Medvedi bears 03

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Grupna izlo탑ba / Group Show

28. 03. - 05. 04. 2013





Grupna izložba / Group Show

28. 03. - 05. 04. 2013


Medvedi - u čast proleću je projekat nastao 2011. godine. Od tada se svake godine okupljamo u martu, na kalendarski početak proleća, sa željom da proslavimo čuveni ,,izlazak iz pećine”. Naime, prema narodnom predanju, ukoliko se medved, kada izađe iz pećine ne uplaši svoje senke, to je jasan znak da nam predstoje topli i sunčani dani, i da je proleće na pomolu. Ideja projekta je, ne da veliča medveda kao takvog, već da pokaže pozitivan značaj koji lepo vreme ima na život ljudi, a koje se često uzima zdravo za gotovo. Cilj nam je da putem poređenja hibernacije medveda sa sveopštim zimskim raspoloženjem ljudi (ušuškanosti u domovima, slabijim aktivnostima, gojenjem itd.) skrenemo pažnju na neophodnost i značaj buđenja iz spostvenog sna i zimske letargije. No pre svega, Medvedi – u čast proleću su tu kao razlog više za radovanje lepom vremenu i novoj inspiraciji i energiji koju ono donosi. Aktiviranjem što većeg broja umetnika i kreativaca iz različitih oblasti njihovog delovanja, na konkurs pod nazivom Poziv na buđenje, pristiglo je preko 150 najraznovrsnijih medveda. Za ovogodišnju izložbu odabrali smo 34 autora iz preko 10 zemalja i njihove radove iz oblasti slikarstva, ilustracije, fotografije, dizajna, vajarstva, street art-a... Velika nam je čast i zadovoljstvo da ih predstavimo, upoznamo i povežemo sa domaćom scenom. Naravno, kako svaka proslava ne bi bila potpuna bez dobre muzike, samu izložbu kao i žurku koja joj sledi vodiće prijatelji Medveda - Kišobran organizacija. Izložba će se održati u periodu od 28. marta do 5. aprila. u Ustanovi kulture Parobrod, u Beogradu. Uz nezaobilazne medenjake i medovaču, u čast proleću!


/ ABOUT: /

Bears – In Honor of Spring is a project that started in 2011. Since then we have gathered in March every year, on the first day of spring according to the calendar, to celebrate the well known “coming out of the cave“. According to an old folk belief, once a bear comes out from its cave, and doesn’t get scared of its own shadow, it is a clear sign that winter is at an end and that warm and sunny days are ahead. The idea of the project is not to glorify the bear itself, but to show the importance of the positive influence nice weather has on people’s lives, which is usually taken for granted. Through comparison of the bear’s hibernation with the overall behavior of people during winter days (getting cosy at home, lower activity, getting chubbier etc), our aim is to point out the importance and the necessity of waking up from our own winter sleep and lethargy. But after all, Bears – In Honor of Spring are here as one more reason to be happy and cheerful about nice weather and new inspiration and energy it brings. “bears“ arrived to our contest called Wake Up Call. For this year’s exhibition we have selected 34 authors from more than 10 countries with their paintings, illustrations, photographs, sculptures, designs… It gives us a grate honor and privilege to present and introduce them to the local scene. Since a celebration wouldn’t be complete without good music, the exhibition itself, as well as the after party, will be enriched by good friends of Medvedi – Kišobran organisation. The exhibition will take place between March 28th and April 5th in Cultural center Parobrod in Belgrade. With the inevitable honey cakes and honey brandy, in honor of spring! (BEARS)


