Primary admissions brochure 2016

Page 1

September 2016 entry

Reception Year - for children born between 1 Sep, 2011 and 31 Aug, 2012 Year 3 junior school - for children born between 1 Sep 2008 and 31 Aug 2009


primary school tes:

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A guide for parents

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apply online Online admissions The quickest, easiest and safest way to apply for your primary school place. If you give us your email address when applying you will: â– receive

confirmation your application has been received;

â– receive

details of the school offered on the offer day, without having to wait for your offer letter.


Refe f rence number fe Password

Make a note of your log in details - you will need this information every time you visit the website.


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Welcome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4

● Medway Council Student Services Admissions Team The Admissions Team based at Gun Wharf in Chatham, co-ordinates all primary admissions for entry into Year R and transfer to Year 3 in a junior school. Medway Council, Gun Wharf, Dock Road, Chatham, Kent ME4 4TR Phone: 01634 331110 Email:

● Medway Council Student Services Operations Team

Section one Introduction and general information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Key dates for primary admissions 2016 entry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Section two Starting school in Medway - admission to Reception year . . .6 Section three Transfer from infant to junior school in Medway admission to Year 3 in junior schools only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8

This Operations Team deals with free school meals, transport to school (except for those attending special schools) and casual admissions. Medway Council, Gun Wharf, Dock Road, Chatham, Kent ME4 4TR Phone: 01634 331155 Email:

● Medway Council Initial Contact

Monday to Friday 8am to 8pm, Saturday 9am to 1pm. Calls to Initial Contact may be recorded or monitored for security and staff development purposes. Phone: 01634 333333 Text relay: 18004-01634 333333

● Kent County Council

Kent County Council Admissions and Transport Room 2.24, Sessions House, County Hall, Maidstone, Kent ME14 1XQ Phone: 03000 412121 Email: apply online

Section four The school application process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Section five The online admissions system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 Section six The school offer (allocation) process and next steps . . . . . . . .14 Section seven Free School Meals and Home to School Transport . . . . . . . .16 Section eight Other useful information and common oversubscription criteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Section nine Individual school’s oversubscription criteria . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 Section ten The schools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38

Disclaimer The information given in this booklet relates to the academic year, September 2016 to August 2017. Details are correct at the time of going to print.


Welcome Dear parent/carer, The start of your child’s full time school life is an exciting time for both you and them. It can also be a time full of questions and concerns about choosing the right school, deciding where they will be happiest and where is best to help them achieve their potential. The information in this booklet and on the Medway Council website is provided to assist you in making the most informed decisions about the schools to name on your application for your child. Medway primary, infant and junior schools strive to provide high quality teaching and learning for all children and help every pupil reach their full potential. Whilst we all want young people to achieve academically, we equally want young people to build on their talents, skills and interests to ensure that they have the best school careers possible. I would actively encourage you to contact the schools you are interested in, visit and look around, ask your questions and feel positive about the decisions you are making with regard to your preferences. Medway schools are happy to try and accommodate requests for visits and to help you throughout this admissions process. The Student Services Admissions Team are also here to support you throughout the entire process. I would like to take this opportunity to wish you and your child the best for the start of their full time school career. Barbara Peacock Director of Children’s and Adult Services


apply online

Section one Introduction and general information Choosing the right school for your child to start their education can be a difficult and anxious time for parents and children. Medway Council’s Student Services Admissions Team is here to help you understand the process and make the right decisions for your child. It is very important that you read carefully, and understand, the information in this booklet regarding how the admissions process works and how school places are allocated before you submit your school application. Throughout this booklet we have provided useful information to help you make the most informed decisions possible. We encourage you to use this information, do your own research on schools and visit the schools you are interested in if you can. It is also important to help your child feel happy and comfortable about starting their education, so you may want to involve them in the process. If you have any questions, please contact: Student Services Admissions Team Medway Council, Gun Wharf, Dock Road Chatham, ME4 4TR Phone: 01634 331110 Fax: 01634 331614 Email:

Medway Council works within the guidelines set out in the School Admissions Code published by the Department for Education. Details of the School Admissions Code can be found at


Can I visit the schools I’m interested in? Schools may not have scheduled open sessions but may be happy to consider requests for a tour. It is up to individual schools whether they will permit this or not. We suggest you contact the individual schools direct to discuss this matter. If any schools have advised Medway Council of planned open sessions, the details will be listed with the school details in section 10 of this booklet.

Key dates


What happens if my child has as Statement for Special Educational Needs (SSEN) or Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP)?

If your child is statemented, they do not need to go through this admission process.You will be discussing your school preferences with the Special Educational Needs Team to determine which school is right for your child. Please do not complete the application for this admissions process as the allocated school will be named in your child’s statement. For more information, please contact the SEN Team on 01634 337170 or 337175.

for primary admissions 2016 entry



Application period opens (online applications open at 9am)

Monday, 14 September 2015

Closing date for applications (online and RCAFs/JCAFs) – National closing date

Friday, 15 January 2016

Offer emails and letters sent to parents – National offer day (emails sent after 4pm to those who registered online)

Monday, 18 April 2016 (16 April is a Saturday)

Places must be accepted/refused and requests to go on a waiting list and appeals must be submitted

By Wednesday, 18 May 2016

Medway Council re-allocates any places that have become available to those who have asked to go on the waiting lists for each school

From Tuesday, 31 May to Monday, 31 October 2016

apply online


What are the different age ranges of schools? In Medway we have: • Infant schools – for children aged 4-7 years old. The point of entry is Year R (Reception). • Primary schools - for children aged 4-11 years old. The point of entry is Year R (Reception). • Junior schools - for children aged 7-11 years old. The point of entry is Year 3.

Do schools offer before and after school facilities? Many Medway schools already provide breakfast and/or after school clubs and it is envisaged that more will be setting these up in the future. To find out more information on these services, please contact the relevant school directly or the Medway Family Information Service on 01634 335566.


What is school status? All schools have a particular status and this is, basically, the type of school it is.You will hear about Academies, Community Schools, Foundation Schools,Voluntary Aided Schools and Voluntary Controlled Schools. The status of each school will be shown alongside the school details later in this booklet. Please speak to the school to find out more about what they can offer your child.

Section two Starting school in Medway - admission to Reception year Reception year (Year R) is the first compulsory year in education and is the year in which your child reaches compulsory school age.


When is my child due to start school in Year R?

Children born between 1 September 2011 and 31 August 2012 are due to start school in September 2016. Legally a child reaches compulsory school age and must be in school by the term following their fifth birthday.



How do I apply for primary/infant schools?

What schools can I apply for and how many can I name?

You can name infant and primary schools. Details of the Medway infant and primary schools are provided in section 10 of this booklet.


If you live in Medway, you can also apply for schools outside of Medway, and these must be named on your Medway application. You can name any primary or infant school you wish your child to be considered for. Medway invites parents to name up to six schools on the Medway application.You do not have to name six, but it is important to understand that naming only one school does not give you a stronger claim to a place.

For admission into infant and primary school in Year R you can either apply online or you can complete the Reception Common Application Form (RCAF), which is available from Medway infant and primary schools or from the Student Services Admissions Team.

apply online


I have already put my child’s name down at a school, is that enough?

No. A large number of parents may have already visited schools and asked for their child to be added to a list held by the school. This does not mean that an application has been made, it is only an expression of interest. You must complete and submit your online or paper application to Medway Council in order for your child to be considered for a place at the school. Your child will not be considered for a place if an application is not received by Medway Council to be processed.


My child attends the nursery/pre-school attached to the school. Does this mean I will definitely get a place at the school?

No. Attendance at a nursery or pre-school which is attached to an infant or primary school does not guarantee your child a place at the school and it does not give your child a higher priority for a place. You must complete the application and it will be considered against the school’s published oversubscription criteria.


Will my child start part-time or full-time? Individual schools organise their own starting arrangements and you will need to speak to the school your child is offered to confirm what these arrangements are.

You have the right to ask for your child to start fulltime on the first day of school if you wish to, even if the school suggests a part-time start initially. It will be up to you to make your individual arrangements with the school.


Can I defer my child’s starting date? Children must, legally, be in school the term following their fifth birthday as they have then reached compulsory school age.

make your individual arrangements with the school offered and the place will be held open for your child. If your child is born between 1 April and 31 August then you may choose to defer your child’s start at school until September 2017. However, it is important to understand that should you choose to do this your child may then have to start in Year 1 and may miss Year R. If you opt to do this, the place offered will not be held open for your child and you will have to re-apply nearer the time you want your child to start school.


Can I delay my child’s starting date in Year R by one year?

Medway Council, academies and other own admission authority schools will consider individual applications to delay entry to Year R until 2017 on a case by case basis. If you wish to apply to do this, a written request must be submitted along with evidence from a relevant professional (GP, consultant, teaching professional, etc) stating why this is in the best interest of your child. It is important to note that you will have to re-apply for a Year R place for 2017 as a place cannot be offered and held open for a year. Whilst Medway will consider such requests, it cannot be guaranteed that they will be approved.

You may wish to defer your child’s start at school, particularly if they are younger, but they must start school the term after they turn five. After you have applied and been offered a school place, if you then choose to defer entry into Year R you will need to

If you would like to discuss these options before you submit your application, please contact the Student Services Admissions Team.

apply online


Section three

Transfer from infant to junior school in Medway admission to Year 3 in junior schools only school (where they will remain until the end of Year 6), you do not need to apply for transfer to Year 3.

If your child is in an infant school they will finish at the end of Year 2 and must transfer to Year 3 in another school.


When is my child due to start school in Year 3?

Children born between 1 September 2008 and 31 August 2009 are due to transfer in Year 3 in September 2016.


What schools can I apply for and how many can I name?

You can name junior schools only. Details of the Medway junior schools are provided in section 10 of this booklet.

If you live in Medway, you can also apply for junior schools outside of Medway, and these must be named on your Medway application.You can name any junior school you wish your child to be considered for. Medway invites parents to name up to six schools on the Medway application.You do not have to name six, but it is important to understand that naming only one school does not give you a stronger claim to a place. Please note that if you name a primary school on your junior application it will be deleted as only junior school preferences can be considered.


If my child is in a primary school, do I need to apply to transfer to Year 3?


No. If your child is in an ‘all-through’ primary

This admission process is for children seeking places in Year 3 in junior schools only. The majority of these children will currently be attending infant schools, but if your child is in Year 2 in a primary school and you wish them to transfer to a junior school, then you can apply through this process.


My child is in an infant school, but I want them to go to a primary school. Can I apply through this process?

No. This process is for admission to Year 3 in junior schools only. If you wish to apply for a place in primary school you must complete a casual admission application form (which is available from all Medway schools).

It is important to understand that you will have to apply for a place in Year 2 for immediate start, as places in primary schools cannot be offered and held open until September. If you wish to apply for a Year 3 place in a primary school for September 2016, you will not be able to do so until the end of June 2016. We advise that you should still apply for a place at a junior school to ensure that your child has a school place for September 2016. This does not stop you from also applying as a casual admission for primary

apply online

schools if you wish, but you must complete the separate casual admission application form.


How do I apply for junior schools? For admission into junior school in Year 3 you can either apply online onlineadmissions or you can complete the paper Junior Common Application Form (JCAF) which is available from Medway infant or junior schools or from the Student Services Admissions Team.


What does ‘pairing’ mean? The majority of Medway infant schools are paired with a junior school. This means that children in the infant school have a higher priority for a place in the paired junior school than children not in the infant school.

You can still name any junior school you wish to (even if it is not paired with your child’s infant school), but your child will be considered under a lower oversubscription criterion than children in the paired infant school. The following table shows which infant and junior schools are paired. Important to note* New Horizons Children’s Academy will be offering 60 external places in Year 3 for September 2016 to assist in accommodating current bulge classes in the Chatham area.

Infant school: Balfour Infant School Bligh Infant School The Academy of Cuxton Schools Cuxton Infant Delce Infant School Featherby Infant School The Gordon Schools Federation - Infants Greenvale Infant & Nursery School

paired with: Balfour Junior School Bligh Junior School The Academy of Cuxton Schools Cuxton Junior Delce Academy Featherby Junior School The Gordon Schools Federation - Juniors Phoenix Junior Academy

Infant school: Hempstead Infant School Horsted Infant School Luton Infant School Parkwood Schools Federation - Infants St John’s CE VC Infant School St Margaret’s Infant School St Nicholas CE VC Infant School St Peter’s Infant School

paired with: Hempstead Junior School Horsted Junior School Luton Junior School Parkwood Schools Federation - Junior Balfour Junior School St Margaret’s CE VC Junior School Not paired Delce Academy

Section four The school application process Q

When can I apply for school places? Medway Council’s applications for admission to Year R and transfer to Year 3 in junior schools are open from 9am Monday, 14 September 2015 until 4pm on Friday, 15 January 2016.


Who do I apply to? You must submit your school application to the home local authority. This is the authority where the child lives.

If your child lives in Medway, and you pay your council tax to Medway, then you submit your school application to Medway Council. If your child lives in Kent (you pay your council tax to one of the 12 district councils of Kent, for example Swale) then you must submit your school application to Kent County Council.

If you live in any other local authority area and you pay council tax to them, then you submit your application to that authority.


How do I apply for schools? You can apply for your child online at

For admission to Year R - You can complete a RCAF (Reception Common Application Form) and return it to the Student Services Admissions Team (address details can be found in section 1) or any Medway infant or primary school. For transfer to Year 3 in junior schools – You can complete a JCAF (Junior Common Application Form) and return it to the Student Services Admissions Team (address details can be found in section 1) or your child’s infant school.

apply online

Please note that you can only use one of these methods. We cannot accept more than one application per child. If you apply online, please do not complete a paper form and vice versa.


What is a supplementary information form (SIF)? This is an additional form required by some schools. The information requested on these forms is in addition to your application and is required by the school to help apply their oversubscription criteria. Schools that require SIFs are detailed in section 10. They must be returned to the school by the closing date for applications, 15 January 2016.

Please note that completing a SIF does not mean that you have applied for the school.You must complete and submit the application for your home local authority as this is the only application that can be processed.




I live in Medway, what schools can I apply for?

My child has a Statement of Special Educational Needs or Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP), can I apply?

Details of the Medway infant, primary and junior schools are provided in section 10.

You can also apply for schools outside of Medway, and these must be named on your Medway application.

No. If your child is statemented you will have already had discussions with the SEN Team regarding the schools you wish your child to be considered for.Your child will not go through the main admissions process.


Medway invites parents to name up to six schools on the Medway application form.You don’t have to name six, but it is important to understand that naming only one school does not give you a stronger claim to a place.

Please do not complete the school admissions application. If you have any questions regarding the SEN admissions process, please contact the SEN team on 01634 337170 or 337175.


Please only name each school once. If you name a school more than once it will only be considered as one preference.


I live in Medway, but want to apply for school outside Medway. What do I do?

You must submit your school application to Medway Council.You can name schools outside of Medway and we will liaise with the relevant local authority to see if a place can be offered.


