There is deep wisdom within our very flesh, if we can only come to our senses and feel it. ~Elizabeth A. Behnke “Our ailing planet needs spiritual warriors, ones capable of standing up to the Western materialism machine, so we can create sustainable societies that care for their citizens, harmonize with the cycles of nature, and receive and honor the vast healing light that quietly connects us all.” ~ Jonathan Talat Phillips, The Electric Jesus: The Healing Journey of a Contemporary Gnostic
From the Editor's Desk Meetu Sehgal
Root of All Problems Osho Energy Medicine Prashanth Marar Chakras -‐ The Energy Vortex Manu Panicker Journey to Enlightenment Janaki Nagaraj Heal Your Emotions to Heal Your Life Dr. Rangana Rupavi Choudhary Bach Flower Remedies Meetu Sehgal Mantra -‐ The Mystical Therapy Archana Sharma Let's Play Holi Rajendra Singh Rajput House of Luck in Astrology Archana Sharma
5 6 7 8 9 14 17 20 22
Tarot Predictions for March 24 Meetu Sehgal Feng Shui Tips -‐ 8 Star 'Ki' Energy 32 .. Archana Sharma Astrological Queries from the Readers 33 .. Archana Sharma Feng Shui Queries from the Readers 35 .. Archana Sharma Crystal of the Month -‐ Amber 37 Namita Sethi
From the Editor’s Desk Dear Reader, This month’s edition is on Energy Medicine. Energy permeates our life in every aspect. In fact, looked in totality, we are energy beings. We are waves of energy so close together that we become visible. Hence its natural that we react and respond to the energy changes all around us. Every act of ours also creates some ripples in this field of energy that we are and that pervades the existence. Positive thoughts and acts create positive vibrations and vice versa. Positive acts or thoughts are those that come from love, unconditional love. Any act or thought that does not come from unconditional love creates a heavy vibration which we commonly refer to as a negative vibe. The positive energy or the unconditional love has very high vibration. When there is lack of love because of ego or fear, it creates a negative vibe because fear has very low vibration and hence is a dense energy. Dense energy tends to move very slowly, easily stagnates or gets stuck in the energy meridians of the body. This stuck energy in the body or the energy field creates more blockages. You can picture this as a broken down car on the road which, if not removed on time, can create a traffic jam and lead to stuck traffic on the road. The organs or areas of a human body, which do not receive sufficient energy because of such energy blockages, tend to have reduced efficiency and functioning. Over time, this gives rise to dis-‐ ease. Energy medicine is a form of healing which works on harmonizing the flow of energy in the body by removing the energy blocks, increasing the vibrations by channeling more prana or life force energy into the body and the energy field and thus create a state of balance or health. Energy medicine can take various forms. It can be working with energy therapeutically as in Reiki, Pranic Healing, Touch therapy etc. It can also work in the form of healing essences such as flower essences, Bach Flower Remedies, Homeopathic medicines etc. A very important part of energy medicine is the diet. When diet is wrong medicine is of no use. When diet is correct medicine is of no need. ~Ayurvedic Proverb Food is the one of the biggest sources of prana in our body. Have food that is rich in prana or the life force energy. Processed foods, foods that are microwaved,
non-‐vegetarian diet have negative prana. It decreased the overall energy of the body. Raw fruits and vegetables are high in prana. Let food be thy medicine, thy medicine shall be thy food. ~Hippocrates Spices that Indians use in their everyday diet and as recommended in the Ayurveda sutras are extremely beneficial for the energy beings that we are. They are not only used to add taste but also are rejuvenating, preventive and curative in nature. Used in moderate quantities, they are life affirming and improve the overall quality of the body which helps the body in taking in and assimilating the prana from the food. Bless your food and water before consuming. Thoughts and words are also energy. Food cooked or eaten in anger is equivalent to poison for the body. Food cooked or eaten in sadness become dense in energy and creates energy blocks in the body. Energy medicine is not only about energy healing techniques, it is about living a lifestyle that is life affirming, that creates more time and space for connecting with nature, connecting with other beings with love, experiencing love, sharing and caring. We are not human beings waiting to have a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings here for a human experience. Enjoy and cherish the human experience of emotions, love, joy, sadness and allow space for life to flourish. Live in harmony, listen to your body and enjoy some time in nature – it is the best gift you can give your body and to your being. Hope you enjoy this edition of Kaleidoscope. You can send your feedback and suggestions to meetu.sehgal@ezinekaleidoscope.com. You can also connect with us on Facebook and Twitter. With Grace and Light -‐Meetu Sehgal Meetu Sehgal, a Tarot Consultant and Holistic Healer, is an MBA from Delhi University. With more than 8 years of experience in Tarot Reading, she is known as a “Tarot Healer” for her in-‐depth tarot counseling sessions which are insightful as well as empowering. You can reach her at meetu.sehgal@gmail.com or www.divineinnovations.org She also teaches Osho Zen Tarot, Reiki and other holistic sciences.