01. Aleksandar Đurić (RS) 02. Aleksandar Škorić Saša (BIH) 03. Anna Maria Brandys (PL) 04. Bárbara Fonseca (PT) 05. Barbara Ismailović (RS) 06. Blanka Radnóti (HU) 07. Bojan Košić (RS) 08. Dorottya Vékony (HU) 09. Inma Lorente (ES) 10. Iva Brkić (RS) 11. Ivana Radić (RS) 12. Janko Počuča (RS) 13. Lauren Rolwing (US) 14. Maja Veselinović (RS) 15. Marija Josifovski (RS) 16. Marijana Oršolić (RS) 17. Marina Milanović (RS) 18. Miladin Miletić (RS) 19. Milijana Kević (RS) 20. Milica Butković (RS) 21. Milica Dukić (RS) 22. Milica Golubović (ME) 23. Natalia Blanco (ES/BR) 24. Passa Tamás (HU) 25. Réka Bucsi (HU) 26. Sanja Crnjanski (RS) 27. Tanja Stevanović (RS) 28. Barbara Bjeliš (HR) 29. Tena Kelemen (HR) 30. Thoka Maer (DE) 31. Valentina Brostean (RS) 32. Vanja Seferović (RS) 33. Vesna Pešić / BECHA (RS) 34. Vladimir Vasić (RS)

Marina Milanović (RS)


“Prolećna sonata za medvede” / “Spring sonata for Bears” Akril, tempera / Acryl, tempera; 230 x 310 mm; (2013)



Anna Maria Brandys (PL)




Diptih “Beli meda” / diptych “White teddy” Vuna, dioda, komadići tekstila / Wool, diode, scraps of fabric; 680 x 450 mm; (2010)

Beli meda je u Poljskoj simbol osobe slomljenog srca. Rad je zasnovan na pesmi Disco polo koja je neizostavni deo svake svadbe. Pesma je vrlo poznata, ali ipak bez ukusa (možete je pronaći na YouTube-u). Ljudi je uglavnom pevaju kada su pijani, budući da svi znaju reči pesme ali takođe i osećanja koja su glavna tema ove pesme. Tuga i usamljenost nas uhvate s vremena na vreme i tada smo bespomoćni kao Beli meda. Ovaj diptih je o periodu mog života kada me je uhvatila usamljenost. /

(A. M. B.)

White teddy is in Poland a symbol of somebody who is broken-hearted. The work is based on song called Disco polo which is an indispensable part of a wedding party. It is a very popular song, but also trashy and in bad taste (ou can find it on YouTube). People usually sing it when they are drunk because everybody knows the lyrics and they also know the feelings which are the main topic of this song. Sadness and loneliness catch us from time to time and we are helpless like White teddy. This diptych is about period of my life when I was caught by solitude. (A. M. B.)




Bárbara Fonseca / Veils and Mirrors (PT)




Zlatokosa i tri medveda su se okupili da se uvere o dolasku proleća. Stiglo je! Stiglo je! – uzvikuju, uzbuđeni zbog predstojećih toplih i veselih dana. (B. F.) / Goldilocks and the Three Bears get together to witness the arrival of Spring. It’s here, it’s here! - they scream, excited about the warm and colourful days ahead. (B. F.)

“Stiglo je! Stiglo je!” / “It’s Here! It’s Here!” Digitalna ilustracija / Digital illustration; 297 x 420 mm; (2013)

Barbara Ismailović (RS)


“Meda u džemperu” / “Bear in a sweater” Digitalna ilustracija / Digital illustration; 297 x 210 mm; (2013)



Blanka Radnóti (HU)




Postoji puno dečijih pesmica o medvedima koji su ludi za malinama. (B. R.) / There are a lot of children rhymes about bears who are crazy about raspberries. (B. R.) “Žbun malina” / “Raspbeary bush“ Digitalna ilustracija / Digital illustration; 300 x 300 mm; (2013)

Tanja Stevanović (RS)


“Zima mi je” / “I am cold“ Akvatinta, suva igla / Aquatint, dry point; 300 x 300 mm; (2012)



RĂŠka Bucsi (HU)




Digitalna ilustracija / Digital illustration; 420 x 236 mm; (2012)


Osluškivali su šumu i čekali na ribu. Čarlsu i Nikol nije nedostajala Koka-Kola, niti sneg i led. (R. B.) / They listened to the woods, and waited for the fish. Charles and Nicole didn’t miss Coca-Cola nor the ice and snow. (R. B.)