I live outside of Medway, how do I apply? If you live in another authority you must submit your school application through that authority.You can still name schools in Medway, but the application must go through your home local authority. If you require information on their schools, please contact the relevant local authority to ask for a copy of the primary admissions booklet or visit their website.


by Student Services which preference you name them. The order of your preferences is between you and Student Services only for the purposes of allocating places.


My child has a medical or health condition or disability. What should I do?

At the time of application, you need to provide Medway Council with details of the diagnosis and a supporting letter from the GP or consultant which demonstrates a specific link between your child’s needs and how the named school can meet these needs.


Please note that not all schools use health medical needs or disability in their oversubscription criteria. Why is the order that I name schools important?

Medway operates an equal preference scheme, this means that the prioritisation of school place offers is not based on which preference you name a school.Your application will be considered and ranked against the schools oversubscription criteria. When allocating places, Students Services will look to offer your child a place at the highest named school where a place can be offered. It is important to list the schools in your preferred order. The schools that you name will not be told

apply online

What are the oversubscription criteria? This is a set of criteria that details the order of priority in which places will be offered. Each school has it’s own criteria, details of these can be found in sections 8 and 9. I need to apply for more than one child, or children of multiple birth for example twins, what do I need to do?

You will need to complete a separate application for each child. If you are applying online, please ensure that you start a fresh application for each child and do not overwrite one child’s application with the other child’s details. If you do this, the first application will become invalid. You also need to ensure that you tick the appropriate box on the application to indicate that your children are of a multiple birth. Please see the oversubscription criteria section, later in this booklet, for more details on how places are allocated for children of multiple birth.


Why is my address important? The address you give on your school application is very important and will be used to calculate the home to school distance for the schools you have named. This will have an effect on your child’s application when it is considered against the school’s oversubscription criteria.

It is important that the address you provide is your child’s main place of residence. This means that they must live at this address permanently or, in the case of separated families; it must be the address of the parent where your child spends the majority of the school nights. Please be aware that only one address can be used on the application. We can send duplicate correspondence to another address as long as all parties are in agreement. If you are unsure of the address to be used in your circumstances, please contact the Student Services Admissions Team who will be happy to assist you.


I have childcare arrangements in place for my child. Are these taken into account?

No. Your personal childcare arrangements cannot be taken into account in the admissions process even if they are a factor in the schools you name as a preference on your application. Places are offered against oversubscription criteria, which do not include childcare arrangements or attendance at nursery/pre-school.


Can I use the address of my childcare provider on the application?

You must provide the address details of where your child permanently lives or, in the case of separated families, the address of the parent where your child spends (sleeps at) the majority of the school nights.


How do you define the majority of the school nights?

For the purposes of the admissions process, school nights are defined as Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. This is because children will be going to school on the following morning. To determine how many school nights your child spends with each parent, please use this definition.

For example, if your child sleeps Sunday, Monday, Tuesday at your address and Wednesday, Thursday at their other parent’s address, the admission process would determine that your address is where your child spends the majority of the school nights. This is because they will be going to school from your address on three school days and from their other parent’s address on two school days. If you are unsure of the address to be used in your circumstances, please contact the Student Services Admissions Team who will be happy to help you.


My child comes from a separated family. What happens if you receive an application from me and one from my child’s other parent?

If Medway Council receive two applications for your child (one from each parent), we will contact both parties to seek written agreement on the following: 1 The child’s main address to be used for the application. 2 The schools to be considered on the application. 3 The preference order of the schools to be considered.

Once written agreement is received from both parties, your child’s application will be included in the process with the agreed details. If written agreement from both parties is not received your child’s application will continue to be held pending until the matter is resolved. In these situations parents may wish to seek their own independent legal advice on how to resolve the situation. It is important to understand that, if both parties cannot reach agreement and the situation remains unresolved, your child may not be offered a school place on 18 April 2016 or until the matter is settled. This means that your child could be disadvantaged because agreement on the application has not been reached.


I am moving shortly, what address do I use?

You must use the address you are living at on the closing date for school applications, 15 January 2016.

If you are moving after you have submitted your application, you will need to provide the Student Services Admissions Team with proof of your move. This proof can be in the form of a copy of your exchange of contracts or tenancy agreement. Any request for a change of address can be accepted up until Friday, 29 January 2016 if accompanied by sufficient evidence. After this date, changes of address are for correspondence only.

Whilst awaiting written agreement from both parties, the applications will be removed from the process and held pending. apply online



What happens if I give false information? If you deliberately provide false information on your school application, such as an address, and a place is granted on the basis of this information that would not have otherwise been offered we can, and will, withdraw the offer of a school place.

If you believe that someone has provided false information on their school application, we ask that you contact the Student Services Manager at Medway Council. All such contacts will be treated in confidence and we will not disclose any of your personal information. If any part of your application is thought to be false, we will investigate and the emphasis will be on parents to provide satisfactory evidence proving the point being queried.


What do Medway Council or Medway schools accept as proof of address, if required, for the admissions process?

What happens if I miss the closing date for applications?

The closing date for applications is 15 January 2016. Late applications cannot be made online. All late applicants must complete a paper application form (RCAF for Year R / primary and infant applications or JCAF for junior applications) and return it direct to the Student Services Admissions Team.

As far as reasonably practicable, late applications that are received, will be accepted provided they are received by Medway Council by 4pm Friday, 29 January 2016. These applications must be accompanied by a written explanation of the reasons for late submission. Only exceptional circumstances can be considered by the Student Services Management Team. Exceptional circumstances may include serious illness, bereavement, late move to the area etc.

Any application received after 30 January 2016 will not be considered for places on 18 April 2016, but will be included in the re-allocation of places on 31 May 2016 and after consultation with the relevant admission authority for the named schools. The child’s name will automatically be placed on the waiting list for any schools named that are unable to offer a place.


Copies of any letters or bills provided must be dated during the application period (14 September 2015 to 15 January 2016). Please note, bank statements, driving licenses, utility bills etc are not acceptable evidence. Any evidence dated outside the application period may not be accepted as you will be requested to prove your child’s address at the time of application.

If you move into Medway between 15 January 2016 and the date when you submit your application, proof of the Medway address and the date of the move must be provided. This can be a copy of a signed tenancy agreement, exchange of contracts or completion documents.

apply online

Can I change my preferences after the closing date?

Changes to preference are not allowed after the closing date for applications, 15 January 2016 other than in exceptional circumstances. If you feel that your circumstance fall into this category, please submit your request in writing to Student Services for consideration. Please note any request for changes made after 29 January 2016 will not be considered.

The decision on whether a reason for late application is acceptable is at the discretion of the Student Services Management Team. If it is decided that the reason for late submission does not constitute good reason, the application will be held until after allocation on 18 April 2016 and will be considered at re-allocation.

If Medway Council or a Medway school requests you to provide proof of the address where your child is living for the admission process, a copy of one of the following will be acceptable: • A Child Benefit letter • A Child Tax Credits award letter • A copy of your child’s medical card showing the address they are registered from with their GP • A copy of your most recent council tax bill.



Section five The online admissions system Medway Council would like to encourage all parents/carers of children resident in Medway to submit their school application online. Applying online offers you a quick, easy and secure option for submitting your application. You can apply online at


When can I apply online? Medway Council’s applications for admission to Year R and transfer to Year 3 in junior schools are open from 9am on Monday, 14 September 2015 until 4pm on Friday, 15 January 2016.

We cannot accept any online applications made outside of these times.


What are the benefits of applying online?

You can submit your application at a time that suits you, anytime, day or night, during the periods shown above.

The online system provides a secure, fast and easy method of sending us your application and provides you with a full confirmation that it has been received. If you provide us with an email address. Paper application forms will not be acknowledged over the phone or in writing. After 4pm on the offer day, 18 April 2016, Medway Council will send details, by email, of the school that has been offered to parents who successfully

submitted an online application and provided an email address.


What do I need to do to apply online? Firstly, you will need to register with the website.You will be asked to create a username and password for yourself. We suggest that you make these easy to remember and keep a note of these (space is provided on the inside front cover of this booklet), as you will need these in the future to access your application. You will then need to enter your details and your child’s details, add your school preferences and reasons, then submit your application for processing during the dates shown above. If you provide an email address in your information, you will receive an email confirmation of the application you have submitted. This will be a full copy of the information you have provided.


Can I change my application or my information after I have submitted it?

Yes. You can make any changes to your application up until the closing date for applications (15 January 2016).

You will need your username and password to re-enter your application and make any changes. It is vitally important that you remember to resubmit your application after you have made your changes as we can only process the last submitted application after the closing date.

apply online

If you make changes and do not re-submit the application for processing, your changes will not be included when the application is processed.


Will I still get a letter telling me my child’s school offer?

Yes. All applicants receive the formal offer letter. Online applicants, who have provided an email address, also receive an email advising them of the school place offered.


Can I submit an online application and a paper application?

No. We can only process one application for each pupil. If you have applied online, do not complete a paper application as well and visa versa.


Do I need to complete a supplementary information form (SIF) for any Medway primary, infant or junior schools?

Yes. The schools requiring SIF are listed in section 10 of this booklet. The forms are available direct from the schools and must be returned to the schools by the closing date for applications (15 January 2016).


How do I apply for a Medway school if I live in Kent?

You will need to apply directly to Kent County Council. This can be done online at or by obtaining a paper form from Kent County Council, phone 03000 412121.


Section six The school offer (allocation) process and next steps Q

When will I find out my child’s school offer?

School places are offered on 18 April 2016, this is a national date.

All parents will be sent a formal offer letter advising them of the school offered and what to do next. These letters will be posted by Medway Council by 1st class post on 18 April 2016 to be received in the following few days. If you apply online, and provide an email address, you will also receive an email after 4pm on 18 April 2016 advising you of your child’s school offer.You will still receive a formal letter and will need this to take the next steps. We cannot give offer details out over the phone.


Who will I receive my offer from? You will receive your school offer letter from your home local authority.This means, if you live in Medway (ie pay you council tax to Medway Council), you will receive your letter from Medway Council.

If you live in Kent (ie pay you council tax to one of the 12 district councils of Kent, for example Swale) then you will receive your offer letter from Kent County Council.



Why does it take so long from applying to receiving the school offer?

The closing date for applications (15 January 2016) and the offer date for school places (18 April 2016) are natinal dates set by central government.

There are many procedures that need to be undertaken to process applications including exchanging data with other councils and schools, working with schools to prioritise applicants, etc before school offers can be made.


How does Medway Council work out what priority my child has for a place at the schools I have named?

All school places are allocated in accordance with the individual school’s published oversubscription criteria. This is a set of criteria that details the order of priority in which places will be offered. Full details of each school’s criteria can be found in section 9. The Student Services Admissions Team work in partnership with each school to ensure that all applicants are prioritised (ranked) correctly against the published oversubscription criteria.


How does Medway Council work out which school is to be offered to my child?

Medway operates an equal preference scheme, this means that the prioritisation of school place offers is not based on which preference you name a school.Your application will be condidered and ranked against the school’s oversubscription

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criteria. When allocating places, Medway Council’s Student Services look to offer your child a place at the highest named school where a place can be offered. It is important to list the schools in your preferred order. The schools that you name will not be told which preference you named them. The order of your preference is between you and Medway Council only for the purposes of allocation places.


What happens if more than one of the school’s I name can offer my child a place?

You will only receive the offer of one school place on 18 April 2016 and Medway Council will look to offer your child a place at the highest named school where a place can be offered.


What about children with a Statement of Special Educational Needs or an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP)?

Children with a Statement of Special Educational Needs or EHCP do not go through this admission process and any places being offered to a Statemented child at a school will be allocated before all other places. The school’s published admission number (PAN) will be adjusted to take account of any Statemented children offered and the Student Services Admissions Team will offer up to the remaining number of places available at the school.


Am I guaranteed to get one of the schools named on my application?

Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee that we can offer a place at one of your named schools. It will depend on how oversubscribed the schools named are and where your child is prioritised against the schools’ oversubscription criteria.

We strongly advise you to name more than one school on your application to give you the most opportunity to receive the offer of a place at a school you are satisfied with. Medway residents can name up to six preferences. For Year R admissions for September 2015, 96 per cent of children received the offer of a place at a school named on their application form on 16 April 2015. Of these 87 per cent received the offer of a place at their first preference school. For Year 3 transfer to junior school for September 2015, 99 per cent of children received the offer of a place at a school named on their application on 16 April 2015. 98 per cent received the offer of a place at their first preference school.


What happens if you can’t offer my child a place at a school named on my application?

The council have a duty to ensure that a school place is offered on 18 April 2016 to every child who has applied for a school place by the closing date. If we are not able to offer a place at one of your preferences, we will look to allocate a place at the nearest appropriate school to your home address that have a place available.


If I am not happy with the school place offered, what can I do?

Full details of the next steps you can take following the school offer made on 18 April 2016 will be provided along with the offer letter.You have a number of options including requesting to be placed on a waiting list, to be considered at re-allocation and lodging a school admission appeal. Brief details of some of these options are listed below:

Waiting lists / Re-allocation: You will be sent a waiting list request form along with your school offer letter on 18 April 2016. Using this form you can request to be placed on the waiting list for any of the schools you originally named on your application form and/or any other Medway school* Your child will not automatically be added to a waiting list unless you have submitted a request form. The only exception to this is where an appeal has been lodged. Children who have appealed will also be added to the relevant schools’ waiting list. Please note that, under the transfer to junior school processes, you can only request to go on the waiting list for a Medway junior school and not a Medway primary school. The Student Services Admissions Team will then collate all waiting list requests and look to re-allocate (offer) any vacant places that may become available in schools to children who have requested to be placed on the waiting list. A child’s position on a school’s waiting list will be decided in accordance with the school’s published oversubscription criteria. Places are not held on a first come first served basis.

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It is important to understand that a child’s place on the waiting list may change (up or down) dependent on the eligibility of other children who have requested to be on the waiting list. Waiting list requests must be submitted by Wednesday, 18 May 2016. Vacant places will be re-allocated from Tuesday, 31 May 2016 until Monday, 31 October 2016. NB: If you are offered a school place at one of the schools you have named on your waiting list request, any other school offer will be automatically withdrawn to be reallocated to another child.You will not have a claim on the original place offered if you change your mind and will need to request to be added to that school’s waiting list for consideration at future re-allocation. Appeals:

You have the right of appeal to any of the schools you have named on your application form that have not been able to offer your child a place. You cannot lodge an appeal for a school you have not named on your application form. Full details of how to appeal and an appeal form will be included with your school offer letter on 18 April 2016. You can submit more than one appeal at the same time. But, who you submit your appeal request to will depend on the school being appealed for and details of where you need to send your form will be included with your letter on 18 April 2016.



An Independent Appeal Panel will hear admission appeals. They are independent of the school and Medway Council and their decision is binding on the school and Medway Council. Appeal requests must be lodged by Wednesday, 18 May 2016.


Can I go on the waiting list and lodge an appeal for the same school?

