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News & Articles Six Opportunities to Let our Minds be Remade

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WCCM Academy Opens

WCCM Academy Opens

Take a look at our list of events, projects and new resources to help you on your journey in 2023

1 - Metanoia series and Scripture series (online)

The WCCM 2023 theme of “Metanoia” is a call to let our minds be remade - to change our perception and direction. As has become the custom in recent years, we are offering this as an online series with 10 speakers from different fields, reflecting on and helping us to go deeper into this theme of change. With contributions from the fields of religion, science, politics, economics and technology, this series will be a year-long discovery of hope and fresh insights into our future. The first session in January was led by Dr Barry White on The Science & Art of Healing , and the themes and speakers for the forthcoming sessions are as follows:

28 February – Education. Diane Tolomeo: Teach Me What I Cannot See

21 March – Philosophy. David Egan: Animals and Us - A Multi-Species Community;

25 April – Embodiment. Giovanni Fe-

Matthew Fox

licioni: In My Flesh I Come Face to Face with God

30 May – Global Politics. Mark Medish: Reflections on Human Scale;

13 June – Religion. Matthew Fox: Letting Our Minds Be Remade About Religion;

25 July – Scripture. Jane Williams: Metanoia: How Scripture Remakes Our Minds;

Jane Williams

5 September – Technology. Marco Schorlemmer: Humanity in a TechnoScientific World;

21 November – Culture. Jane McAuliffe & Dennis McAuliffe: Contemplation and a Culture of Encounter;

12 December – Economics. Mark Carney: Value(s) for Building a Better World for All.

The Space Between Words: How to read the Bible and other Sacred Texts

Laurence Freeman is leading a nine-session online series (starting in September). A unique journey discovering how the inner experience described in sacred texts is the same as what we discover in ourselves on the contemplative path. Relearning how to read these texts is a priority for a world where the connection between the inner and outer dimensions has been lost.

To learn more about all our online series, visit wccm.org

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