Iva Brkić (RS)




“Just married” & “After a while“ Porcelan sa engobama i oksidima, kombinovana tehnika / Porcelain with slips and oxides, combined technique; 140 x 100 mm; (2013)

Just married je portret rađen neposredno po izlasku iz prvog zimskog zajedničkog sna. Ona je zadovoljna što je smršala. On razmišlja o ručku. / Just married is a portrait done just after coming out from their first winter sleep together. She is happy she lost weight. He is thinking about lunch. (I. B.) After a while je porodični portret urađen takođe neposredno po izlasku iz zimskog sna. Imaju tri mečeta. I dalje su zaljubljeni. / After a while is a family portrait made also right after the winter sleep. They have three cubs. They are still in love. (I. B.)




Natalia Blanco (ES / BR)




Die Lamms Mutter! nema neko posebno značenje na nemačkom. Dolazi kao bukvalni prevod kolokvijalnog španskog izraza “la madre del cordero”, višeznačne fraze koja postaje odgovor dat kada se dostigne ključna tačka u razgovoru “lajtmotiv iliti smisao svega”. Jagnje ima takođe i biblijsku simboliku, Isus je jagnje Božije. Životinje i ljudi su smešteni u blizak ali ipak čudan svet u isto vreme... (N. B.) /

Die Lamms Mutter! has no apparent meaning in German. It comes from the literal translation of the colloquial Spanish expression “la madre del cordero”, a phrase with multiple meanings which becomes the answer given when it has reached a crucial point in a conversation “the leitmotif of the sense of it all”. The lamb has also a symbolism in the biblical account, Jesus is the Lamb of God. Animals and human beings are placed in a very close but strange world at the same time... (N. B.) “Majka jagnjeta! ” / “Die Lamms Mutter!” Crtež lovkom na papiru / Pencil drawing on paper; (2012)

Dorottya Vékony (HU)


“Medved koji se uplašio svoje senke, pokušava da se preruši.” / “The bear who was frightened from her shade, tries to disguise herself.” Video projekat + Fotografija / Video Project + Photography; 500 x 670mm; (2011)



Barbara Bjeliš & Tena Kelemen (HR)




“Medvedi se bude, pretvaraju u ljude ” / “Bears wake up, turn into humans.” Digitalna ilustracija / Digital illustration; 300 x 300 mm; (2013)

Ovaj rad inspiriran je stihom iz pjesme ‘Džemper’ Elvira Lakovića Lake: “Majmuni se bude, pretvaraju u ljude” U našoj interpretaciji, međutim, majmune zamijenjuju medvjedi i time rečenica poprima novo značenje. Buđenje medvjeda, simbol je proljeća, dok je samo proljeće, na neki način, simbol promjene. Rad se sastoji od 4 obostrano otisnuta plakata. Na svakome od njih s jedne strane prikazan je jedan medvjed sa tijelom čovjeka, dok je s druge strane prikazano njihovo prirodno stanište, šuma, i stih od kojeg je sve počelo. Plakati su tehnikom origamija složeni u piramidu, koju gledamo kao simbol planine, prirode, te ravoteže. Piramida funkcionira samo kada su sva četiri plakata zajedno, baš kao što i priroda funkcionira samo kada je sve u skladu. (B. B. i T. K.) /

This work is inspired by a verse from the song “Sweater” from Elvir Laković Laka: “Monkeys wake up, turn into humans.” In our interpretation, monkeys are being replaced by bears and therefor the sentence gets a new meaning. Waking up of a bear is a symbol of Spring, while Spring itself is in a way symbol of a change. Work consists of 4 double-sided posters. On each of them, one side shows a bear with a human body, and the other side shows their natural habitat, the forest, and the verse that started it all. Posters are folded with the Origami technique into a pyramid, which is a symbol of a mountain, nature and balance. Pyramid works only when all 4 posters are together, just as nature works only when everything is in accordance. (B. B. i T. K.)