Yes. You can submit a waiting list form and lodge an appeal for the same school. The two processes are independent of each other and, being on the waiting list will not affect your appeal and vice versa.

How do I accept or refuse the school place offered?

You will receive an acceptance/refusal form with your school offer letter on 18 April 2016.You will need to complete this form and return it to the school being offered with your decision.

Acceptance/refusal forms must be returned to the schools by Wednesday, 18 May 2016.


oversubscription criteria, not dependent on whether or not you are holding the offer of a school place. In a similar way, appeal decisions are based on the cases heard by the Independent Appeal Panel and not on whether you are holding a school place or not. We recommend that you accept your offer of a place in the first instance to ensure you have a place secured.

If I refuse the place offered, do I have a better chance being offered a place from the waiting list or being successful at appeal?

No. Vacant places are only offered from waiting lists in accordance with the school’s

Section seven Free School Meals and Home to School Transport Free School Meals

The following information on Free School Meals and Home to School Transport is correct at the time of going to print.


Please note, there may be changes to Medway Council’s policies as a result of changes to central government legislation. This may mean that changes may be made before your child is due to start school in September 2016.

Your child may qualify to receive free school meals if you receive certain qualifying benefits.

Please check the Medway Council website for the most up to date information nearer the time of your child starting school.


Will my child be entitled to Free School Meals?

At the time of printing this booklet, these are: • Income Support; • Jobseeker’s Allowance (income based); • Employment and Support Allowance (Income related); • The Guarantee element of State Pension Credit; • Support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999;

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• Child Tax Credit, but not entitled to Working Tax Credit, and whose annual income (as assessed by Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs) does not exceed £16,190.


Is your child in Reception,Year 1 or 2? If yes, they could be entitled to extra funding for their school. If you qualify, you should apply.


How do I apply for Free School Meals? You will need to complete the free school meals application form.

If applying during the school holidays, you will need to send the completed form to the freepost address on the bottom of the form. If applying at

any other time, as well as this option, you can take it into your child’s school office. You can obtain an application form by ringing the Student Services Operations Team on 01634 331155, or collecting one from: your child’s school office; Medway Council’s Community Hubs in Chatham, Gillingham, Rochester and Strood and Rainham Contact Point and library.


Do I need to complete the application form for all Medway schools? A number of academies in Medway are now processing their own free school meals and therefore Medway Council are unable to deal with your entitlement. Please contact the school direct to make your application. For a list of schools and academies please visit and search free school meals.


Do I need to provide proof of benefit with my application? You do not need to provide proof of benefit at this time. By signing the form you are allowing the Student Services Operations Team to verify your claim, for initial and ongoing entitlement to free school meals as well as entitlement to free home to school transport.

If free school meals cannot be verified, the team will ask for an up to date, full copy of the proof of benefit you are receiving, to assess your claim.


Do I have to renew my application for free school meals and if so, when? No. You do not have to renew your application if all your details have remained the same.

The Student Services Operations Team will carry out regular reviews and contact you for further proof of benefit, if required.


Who do I contact if any of mine and/or my child’s personal details change, or I stop receiving benefit, once I am receiving free school meals? Please contact the Student Services Operations Team on 01634 331155 to update your details. If you have moved address, you will be asked to complete a new application form.

If you do not notify the team, it could result in you having to repay the cost of any free school meals that your child has received.

Home to School Transport


How do I know if my child is eligible for free home to school transport? If you feel your child is eligible for free home to school transport, you need to complete an application form; the Student Services Operations Team will assess it and send written confirmation of the decision.


What is the current transport policy? The basic qualifying criteria to be eligible for free home to school transport is the following:

• if your child is up to eight years old, you must live more than two miles from the primary school your child will be attending and it must be deemed as the ‘nearest qualifying school’ to your home address • if your child is eight years old and above, you must live more than three miles from the primary

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school your child will be attending and it must be deemed as the ‘nearest qualifying school’ to your home address. Full details of the current policy can be found on the Medway Council website by searching ‘getting to school’ and following the appropriate link.


If my child attends: a private/ independent school. Can I still apply for home to school transport? No. Medway Council do not provide home to school transport for children attending private/ independent schools.


If my child attends a non-Medway school can I still apply for school transport? Please contact the Student Services Operations Team to discuss your child’s individual circumstances, as it is unlikely that they will be eligible, unless it is the nearest school to the home address.


What if I don’t agree with the decision? If you feel that the decision that your child is not eligible for free home to school transport is incorrect or that your child’s circumstances warrant an exception to be made, you can submit an application form enclosing a letter explaining the reason why you wish your child’s case to be looked at further.The Student Services Management Team then reconsider your application.


How do I find out what bus routes and companies cover the journey to my child’s chosen school? Arriva Bus Company operates the majority of bus routes in Medway.You can contact them for advice on 01634 283600 or visit their website to find out the service numbers, times, boarding points etc.


Tenders for bus services are often renewed, so at the time of printing this booklet, the following bus companies also operate in certain parts of Medway. To find out if they operate near you, please contact them on the numbers below: • Nu Venture Bus Company 01622 882288 • Farleigh Coaches 01634 201065 • Red Route 01474 353896 • ASD Coaches 01634 726412 • Chalkwell Coaches 01795 423982


If my child does not qualify for free home to school transport, are there any other schemes available in Medway? Medway Youth Pass (young persons half-price bus fare scheme) - this entitles all young people who live in Medway to pay half the adult fare at all times when travelling on any local bus service. Full details of the terms and conditions and how to apply can be found on the Medway Council website by searching ‘Medway youth pass’ and following the appropriate link.

Vacant Seat Payment Scheme - Children who do not qualify for free home to school transport may apply for a vacant seat on a hired school vehicle, if one operates on the route required, at a cost. It is important to understand that the seat on the transport may be withdrawn at any time if it is required by a child eligible for free home to school transport or if the transport is withdrawn. Further information on this scheme can be obtained from Medway Norse Transport on 01634 283210.

Section eight Other useful information and

common oversubscription criteria

Other useful information • Choosing to educate at home You may choose to educate your child at home. If you elect to do this, the council has a duty to ensure that your child is receiving suitable and effective full time education. If you wish to consider educating your child at home, please contact the Inclusion Team on 01634 332572 for more information. You will be asked to provide full details on the arrangements you are making.


• School Term dates Full details of the Medway Council defined Term dates for the academic year September 2016 to July 2017 can be found on the Medway website

Working with schools, Medway Council has developed a number of initiatives. Further information can be found at

Please be aware that some schools may operate different term dates to the Medway Council defined ones and you will need to speak to individual schools about their arrangements. • Sustainable School Travel Strategy Medway Council is keen to ensure that their own plans support school travel plans (STP), so that the schools can develop a long-term commitment to implementation, monitoring and development. apply online

Common oversubscription criteria

The opposite table provides some definitions for the most common oversubscription criteria used by schools.The definitions quoted are those of Medway Council and may be different for an individual school.



Children in public care/looked after children and previously looked after children

Please ensure you read each individual school’s oversubscription criteria in Section 9 to ascertain exactly what their oversubscription criteria are and what these mean for your child. *Please note that at the time of going to print, the Student Services Admissions Team are researching the use of new distancing software. Please check the website, and look at Co-ordinated Admission Scheme for Primary Admissions – September 2016 for the most up to date information on how distances are calculated.

Looked after children are children who are (i) in the care of a local authority, or (ii) being provided with accommodation by a local authority in the exercise of their social services functions (as defined in Section 22(1) of the Children Act 1989) at the time of making the application for a school. Previously looked after children are children who were looked after, but ceased to be so because they were adopted (under the terms of the Adoption and Children Act 2002, Section 46) or became subject to a residence order or special guardianship order (under the terms of the Children Act 1989, Section 8 and Section 14A). Please note that the council will ask for evidence of ‘looked after’ or ‘previously looked after’ status and a copy of the adoption/residence/ special guardianship order to validate this criterion.

Current family/ sibling association

Sibling means children who live permanently as brother/sister in the same house and includes natural siblings, adopted siblings, foster siblings and step siblings. Extended family, for example cousins, living in the same house do not qualify as siblings. The sibling must be attending the named school at the time of application and at the time the younger child would start (September 2015).

Child’s health reasons

Medical evidence from a GP or consultant must be provided to the Student Services Admissions Team. This evidence must demonstrate a specific link between the child’s medical conditions and needs and how the named school can meet these needs.

Nearness of children’s home/distance*

Applicants are prioritised in order of nearness to the school. The distance calculated is the shortest available safe walking route known to the geographical information software (GIS) used by Student Services Admissions Team. This geographical information software may not know all footpaths that are in existence and certain new roads may not be known. Where a footpath or new road is not known to the software an alternative route will be used. Where a child’s home is situated on a new road the distance calculation will begin from the nearest available known road plotted in the software. New developments may be subject to this. In certain cases it may not be possible to calculate a distance where the entire route is deemed as a safe walking route. In these circumstances the distance calculated is used purely to prioritise an application for admission. There is no expectation that the walk should be taken.

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Section nine Individual school’s oversubscription criteria The oversubscription criteria listed on pages 21 and 22 relate to the following schools. This table lists Medway community and voluntary controlled schools. School name


School type

In addition, recently converted academies are also listed because they were community schools at the time the oversubscription criteria were determined. School name

School type

School name

School type

All Saints C of E Primary School (SIF required)


Hempstead Infant School


The Pilgrim School (SIF required)

Balfour Infants School


Hempstead Junior School


Riverside Primary School and Children’s Centre

Balfour Junior School


Hilltop Primary School

Barnsole Primary School




St Helen’s C of E Primary School (SIF required) St John’s CE Infants School (SIF required)

Bligh Infant School


Hoo St Werburgh Primary School and Marlborough Centre

Bligh Junior School


Horsted Infant School


Burnt Oak Primary School and Children’s Centre


Horsted Junior School


St Margaret’s C of E Junior School (SIF required) St Margaret’s Infant School

St Margaret’s at Troy Town C of E (VC) Primary School and Children's Centre (SIF required)


Byron Primary School


Luton Infant and Nursery School


Cedar Primary School


Luton Junior School


St Nicholas’ CE Infant School (SIF required)

Deanwood Primary School and Children’s Centre


Maundene School


St Peter’s Infant School



Delce Infant School


Miers Court Primary School


Swingate Primary School

Fairview Community Primary School


Napier Community Primary and Nursery School


Temple Mill Primary School & Children’s Centre


Featherby Infant and Nursery School


New Road Primary School


Thames View Primary School


Featherby Junior School


Oaklands School


Twydall Primary School


Wainscott Primary School


Walderslade Primary School


Greenvale Infant and Nursery School


Parkwood Schools Federation - Infants


Halling Primary School


Parkwood Schools Federation - Juniors


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C = Community A = Academy VC = Voluntary Controlled

Over-subscription criteria for community and voluntary controlled schools

appropriate box on the application to indicate the children are of multiple birth.

Before the application of oversubscription criteria, children with a statement of special educational need or Education, Health and Care Plan which names the school will be admitted. As a result of this, the published admissions number will be reduced accordingly. If the number of preferences for a Community or Voluntary Controlled primary, infant or junior school is more than the number of spaces available, places will be allocated in the following priority order: 1 Children in public care/looked after children and previously looked after children (see note 1). 2 Attendance at a paired infant school (see note 2). 3 Sibling (a brother or sister attending the named schools at the time of application and who will still be attending in September 2016 (see note 3). 4 Denominational preference (for Voluntary Controlled church schools only) A supplementary information form is also required (see note 4). 5 Medical, health and special access reasons (see note 5). 6 Children of teaching staff (see note 6). 7 Nearness of children’s home and (for Halling Primary School only) ease of access to the school (see note 7). Please note for children of multiple birth In the event of a school being oversubscribed where the parent/carer for the final qualifying place(s) available is the parent/carer of twins, triplets or other multiple birth, the council will give multiple birth applications a higher priority for place than other applications with the exception of children in public care. Parents/carers/carers must tick the

Tiebreaker In the unlikely event that two or more children in all other ways have equal eligibility for the last available place at the school, the names will be issued a number and drawn randomly to decide which child should be given the place.

Definitions and notes

1 Looked after children are children who are (i) in the care of a local authority, or (ii) being provided with accommodation by a local authority in the exercise of their social services functions (as defined in Section 22(1) of the Children Act 1989) at the time of making the application for a school. Previously looked after children are children who were looked after, but ceased to be so because they were adopted (under the terms of the Adoption and Children Act 2002, Section 46) or became subject to a residence order or special guardianship order (under the terms of the Children Act 1989, Section 8 and Section 14A). Please note that the council may ask for a copy of the adoption/residence order and proof of the looked after child status to validate this criterion. 2 This criterion applies to applications for Year 3 in junior schools only. Where admission links (pairing) have been established between the infant and junior school concerned, children attending the infant school are given a higher priority for admission to the junior school. 3 We give priority to children who have a sibling at the named school. Sibling means children who live as brother/sister in the same house and includes natural siblings, adopted siblings, foster siblings and step siblings. Extended family, for example cousins,

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living in the same house do not qualify as siblings. The sibling link also applies across ‘paired’ schools. This means if parents/carers are applying for Year R in the infant school and have an older sibling in the ‘paired’ junior school the sibling link will be considered and also if the parent is applying for Year 3 in the junior school and has a younger sibling in the ‘paired’ infant school the sibling link will apply. Please note that if the older sibling is in Year 6 at the time of application, the link cannot be considered, as they will not be in the school when the younger child would start in September 4 When a parent/carer applies for a place at a Medway Voluntary Controlled Church of England School on the grounds of denomination, such application must be supported by evidence that either the child or at least one parent/carer is a regular worshipper (the level of attendance should be at least once a month) at a church affiliated to, or represented at Churches Together in England or the Evangelical Alliance and has been for at least 12 months prior to the application being made. Parents/carers must ensure that they have also completed the supplementary information form (SIF) for Medway Voluntary Controlled church schools. A copy of the SIF is attached in appendix 1. The SIF is available from and returnable to any Medway Voluntary Controlled church school (as listed below) and is also available on the council’s website The SIF does not constitute an application for the school and parents/carers must complete their home local authority application as well (either online or paper).The SIF on its own will not be processed unless there is also a valid application for the school.


