MedSIN-KMSA Strategy 2021 -2023

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‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬

Medical Students’ International Network – Sudan (MedSIN-Sudan) Khartoum Medical Students’ Association (KMSA)

KMSA Local Team Strategy 2021-2023

‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬

Medical Students’ International Network – Sudan (MedSIN-Sudan) Khartoum Medical Students’ Association (KMSA)

Introduction: MedSIN-KMSA has always stood out in organizing its workflow, maximizing its impact and sustaining its standards’. For any organization to amplify its impact and to take a further step of development, it has to have a strategic plan to govern its gradual improvement until it reaches a totally different level. MedSIN-KMSA clearly observed its need for a long-term strategy as an actual step to tackle. After the selection and appointment of the working group and through the coordination of the President and Secretary-General Monitoring Assistant, the group started its work on the 26th of November 2021 and after directed efforts aligned with Thirteen meetings, the final strategy has been completed conveying the key action points that will shape the next two years’ direction, to be led and carried out by responsible future leaders and members.Throughout our work, we involved members’, experts’, current local team’s and alumni’s insights, each by what their indispensable view can help and relate to the strategy. Inputs from these were collected as follow: A. Need assessment surveys for members, local team experts and KMSA alumni. B. Situation analysis by the Small Working Group. C. 1st online consultation meeting on 14th January 2022. E. 2nd online consultation meeting on 15th of January 2022. This (2021-2023) two-terms strategy encompasses all of the crucial issues found and will guide local teams of the next generations towards the right path to tackle the problems we faced as previous teams or experts. This strategy was adopted on 24th January 2022 as the first ever, reflecting ideas and tackling areas of development and defects. All KMSA members who are taking this strategy upon themselves should also take a clear understanding of it. We do believe that we are starting a new level of achievement and impact, a transformational era where KMSA’s consistent steps will be even more directed and we hope to see it fully succeed in the next two terms. On behalf of the MedSIN-KMSA strategy working group members, Ibrahim, Mohammed, Razan, Amr, Baraa, Nabtah & Rawan

‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬

Medical Students’ International Network – Sudan (MedSIN-Sudan) Khartoum Medical Students’ Association (KMSA)


‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬

Medical Students’ International Network – Sudan (MedSIN-Sudan) Khartoum Medical Students’ Association (KMSA)

Pillar One: Engagement and Recruitment:

Our members were and always will be the cornerstone of everything we do. This pillar will focus on building our workforce through encouraging more students to take part in our activities and connecting them with the opportunities to excel in extracurricular activities.

Goal: To Increase members’ participation in KMSA ,MedSIN-Sudan and IFMSA opportunities 1.Action Points A. Utilize a variety of approaching methods to interact with members from various backgrounds - Indicator of success 1: 2 different engagement techniques at the minimum are used by each SC/Division per term. - Indicator of success 2: At least 150 different members interact with the approaching methods used for each standing committee/division per term. B. Provide sessions focusing on issues that haven’t been tackled locally before - Indicator of success: 2 sessions at the minimum are given by each SC/Division per term about topics that were not covered locally in the two terms before implementation. C. Provide activities that directly target clinical years students. - Indicator of success: 2 activities at the minimum are held per term to teach the members the skills that doctors use regularly. D. Promote MedSIN-Sudan and IFMSA external opportunities and their specifications throughout the term

‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬

Medical Students’ International Network – Sudan (MedSIN-Sudan) Khartoum Medical Students’ Association (KMSA)

- Indicator of success 1: 5 IFMSA opportunities at the minimum for each office/division are shared with the members of each standing committee / division in their groups alongside its explanation in each term. - Indicator of success 2 : 3 MedSIN-Sudan opportunities - at the minimum - are shared with the members of each standing committee / division in their groups alongside its explanation in each term.

E. Promote KMSA’s voluntary work hours certification system and its post-graduation benefits. - Indicator of success: One promotional activity- at the minimum- is conducted per term to cover the process of voluntary work hours (VWH) certification in KMSA and its benefits. Goal: To raise the level of members' involvement in planning, implementation and evaluation phases of the KMSA’s activities. 2.Action Points A. Calls for Organizing Committees will be shared for various activities throughout the term - Indicator of success 1: 2 calls for Organizing committees per term- at the minimum-are shared for each Standing Committee/Division per term. - Indicator of success 2: 1 call for Organizing committees- at the minimum- is shared for each project per term. B. Share call for needs assessment and inputs regarding Official Annual Working Plans. - Indicator of success: One call of needs and inputs - at the minimum- is shared with the members before the finalization of the official Annual Working Plans in each term.

‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬

Medical Students’ International Network – Sudan (MedSIN-Sudan) Khartoum Medical Students’ Association (KMSA)

C. An input form is created and shared with all certified facilitators/trainers. - Indicator of success 1: The form is prepared and shared once per term at the minimum. - Indicator of success 2: The form is filled by 80% of certified KMSA facilitators and trainers - at the minimum- per term. D. To make a consultation board which MedSIN-KMSA local team can take advice regarding the activities of each term. - Indicator of success: Consultation board is formed for each term.

Pillar Two: Activities:

Activities are the most effective way to achieve our goals and objectives. So here in MedSIN-KMSA, we seek goal and needs-oriented activities that will have a great and systemic impact on the community and will capacitate KMSA members to a huge extent.

Goal: To increase the impact of MedSIN-KMSA activities on KMSA members. 3.Action Points A. Make more activities in collaboration with the faculty departments and centers - Indicator of success : 4 joint activities - at the minimum- are organized in collaboration with faculty departments and centres in the next two terms after adoption.

‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬

Medical Students’ International Network – Sudan (MedSIN-Sudan) Khartoum Medical Students’ Association (KMSA)

B. Make activities more aligned with MedSIN-KMSA members’ needs being collected & listed through the needs assessment calls. - Indicator of success 1 : A list of needs is established for each Standing committee/division at the beginning of each term - Indicator of success 2: 60% of the needs from the list - at the minimum- for each standing committee/division is met by the end of each term. C. Increase the practical skills of KMSA members by by incorporating practical activities into all Capacity building activities - Indicator of success : 60% of capacity-building activities which are linked to practical activities where the members can apply their knowledge - at the minimum - are organized in each standing committee / Division per term. D. Utilize variety of capacity building methods - Indicator of success: 3 different methods of capacity building - at the minimum - are held in each standing committee /Division in each term. Goal: To increase the impact of MedSIN-KMSA activities on the community. 4.Action Points A. Ensuring the alignment of MedSIN-KMSA activities with the standing committees' national, regional and global priorities in addition to emerging health issues - Indicator of success 1: Health issues database is ready by the first term and updated annually. - Indicator of success 2: A section reflecting the work on the Standing Committees’ priorities and emerging health issues and local health issues will be included as part of MedSIN-KMSA situational reports. - Indicator of success 3: 2 activities of each term- at the minimum - will address one of the specific Standing Committees’ national/regional/global

‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬

Medical Students’ International Network – Sudan (MedSIN-Sudan) Khartoum Medical Students’ Association (KMSA)

priorities,taking the emerging health issues and local issues as a priority when applicable. B. Focusing on having activities with a community impact - Indicator of success: 3 local KMSA activities-at the minimum - at each term have goals that target the community.

Goal: To increase the quality of MedSIN-KMSA online and physical activities 5.Action Points A. Prepare and implement regulations for the activities - Indicator of success: Activities regulations are finalized and adopted before the end of the first term of the strategy implementation. B. Conduct comprehensive facilitation workshops to increase the number of KMSA facilitators Indicator of success 1: One facilitation workshop -at the minimum- is conducted each term. - Indicator of success 2 : 30 new facilitators - at the minimum - are added to KMSA facilitators pool each term C. Establish a development system for trainers and facilitators - Indicator of success : The system is ready and implemented by the end of the first term after adoption. -

‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬

Medical Students’ International Network – Sudan (MedSIN-Sudan) Khartoum Medical Students’ Association (KMSA)

Pillar Three: Sustainability and Internal development:

This pillar could be considered the foundation of our work. By ensuring sustainability, we are ensuring the high quality and continuous development of our work. For that, here - in MedSIN-KMSA - we are working hard on maintaining our sustainability and work environment to ensure the high quality and the real impact.

Goal: To ensure the sustainability and the proper workflow of MedSIN-KMSA. 6.Action Point A. Establishing a term calendar inclusive of all the important tasks and deadlines in the term. - Indicator of success 1: The calendar will be set at the beginning of each term. - Indicator of success 2: The calendar will be standardized for future terms before the end of the 2nd term

B. To ensure proper handovering process for the officials, assistants and project coordinators - Indicator of success 1: Handovering template is revised and restructured to fit the local team's situation in the first term - Indicator of success 2: All officials ,assistants and project coordinators use the template to conduct their handovering at the beginning of each term.