Milica Golubović (MN)




Osjećaj onih par trenutaka između sna i jave - trenutak buđenja proljeća iz sna. “It is spring again. The earth is like a child that knows poems by heart.” (R.M.Rilke) / The feeling of those few moments between dream and reality – the moment of spring waking up from its sleep. “It is spring again. The earth is like a child that knows poems by heart.” (R.M.Rilke)

“Budnost sna” / “Wakefulness of a dream” Digitalna ilustracija / Digital illustration; 300 x 300 mm; (2013)

Valentina Brostean (RS)


“Proleće sanjam ja” / “Spring I’m dreaming” Digitalni kolaž / Digital collage; 297 x 32o mm; (2013)



(strana 25 / page 25)

Proleće sanjam ja je autoportret, stilizovan na način koji asocira na medveda. Želela sam da postignem utisak prožimanja vremena, prošlosti i budućnosti, onoga što ostaje za nama u sponi sa onim sto nadolazi.. Za mene, proleće je stanje uma, ne samo godišnje doba, i želela sam da ono prošlo i ono koje ostaje za nama i ono koje tek dolazi, koje očekujemo i kome se nadamo prikažem kao jednu neodvojivu celinu. Na taj način ja doživljavam i dočekujem svoje lično proleće. (V. B.) / Spring I dream is an auto portrait, stylized in a way that associates with a bear. I wanted to achieve the feeling of intertwined time, past and future, that what is left behind us and that of what is yet to come and what we wait for, and to show it as an inseparable whole... In this way I feel and expect my own personal spring. (V. B.)




“Imaginacija polarnog medveda” / “Imagination of the Polar Bear” Akrilne, uljane boje i vez na platnu / acrylic, oil paint and embroidery on canvas; 350 x 450 mm; (2013)

Milica Dukić (RS)


“Dva medveda” / “Two Bears” Štampa na platnu, uljane boje, voštana pasta i vez na platnu / print on canvas, oil paint, wax paste and embroidery on canvastration; 120o x 8o0 mm; (2013)



(strana 28 - 29 / page 28 - 29)

Sanja Crnjanski (RS)

Rad predstavlja uspavanku medvedićima koji su ušuškani u svojoj pećini, okruženi toplotom I mirom svog doma, koji u izmaglici snova pruža spokoj svojim prisustvom Medvedići su jednostavno medvedići ali i univerzalno predstavljeno biće kojem je potrebna njegova sloboda i prava. (S. C.) / The work represents a lullaby to little bears cuddled up in their cave, surrounded by warmth and calmness of their simply bears, but also a universal being who needs its freedom and rights. (S. C.)

“Jednog ledenog dana…” / “One cold day...” Akrilik na platnu / Acryl on canvas; 800 x 600 mm; (2013)




(strana 31 / page 31)

Vladimir Vasić (RS)

Inspiracija za ovaj rad je potekla iz geometrije kristala zamrznute vode i činjenice da je svako živo biće sačinjeno od više od 50% vode. Otud se i rodila ideja povezivanja medveda sa kristalima vode kroz geometriju. (V. V.) / Inspiration for this work came from the geometry of frozen water crystals and the fact that every living creature consists of 50% water. The idea was born to connect a bear with water crystals through geometry. (V. V.)

“Napokon sveža voda” / “Finally fresh water” Digitalna ilustracija / Digital illustration; 500 x 700 mm; (2013)




Passa Tamás (HU)




Medved je kontraverzan simbol: često se odnosi na hrabrost i mudrost, na zaštitnički autoritet dok je i dalje jedan od najopasnijih stanovnika najdubljih i najmračnijih delova šume. Životinja koja “nadgleda pokrete noći”, očigledno čuvar tajnih znanja. Mistični dualitet, kao i sama priroda: zastrašujuće jak, ali i smiren i dobronameran, neverovatan ali i dalje opasan, večni krug borbe, dobra i zla, gorčine i radosti. (T. P.) / Bear is a controversial symbol: often refers to bravery and wisdom, a protecting authority while still being the most threatening dweller of the deepest, darkest corner of the forest, an animal that “oversees the movements of the night”, apparently a holder of secret knowledge. Mystic duality like nature itself: a dangerously strong, but calm and benevolent power, amazing and still perilous, the everlasting cycle of the fight between good and evil, bitterness and joy. (T. P.)