The SIF must be returned to the relevant school by the closing date for applications. Medway Voluntary Controlled church schools All Saints CE Primary School St Helen’s CE Primary School St John’s CE Infant School St Margaret’s at Troy Town CE VC Primary School St Margaret’s CE Junior School St Nicholas CE Infant School The Pilgrim CE Primary School 5 Medical, health and special access reasons will be applied in accordance with the school’s legal obligations, in particular those under the Equality Act 2010, as follows: • For children whose mental or physical impairment means that they have a demonstrable and significant need to attend a particular school, or • For children whose parent/carers mental or physical impairment means that they have a demonstrable and significant need for their child to attend a particular school. Such claims must be clearly identified on the application and need to be supported by written evidence from a suitably qualified medical or other practitioner who can demonstrate a specific connection between the needs of the child or parent/carer and the particular school. All evidence must be sent to the Student Service Team by the closing date for applications. 6 A child can be considered under this criterion where a member of teaching staff has been employed at the school requested for two or more years at the time the application is made. 7 The distance calculated is the shortest available walking route between the child’s home and school using roads and footpaths known to the mapping layer used by the Student Services Admissions


Team within the Geographical Information Software (GIS). The start point - The centre point of the nearest road or footpath known to the GIS to the seed point of the child’s home (The seed point is a grid reference for the property takenfrom Ordnance Survey mapping data). This may not always be the postal address road, in rare circumstances where an alternative road or footpath is actually nearer to the seedpoint of the property this will be used. The end point - A pre-defined centre point of the road adjacent the school site or a pre-defined centre point within the school site. The same end point is used for all distance calculations to the school concerned. The distance - The distance calculated is the shortest available walking route known to the Medway GIS using the centre point of streets and other available walking routes. The Medway GIS may not know all footpaths that are in existence and certain new roads may not be known. Where a footpath or new road is not known to the GIS an alternative route will be used. Where a child’s home is situated on a new road the distance calculation will begin from the nearest available known road plotted in the GIS. New developments may be subject to this. In certain cases it may not be possible to calculate a distance where the entire route is deemed as a walking route. In these circumstances the distance calculated is used purely to prioritise an application for admission. There is no expectation that the walk should be taken. Halling Primary School only – This school will use the ease of access part of criterion 6, which means:

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• Places are first offered to children living in Upper Halling (as defined in the hatched area on a map which is available at the school), which includes Ladds Farm, and Clements farm areas. • Secondly places are offered to those children living in Halling (as defined in the checkered area on a map which is available at the school) including Formby Cottages to the north and Ladds Lane area to the south. • Any remaining places at Halling Primary School will be offered on nearness of children’s homes to the school.

Over-subscription criteria of Medway voluntary aided, foundation schools and academies All Faith’s Children’s Academy

Following receipt of parental/carer preferences, places will be offered to those children with Statements of Special Educational Needs or Education, Health and Care Plans where All Faiths Children’s Academy is named. Then, if the number of requests received via the co-ordinated scheme is more than the number of places available, places will be allocated in the following priority order: 1 Children in public care - as defined in the Medway co-ordinated admission scheme. 2 Current family association (a brother or sister in the school at the time of application and still attending in September 2016). 3 Child’s health reasons. Medical evidence must be provided which demonstrates a specific health reason, which requires a child to attend All Faiths Children’s Academy. 4 Multiple birth children, as defined in the Medway co-ordinated admission scheme.

5 Nearness of child’s home to school measured using Medway Council’s criteria. Where criteria involves measuring distance to a child’s home, the local authority’s procedures for ascertaining the shortest available safe route between home and the school will be used. In the unlikely event that two or more children in all other ways have equal eligibility for the last available place at the school, the names will be issued a number and drawn randomly to decide which child should be given the place. Allhallows Primary Academy If more applications are received than places available, then the following Medway Council oversubscription criteria will apply: 1 Children with SEN Statements who have named the school. 2 Children in public care. 3 Current family association. 4 Child’s health reasons. 5 Nearness of children’s homes and ease of access to schools. In the event of a tie of the above criteria then the distance from home to school will be used as a tiebreaker based on the shortest walking distance route. In the unlikely event that two or more children in all other ways have equal eligibility for the last available place at the school, the names will be issued a number and drawn randomly to decide which child should be given the place. Brompton-Westbrook Primary School Following receipt of parental/carer preferences, places will be offered to those children with statements of special educational needs where

Brompton-Westbrook Primary School is named. Then, if the number of requests received via the co-ordinated scheme is more than the number of places available, places will be allocated in the following priority order: 1 Children in public care - as defined in the Medway co-ordinated admission scheme, including previously looked children, who are now adopted. 2 Children with a current family association (a brother or sister (including adopted, foster and step siblings) in the school at the time of application and still attending in September 2016). 3 Children with health reasons. Medical evidence must be provided which demonstrates a specific health reason, which requires a child to attend Brompton-Westbrook Primary School. 4 Multiple birth children, as defined in the Medway co-ordinated admission scheme. 5 Children of a member of staff who has been employed at the school for two years or more. 6 Nearness of child’s home to school measured using Medway Council’s criteria. Where criteria involves measuring distance to a child’s home, the Local Authority’s procedures for ascertaining the shortest available safe route between home and the school will be used. Tiebreaker - In the unlikely event that two or more children in all other ways have equal eligibility for the last available place at the school, the names will be issued a number and drawn randomly to decide which child should be given the place. Chattenden Primary School

(Peninsula Gateway Academy Trust) Following receipt of parental preferences, places will be offered to those children with statements of special educational needs where Chattenden Primary apply online

School (Peninsula Gateway Academy Trust) is named. Then, if the number of requests received via the coordinated scheme is more than the number of places available, places will be allocated in the following priority order: 1 Children in public care/looked after children and previously looked after children. 2 Sibling (a brother or sister attending the school at the time of application and who will still be attending in September 2016). 3 Medical, health and special access reasons. 4 Children of teaching staff. 5 Nearness of children’s home and ease of access to the school. Where criteria involves measuring distance to a child’s home, the Medway Council’s procedures for ascertaining the shortest available safe route between home and the school will be used. In the unlikely event that two or more children in all other ways have equal eligibility for the last available place at the school, the names will be issued a number and drawn randomly to decide which child should be given the place. Cliffe Woods Primary School Following receipt of parental preferences, places will be offered to those children with statements of special educational needs where Cliffe Woods Primary School is named. Then, if the number of requests received via the co-ordinated scheme is more than the number of places available, places will be allocated in the following priority order: 1 Children in public care – as defined in the Medway co-ordinated admission scheme. 2 Child’s health reasons. Medical evidence must be provided which demonstrates a specific health reason which requires a child to attend Cliffe Woods Primary School.


3 Current family association (a brother or sister in the school at the time of application and still attending in September 2016) – as defined in the Medway co-ordinated admission scheme. 4 Multiple birth children where Cliffe Woods Primary School is the nearest school to the child’s home. 5 Nearness of child’s home to school measured using Medway Council’s criteria. Where criteria involves measuring distance to a child’s home, Medway Council’s procedures for ascertaining the shortest available safe route between home and the school will be used. In the unlikely event that two or more children in all other ways have equal eligibility for the last available place at the school, the names will be issued a number and drawn randomly to decide which child should be given the place. Cuxton Infant and Cuxton Junior Schools Before the application of oversubscription criteria, children with a statement of special educational need or Education, Health and Care Plan which names the school will be admitted. As a result of this, the published admissions number will be reduced accordingly. The published admission number for Cuxton Infant School is 60. The published admission number for Cuxton Junior School is 60. If the number of preferences for Cuxton Infant School or Cuxton Junior School is more than the number of spaces available, places will be allocated in the following priority order: 1 Children in public care/looked after children and previously looked after children - (see note 1). 2 Attendance at the paired infant school – Cuxton Infant School (see note 2). 3 Sibling (a brother or sister attending Cuxton Infant


School or Cuxton Junior School at thetime of application and who will still be attending in September 2016) – (see note 3). 4 Medical, health and special access reasons – (see note 4). 5 Children of teaching staff – (see note 5). 6 Nearness of children’s home. Please note for children of multiple birth - In the event of the school being oversubscribed where the parent/carer for the final qualifying place(s) available is the parent/carer of twins, triplets or other multiple births, the School will give multiple birth applications a higher priority for place than other applications with the exception of children in public care. Parents/carers/carers must tick the appropriate box on the application to indicate the children are of multiple births. Tiebreaker - In the unlikely event that two or more children in all other ways have equal eligibility for the last available place at the school, the names will be issued a number and drawn randomly to decide which child should be given the place. Definitions and notes 1 Looked after children are children who are (i) in the care of a local authority, or (ii) being provided with accommodation by a local authority in the exercise of their social services functions (as defined in Section 22(1) of the Children Act 1989) at the time of making the application for a school. Previously looked after children are children who were looked after, but ceased to be so because they were adopted (under the terms of the Adoption and Children Act 2002, Section 46) or became subject to a residence order or special guardianship order (under the terms of the Children Act 1989, Section 8 and Section 14A). Please note that the council may ask for a copy of the adoption/residence order and proof of the Looked after child status to validate this criterion.

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2 This criterion applies to applications for Year 3 in Cuxton Junior School. Where admission links (pairing) have been established between the infant and junior school concerned, children attending Cuxton Infant School are given a higher priority for admission to Cuxton Junior School. 3 We give priority to children who have a sibling at the named school. Sibling means children who live as brother/sister in the same house and includes natural siblings, adopted siblings, foster siblings and step siblings. Extended family, for example cousins, living in the same house do not qualify as siblings. The sibling link also applies across paired schools. This means if parents/carers are applying for Year R in the Cuxton Infant school and have an older sibling in Cuxton Junior School the sibling link will be considered. Also, if the parent is applying for Year 3 in Cuxton Junior School and has a younger sibling in Cuxton Infant School the sibling link will apply. Please note that if the older sibling is in Year 6 at the time of application, the link cannot be considered, as they will not be in the school when the younger child would start in September. 4 Medical, health and special access reasons will be applied in accordance with the school’s legal obligations, in particular those under the Equality Act 2010, as follows: • For children whose mental or physical impairment means that they have a demonstrable and significant need to attend a particular school, or • For children whose parent/carers mental or physical impairment means that they have a demonstrable and significant need for their child to attend a particular school. Such claims must be clearly identified on the application and need to be supported by written evidence from a suitably qualified medical or other practitioner who can demonstrate a specific

connection between the needs of the child or parent/carer and the particular school. All evidence must be sent to the Student Service Team by the closing date for applications who will seek advice from the school concerning admissibility. 5 A child can be considered under this criterion where a member of teaching staff has been employed at the school requested for two or more years at the time the application is made. 6 The distance calculated is the shortest available walking route between the child’s home andschool using roads and footpaths known to the mapping layer used by the Student Services Admissions Team within the Geographical Information Software (GIS). The start point - The centre point of the nearest road or footpath known to the GIS to the seed point of the child’s home. (The seed point is a grid reference for the property taken from Ordnance Survey mapping data). This may not always be the postal address road, in rare Surrounding Children with Excellence circumstances where an alternative road or footpath is actually nearer to the seed point of the property this will be used. The end point - A pre-defined centre point of the road adjacent the school site or a pre-defined centre point within the school site. The same end point is used for all distance calculations to the school concerned. The distance - The distance calculated is the shortest available walking route known to the Medway GIS using the centre point of streets and other available walking routes. The Medway GIS may not know all footpaths that are in existence and certain new roads may not be known. Where a footpath or new road is not known to the GIS an alternative route will be used. Where a child’s home is situated on a new road the distance calculation will begin from the nearest available

known road plotted in the GIS. New developments may be subject to this. In certain cases it may not be possible to calculate a distance where the entire route is deemed as a walking route. In these circumstances the distance calculated is used purely to prioritise an application for admission. There is no expectation that the walk should be taken. After a place has been allocated but prior to the taking up of that place a number of checks will be undertaken that will include an identity check and residence check. Where governors are satisfied that false or misleading information has been given to gain admission the offer of a place will be withdrawn. Delce Academy If the number of requests received via the co‐ordinated scheme is more than the number of places available, places will be allocated in the following priority order: 1 Children in public care – as defined in the Medway co‐ordinated admission scheme. 2 Children attending Delce Infant School or St Peter’s Infant School. 3 Children who at the time of application have a brother or sister (including children living as siblings in the same family unit) on the roll of the school at the time of the sibling’s admission. 4 Child’s health reasons, supported by medical evidence, which requires the child to attend this schoo. 5 Children who at the time of application have a parent who is a member of staff at the school (where the member of staff has been employed for three years or more at the time at which the application for admission is made and/or where the member of staff is recruited to fill a vacant post for which there is a demonstrable skill shortage).

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6 Nearness of child’s home to school measured using Medway Council’s criteria. Tiebreaker - In the event of a tie within any criterion above, e.g. if two or more children have the same priority in any criterion, pleces will be allocated to those living closest to the school measured by the shortest available walking route. Elaine Primary Academy Following receipt of parental preferences, places will be offered to those children with statements of special educational needs where Elaine Primary Academy is named. Then, if the number of requests received via the co-ordinated scheme is more than the number of places available, places will be allocated in the following priority order: 1 Children in public care (as defined in the Medway co-ordinated admission scheme). 2 Current family association (a brother or sister in the academy at the time of application and still attending in September 2016. 3 Child’s health reasons. Medical evidence must be provided which demonstrates a specific health reason which requires a child to attend Elaine Primary Academy. 4 Multiple birth children where Elaine Primary Academy is the nearest school to the child’s home. 5 Nearness of children’s home measured using Medway Council’s criteria. English Martyrs’ Roman Catholic Primary School

All applicants need to complete the Medway Catholic Schools Supplementary Information Form (SIF) in addition to the Medway Council application Form. The supplementary


form can be obtained from the school and must be returned to the school by the closing date for applications. Where the number of applications exceeds the number of places, the governors will offer places using the following criteria in the order stated: 1 Looked After Catholic Children. Evidence of baptism will be required. (Catholics include members of the Ordinariate and the Latin and Oriental Rite Churches that are in union with the Bishop of Rome) (See note i). 2 Baptised Catholic Children. Evidence of baptism will be required. (Catholics include members of the Ordinariate and the Latin and Oriental Rite Churches that are in union with the Bishop of Rome). 3 Children enrolled in the Catechumenate (preparing to become Catholics). Evidence will be required. 4 Other Looked After Children (See note i). 5 Children baptised or dedicated into other Christian denominations, Churches affiliated to or represented at Churches Together in England. Evidence will be required. 6 Children who are members of other faiths, whose parents wish them to receive a Christian education. This should be supported by a letter and evidence of their faith will be required. 7 Any other children. The following order of priorities will be applied when applications within any of the above categories exceed the places available and it is necessary to decide between applications. i A brother or sister on the school roll at the time of admission. Sibling means children who live as brother/sister in the same house and includes natural siblings, adopted siblings, foster siblings and step siblings. Extended family, for example cousins, living in the same house do not qualify as siblings.