The Root of All Problems The song continues: If one sees naught when staring into space; if with the mind one then observes the mind, one destroys distinctions and reaches buddhahood. The clouds that wander through the sky have no roots, no home; nor do the distinctive thoughts floating through the mind. Once the self-‐mind is seen, discrimination stops. In space shapes and colors form, but neither by black nor white is space tinged. From the self-‐mind all things emerge, the mind by virtues and by vices is not stained. The root problem of all problems is mind itself. The first thing to be understood is what this mind is, of what stuff it is made; whether it is an entity or just a process; whether it is substantial, or just dreamlike. And unless you know the nature of the mind, you will not be able to solve any problems of your life. You may try hard, but if you try to solve single, individual problems, you are bound to be a failure -‐-‐ that is absolutely certain -‐-‐ because in fact no individual problem exists: mind is the problem. If you solve this problem or that, it won't help because the root remains untouched. It is just like cutting branches of a tree, pruning the leaves, and not uprooting it. New leaves will come, new branches will sprout -‐-‐ even more than before; pruning helps a tree to become thicker. Unless you know how to uproot it, your fight is baseless, it is foolish. You will destroy yourself, not the tree. In fighting you will waste your energy, time, life, and the tree will go on becoming more and more strong, far thicker and dense. And you will be surprised what is happening: you are doing so much hard work, trying to solve this problem and that, and they go on growing, increasing. Even if one problem is solved, suddenly ten problems take its place. Don't try to solve individual, single problems -‐-‐ there are none: mind itself is the problem. But mind is hidden underground; that's why I call it the root, it is not apparent. Whenever you come across a problem the problem is above ground, you can see it -‐-‐ that's why you are deceived by it. Always remember, the visible is never the root; the root always remains invisible, the root is always hidden. Never fight with the visible; otherwise you will fight with
shadows. You may waste yourself, but there cannot be any transformation in your life, the same problems will crop up again and again and again. You can observe your own life and you will see what I mean. I am not talking about any theory about the mind, just the "facticity" of it. This is the fact: mind has to be solved. People come to me and they ask: "How to attain a peaceful mind?" I say to them: "There exists nothing like that: a peaceful mind. Never heard of it." Mind is never peaceful -‐-‐ no-‐mind is peace. Mind itself can never be peaceful, silent. The very nature of the mind is to be tense, to be in confusion. Mind can never be clear, it cannot have clarity, because mind is by nature confusion, cloudiness. Clarity is possible without mind, peace is possible without mind, silence is possible without mind -‐-‐ so never try to attain a silent mind. If you do, from the very beginning you are moving in an impossible dimension. So the first thing is to understand the nature of the mind, only then can something be done. If you watch, you will never come across any entity like mind. It is not a thing, it is just a process; it is not a thing, it is like a crowd. Individual thoughts exist, but they move so fast that you cannot see the gaps in between. The intervals cannot be seen because you are not very aware and alert, you need a deeper insight. When your eyes can look deep, you will suddenly see one thought, another thought, another thought -‐-‐ but no mind. Thoughts together, millions of thoughts, give you the illusion as if mind exists. It is just like a crowd, millions of people standing in a crowd: is there anything like a crowd? Can you find the crowd other than the individuals standing there? But they are standing together, their togetherness gives you the feeling as if something like a crowd exists -‐-‐ only individuals exist. This is the first insight into the mind. Watch, and you will find thoughts; you will never come across the mind. And if it becomes your own experience -‐-‐ not because I say it, not because Tilopa sings about it, no, that won't be of much help -‐-‐ if it becomes your experience, if it becomes a fact of your own knowing, then suddenly many things start changing. Because you have understood such a deep thing about mind, then many things can follow. Watch the mind and see where it is, what it is. You will feel thoughts floating and there will be intervals. And if you watch long, you will see that intervals are more than the thoughts, because each thought has to be separate from another thought; in fact, each word has to be separate from another word. The deeper you go, you will find more and more gaps, bigger and bigger gaps. A thought floats, then comes a gap where no thought exists; then another thought comes, another gap follows. If you are unconscious you cannot see the gaps; you jump from one thought to another, you never see the gap. If you become aware you will see more and more gaps. …to be continued OSHO : Tantra The Supreme Understanding, Chapter 2
