of the biggest websites on the net. If you want your games on Germany’s leading tabloid, tech news or e-mail sites, we are the people to talk to. We are based in Berlin but have worldwide reach. Our biggest market is the US, closely followed by Europe and keeps growing in LATAM and MENA. We developed channel-specific layers of technology that put performance first and enable us to achieve the best results for our partners. Reach out to us anytime, we’re happy to support you – on any screen.
Contact GameGenetics GmbH David Mohr (Head of Games) Ritterstr. 3 10969 Berlin / Germany T + 49 (0)30 / 92 25 127 – 65 F + 49 (0)30 / 92 25 127 – 77 23
Games Academy Content
Games Academy Games Academy is Europe’s first and most prominent specialist college for computer and video game development. Since 2000 they focus on the professional education of qualified employees, helping them to go on and find positions in the industry. The education model is tailored to the students’ needs and wants as well as their capabilities and previously acquired knowledge. From the 2week trial lessons to 3-years bachelor degrees (Games Academy Hochschule, in course of foundation) students are able to choose the course program that fits their needs best. Training projects created at the Games Academy have earned a great deal of recognition. This qualitative advantage, along with the extensive industry contacts, has helped graduates finding employment in Europe’s most renowned game studios.
Programs: • Game Design • Game Art & Animation • Game Programming • Game Production • Film Art & Animation •M edia Science, Game Design and Gamification (B.A.)* • Digital Art (B.A.)* *Starting December 2nd 2013
Contact Virginia Aleksiev (Branch Manager Berlin) Games Academy™ Berlin Rungestr. 20 10179 Berlin / Germany T + 49 (0)30 / 29 77 91 – 20 F + 49 (0)30 / 29 77 91 – 50 24
Gapielon Greeting
Gapielon Founded in 2012, Gapielon inte grated Interactive Multimedia and E-Sports Entertainment with particularly outstanding performance in online game distribution among other competitors. Our headquarter in Berlin is the node of our global network. Game/ system/program Introduction: Innovative mobile applications, E-Sports entertainments. We are looking forward to find innovative mobile application and E-Sports related services and products.
Contact Gapielon GmbH Silverio Park (Founder) Seydelstr. 21 10117 Berlin / Germany T + 49 (0)30 / 38 10 45 55 25
Infernum Infernum is an international publisher and developer of online games, based in Berlin. The company was founded in summer 2011 by online gaming veterans Andreas Weidenhaupt and Tobias Gerlinger and focuses on high-quality free-to-play online titles. Infernum also expands its game experiences by extending PC titles to mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets (cross- platform).
Infernum is a hand-picked team of people who have worked on many international MMO success stories, including Runes of Magic, World of Warcraft, Tera, Mythos, Raiderz, Aion,
Guild Wars, Lineage 2, City of Heroes, Metin 2, Eve Online, Lord of the Rings Online, Bounty Bay Online, Fly for Fun, Rappelz, Perfect World, Forsaken World, Jade Dynasty, Dragonica and many more. The team successfully launched subscription and free-toplay online games in many countries across Europe and North America. Infernum’s second title, Dragon’s Prophet, was released recently and now joins Infernum’s debut title, Brick-Force, which has already exceeded 2 million registered players.
Contact Infernum Productions AG Andreas Weidenhaupt (CEO / Founder) Alt-Moabit 91B 10559 Berlin / Germany T + 49 (0)30 / 577 01 20 – 0 F + 49 (0)30 / 577 01 20 – 99 26
14 Berlin / April 08 – 14, 2014
D …and many more 독일의 선도적인 게임 개발 업체 이벤트 Initiated by
Key Contacts
medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg GmbH
Birgit Reuter Berlin Partner for Business and Technology T + 49 (0)30 / 3 99 80 – 241
Otmar Hamp ZAB Brandenburg Economic Development Board T + 49 (0)331 / 6 60 – 32 31
Wiebke Herger Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg T + 49 (0)331 / 743 87 – 46
Sibylle Kubale Berlin Partner for Business and Technology / European Enterprise Network T + 49 (0)30 / 4 63 02 – 593
Copy deadline: October 31, 2013