Please note that if the older sibling is in Year 6 at the time of application, the link cannot be considered, as they will not be in the school when the younger child would start in September ii The child of a member of staff employed at the school for a minimum of 20 hours a week and where the member of staff has been employed at the school for two or more years at the time of application. iii Distance from home to school. The distance calculated is the shortest available walking route between the child’s home and school using roads and footpaths known to the mapping layer used by the Student Services Admissions Team within the Geographical Information Software (GIS). The start point - The centre point of the nearest road or footpath known to the GIS to the seed point of the child’s home (The seed point is a grid reference for the property taken from Ordnance Survey mapping data). This may not always be the postal address road, in rare circumstances where an alternative road or footpath is actually nearer to the seed point of the property this will be used. The end point - A pre-defined centre point of the road adjacent the school site or a pre-defined centre point within the school site.The same end point is used for all distance calculations to the school concerned. The distance - The distance calculated is the shortest available walking route known to the Medway GIS using the centre point of streets and other available walking routes. The Medway GIS may not know all footpaths that are in existence and certain new roads may not be known. Where a footpath or new road is not known to the GIS an alternative route will be used. Where a child’s home is situated on a new road the distance calculation will begin from the nearest available known road plotted in the GIS. New developments may be subject to this. In certain cases it may not be possible to calculate a distance where the entire route is deemed as a walking route. In these circumstances the distance

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calculated is used purely to prioritise an application for admission. There is no expectation that the walk should be taken. Tiebreaker - In the unlikely event that two or more children in all other ways have equal eligibility for the last available place at the school, the names will be issued a number and drawn randomly to decide which child should be given the place. Notes i Looked after children are children who are (i) in the care of a local authority, or (ii) being provided with accommodation by a local authority in the exercise of their social services functions (as defined in Section 22(1) of the Children Act 1989) at the time of making the application for a school. Previously looked after children are children who were looked after, but ceased to be so because they were adopted (under the terms of the Adoption and Children Act 2002, Section 46) or became subject to a residence order or special guardianship order (under the terms of the Children Act 1989, Section 8 and Section 14A). Please note that the School may ask for a copy of the adoption/residence order to validate this criterion. ii Pupils with a Statement of Special Educational Needs or Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plan. The admissions of pupils with a Statement of Special Educational Needs or with an EHC Plan are dealt with by a completely separate procedure.The procedure is integral to the making and maintaining of statements and EHC plans by the pupil’s home local authority. Details of this separate procedure are set out in the SEND code of practice. Pupils with a statement or EHC plan naming the school will be admitted without reference to the above criteria. The Gordon Schools Federation Following receipt of parental/carer preferences, places will be offered to those children with statements of

special educational needs where The Gordon Schools Federation is named. Then, if the number of requests received via the co-ordinated scheme is more than the number of places available, places will be allocated in the following priority order: 1 Children in public care - as defined in the Medway co-ordinated admission scheme. 2 Attendance at a paired infant school (Gordon Infants – for Year 3 admission only) 3 Current family association (a brother or sister in the school at the time of application and still attending in September 2016). 4 Child’s health reasons. Medical evidence must be provided which demonstrates a specific health reason, which requires a child to attend The Gordon Schools Federation. 5 Multiple birth children, as defined in the Medway co-ordinated admission scheme. 6 Nearness of child’s home to school measured using Medway Council’s criteria. Where criteria involves measuring distance to a child’s home, the Medway Council’s procedures for ascertaining the shortest available safe route between home and the school will be used. In the unlikely event that two or more children in all other ways have equal eligibility for the last available place at the school, the names will be issued a number and drawn randomly to decide which child should be given the place. High Halstow Primary School Following receipt of parental preferences, places will be offered to those children with statements of special educational needs where High Halstow Primary School is named. Then, if the number of requests received via the co-ordinated scheme is more than the number of places available, places will be allocated in the following priority order: 1 Children in Public Care (as defined in the Medway

co-ordinated admission scheme) 2 Child’s health reasons. Medical evidence must be provided which demonstrates a specific health reason which requires a child to attend High Halstow Primary School. 3 Current family association (a brother or sister in the school at the time of application and still attending in September 2016). 4 Multiple birth children where High Halstow Primary School is the nearest school to the child’s home. 5 Nearness of children’s home measured using Medway Council’s criteria. Where criteria involves measuring distance to a child’s home, the Medway Council procedures for ascertaining the shortest available safe route between home and the school will be used. In the event of a tie within any criterion, before the last criterion, places will be allocated to those living the closest distance to the school as mentioned above. Hundred of Hoo Academy Following receipt of parental preferences, places will be offered to those children with statements of special educational needs where The Hundred of Hoo Academy is named. Then, if the number of requests received via the coordinated scheme is more than the number of places available, places will be allocated in the following priority order: 1 Children in public care (as defined in the Medway Council co-ordinated admissions scheme). 2 Child’s health reasons. Medical evidence must be provided which demonstrates a specific health reason which requires a child to attend The Hundred of Hoo Academy. 3 Current family association (a brother or sister at The Hundred of Hoo Academy at the time of application and still attending in September 2016). 4 Multiple birth children where The Hundred of Hoo

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Academy is the nearest school to the child’s home. 5 Nearness of children’s homes measured using Medway Council’s criteria. Where criteria involves measuring distance to a child’s home, Medway Council’s procedures for ascertaining the shortest available safe route between home and the academy will be used. In the event of a tie within any criterion, before the last criterion, places will be allocated to those living the closest distance to the academy as mentioned above. Kingfisher Primary School Where the number of applications received via the Medway co-ordinated scheme exceeds 30, the school PAN, places will be allocated in the following priority order: 1 Children in public care – as defined in the Medway Council co-ordinated admissions scheme. 2 Current family association – (a brother or sister in the school at the time of the application and still attending in September 2016). 3 Childs health reasons – medical evidence must be provided which demonstrates a specific health reason which requires a child to attend the preferred school. 4 Nearness of children’s homes and ease of access to schools (in the event of a tie within any criterion, before the last criterion, places will be allocated to those living closest to the school measured by the shortest available walking route.) Evidence of residence may be required. Lordswood School Where the number of applications received via the Medway co-ordinated scheme exceeds 60, the school PAN, places will be allocated in the following priority order:


1 Children in public care - as defined in the Medway Council co-ordinated admissions scheme. 2 Current family association (a brother or sister in the school at the time of application and still attending in September 2016). 3 Child’s health reasons - medical evidence must be provided which demonstrates a specific health reason which requires a child to attend the preferred school. 4 Nearness of children’s homes and ease of access to schools. Tiebreaker - in the unlikely event that two or more children in all other ways have equal eligibility for the last available place at the school, the names will be issued a number and drawn randomly to decide which child should be given the place. Napier Community Primary & Nursery Academy

Where the number of applications exceeds the PAN, the governors will offer places using the following oversubscription criteria in the order stated: 1 Children in public care (as defined in the Medway co-ordinated admission scheme). 2 Siblings (natural, step or foster siblings) at the school. 3 Child’s health reasons (medical evidence must be provided). 4 Nearness to the school. New Horizons Children’s Academy


Following receipt of parental preferences, places will be offered to those children with statements of special educational needs where New Horizons Children’s Academy is named. Then, if the number of requests received via the co-ordinated scheme is more than the number of places available, places will be allocated in the following priority order:

1 Children in public care – as defined in the Medway co-ordinated admission scheme. 2 Current family association (a brother or sister in the school at the time of application and still attending in September 2016) 3 Child’s health reasons. Medical evidence must be provided which demonstrates a specific health reason which requires a child to attend New Horizons Children’s Academy. 4 Multiple birth children as defined in the Medway co-ordinated admission scheme. 5 Nearness of child’s home to school measured using Medway Council’s GIS System. Where criteria involves measuring distance to a child’s home, Medway Council’s procedures for ascertaining the shortest available safe route between home and the school will be used. Tiebreaker In the unlikely event that two or more children in all other ways have equal eligibility or the last place at the school, the names will be issued a number and drawn randomly to decide which child should be given the place. Oasis Academy Skinner Street In the event of there being a greater demand for admission than there are places available, then children with a Statement of Special Needs naming Oasis Academy Skinner Street will always be admitted. Once places have been offered to these children, the following criteria will be applied in the order set out below: I Looked after children (see note 2), whether living in the catchment area or not, and children who were looked after, but have ceased to be so because they were adopted or became subject to residence order or special guardianship order. II Siblings; where there are siblings in attendance at

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the preferred academy and who will still be on roll in the year of entry (see note 4). Sibling refers to brother or sister, half brother or sister, stepbrother or sister or the child of the parent/carer’s partner where the child for whom the place is sought is living in the same family unit at the same address as that sibling. III Children (or parent) with exceptional medical or social needs (see note 3) that make it essential that they attend Oasis Academy Skinner Street rather than any other. These needs must be fully supported by written evidence from the appropriate professional person involved with the family. IV Geography: children living closest to the academy (see note 5) as measured by the shortest available walking route from the home address to the academy.The home address is where the child sends the majority of the time and is living with the person who has parental responsibility and is the main ‘carer’ as defined in section 576 of the Education Act 1996 (documentary evidence may be requested). If a child regularly lives at more than one address the academy will have to reach a conclusion about which should be counted as the main address when allocating places.This will normally be the address where the Child Benefit is paid and where the child is registered with a doctor. In the event of over-subscription in any of the criteria above proximity of the child’s home to the academy, as measured by the shortest safe walking route, with those living nearer being accorded the higher priority, will be used to determine which children should be offered places. If the distance is identical then a random allocation in the presence of an independent person will take place. To determine distances the Medway Council GIS (geographical information system) will be used. Notes 1 Parent is defined in law (The Education Act 1996)

as either any person who has parental responsibility (defined in the Children Act 1989) for the child or young person; or any person who has care of the child or young person. If you are in any doubt, please contact the academy for advice. 2 By a looked-after child we mean one in the care of a local authority or being provided with accommodation by a local authority in the exercise of its social services function. Adoption orders come under the terms of the Adoption and Children Act 2002, Section 46. A residence order is one settling the arrangements to be made as to the person with whom the child is to live (Children Act 1989, Section 8). A special guardianship order is one appointing one or more individuals to be a child’s special guardian/s (Children Act 1989, Section 14A). Applications under this criterion must be accompanied by evidence to show that the child is looked after or was previously looked after (eg a copy of the adoption, residence or special guardianship order). 3 When applying under criterion II (exceptional medical or social needs), you must include supporting evidence from an independent professional person who is aware of the situation and supports your reasons for preferring Oasis Academy Skinner Street. This supporting evidence must clearly demonstrate why the academy is the most suitable and must illustrate the difficulties that would be caused if your child had to attend another academy or school. The person supplying the evidence should be a doctor, heath visitor, social worker, etc. who is aware of your child’s or your own case. The academy reserves the right to ask for further evidence or clarification where necessary and may seek the advice of appropriate educational professionals where necessary. 4 By sibling we mean a brother or sister, half brother or sister, adopted brother or sister, step brother

or sister, or the child of the parent/carer’s partner where the child for whom the academy place is sought is living in the same family unit at the same address as that sibling. 5 By normal home address, we mean your child’s home address. This is your child’s permanent address at the time you make your application for a place. It is where you and your child live. We regard a child’s home address to be where he or she spends the majority of the academy week (Monday to Friday, including nights). We may ask to see official documentation, such as a child benefit book or medical card if there are reasons why a child does not live at his or her parents’ address. For example, if he or she is resident with a grandparent, you need to tell us this on the application form. If you do not declare any arrangements like this or use a relative’s address for your application, we may consider that you have made a false declaration and withdraw the offer of a place. Childcare arrangements are not sufficient reason for listing another address however childcare provision in location may be taken into consideration. The academy reserves the right to check the validity of any address given, by asking for evidence such as inclusion on the Electoral Roll, or a recent utilities bill confirming your name and address. If you are not sure whether or not you live in the ward of Gillingham, you can ask the academy to check this for you and you will receive a written response. If you are moving into the catchment area, we will ask for evidence of your move, before considering any application for a place. We need to know that you will be resident in the catchment area on 1 September 2016. If you move later we will still need evidence before considering an application. Typical evidence is a letter from your solicitor confirming that you have a legally binding agreement to buy the house or a formal lease agreement.

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Phoenix Junior Academy Where the number of applications received via the Medway co-ordinated scheme exceeds, the school PAN, places will be allocated in the following priority order: 1 Children in public care – as defined in the Medway Council co-ordinated admissions scheme. 2 Attendance at Greenvale Infants School (paired Infants) for entry into Year 3. 3 Current family association (a brother or sister in the school at the time of application and still attending in September 2016). 4 Child’s health reasons. Medical evidence must be provided which demonstrates a specific health reason which requires a child to attend the preferred school. 5 Nearness of children’s homes and ease of access to schools (In the event of a tie within any criterion, before the last criterion, places will be allocated to those living closest to the school measured by the shortest available walking route.) Evidence of residence may be required. Saxon Way Primary School Following receipt of parental/carer preferences, places will be offered to those children with statements of special educational needs where Saxon Way Primary School is named. Then, if the number of requests received via the coordinated scheme is more than the number of places available, places will be allocated in the following priority order: 1 Children in public care – as defined in the Medway co-ordinated admission scheme. 2 Current family association (brother or sister in the school at the time of application and still attending in September 2016).


3 Child’s health reasons. Medical evidence must be provided which demonstrates a specific health reason, which requires a child to attend Saxon Way Primary School. 4 Multiple birth children, as defined in the Medway coordinated admission scheme. 5 Nearness of child’s home to school measured using Medway Council’s criteria. Where criteria involves measuring distance to a child’s home, Medway Council’s procedures for ascertaining the shortest available safe route between home and the school will be used. In the event of a tie within any criterion before the last, places will be allocated to those living the closest distance to the school as mentioned above. St Augustine of Canterbury Catholic Primary School

All applicants need to complete the Medway Catholic Schools Supplementary Information Form (SIF) in addition to the Medway Council application form. The supplementary form can be obtained from the school and must be returned to the school by the closing date for applications. Where the number of applications exceeds the number of places, the governors will offer places using the following criteria in the order stated: 1 Looked After Catholic Children (as defined in the Medway co-ordinated admissions scheme). Evidence of baptism will be required. 2 Baptised Catholic children. Evidence of baptism will be required. 3 Children enrolled in the catechumenate (preparing to become Catholics). Evidence will be required. 4 Other Looked After children (as defined in the Medway co-ordinated admissions scheme).