“...” / “...“ Digitalna ilustracija / Digital illustration; 300 x 300 mm; (2013)

Thoka Maer (DE)


“Medved” / “Bear” Crtež lovkom na papiru / Pencil drawing on paper; (2012)



Miladin Miletić & Milijana Kević (RS)

(Medved u izradi / Bear in progress)




Niko ne voli da ustaje rano pa ni naš medved! Kaže da mu treba još bar pet minuta. Najmanje. Prodrmajte ga i probudite ili lezite i odremajte zajedno sa njim! (M. M. i M. K.) / Nobody likes to get up early, and neither does our bear! He says he needs at least five minutes more. Minimum... Shake him up and wake him or lie down and take a nap with him! (M. M. i M. K.) “Još samo 5 minuta ” / “Just 5 more minutes” Lazy bag (2013)

Aleksandar Škorić Saša (BIH)


“I medvedi imaju krila” / “Bears have wings too” Ručno crtana ilustracija na majici Indijskog pamuka / Hand drawn illustration on Indian cotton T-shirt (2013)



Marijana Oršolić (RS)




Bear Calendar se sastoji od 4 banera, koji ilustruju medveđe aktivnosti tokom godine. Leto je za jogu u prirodi, jesen za kišobrane i šetnje po šumi, zima je za literaturu i stručno usavršavanje, a proleće je za buđenje. (M. O.) / Bear Calendar consists of 4 banners that illustrates yearly activities of a bear. Summer is good for yoga in the nature, Autumn for umbrellas and forest walks, Winter is for literature and professional development, and Spring is for waking up. (M. O.) “Medveđi kalendar” / “Bear Calender” Digitalna ilustracija / Digital illustration; 700 x 250 mm; (2013)

(detalj / detail)




Bojan Košić (RS)




Ovaj meda nije baš neki ranoranilac, lenj je k’o đubre, a uz to je i namćor. Shodno tome u inat svima koji vole lepo vreme, vraća se nazad da knjava. (B. K.) / This bear is not really an early bird, not only is he as lazy as a lobster, he is also waspish. So, in spite of everyone who love nice weather, he goes back to sleep. (B. K.) “Đubrus” / “Djubrus” Olovka na papiru / Pencil on paper; 375 x 265 mm; (2013)

Ivana Radić (RS)


Medvedi su tu da čuvaju i zaštite te od svega. Najlepše je biti u medveđem zagrljaju. (I. R.) / Bears are there to protect you and keep you safe. To be in bear’s hug is the best.. (I. R.) “BEAR HUG” Digitalna ilustracija / Digital illustration; 700 x 500 mm; (2013)



Janko Počuča (RS)

“Bújj-bújj medve, gyere ki a gyepre /


ha kijöttél szép csendesen,


hogy a vadász meg ne lessen bújj-bújj medve gyere ki a gyepre.”

Mađarska pesmica o Medi / Hungarian Bear song


“Melody of Spring� Digitalna ilustracija / Digital illustration; 480 x 580 mm; (2013)



Vanja Seferović (RS)




Rad San predstavlja buđenje mašte. Nakon dugog sna rađa se sunce, a sa njim i nove ideje različitog karaktera, kao i mede. (V. S.) / The work Dream represents the waking up of imagination. After a long sleep the sun is born and

“San” / “Dream” Digitalna ilustracija / Digital illustration; 700 x 250 mm; (2013)

Maja Veselinović (RS)


“Mama meda i medići dočekuju proleće.” / “Mother bear and bear cubs welcome spring.” Digitalna ilustracija / Digital illustration; 230 x 230 mm; (2013)



Milica Butković (RS)




Ovaj rad posvećen je mojoj dragoj prijateljici i umetnici Marini Marković. Ona me je na poseban način probudila kao umetnika iz letargije, potpunog beznađa, i procvala me. (M. B.) /This work is dedicated to my dear friend and artist Marina Markovic. She woke me up as an artist in a special way, from my lethargy, complete hopelessness and blossomed me. (M. B.) “Svi smo mi Medvedi” / “We are all Bears” Kombinovana tehnika / Combiened technique; 500 x 700 mm; (2013)

Inma Lorente (ES)


