5 Signs Your Audi Engine Timing is off

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5 Signs Your Audi Engine Timing is off Introduction

Vehicles need proper amount of power to run consistently with proper speed. To have a good amount of output power, there is a need of proper timing. A proper timing makes the various processes in the engine to happen properly and systematically. Timing controls the amount of fuel and air in the engine combustion system by controlling the valves and rotation of some shafts. A wrong timing can lead to many problems in the engine that has to be taken seriously. So one must know how to point out the timing problems in the engine. In this article, I’m gonna discuss about the signs of the issues in the engine timing

Timing control in Audi

Timing belts or chains are installed by the manufacturers to give the correct timing of the operations of various valves in engine. Without a correct timing, the combustion process would go wrong and a very less amount of power will be generated. The timing belt synchronizes the rotation of the camshaft and the crank shaft. By the synchronization of the camshaft with the crank shaft, the intake and other valves at the engine open and close in correct time. So correct proportion of fuel and air would get into the combustion chamber and get burned with correct time. Then the burned gasses that is the combustion byproducts would be released out of the engine. Then again fuel and air would enter into the combustion chamber and this process goes on.

Timing belts and chains are usually made up of a very durable materials, but they still have a limited life span because these are usually under high forces while working. So you have to check and change the belt on regular basis.

Signs of faulty engine timing in Audi

When the timing chain or belt operates, it is subjected to high strain due to which it wears with time. A worn timing belt cannot make the engine to function properly, leading to very low power issues. Drivers mostly fail to remember when to change the timing chain or belt. So by the help of various symptoms shown by the car, we can able to know about the problem and get the engine checked. So here are some common signs or symptoms of the failing timing belts or chains.

Smoke while engine starting

In some vehicles you would find that while engine is made to start, a black colored smoke is released from the exhaust at that time. Then the particular vehicle may have a worn timing belt. There would also be a clicking sound while starting. So when an engine is made to start, it would obviously require firing at cylinders. If the timing belt is worn, then there would be wrong timing of opening and closing of valves. If the valve is opened for more time, then the fuel or the air proportion in the air fuel mixture would become wrong, and a wrong type mixture cannot be burned properly, leading to release so high emissions. The unburned fuel would be released out and you would see a black smoke.


As you know a worn belt can lead to improper synchronization of the shafts and wrong proportion of fuel and air would enter into the combustion chamber. A mixture having wrong ratio of fuel and air would create problem while combustion. The spark plugs fire in cylinders, but if the fuel mixture would not be burned properly, then the condition would be a misfire. The car would jerk while running.

Hard to start engine

If the timing belt is worn, then the engine may not start or take more time to start with very much difficulty. If the belt is excessively worn, then there would be either a very rich or very lean type mixture in the combustion chamber. Such mixtures are not be able to burn, so the engine combustion process would not be initiated and it would not start.

Cracks on belt

When the belt is inspected, you would notice cracks, tears and a totally worn belt. If your belt is in such condition, then you have to change the timing belt as soon as possible.


If your car gets such signs then you have to change the belt immediately. Because wearing of timing belt can make the engine condition worse and it may die. So get your Audi serviced.

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