5 Children baptised or dedicated into other Christian denominations, churches affiliated to or represented at Churches Together in England. Evidence will be required. 6 Children who are members of other faiths, whose parents wish them to receive a Christian education. This should be supported by a letter and evidence of their faith will be required. 7 Any other children. The following order of priorities will be applied when applications within any of the above categories exceed the places available and it is necessary to decide between applications. i A brother or sister on the school roll at the time of admission. (As defined by Medway Council) Evidence of the relationship may be required. ii The child of a member of staff employed at the school for a minimum of 20 hours a week and where the member of staff has been employed at the school for two or more years at the time of application. iii Distance from home to school (as defined by Medway Council). Tiebreaker In the unlikely event that two or more children in all other ways have equal eligibility for the last available place at the school, the names will be issued a number and drawn randomly to decide which child should be given the place. Notes i Looked after children are children who are (i) in the care of a local authority, or (ii) being provided with accommodation by a local authority in the exercise of their social services functions (as defined in Section 22(1) of the Children Act 1989) at the time of making the application for a school. Previously looked after children are children who were looked after, but ceased to be so because they were adopted (under the terms of the Adoption

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and Children Act 2002, Section 46) or became subject to a residence order or special guardianship order (under the terms of the Children Act 1989, Section 8 and Section 14A). Please note that the school may ask for a copy of the adoption/residence order to validate this criterion. ii Pupils with a Statement of Special Educational Needs or Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plan. The admissions of pupils with a Statement of Special Educational Needs or with an EHC Plan are dealt with by a completely separate procedure. The procedure is integral to the making and maintaining of statements and EHC plans by the pupil’s home local authority. Details of this separate procedure are set out in the SEND code of practice. Pupils with a statement or EHC plan naming the school will be admitted without reference to the above criteria. St Benedict’s Catholic Primary School

All applicants need to complete the Medway Catholic Schools Supplementary Information Form (SIF) in addition to the Medway Council application form. The supplementary form can be obtained from the school and must be returned to the school by the closing date for applications. Where the number of applications exceeds the number of places, the governors will offer places using the following criteria in the order stated: 1 Looked After or Previously Looked After Catholic* Children**. Evidence of baptism and looked after or previously looked after status will be required. 2 Baptised Catholic children. Evidence of baptism will be required. 3 Children enrolled in the catechumenate (preparing to become Catholics). Evidence will be required. 4 Other Looked After Children (see point 1 above). 5 Children baptised or dedicated into other

Christian denominations, Churches affiliated to or represented at Churches Together in England. Evidence will be required. 6 Children who are members of other faiths, whose parents wish them to receive a Christian education. This should be supported by a letter and evidence of their faith will be required. 7. Any other children. The following order of priorities will be applied when applications within any of the above categories exceed the places available and it is necessary to decide between applications. i A brother or sister on the school roll at the time of admission. Sibling means children who live as brother/sister in the same house and includes natural siblings, adopted siblings, foster siblings and step siblings. Extended family, for example cousins, living in the same house do not qualify as siblings. Please note that if the older sibling is in Year 6 at the time of application, the link cannot be considered, as they will not be in the school when the younger child would start in September. Evidence of the relationship may be required. ii Social, pastoral and medical needs which make the school particularly suitable for the child in question. Strong and relevant evidence must be provided by an appropriate professional authority (e.g. qualified medical practitioner, education welfare officer, social worker or priest). iii The child of a member of staff employed at the school for a minimum of 20 hours a week and where the member of staff has been employed at the school for two or more years at the time of application. iv Distance from home to school. The distance calculated is the shortest available walking route between the child’s home and school using roads and footpaths known to the mapping layer used by the Student Services Admissions Team within the Geographical Information Software (GIS).

The start point - The centre point of the nearest road or footpath known to the GIS to the seed point of the child’s home (The seed point is a grid reference for the property taken from Ordnance Survey mapping data). This may not always be the postal address road, in rare circumstances where an alternative road or footpath is actually nearer to the seed point of the property this will be used. The end point - A pre-defined centre point of the road adjacent the school site or a pre-defined centre point within the school site.The same end point is used for all distance calculations to the school concerned. The distance - The distance calculated is the shortest available walking route known to the Medway GIS using the centre point of streets and other available walking routes. The Medway GIS may not know all footpaths that are in existence and certain new roads may not be known. Where a footpath or new road is not known to the GIS an alternative route will be used. Where a child’s home is situated on a new road the distance calculation will begin from the nearest available known road plotted in the GIS. New developments may be subject to this. In certain cases it may not be possible to calculate a distance where the entire route is deemed as a walking route. In these circumstances the distance calculated is used purely to prioritise an application for admission. There is no expectation that the walk should be taken. Tiebreaker In the unlikely event that two or more children in all other ways have equal eligibility for the last available place at the school, the names will be issued a number and drawn randomly to decide which child should be given the place. * Catholics include members of the Ordinariate and the Latin and Oriental Rite Churches that are in union with the Bishop of Rome. ** Looked after children are children who are (i) in

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the care of a local authority or (ii) being provided with accommodation by a local authority in the exercise of their social services functions (as defined in Section 22(1) of the Children Act 1989) at the time of making the application for a school. Previously looked after children are children who were looked after, but ceased to be so because they were adopted (under the terms of the Adoption and Children Act 2002, Section 46) or became subject to a residence order or special guardianship order (under the terms of the Children Act 1989, Section 8 and Section 14A). St James’ Church of England Primary Academy

If the number of preferences received via the coordinated scheme is more than 30, places will be offered in the following priority order: 1 St James’ will give the highest priority to looked after children, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the School Admissions Code. 2 Regular church attendance, where the child or at least one parent/carer is a regular worshipper (the level of attendance should be at least once a month) at a church affiliated to, or represented at Churches Together in England or the Evangelical Alliance and has been for at least 12 months prior to the application being made. NB: If oversubscribed, at least 50 per cent of the places available each year will be allocated without reference to any faith-based admission criteria. 3 Current family association – brother or sister at school at the time of admission. The definition of this includes stepbrothers and sisters and children living as a family unit. 4 Child’s health reasons – medical evidence must be provided which demonstrates a specific health reason that requires a child to attend the preferred school.


5 Nearness of children’s homes to the school. Distance will be measured in a straight line from the front door of the child’s home address (including flats) to the main entrance of the school, with those living closer to the school receiving the higher priority. If a child has more than one permanent home address, the nearest will be used for admission purposes. Note: If in categories 2-5 above, a tie-break is necessary to determine which child is admitted, the child living closest to the school will be given priority for admission. Distance is measured from the child’s home to the front gates of the school in a straight line. Random allocation will be used as a tie-break in categories 2-5 above to decide who has highest priority for admission if the distance between a child’s home and the academy is equidistant in any two or more cases. St Mary’s Catholic Primary School


All applicants need to complete the Medway Catholic Schools Supplementary Information Form (SIF) in addition to the Medway Council application form. The supplementary form can be obtained from the school and must be returned to the school by the closing date for applications. Where the number of applications exceeds the number of places, the governors will offer places using the following criteria in the order stated: 1 Looked After Catholic Children (as defined in the Medway co-ordinated admissions scheme). Evidence of Baptism will be required. 2 Baptised Catholic Children. Evidence of baptism will be required. 3 Children enrolled in the catechumenate (preparing to become Catholics). Evidence will be required. 4 Other Looked After children (as defined in the

Medway co-ordinated admissions scheme). 5 Children baptised or dedicated into other Christian denominations, churches affiliated to or represented at Churches Together in England. Evidence will be required. 6 Children who are members of other faiths, whose parents wish them to receive a Christian education. This should be supported by a letter and evidence of their faith will be required. 7 Any other children. The following order of priorities will be applied when applications within any of the above categories exceed the places available and it is necessary to decide between applications. I A brother or sister on the school roll at the time of admission. (as defined by Medway Council) Evidence of the relationship may be required. II The child of a member of staff employed at the school for a minimum of 20 hours a week and where the member of staff has been employed at the school for 2 or more years at the time of application. III Distance from home to school (as defined by Medway Council). St Mary’s Island CE Primary School

A supplementary information form (SIF) is required for this school in addition to the Medway school application. You must collect this, complete it and return it to the school by the closing date for applications. If the number of preferences received via the co-ordinated scheme is more than the number of places available, children in public care( as defined by government regulations) will have priority in both categories1) and 2) below. The planned admission number (PAN) is 60. 1 If there are more applicants for the one-third

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church places than places available, preference will be given to children who are on the electoral rolls of St Mark’s Gillingham ( which includes the ecumenical Church of St Mary’s Island ), and of St Luke’s Gillingham, our Foundation churches, and then any other Anglican churches. Any remaining places will be offered to children from those families who, in the opinion of the governing body of the school, demonstrate the highest level of Christian commitment as evidenced by the church leaders. In the event of a tie, the criterion of nearness to the school will apply. If the church places are undersubscribed, any spare places will be offered as below. 2 The remaining two –thirds of places will be allocated in the following order of priority: a Siblings of children in school at the time of entry. (A sibling is defined as any child living permanently within the same family.) b Other island residents. c Those not resident on the Island. In the event of a tie within (b) or (c) above, preference will be given to those who live nearest to the school. For island residents, this will be measured as the crow flies. For non-island residents, distance will be measured by road. Tiebreaker In the unlikely event that two or more children in all other ways have equal eligibility for the last available place at the school, the names will be issued a number and drawn randomly to decide which child should be given the place. St Michael’s RC Primary School

All applicants need to complete the Medway Catholic Schools Supplementary Information Form (SIF) in addition to the Medway Council application form. The supplementary

form can be obtained from the school and must be returned to the school by the closing date for applications. Where the number of applications exceeds the number of places, the governors will offer places using the following criteria in the order stated: 1 Looked After Catholic Children. Evidence of Baptism will be required. (Catholics include members of the Ordinariate and the Latin and Oriental Rite Churches that are in union with the Bishop of Rome) (See Note i). 2 Baptised Catholic Children. Evidence of baptism will be required. (Catholics include members of the Ordinariate and the Latin and Oriental Rite Churches that are in union with the Bishop of Rome). 3 Children enrolled in the Catechumenate (preparing to become Catholics). Evidence will be required. 4 Other Looked After Children (See Note i). 5 Children baptised or dedicated into other Christian denominations, churches affiliated to or represented at Churches Together in England. Evidence will be required. 6 Children who are members of other faiths, whose parents wish them to receive a Christian education. This should be supported by a letter and evidence of their faith will be required. 7 Any other children. The following order of priorities will be applied when applications within any of the above categories exceed the places available and it is necessary to decide between applications. i A brother or sister on the school roll at the time of admission. Sibling means children who live as brother/sister in the same house and includes natural siblings, adopted siblings, foster siblings and step siblings. Extended family, for example cousins, living in the same house do not qualify as siblings. Please note that if the older sibling is in Year 6 at

the time of application, the link cannot be considered, as they will not be in the school when the younger child would start in September ii The child of a member of staff employed at the school for a minimum of 20 hours a week and where the member of staff has been employed at the school for two or more years at the time of application. iii Distance from home to school. The distance calculated is the shortest available walking route between the child’s home and school using roads and footpaths known to the mapping layer used by the Student Services Admissions Team within the Geographical Information Software (GIS). The start point - The centre point of the nearest road or footpath known to the GIS to the seed point of the child’s home (The seed point is a grid reference for the property taken from Ordnance Survey mapping data). This may not always be the postal address road, in rare circumstances where an alternative road or footpath is actually nearer to the seed point of the property this will be used. The end point - A pre-defined centre point of the road adjacent the school site or a pre-defined centre point within the school site.The same end point is used for all distance calculations to the school concerned. The distance - The distance calculated is the shortest available walking route known to the Medway GIS using the centre point of streets and other available walking routes. The Medway GIS may not know all footpaths that are in existence and certain new roads may not be known. Where a footpath or new road is not known to the GIS an alternative route will be used. Where a child’s home is situated on a new road the distance calculation will begin from the nearest available known road plotted in the GIS. New developments may be subject to this. In certain cases it may not be possible to calculate a distance where the entire route is deemed as a

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walking route. In these circumstances the distance calculated is used purely to prioritise an application for admission. There is no expectation that the walk should be taken. Tiebreaker In the unlikely event that two or more children in all other ways have equal eligibility for the last available place at the school, the names will be issued a number and drawn randomly to decide which child should be given the place. Notes i Looked after children are children who are (i) in the care of a local authority, or (ii) being provided with accommodation by a local authority in the exercise of their social services functions (as defined in Section 22(1) of the Children Act 1989) at the time of making the application for a school. Previously looked after children are children who were looked after, but ceased to be so because they were adopted (under the terms of the Adoption and Children Act 2002, Section 46) or became subject to a residence order or special guardianship order (under the terms of the Children Act 1989, Section 8 and Section 14A). Please note that the School may ask for a copy of the adoption/residence order tovalidate this criterion. ii Pupils with a Statement of Special Educational Needs or Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plan. The admissions of pupils with a Statement of Special Educational Needs or with an EHC Plan are dealt with by a completely separate procedure. The procedure is integral to the making and maintaining of statements and EHC plans by the pupil’s home local authority. Details of this separate procedure are set out in the SEND code of practice. Pupils with a statement or EHC plan naming the school will be admitted without reference to the above criteria.


St Thomas More Catholic Primary School


All applicants need to complete the Medway Catholic Schools Supplementary Information Form (SIF) in addition to the Medway Council application form. The supplementary form can be obtained from the school and must be returned to the school by the closing date for applications. Where the number of applications exceeds the number of places, the governors will offer places using the following criteria in the order stated: 1 Looked After or Previously Looked After Catholic* Children**. Evidence of Baptism and looked after or previously looked after status will be required. 2 Baptised Catholic children. Evidence of baptism will be required. 3 Children enrolled in the catechumenate (preparing to become Catholics). Evidence will be required. 4 Other Looked After Children (see point 1 above). 5 Children baptised or dedicated into other Christian denominations, churches affiliated to or represented at Churches Together in England. Evidence will be required. 6 Children who are members of other faiths, whose parents wish them to receive a Christian education. This should be supported by a letter and evidence of their faith will be required. 7 Any other children. The following order of priorities will be applied when applications within any of the above categories exceed the places available and it is necessary to decide between applications. i A brother or sister on the school roll at the time of admission. Sibling means children who live as brother/sister in the same house and includes natural siblings, adopted siblings, foster siblings and step siblings. Extended family, for example cousins, living in the same house do not qualify as siblings. Please note that if the older sibling is in Year 6 at

the time of application, the link cannot be considered, as they will not be in the school when the younger child would start in September. Evidence of the relationship may be required. ii Social, pastoral and medical needs which make the school particularly suitable for the child in question. Strong and relevant evidence must be provided by an appropriate professional authority (e.g. qualified medical practitioner, education welfare officer, social worker or priest). iii The child of a member of staff employed at the school for a minimum of 20 hours a week and where the member of staff has been employed at the school for two or more years at the time of application. iv Distance from home to school. The distance calculated is the shortest available walking route between the child’s home and school using roads and footpaths known to the mapping layer used by the Student Services Admissions Team within the Geographical Information Software (GIS). The start point - The centre point of the nearest road or footpath known to the GIS to the seed point of the child’s home (The seed point is a grid reference for the property taken from Ordnance Survey mapping data). This may not always be the postal address road, in rare circumstances where an alternative road or footpath is actually nearer to the seed point of the property this will be used. The end point - A pre-defined centre point of the road adjacent the school site or a pre-defined centre point within the school site.The same end point is used for all distance calculations to the school concerned. The distance - The distance calculated is the shortest available walking route known to the Medway GIS using the centre point of streets and other available walking routes. The Medway GIS may not know all footpaths that are in existence and certain new roads may not be known. Where a footpath or new road is not known to the GIS an alternative route will be used. Where a child’s home is

