Girls speak about Senegal Gender Equality Law commonly known as Parity Law

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Girls speak about Senegal G Gender Equality quality Law commonly known as Parity L Law aw Mame Diarra, a young girl from Martin Luther King College (Dakar) speaks out against sexual discrimination. She was expressing her opinion following a couple of speeches during Plan Senegal celebration of the International Women s Day One day I was in a bus. A man comfortably sat down while a lady tired and exhausted was standing near him. him. She said: - "Sir, could you you,, please, give up your seat for me ? "And the man retorted: - "You claimed gender equality and believe you re our equals. s. Well, stand up then.. I'm not going to give up my seat for you youÂť Applause Men forget forge that Parity arity Law is only on a professional professional level. Either they forget forg t or purposely pretend not to know. know So all we need to do is educate them and let them know what gender equality really is. is Parity Law brings a lot of problems to women in Senegal. Let s consider, for instance, polygamy polygamy: a man can marry two to four women, puts them in the same house, and just don t care for them for anything. anything They strive to improve the daily meal meal. So start tart troubles, troubles as fierce rivalry between the women breaks out within the household. They fight each other, scald each other and so on it s a shame! This rivalry is considered by the husband as a sign of love from his wives We still live in men s world. Today Today, in mixed schools, for example, we note that there are two authority. kinds of authorities: the administrative authority and boys authority Another ther form of violence against women is female genital mutilation. mutilation Contrary to a widespread belief, belief, female circumcision is not something required in Muslim religion even though some men strive to make us believe otherwise. he/she sees with his parents. We must educate children, children, because the child reproduces reproduce what he A traumatized woman can just educate a neurotic child. child Applause So it is time that the woman given better living conditions if the country wants to have good products, well-educated educated children. ildren. If a man is convinced that a woman is HIS thing, she will never be perceived as a significant human being. being We,, students of Martin Luther King College,, we are all girls, so we will fight; we will fight against this wrong perception. perception

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