C. Create Certificates’ database for MedSIN-KMSA activities. - Indicator of success: The database is created and shared with the TOs by the end of the first year. -

‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬

Medical Students’ International Network – Sudan (MedSIN-Sudan) Khartoum Medical Students’ Association (KMSA)

D. Establishing MedSIN-KMSA database which includes the contact info for all MedSIN-KMSA previous Local teams. - Indicator of success : The database is created containing the last 5 local teams and shared with TOs before the end of the first term.

E. Ensure the proper documentation for all MedSIN-KMSA internal and external work. - Indicator of success 1: The secretary general drive contains all the written work of KMSA each term. - Indicator of success 2: Members’ folder is updated and shared every trimester each term.

Goal: To maintain the sustainability of the local projects. 7.Action Point A. Establishing a clear calendar for the projects’ entire term. - Indicator of success : The calendar is established and adopted by the first term of the strategy implementation.

B. Standardize the project reports and impact documentation. - Indicator of success 1: A template for project documentation is created before the end of the first term. - Indicator of success 2: All the project coordinators half and end term reports are submitted using the template.

C. Promoting the concept of the local projects through various activities.

‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬

Medical Students’ International Network – Sudan (MedSIN-Sudan) Khartoum Medical Students’ Association (KMSA)

- Indicator of success : 2 promotional activities conducted - at the minimum tackled the local projects each term.

D. Creating an organized system to collect feedback from the project teams. - Indicator of success : Interviews are conducted with PPRC members and project coordinators regarding their work each term.

Pillar Four: External Relation and Finance:

During the past few years MedSIN-KMSA has been one of the leading organizations in the medical field through its activities and impact yet there is one main reasons why many activities and plans don't see the light which is having poor external relations system, implementation and no long term collaborations this may lead to not having the enough finance for its activities and cancellation. Goal : To increase and sustain MedSIN-KMSA Partnerships and Sponsorships. 8.Action Points: A. Creating a MedSIN-KMSA Booklet that reflects MedSIN-KMSA identity And impact - Indicator of success: Introductory booklet for MedSIN-KMSA is released before the end of the first term. B. Increase members knowledge and skills about the External relation.

‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬

Medical Students’ International Network – Sudan (MedSIN-Sudan) Khartoum Medical Students’ Association (KMSA)

- Indicator of success: 2 activities about the external affairs - at the minimum are implemented each term. C. Creation of a comprehensive database with all potential and previous partners for each Standing committee/Division. - Indicator of success: External Partner Database is created and shared with officials in the first term. D. Reconnection with previous partners, sponsors and speakers. - Indicator of success: 60% of previous partners, sponsors and speakers -at the minimum - received a certificate of appreciation from MedSIN-KMSA in the first term. E. Reach out partners from external partner databases. - Indicator of success 1: 60% of Database Partners - at the minimum - are approached with the introductory booklet by the end of the second term. - Indicator of success 2: 2 long term partnership contracts- at the minimum -are signed by the end of the second term. F. Creating regulation and manual for Partnership and financial Sponsorships. - Indicator of success 1: Regulation for financial sponsorships and collaboration are released in the first term. - Indicator of success 2: A manual about sponsorship is released before the end of the second term. Goal: To Improve the financial system of MedSIN-KMSA and maintain its sustainability. 9.Action Points A. Finalize an Annual budget At the start of the term

‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬

Medical Students’ International Network – Sudan (MedSIN-Sudan) Khartoum Medical Students’ Association (KMSA)

- Indicator of success: Annual budget of all Standing committees/Division/projects is finalized at the first trimester in each term. B. Restructuring the financial system of MedSIN-KMSA and tackling the main problems in it. - Indicator of success: New Financial system is implemented in the first term. C. Increase the members knowledge and skills about the Financial administration. - Indicator of success: 2 activities about Financial administration - at the minimum - are implemented in each term.(1) (2).

Pillar Five: Visibility and transparency:

MedSIN-KMSA always strives to provide a lot of services and great opportunities for medical students who belong to it, and it has already succeeded in qualifying students capable of playing great roles in developing the medical sector in Sudan. It also plays an active role in serving the community, but visibility remains the critical link between the association and achieving its goals because the more people know about the work it does, the more support it will receive and the larger impact it can make.

Goal: To increase MedSIN-KMSA visibility among members and community classes 10.Action Point A. Develop a social media marketing plan. - Indicator of success 1: Establishing the plan and sharing it with the local team at the beginning of each term.

‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬

Medical Students’ International Network – Sudan (MedSIN-Sudan) Khartoum Medical Students’ Association (KMSA)

- Indicator of success 2: 10% combined increase in the number of followers at the minimum- is achieved in MedSIN-KMSA social media platforms each term. - Indicator of success 3: 5% combined increase in the engagement of audience at the minimum- is achieved in MedSIN-KMSA social media platforms each 180 days. B. Develop a mass media plan targeting different classes of community. - Indicator of success1: Establishing the media plan and sharing it with the local team at the beginning of each term. - Indicator of success 2:One mass media platform- at the minimum - is used per term. Goal:To increase MedSIN-KMSA visibility in MedSIN-Sudan, IFMSA and among other organizations 11.Action Point A. Increase number of enrolled activities under the IFMSA programs - Indicator of success: 7 activities - at the minimum -are enrolled under IFMSA programs per Term. B. Use MedSIN-KMSA activities and projects to compete for different grants. - Indicator of success: compete for one grant- at the minimum - per term. C. Participation in national, regional and international activity fairs with MedSIN-KMSA activities. - Indicator of success: 2 activities - at the minimum -will be shared in the activity fairs in each term. D. MedSIN- KMSA Participation at international conferences by making submissions.

‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬

Medical Students’ International Network – Sudan (MedSIN-Sudan) Khartoum Medical Students’ Association (KMSA)

- Indicator of success : At least one submission is presented in international conference per term E. Make joined activities with international,national and local organizations. - Indicator of success 1 : 1 Joined activity -at the minimum - with national or International organizations per each term - Indicator of success 2 : 2 Joined activity -at the minimum - with local organizations or other local members organizations per each term.

Goal: To have a highly transparent work environment. 12.Action Point A. Share end activity reports and situational reports with partners and sponsors. - Indicator of success: activity reports are shared with relevant partners and sponsors in each term. B. Share situational/achievement reports and activities proposals with members. - Indicator of success 1 : 2 situational reports - at the minimum -are shared with all partners and members each term. - Indicator of success 2: 80% of proposals - at the minimum -are shared with the application call. C. Sharing selection criteria and methods of evaluation of the applicants for local team positions and Organizing Committees . - Indicator of success :Selection criterias and their methods of evaluation are shared with members in each term. D. Sharing of calls of observers.

‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬

Medical Students’ International Network – Sudan (MedSIN-Sudan) Khartoum Medical Students’ Association (KMSA)

- Indicator of success: At least 4 calls for observers are shared per term. Implementation Timeline: Action Point


Person in charge


Pillar One: Engagement and Recruitment Goal: Increase members Participation in KMSA, MedSIN-Sudan IFMSA Opportunities

Action Point 1.A

Action Point 1.B

Action Point 1.C

Action Point 1.D

Using Different interactive methods

Sessions that haven’t been tackled

Clinical based activities

Unlock MedSIN- Sudan And IFMSA

Local officers and division

2021 - 2022


2022- 2023

Local officers and division

2021 - 2022


2022 - 2023

local team officials and

2021 -2022

Project Coordinator.

2022 - 2023

local team officials

2021 - 2022

opportunities Action Point 1.E

Promote KMSA VWH system

2022 - 2023 local team officials

2021 - 2022 2022 - 2023

Goal: Raise the level of members' involvement in planning, implementation and evaluation of activities.

Action Point 2.A

Involvement in Organizing committees

Local officers, division

2021 - 2022

directors and Project

2022 - 2023

Coordinators. Action Point 2.B

Needs assessment and inputs regarding AWPs

Local team officials

2021 - 2022 2022 - 2023

‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬

Medical Students’ International Network – Sudan (MedSIN-Sudan) Khartoum Medical Students’ Association (KMSA)

Action Point 2.C

Action Point 2.D

Involvement of trainers and facilitators

Formation of Consultation Board

Capacity building

2021 - 2022


2022 - 2023

Executive board

2021 - 2022 2022 - 2023

Pillar two: Activities Goal: To increase the impact of MedSIN-KMSA Activities on KMSA members

Action Point 3.A

Action Point 3.B

Collaboration with the faculty departments and

Local team officials and


Project coordinators.

Aligning activities with the needs of members

Local team officials

2021 - 2023

2021 - 2022 2022 - 2023

Action Point 3.C

Action Point 3.D

Practical oriented activities.

Using different capacity building methods

Local officers and division

2021 - 2022


2022 - 2023

Local officers and division

2021 - 2022


2022 - 2023

Goal: To increase the impact of MedSIN-KMSA Activities on the community

Action Point 4.A

Aligning activities with national, regional and

Local officers

global priorities and emerging health issues. Action Point 4.B

Community based activity

Goal: To increase the Quality of MedSIN-KMSA activities

2021 - 2022 2022 - 2023

local team officials and

2021 - 2022

Project Coordinator.