..Bilo je popodne i sunce je ulazilo kroz prozor u sobu. Narandžasto, braon, bež i malčice tirkizne..Svetlost sumraka i kraj leta su me podsetili na ove boje. Zamislila sam udobno okruženje za njega i kako bi izgledao njegov izlazak iz pećine. Smeje se stidljivo i navikava na novu temperaturu, dozvoljavajući suncu da ga miluje po nežnom krznu . (I. L .) / ..It was afternoon and the sun was coming through the window. Orange, brown, beige, and a bit of turquoise…The light of the dusk and the end of the summer reminded me of these colors. I thought about a cozy environment for him and how would it be for him going out of the cave. He smiles shyly, getting used to new temperature, allowing the sun to caress his soft fur. (I. L.) “Sumrak” / “Dusk” Olovka na papiru / Pencil on paper; 148 x 210 mm; (2012)



Marija Josifovski (RS)




Stona Lampa Dobro jutro gospodine Medved! sugeriše čin buđenja. Izdizanjem abažura, senka lampe uvek ostaje „iza leđa“ te gospodin medved i nema priliku da se uplaši svoje senke pa proleće mora doći njegovim buđenjem. Naziv rada inspirisan je nazivom slike G. Kurbea “Dobar dan gospodine Kurbe”. (M. J.) / Table Lamp Good morning Mr Bear! suggests the act of waking up. By lifting the lampshade, shadow of the lamp always remains in the back so Mr Bear doesn’t have a chance to get scared of it, which means that spring must arrive with his waking. Title of the work is inspired by G. Courbe’s painting “Good day Mr Courbet” (M. J.) “Dobro jutro gospodine Medved” / “Good morning Mr Bear” Lim, veštačko krzno / Tin, fake fur; 350 x 100 x 150 mm; (2013)

Aleksandar Đurić (RS) (Prototip / Prototype)


Teddy je aparat za filter kafu ili čaj. Lako je prenosiv i uklopiv zahvaljujući malim dimenzijama. Glavne karakteristike ovog aparata su lako rukovanje bez opekotina i preteranog prljanja. Sastoji se iz dve glavne komponente: sam aparat i vatrostalni bokal sa poklopcem. (A. Đ.) / Teddy is a machine used portable and can easily fit anywhere. Main characteristics of this device are that it is easy to handle, without burning yourself or becoming dirty. It consists of two main components: the device itself and a pitcher with a lid. (A. Đ.)

Aparat za filter kafu ili čaj




Vesna Pešić BECHA (RS)




“Bear Wonderwoodski” Kolaž skulptura napravljena od različitih vrsti materijala: guma, metal, metal, plastic, textile; 100 x 100 x 11o mm; (2013)




Lauren Rolwing (US)




Toplo je i udobno u medinoj kući, a on još uvek spava. I dalje je hladno napolju i pada sneg, ali cveće počinje da niče i proleće stiže, zato medvede, PROBUDI SE! (L. R.) / cold and snowing outside, but the flowers are beginning to sprout and spring is on it’s way, so bear, WAKE UP! (L. R.) “WAKE UP” Digitalna ilustracija / Digital illustration; 250 x 350 mm; (2013)


Veliko nam je zadovoljstvo da ove godine predstavimo i izabrane radove učenika Škole za dizajn u Beogradu (RS) / It is our great pleasure to present as well this year, selected works done by students of High school for Arts and Design in Belgrade (RS) AUTORI / AUTHORS

01. Jelena Crnogorac (RS) 02. Marija Kresović Borelli (RS) 03. Milena Vasojević (RS) 04. Nikolina Škundrić (RS)

(Prof. D. L. Lacmanović)






01. Azanuka Mennel (CH) 02. Irina Đorđević (RS) 03. Ivan Žeželj (RS) 04. Marsija Nepfer (CH) 05. Mia Kovač (RS) 06. Mira Flanek (HU) 07. Natalia Obrenović (RS) 08. Ñulia Mennel (CH) 09. Rocco Czech (DE) 10. Saša Žeželj (RS) 11. Vilmos Flanek (HU)















I svim ostalim divnim i dragim ljudima koji su podržali ovaj projekat svojim učešćem. All those lovely people who supported this project with their participation.


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