Ujazdowski Hospital in occupied Poland during the Second World War Krzysztof Królikowski
hen the Second World War broke out, Ujazdowski Hospital (Szpital Ujazdowski) in Warsaw was the largest military hospital in Poland and had enjoyed this status since 1794.1 It was also the teach-
ing hospital for the CWSan (Centrum Wyszkolenia Sanitarnego) medical cadets’ college, which was to be transferred to Lublin but the plans for the move were never implemented because the War broke out on 1 September 1939.2 The war years—horrific, agonising, yet heroic years—marked the final chapter in the history of Ujazdowski Hospital. The period from 1939 to 1944 in that history is sometimes referred to as “the Ujazdowski Republic” (Rzeczpospolita Ujazdowska),
About the author: Krzysztof Królikowski is a physician and president of the Ujazdowski Hospital Society (Stowarzyszenie d. Szpital Ujazdowski), which commemmorates, documents, and investigates the history of the oldest military hospital in Warsaw, Poland. He is a librarian at the Main Library of the Medical University of Warsaw. A former lecturer in History of Medicine at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow and Lazarski University of Warsaw, he is one of the founders of Polska Biblioteka Medyczna w Kijowie im. prof. Zbigniewa Religi (the Zbigniew Religa Polish Medical Library in Kiev, Ukraine).
Królikowski, 2018.
The medical cadets’ college CWSan was founded in 1930 as the successor institution to Szkoła Podchorążych Sanitarnych. Szpital Ujazdowski (Ujazdowski Hospital) was the teaching hospital associated with the medical cadets’ college.