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situated on a new road the distance calculation will begin from the nearest available known road plotted in the GIS. New developments may be subject to this. In certain cases it may not be possible to calculate a distance where the entire route is deemed as a walking route. In these circumstances the distance calculated is used purely to prioritise an application for admission. There is no expectation that the walk should be taken. Tiebreaker In the unlikely event that two or more children in all other ways have equal eligibility for the last available place at the school, the names will be issued a number and drawn randomly to decide which child should be given the place. *Catholics include members of the Ordinariate and the Latin and Oriental Rite Churches that are in union with the Bishop of Rome. ** Looked after children are children who are (i) in the care of a local authority or (ii) being provided with accommodation by a local authority in the exercise of their social services functions (as defined in Section 22(1) of the Children Act 1989) at the time of making the application for a school. Previously looked after children are children who were looked after, but ceased to be so because they were adopted (under the terms of the Adoption and Children Act 2002, Section 46) or became subject to a residence order or special guardianship order (under the terms of the Children Act 1989, Section 8 and Section 14A). St Thomas of Canterbury Catholic Primary School

All applicants need to complete the Medway Catholic Schools Supplementary Information Form (SIF) in addition to the Medway Council application form. The supplementary form can be obtained from the school and

must be returned to the school by the closing date for applications. Where the number of applications exceeds the number of places, the governors will offer places using the following criteria in the order stated: 1 Looked After or Previously Looked After Catholic* Children**. Evidence of Baptism and looked after or previously looked after status will be required. 2 Baptised Catholic children. Evidence of baptism will be required. 3 Children enrolled in the catechumenate (preparing to become Catholics). Evidence will be required. 4 Other Looked After Children (see point 1 above). 5 Children baptised or dedicated into other Christian denominations, churches affiliated to or represented at Churches Together in England. Evidence will be required. 6 Children who are members of other faiths, whose parents wish them to receive a Christian education. This should be supported by a letter and evidence of their faith will be required. 7 Any other children. The following order of priorities will be applied when applications within any of the above categories exceed the places available and it is necessary to decide between applications. i A brother or sister on the school roll at the time of admission. Sibling means children who live as brother/sister in the same house and includes natural siblings, adopted siblings, foster siblings and step siblings. Extended family, for example cousins, living in the same house do not qualify as siblings. Please note that if the older sibling is in Year 6 at the time of application, the link cannot be considered, as they will not be in the school when the younger child would start in September. Evidence of the relationship may be required. ii Social, pastoral and medical needs which make the school particularly suitable for the child in question. Strong and relevant evidence must be

provided by an appropriate professional authority (e.g. qualified medical practitioner, education welfare officer, social worker or priest). iii The child of a member of staff employed at the school for a minimum of 20 hours a week and where the member of staff has been employed at the school for two or more years at the time of application. iv Distance from home to school. The distance calculated is the shortest available walking route between the child’s home and school using roads and footpaths known to the mapping layer used by the Student Services Admissions Team within the Geographical Information Software (GIS). The start point - The centre point of the nearest road or footpath known to the GIS to the seed point of the child’s home (The seed point is a grid reference for the property taken from Ordnance Survey mapping data). This may not always be the postal address road, in rare circumstances where an alternative road or footpath is actually nearer to the seed point of the property this will be used. The end point - A pre-defined centre point of the road adjacent the school site or a pre-defined centre point within the school site.The same end point is used for all distance calculations to the school concerned. The distance - The distance calculated is the shortest available walking route known to the Medway GIS using the centre point of streets and other available walking routes. The Medway GIS may not know all footpaths that are in existence and certain new roads may not be known. Where a footpath or new road is not known to the GIS an alternative route will be used. Where a child’s home is situated on a new road the distance calculation will begin from the nearest available known road plotted in the GIS. New developments may be subject to this. In certain cases it may not be possible to calculate a distance where the entire route is deemed as a walking route. In these circumstances the distance calculated is used purely to prioritise an application

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for admission. There is no expectation that the walk should be taken. Tiebreaker In the unlikely event that two or more children in all other ways have equal eligibility for the last available place at the school, the names will be issued a number and drawn randomly to decide which child should be given the place. *Catholics include members of the Ordinariate and the Latin and Oriental Rite Churches that are in union with the Bishop of Rome. ** Looked after children are children who are (i) in the care of a local authority or (ii) being provided with accommodation by a local authority in the exercise of their social services functions (as defined in Section 22(1) of the Children Act 1989) at the time of making the application for a school. Previously looked after children are children who were looked after, but ceased to be so because they were adopted (under the terms of the Adoption and Children Act 2002, Section 46) or became subject to a residence order or special guardianship order (under the terms of the Children Act 1989, Section 8 and Section 14A). St William of Perth Catholic Primary School

All applicants need to complete the Medway Catholic Schools Supplementary Information Form (SIF) in addition to the Medway Council application form. The supplementary form can be obtained from the school and must be returned to the school by the closing date for applications. Where the number of applications exceeds the number of places, the governors will offer places using the following criteria in the order stated: 1 Looked After or Previously Looked After Catholic* Children**. Evidence of Baptism and “looked after”



or “previously looked after” status will be required. 2 Baptised Catholic children. Evidence of baptism will be required. 3 Children enrolled in the catechumenate (preparing to become Catholics). Evidence will be required. 4 Other Looked After Children (see point 1 above). 5 Children baptised or dedicated into other Christian denominations, churches affiliated to or represented at Churches Together in England. Evidence will be required. 6 Children who are members of other faiths, whose parents wish them to receive a Christian education. This should be supported by a letter and evidence of their faith will be required. 7 Any other children. The following order of priorities will be applied when applications within any of the above categories exceed the places available and it is necessary to decide between applications. i A brother or sister on the school roll at the time of admission. Sibling means children who live as brother/sister in the same house and includes natural siblings, adopted siblings, foster siblings and step siblings. Extended family, for example cousins, living in the same house do not qualify as siblings. Please note that if the older sibling is in Year 6 at the time of application, the link cannot be considered, as they will not be in the school when the younger child would start in September. Evidence of the relationship may be required. ii Social, pastoral and medical needs which make the school particularly suitable for the child in question. Strong and relevant evidence must be provided by an appropriate professional authority (e.g. qualified medical practitioner, education welfare officer, social worker or priest). iii The child of a member of staff employed at the school for a minimum of 20 hours a week and where the member of staff has been employed at the school for two or more years at the time of application.

iv Distance from home to school. The distance calculated is the shortest available walking route between the child’s home and school using roads and footpaths known to the mapping layer used by the Student Services Admissions Team within the Geographical Information Software (GIS). The start point - The centre point of the nearest road or footpath known to the GIS to the seed point of the child’s home (The seed point is a grid reference for the property taken from Ordnance Survey mapping data). This may not always be the postal address road, in rare circumstances where an alternative road or footpath is actually nearer to the seed point of the property this will be used. The end point - A pre-defined centre point of the road adjacent the school site or a pre-defined centre point within the school site.The same end point is used for all distance calculations to the school concerned. The distance - The distance calculated is the shortest available walking route known to the Medway GIS using the centre point of streets and other available walking routes. The Medway GIS may not know all footpaths that are in existence and certain new roads may not be known. Where a footpath or new road is not known to the GIS an alternative route will be used. Where a child’s home is situated on a new road the distance calculation will begin from the nearest available known road plotted in the GIS. New developments may be subject to this. In certain cases it may not be possible to calculate a distance where the entire route is deemed as a walking route. In these circumstances the distance calculated is used purely to prioritise an application for admission. There is no expectation that the walk should be taken. Tiebreaker In the unlikely event that two or more children in all other ways have equal eligibility for the last available place at the school, the names will be issued a number and drawn randomly to decide which child should be given the place.

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*Catholics include members of the Ordinariate and the Latin and Oriental Rite Churches that are in union with the Bishop of Rome. ** Looked after children are children who are (i) in the care of a local authority or (ii) being provided with accommodation by a local authority in the exercise of their social services functions (as defined in Section 22(1) of the Children Act 1989) at the time of making the application for a school. Previously looked after children are children who were looked after, but ceased to be so because they were adopted (under the terms of the Adoption and Children Act 2002, Section 46) or became subject to a residence order or special guardianship order (under the terms of the Children Act 1989, Section 8 and Section 14A). Notes Pupils with a Statement of Special Educational Needs or Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plan. The admissions of pupils with a Statement of Special Educational Needs or with an EHC Plan are dealt with by a completely separate procedure. The procedure is integral to the making and maintaining of statements and EHC plans by the pupil’s home local authority. Details of this separate procedure are set out in the SEND code of practice. Pupils with a statement or EHC plan naming the school will be admitted without reference to the above criteria. Stoke Community Primary School Following receipt of parental preferences, places will be offered to those children with statements of special educational needs where Stoke Community Primary School is named. Then if the number of requests received via the co-ordinated scheme is more than the number of places available, places will be allocated in the following priority order: 1 Children in Public Care (as defined in the Medway co-ordinated admission scheme)

2 Child’s health reasons. Medical evidence must be provided which demonstrates a specific health reason which requires a child to attend Stoke Community Primary School. 3 Current family association (a brother or a sister in the school at the time of application and still attending in September 2016) 4 Multiple birth children where Stoke Community Primary School is the nearest school to the child’s home. 5 Nearness of children’s home measured using Medway Council’s criteria. Where criteria involves measuring distance to a child’s home, Medway Council’s procedures for ascertaining the shortest available safe route between home and the school will be used. In the event of a tie within any criterion, before the last criterion, places will be allocated to those living the closest distance to the school as mentioned above. Warren Wood Primary Academy Where the number of applications received via the Medway co-ordinated scheme exceeds 55, the school PAN, places will be allocated in the following priority order: • Children in public care – as defined in the Medway Council co-ordinated admissions scheme; • Current family association (a brother or sister in the school at the time of application and still attending in September 2016), • Child’s health reasons. Medical evidence must be provided which demonstrates a specific health reason which requires a child to attend the preferred school, • Nearness of children’s homes and ease of access to schools (In the event of a tie within any criterion, before the last criterion, places will be allocated to those living closest to the school measured by the

shortest available walking route.) Evidence of residence may be required. Wayfield Primary School Following receipt of parental/carer preferences, places will be offered to those children with statements of special educational needs where Wayfield Primary School is named. Then, if the number of requests received via the coordinated scheme is more than the number of places available, places will be allocated in the following priority order: 1 Children in public care -as defined in the Medway co-ordinated admission scheme. 2 Current family association (a brother or sister in the school at the time of application and still attending in Spetember 2016). 3 Child’s health reasons. Medical evidence must be provided which demonstrates a specific health reason, which requires a child to attend Wayfield Primary School 4 Multiple birth children, as defined in the Medway co-ordinated admission scheme. 5 Nearness of child’s home to school measured using Medway Council’s criteria. Where criteria involves measuring distance to a child’s home, Medway Council’s procedures for ascertaining the shortest available safe route between home and the school will be used. In the event of a tie within any criterion before the last, places will be allocated to those living the closest distance to the school as mentioned above. In the unlikely event that two or more children in all other ways have equal eligibility for the last available place at the school, the names will be issued a number and drawn randomly to decide which child should be given the place.

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The Academy of Woodlands Where the number of applications received via the Medway co-ordinated scheme exceeds 60, the school PAN, places will be allocated in the following priority order: • Children in public care - as defined in the Medway Council co-ordinated admissions scheme. • Current family association - (a brother or sister in the school at the time of application and still attending in September 2016). • Child’s health reasons - medical evidence must be provided which demonstrates a specific health reason which requires a child to attend the preferred school. • Nearness of children’s homes and ease of access to schools (In the event of a tie within any criterion, before the last criterion, places will be allocated to those living closest to the school measured by the shortest available walking route.) Evidence of residence may be required. In cases of over subscription, parents can ask for the children’s names to be placed on a waiting list held by The Academy of Woodlands. The children will be ranked according to the school’s over subscription criteria and the Medway Council co-ordinated scheme and not according to the date when the child’s name was added to the list. Should there be an oversubscription an admissions committee comprising school governors, with the headteacher in attendance, will meet to review each case independently. Tiebreaker - In the unlikely event that two or more children in all other ways have equal eligibility for the last available place at the school, the names will be issued a number and drawn randomly to decide which child should be given the place.


Section ten The schools How to use the school pages

School contact details

Confirmed dates and times

Supplementary information form Department for Education unique school number

The areas of Medway are colour coded Chatham Gillingham

Published admission number for 2016

Hoo Peninsula Lordswood Rainham Rochester Strood

Area of Medway

Number of preferences received by the school in 2015

School type community (C); voluntary controlled (VC); foundation (F); voluntary aided (VA): academy (A)

Last criteria applied for offers in 2015*

Number of places offered on 16 April 2015 (offer day)

Twydall Walderslade Wigmore/Hempstead


apply online

Last distance criteria applied for offers in 2015*

* If these sections are blank it means the school was under subscribed on 16 April 2015 and LA allocations (where preferences can’t be met) were made.

Medway infant and primary schools

These schools can be named for applications for reception year (Year R) Unless stated otherwise, please visit the school’s websites or contact them directly for details about their open days, tours and an appointment.

School name




Primary/ junior/ infant


Age range

Number of prefs 2015

Places allocated 2015

Last criteria applied

Last distance metres (if applicable)


All Faiths Children’s Academy Gun Lane, Strood, Rochester ME2 4UF

01634 717115

Headteacher: Mrs Susan High

887 2600 30



A 4-11








All Saints Church of England Primary School Magpie Hall Road, Chatham ME4 5JY

01634 338922

Headteacher: Mr Simeon Corfield

887 3093 45




TBC 4-11



Allhallows Primary Academy Avery Way, Allhallows, Rochester ME3 9HR Headteacher: Mrs Y Bishop

01634 270428 887 2005 30



A 4-11





Balfour Infant School Pattens Lane, Rochester ME1 2QT

01634 338280

Headteacher: Ms D Atkinson

887 2215 90



C 4-7





Barnsole Primary School Barnsole Road, Gillingham ME7 2JG

01634 333400

Headteacher: Mr S M McKeown

887 2396 90









Bligh Infant School Bligh Way, Strood, Rochester ME2 2XJ

01634 336220

Headteacher: Miss Gobell

887 2537 60



C 4-7





Brompton-Westbrook Primary School Kings Bastion, Brompton, Gillingham ME7 5DQ

01634 844152

Headteacher: Mrs Sue Mason 887 2646 60 Gillingham Open days: Tuesday, 24 November 2015 and Tuesday, 12 January 2016, 10am apply online



4-11 179





School name




Primary/ junior/ infant


Age range

Number of prefs 2015

Places allocated 2015

Last criteria applied

Last distance metres (if applicable)

Burnt Oak Primary School and Children’s Centre Richmond Road, Gillingham ME7 1LS Headteacher: Mrs Heidi Barton

01634 334344 887 3760 60



C 4-11





Byron Primary School Byron Road, Gillingham ME7 5XX Headteacher: Mr J Carthy

01634 852981 887 2644 75



C 4-11





Open days: Monday, 19 October and Monday, 16 November 2015 (please contact school for times) Cedar Primary School Cedar Road, Strood, Rochester ME2 2JP Headteacher: Mrs J Keelan

01634 338260 887 2469 90









Chattenden Primary School (Peninsula Gateway Academy Trust) Chattenden Lane, Chattenden, Rochester ME3 8LF Headteacher: Mr T Muggridge

