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med i a conve nt ion berlin

the new media congress in berlin

6-7 may 2014 station-berlin

med i a conve nt ion 6-7 may 2014


station-berlin For the first time, the new media congress will take place as part of the Berlin Web Week, Europe’s largest festival of the digital scene. Moreover, the conference on all things digital, re:publica, is the new partner of the MEDIA CONVENTION Berlin. Both events create one of the largest and most important meetings of the digital media industry! Under the claim “Media Rules!” the MEDIA CONVENTION will address current questions on mechanisms and perspectives of the global media landscape.

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The Yes Men

opening Joint opening of MEDIA CONVENTION Berlin and re:publica on 6 May at the STATION-Berlin. For over a decade, The Yes Men have been calling the function of today’s media into question. Using false names and posing as “official representatives”, they take on the role of company spokesmen and government officials, hijack websites and subvert conferences and television broadcasts. They have perfected creating fictitious identities and turning the media’s spin back on itself and documented their actions in the films “The Yes Men” and “The Yes Men Save the World”.

preview ge r m a ny ’ s d i g ital agend a Germany is to become the number one digital growth economy in Europe. But what is Germany’s digital policy stance? What challenges facing business, unions, civic society and the economy? At MEDIA CONVENTION, Internet strategists from politics, media and business will come together and discuss different perspectives for the digital society. In cooperation with Medienanstalt Berlin-Brandenburg.

be r l i n b a by ! Berlin-Brandenburg is Germany’s showpiece for the digital economy. The start-up scene is booming. But what do Berlin-Brandenburg-based companies really think of their home base? Media creators will discuss living and working in Berlin and share their personal opinions on the coolest city on earth.

i nc u b a t e t v! YouTube spaces have already been established in Los Angeles, London and Tokyo and even classic broadcasters and publishers are increasingly focusing on web-only production spaces and formats. What are the differences in working practices, compared to classic formats? What digital productions have become successful on the market? Media creators and platform operators will discuss their content strategies.

the fut ure of news Social networks and mobile devices enable new forms of real-time journalism in text, image and video formats. “Public Journalism” is increasingly influencing editorial and journalistic content, even in established media networks. Will the news of the future be verified by the “crowd” or will classic editors keep the final say in regard to what makes the headlines?

you d o n’ t und er stand my tv In order to reach youth target audiences, many broadcasters are focusing on a mix of online and TV strategies. How are these formats received by the target group? We confront youth target group’s behavioural habits and expectations with programme makers’ strategies.

fu t ure me d i a Could a dream database help to answer scientific questions in the future? Will Google Glass reinspire our love lives? Can intelligent video analyses revolutionise market research? International showrunners, visionaries and creative minds will come together at the interface of entertainment, technology and design and present their ideas and concepts for a new era in media.

agg re g a t i o n: b road caster, p l atform, e cosyst e m co mpetition Aggregation has become a fashionable buzzword but how does it work, who are the players and what are the business models? Despite the topic's discursive presence, it has become clear that a substantive analysis is still missing. Medienanstalt Berlin-Brandenburg is looking to fill this gap with its own study. Bertram Gugel will present the results of the analysis in his keynote. An event by Medienanstalt Berlin-Brandenburg.

pla t fo r ms – facil itatin g between wo rlds Platforms bring together, compile, remix and thus create new meanings and value for the user. They vary greatly when it comes to business models and services. How do user retention and network effects work? Can platforms such as Google, Facebook and Netflix compete with RTL and others and function as new curators? An event by Medienanstalt Berlin-Brandenburg.

location: station-berlin The STATION-Berlin is a former postal service train station at Kreuzberg’s Gleisdreieck. Today, the areal is an international hotspot for trade fairs, conventions and events. Its location in the heart of Germany’s capital, its size and facilities as well as its listed architecture and unique history make the STATION one of Europe’s most exceptional locations.

STATION-Berlin Luckenwalder Straße 4-6 10963 Berlin


we would like to thank our partners and sponsors In cooperation with


Media Partners

tickets Business Ticket incl. MEDIA CONVENTION, Web Week Night, Business Lounge, Catering

€ 270.00

Standard Ticket incl. MEDIA CONVENTION, Web Week Night

€ 120.00

Reduced Ticket Apprentices and students may purchase our reduced tickets.*

€ 50.00

Day-Pass | Tuesday, 6 May, 2014

€ 75.00

Day-Pass | Wednesday, 7 May, 2014

€ 75.00

MEDIA CONVENTION & re:publica Combined Business Ticket incl. MEDIA CONVENTION, re:publica, Web Week Night, Business

€ 590.00

Lounge, Catering MEDIA CONVENTION & re:publica Combined Standard Ticket incl. MEDIA CONVENTION, re:publica, Web Week Night

€ 260.00

MEDIA CONVENTION & re:publica Combined Reduced Ticket Apprentices and students may purchase our reduced tickets.*

€ 120.00

All ticket prices incl. 19% VAT and ticketing fees. * Only valid with an ID/certificate that will be checked upon accreditation.

For press accreditations please e-mail to Julia von La Chevallerie:




c/o Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg GmbH

August-Bebel-Str. 26-53 14482 Potsdam-Babelsberg

Tel: +49 331 743 87 – 61

Copy deadline: 31/03/14


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