2022 - 2023

‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬

Medical Students’ International Network – Sudan (MedSIN-Sudan) Khartoum Medical Students’ Association (KMSA)

Action Point 5.A

Draft regulations for local team activities

Executive board

2021 - 2022

Action Point 5.B

KMSA Certified Facilitators

Capacity building

2021 - 2022


2022 - 2023

Capacity building

2021 - 2022


2022 - 2023

Action Point 5.C

Trainer and facilitator development system

Pillar three: Sustainability and internal development Goal: To ensure the sustainability and Proper work Flow of MedSIN-KMSA

Action Point 6.A

Establish MedSIN-KMSA calendar

Executive board

2021 - 2022 2022 - 2023

Action Point 6.B

Action Point 6.C

Proper handover between local teams.

Certification Database for MedSIN-KMSA

local team officials and

2021 - 2022

Project Coordinator.

2022 - 2023

Executive board & the

2021 - 2022

PNTSDD Action Point 6.D

MedSIN-KMSA local team database

Executive board

2021 - 2022

Action Point 6.E

Documentation of the work

Secretary- General

2021 - 2022 2022 - 2023

Goal: To maintain the sustainability of local Project

Action Point 7.A

Project term calendar

Executive board

2021 - 2022

Action Point 7.B

Standardize the projects’ documents

Executive board

2021 - 2022

‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬

Medical Students’ International Network – Sudan (MedSIN-Sudan) Khartoum Medical Students’ Association (KMSA)

Action Point 7.C

Promotion of local projects

Executive board

2021 - 2022 2022 - 2023

Action Point 7.D

Establishing a system of feedback from Project

local team officials


2021 - 2022 2022 - 2023

Pillar Four: External Relation and Finance Goal: To Maintain and increase MedSIN-KMSA Partnerships and Sponsorships

Action Point 8.A

MedSIN-KMSA Introductory Booklet


2021 - 2022

Action Point 8.B

External Relation Activities

Capacity building

2021 - 2022

representative & President

2022 - 2023

Action Point 8.C

External partners database


2021 - 2022

Action Point 8.D

Reconnection with previous partners

Executive board

2021 - 2022

Action Point 8.E

Partnership implementation

All local team officials

2022 - 2023

and project coordinators Action Point 8.F

Regulations and manual for sponsorships and

Executive board


2021 - 2022 2022 - 2023

Goal: To improve the financial system

Action Point 9.A

Annual Budget System


2021 - 2022 2022 - 2023

Action Point 9.B

Financial system restructuring


2021 - 2022

‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬

Medical Students’ International Network – Sudan (MedSIN-Sudan) Khartoum Medical Students’ Association (KMSA)

Action Point 9.C

Financial administration activities

Capacity building

2021 - 2022

representative and treasure

2022 - 2023

Pillar Five: Visibility and transparency Goal : To increase visibility of MedSIN-KMSA among members and different community classes

Action Point

Establishing Social Media marketing plan


10.A Action Point

2021 - 2022 2022 - 2023

Establishing Mass media plan

PNTSDD and President


2021 - 2022 2022 - 2023

Goal: To increase MedSIN-KMSA viability in MedSIN-Sudan, IFMSA and other organizations

Action Point

Increasing the number of enrolled activities

11.A Action Point

Competing for grants

11.B Action Point

Active role in activities fair

11.C Action Point

Active role in international conferences


Local team officials and

2021 - 2022

project coordinators

2022 - 2023

Local team officials and

2021 - 2022

project coordinators

2022 - 2023

Local team officials and

2021 - 2022

project coordinators

2022 - 2023

Local team officials and

2021 - 2022

project coordinators

2022 - 2023

Action Point

Joined activities with international, National and

Local team officials and

2021 - 2022


local organizations

project coordinators

2022 - 2023

Goal: To have highly transparent work environment

‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬

Medical Students’ International Network – Sudan (MedSIN-Sudan) Khartoum Medical Students’ Association (KMSA)

Action Point

Sponsor and partners receiving the activity

Local team officials and

2021 - 2022



project coordinators

2022 - 2023

Action Point

Sharing Organization achievement reports and

Local team officials

2021 - 2022


the activities proposals

Action Point

Sharing selection criterias and evaluation



Action Point

Calls for observes


2022 - 2023 Local team officials

2021 - 2022 2022 - 2023

Local team officials

2021 - 2022 2022 - 2023

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