01634 250861

887 2209

30 Hoo



4-11 87




Cliffe Woods Primary School View Road, Cliffe Woods, Rochester ME3 8UJ 01634 220822 Interim Head: Amanda Weallans

887 2588 45









The Academy of Cuxton Schools - Cuxton Infant Bush Road, Cuxton, Rochester ME2 1EY Headteacher: Miss Sandra Jones

01634 337720 887 2208 60



A 4-7





Open days: Thursday, 24 September, Thursday, 1 and Thursday, 8 October 2015, 9.15am Deanwood Primary School & Children’s Centre Long Catlis Road, Parkwood, Gillingham ME8 9TX Headteacher: Mr David Bignell

01634 231901

887 2684

30 Rainham



4-11 100

Open day: Saturday, 17 October 2015


apply online





School name




Primary/ junior/ infant


Age range

Number of prefs 2015

Places allocated 2015

Last criteria applied

Last distance metres (if applicable)


Delce Infant School Fleet Road, Rochester ME1 2QA

01634 844127

Headteacher: Mrs Jane Shields

887 2216 90









Elaine Primary Academy Elaine Avenue, Strood, Rochester ME2 2YN Headteacher: Mrs Debbie Baker

01634 294817 887 2000 90



A 4-11





English Martyrs RC Primary School Frindsbury Road, Strood, Rochester ME2 4JA Headteacher: Mrs C Redmond

01634 718964 887 3729 30




4-11 86



faith criteria

Open days: Tuesday, 20 October, 2pm and Thursday, 26 November 2015, 10am Fairview Community Primary School Drewery Drive, Wigmore, Gillingham ME8 0NU 01634 337810 Headteacher: Debbie Willis

887 3759 90




4-11 226




Featherby Infant and Nursery School Allington Road, Gillingham ME8 6PD

01634 231072

Headteacher: TBC

887 2401 90




4-7 184




The Gordon Schools Federation - Infants Gordon Road, Strood ME2 3HQ Headteacher: Mrs Jennifer McGuigan

01634 719971 887 2010 60



A 4-7





Greenvale Infant and Nursery School Symons Avenue, Chatham ME4 5UP Headteacher: Mrs Amanda Allnutt

01634 409521 887 2198

apply online 60




4-7 113





School name




Primary/ junior/ infant


Age range

Number of prefs 2015

Places allocated 2015

Last criteria applied

Last distance metres (if applicable)


Halling Primary School Howlsmere Close, Halling, Rochester ME2 1ER 01634 240258 Headteacher: Mrs W Donnelly

887 2211 40



C 4-11





Open days: Wednesday, 7 October and Wednesday, 9 December, 2015 Hempstead Infant School Hempstead Road, Hempstead, Gillingham ME7 3QG Headteacher: Mrs Kate Dadd

01634 365969

887 2638










High Halstow Primary School Harrison Drive, High Halstow, Rochester ME3 8TF Headteacher: Mrs G Stangroom

01634 251098

887 2421


Hoo P


4-11 53




Hilltop Primary School Hilltop Road, Frindsbury, Rochester ME2 4QN 01634 710312 Headteacher: Mr Gavin Evans

887 2499 60



C 4-11





Hoo St Werburgh Primary School and Marlborough Centre Pottery Road, Hoo, Rochester ME3 9BS Interim Executive Headteacher: Frank Eagles

01634 338040 887 2213 60




4-11 94




Horsted Infant School Barberry Avenue, Chatham ME5 9TF Headteacher: Mr S Geary

01634 335400 887 2439 60




4-7 164






The Hundred of Hoo Academy Main Road, Hoo, Rochester ME3 9HH Headteacher: Mr G Vyse

01634 251443 887 4000 30





Open day: Saturday, 10 October, 2015, 10am-1pm


apply online


School name




Primary/ junior/ infant


Age range

Number of prefs 2015

Places allocated 2015

Last criteria applied

Last distance metres (if applicable)


Kingfisher Primary School & Children’s Centre Kingfisher Drive, Princes Park, Chatham ME5 7NX Executive Head - Miss Janey Denton

01634 661540

887 2003










Lordswood School Lordswood Lane, Lordswood, Chatham ME5 8NN Headteacher: Mrs J Lusinski

0300 065 8250

887 2007






102 51



Luton Infant & Nursery School Alexandra Road, Chatham ME4 5AP

01634 843019

Headteacher: Mrs S Lythgoe

887 2201 90



C 4-7





Maundene School Swallow Rise, Walderslade, Chatham ME5 7QB Headteacher: Mr Nigel Jones

01634 864721 887 2580

60 Walderslade



4-11 183




Mierscourt Primary School Silverspot Close, Rainham, Gillingham ME8 8JR Acting Headteacher: Mrs Lisa Lewis

01634 388943 887 2623


Rainham P



227 60



Napier Community Primary & Nursery Academy Napier Road, Gillingham ME7 4HG Headteacher: Mrs Zerina Slade

01634 574920 887 2012 90



A 4-11





New Horizons Children’s Academy Park Crescent, Chatham ME4 6NT Headteacher: Mrs Lesley Jones

01634 336565 887 2008

apply online 90




4-11 107





School name




Primary/ junior/ infant


Age range

Number of prefs 2015

Places allocated 2015

Last criteria applied

Last distance metres (if applicable)


New Road Primary School Bryant Street, Chatham ME4 5QN

01634 843084

Headteacher: Mrs Nicola Forrest

887 2202 45



C 4-11





Open days: Thursday, 15 October, 10-11am, 2-3pm and Friday, 16 October, 2015 10-11am, 2-3 pm Oaklands School Weedswood Road, Walderslade, Chatham ME5 0QS Headteacher: Mr Barry Symons

01634 333820

887 2433










Oasis Academy Skinner Street Skinner Street, Gillingham ME7 1LG

01634 850213

Headteacher: Mr Dan Morrow

887 2006 60



A 4-11





Park Wood Schools Federation - Infants Deanwood Drive, Rainham, Gillingham ME8 9LP Headteacher: Mr A Moir

01634 234625

887 2494










The Pilgrim School Warwick Crescent, Borstal, Rochester ME1 3LF 01634 335959 Headteacher: Mrs J Taylor

887 3758 30



VC 4-11






Riverside Primary School & Children’s Centre St Edmund’s Way, Rainham, Gillingham ME8 8ET Headteacher: Miss Kim Williams

01634 338700

887 3757

30 Rainham



4-11 69




Saxon Way Primary School Church Path, Ingram Road, Gillingham ME7 1SJ Executive Headteacher: Miss Janey Denton

01634 852320 887 2004










St Augustine of Canterbury Catholic Primary School Deanwood Drive, Rainham, Gillingham ME8 9NP Headteacher: Mrs L Prestidge


01634 371892

887 3752

30 Rainham

apply online



4-11 63





School name




Primary/ junior/ infant


Age range

Number of prefs 2015

Places allocated 2015

Last criteria applied

Last distance metres (if applicable)


St Benedict’s Catholic School Lambourn Way, Lordswood, Chatham ME5 8PU Headteacher: Mrs B Salamonczyk

01634 669700 887 3753





4-11 83







St Helen’s CEP School Church Street, Cliffe, Rochester ME3 7PU

01634 220246

Headteacher: Mrs Stephanie Jarvis

887 3096 30



VA 4-11




St James Church of England Primary Academy High Street, Isle of Grain, Rochester ME3 0BS Acting Head of School: Mrs Kerry Tindall

01634 844135 887 2002






31 26








St John’s CEVC Infant School 4 New Street, Chatham ME4 6RH

01634 844135

Headteacher: Mrs J Collman

887 3095 30








St Margaret’s at Troy Town Church of England (VC) Primary School and Children’s Centre King Street, Rochester ME1 1YF

01634 843843

Headteacher: Mr Matthew Newman

887 3293 30








St Margaret’s Infant School Orchard Street, Rainham, Gillingham ME8 9AE Headteacher: Mrs P Fewtrell

01634 231327 887 2479

90 Rainham




215 90



St Mary’s Catholic Primary School Greenfield Road, Gillingham ME7 1YH Headteacher: Mrs Bernadette Long

01634 855783 887 3755 60




4-11 162


faith criteria



St Mary’s Island C of E Primary School Island Way West, St Mary’s Island, Chatham ME4 3ST Headteacher: Mrs Christine Easton

887 3756 apply online

01634 891050 60





92 60





School name




Primary/ junior/ infant


Age range

Number of prefs 2015

Places allocated 2015

Last criteria applied

Last distance metres (if applicable)






St Michael’s Roman Catholic Primary School Hills Terrace, Chatham ME4 6PX Headteacher: Katharine Sexton

01634 832578 887 3712 60








St Nicholas CEVC Infant School London Road, Strood, Rochester ME2 3HU Headteacher: Mrs G Johnson

01634 717120 887 3102 40



VC 4-7




St Peter’s Infant School Holcombe Road, Rochester ME1 2HU Headteacher: Mrs Denise Curzon

01634 843590 887 2665 40



C 4-7





St Thomas More Catholic Primary School Bleakwood Road, Walderslade, Chatham ME5 0NF Headteacher: Mrs M S Williams

01634 864701

887 3736








unknown/ faith criteria



St Thomas of Canterbury Catholic Primary School Romany Road, Rainham ME8 6JH Headteacher: Mrs Alma Myatt

01634 234677 887 3732 30




4-11 58


unknown/ faith criteria





St William of Perth Catholic Primary School Canon Close, Rochester ME1 3EN Headteacher: Mrs Anne Keywood

01634 404267 887 3746 30







unknown/ faith criteria

Stoke Community School Allhallows Road, Lower Stoke, Rochester ME3 9SL Headteacher: Miss E Rees

01634 270268

887 2194





4-11 29




Swingate Primary School Sultan Road, Lordswood, Chatham ME5 8TJ Headteacher: Miss K Boon


01634 863778 887 2549 90


apply online


C 4-11





School name




Primary/ junior/ infant


Age range

Number of prefs 2015

Places allocated 2015

Last criteria applied

Last distance metres (if applicable)


Temple Mill Primary School and Children Centre Cliffe Road, Strood, Rochester ME2 3NL

01634 338200

Headteacher: Martin McCusker

887 2685 30









Thames View Primary School Bloors Lane, Rainham, Gillingham ME8 7DX

01634 335480/335490

Headteacher: Mrs K Norman

887 2592

60 Twydall




137 57



Twydall Primary School Twydall Lane, Gillingham ME8 6JS

01634 231761

Headteacher: Mrs A Pratt

887 2754 75









Wainscott Primary School Wainscott Road, Wainscott, Rochester ME2 4JY Headteacher: Hugh Greenwood

01634 335220 887 2210

60 Strood



4-11 165




Walderslade Primary School Dargets Road, Walderslade, Chatham ME5 8BJ Headdteacher: Mr Paul Dadson

01634 337766 887 2203

30 Walderslade



4 - 11

168 30



Warren Wood Primary Academy Arethusa Road, Rochester ME1 2UR Headteacher: Mrs Marilyn Nadesan

01634 401401 887 2011 55




4-11 44




Wayfield Primary School Wayfield Road, Chatham ME5 0HH Headteacher: Mrs E Agyeman

0300 065 8230 887 2668 30



A 4-11





The Academy of Woodlands Woodlands Road, Gillingham ME7 2DU Headteacher: Mr N Fiddaman

0300 065 8200 887 2412 apply online 60










Medway junior schools

These schools can be named for transfer from infant to junior school (Year 3) Unless stated otherwise, please visit the school’s websites or contact them directly for details about their open days, tours and an appointment. School name




Primary/ junior/ infant


Age range

Number of prefs 2015

Places allocated 2015

Last criteria applied

Last distance metres (if applicable)

Balfour Junior School Balfour Road, Chatham ME4 6QX Headteacher: Mrs Kim Parnell

01634 843833 887 2214 120




7-11 174




Bligh Junior School Bligh Way, Strood, Rochester ME2 2XJ Headteacher: Miss Gobell

01634 336220 887 2492 60



C 7-11





The Academy of Cuxton Schools - Cuxton Junior Bush Road, Cuxton, Rochester ME2 1EZ Headteacher: Miss Sandra Jones

01634 337720 887 2013 60



A 7-11





Open days: Thursday, 24 September, Thursday, 1 and Thursday, 8 October 2015, 9.15am Delce Academy The Tideway, Rochester ME1 2NJ Headteacher: Ms K White

01634 845242 887 2413 130




7-11 139




Featherby Junior School Chilham Road, Gillingham ME8 6BT Acting Headteacher: Mrs Sarah Steer

01634 231984 887 2400 90




7-11 95




The Gordon Schools Federation - Juniors Gordon Road, Strood, Rochester ME2 3HQ Headteacher: Mrs Jennifer McGuigan


01634 719971 887 2009 100


apply online



7-11 93





School name




Primary/ junior/ infant


Age range

Number of prefs 2015

Places allocated 2015

Last criteria applied

Last distance metres (if applicable)


Hempstead Junior School Birch Grove, Hempstead, Gillingham ME7 3HJ Headteacher: Mrs Sharon Smith

01634 371823 887 2403

90 Wig/Hemp




108 88



Horsted Junior School Barberry Avenue, Chatham ME5 9TF

01634 335400

Headteacher: Mr S Geary

887 2506 60



C 7-11





Luton Junior School Luton Road, Chatham ME4 5AW

01634 844149

Headteacher: Davinder Jandu

887 2754 90


C 7-11





New Horizons Children’s Academy Park Crescent, Chatham ME4 6NT

01634 336565

Headteacher: Mrs Lesley Jones

887 2008






4-11 23




Park Wood Schools Federation - Juniors Deanwood Drive, Rainham, Gillingham ME8 9LP 01634 234699 Headteacher: Mr A Moir

887 2493

90 Rainham




104 89



Phoenix Junior Academy Glencoe Road, Chatham ME4 5QD

01634 829009

Headteacher: Ms A Smith

887 2001 60



A 7-11





St Margaret’s Church of England Junior School Orchard Street, Rainham, Gillingham ME8 9AE Headteacher: Mr C P Gabbett

01634 230998 887 3195

90 Rainham



7-11 116





Open day: Wednesday, 2 December, 2015

apply online


Parent’s application checklist for booklet Key Action


Do I live in Medway?

If yes, then you must apply for schools through the Medway application process. Is my child the correct age to apply for schools?

For admission to Reception Year, children must be born between 1 September 2011 and 31 August 2012

For transfer from infant to junior school (Year 3 in junior schools only, children must be born between 1 September 2008 and 31 August 2009 Have I read the Admission to Primary School Booklet?

Have I contacted Student Services Admissions Team to ask any questions about any part of the process I don’t understand? Have I decided which schools, and how many, I want to apply for?

Have I contacted the schools I am interested in to ask any questions about the school and/or arrange a visit? Have I completed the Medway Council school application (online or paper) and submitted it by the closing date (15 January 2016)? Do any of the school’s I have applied for require me to complete a Supplementary Information Form?

If yes, then you must collect the form from the relevant school, complete it and return it directly to the school. This is in addition to the Medway application that you need to complete.


apply online


Lego apply online


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