Energy Medicine The concept of life force is always found in many ancient cultures. Philosophers and healers referred energy medicine as the main essence of life. In India it was called “prana”. In other parts it was called “reiki”. “Reiki” is a Japanese word which means “rei” meaning universal, and “ki”, which means life energy. In ancient times, Lord Buddha and Jesus Christ used to heal people and this healing was known as the touch therapy which means healing by touching someone. They had the powers to heal anyone in the world as there were all highly spiritual and renowned souls. Therapeutic Touch and other forms of "holistic healing" are now widely practiced within the whole world. Energy healing is based on the belief that everything in the universe is composed of energy, also referred to as the life force, which connects the individual to the invisible whole. This oneness causes the individual to be affected by energies in the universe. During physical or emotional disease, the individual's life force creates energy fields that are unbalanced. The philosophy of energy healing believes that treatment must consider the person's connection to the universe as well as the interaction of the mind, body, and spirit. The practice of energy healing is not in itself a religion, but it is a pathway to one's own spirituality. It leads us on a personal journey that encourages us to focus on ourselves and how our energy is in synch with the energies of the cosmos, the earth, and all other life. Through this, we can supposedly be taught to heal ourselves by using clairvoyance to “visualize” where the negative energy is in order to determine the cause of the problem, whether it is physical, emotional or spiritual. I can only say one thing as –Paracelsus says “The art of healing comes from nature and not from the physician. Therefore, the physician must start from nature with an open mind." So believe in the art of energy medicine which can help us all lead a very good and a happy life. -‐Prashanth Marar Reiki Master /Healer /Teacher /Numerologist /Tarot Card Reader /Counsellor /Runes prashanthmarar@divinemanifestations.net www.divinemanifestations.net
Chakras-‐The Energy Vortex The major energy flow in our body and its effect on our body and mind can be clearly understood by understanding the 7 Chakras and what each Chakra represents. Understanding this gives us an easy way to have a healthy and prosperous life by keeping this energy flowing freely. The chakras are not something physical, we can’t see them. They are aspects of our consciousness. But, chakras help us to understand the close relationship between our consciousness and our body, or what we call as the mind-‐body relationship. Each chakra vibrates or rotates at a different speed. The root or first chakra rotates at the slowest speed, the crown or seventh chakra at the highest speed. The size and vibration of the chakra vary with an individual's development, emotional reactions, environment, energy levels, disease, or stress When chakras are not balanced, or if energy blocked, an individual may feel sick, tired, out of sorts, or depressed. Depending on the blockage many individuals will develop both physical and mental manifestations of fear, disease and show signs of stress both in the body and mind. In order to maintain mental, physical and spiritual health, the Chakras need to be in a state of balance and harmony. If the chakras are opened too much, a person could literally short circuit themselves picking up too much energy in one part of the body. If the chakras are closed, this does not allow for energy to flow through them properly. 1. Root Chakra – located at the base of the spine in tailbone area, it represents our foundation and feeling of being grounded. Disruption in the easy flow of energy can mean survival issues such as financial independence, money, and food. 2. Sacral Chakra – located at lower abdomen, about 2 inches below the navel and 2 inches in, it represents our connection and ability to accept others and new experiences. Disruption in the easy flow of energy can show in lack of abundance, well-‐being, pleasure, sexuality in life.
3. Solar Plexus Chakra -‐ located at upper abdomen in the stomach area, it represents our ability to be confident and in-‐control of our lives. Disruption in the easy flow of energy can cause lack of Self-‐worth, self-‐confidence, self-‐esteem. 4. Heart Chakra -‐ located at Center of chest just above heart, it represensts our ability to love. Disruption in the easy flow of energy can lack of Love, joy, inner peace in our life. 5. Throat Chakra -‐ located at Throat, it represents our ability to communicate. Disruption in the easy flow of energy can cause issues in communication, self-‐ expression of feelings, and expression of the truth. 6. Third Eye Chakra – located at Forehead between the eyes, it represents our ability to focus on and see the big picture. Disruption in the easy flow of energy can hinder our capability of Intuition, imagination, wisdom, ability to think and make decisions. 7. Crown Chakra -‐ located at the very top of the head, it represents the highest Chakra represents our ability to be fully connected spiritually. Disruption in the easy flow of energy can cause us to miss our Inner and outer beauty, our connection to spirituality, and experience pure bliss The kundalini energy that travels through the seven chakras of the body is called prana. Prana is the vital life-‐force energy...the spark of life within us. Without prana, there is no life. -‐Manu Panicker Manu Panicker has been into the field of personal development since over 12 years and has been working as a life coach and mentor.
Journey to Enlightenment The sleeping serpent Lays coiled, dormant On the red earth, Self-‐preserving. Not for long…….. She lifts her head Fluidly, gracefully Wades through the Orange aqua Rests on the plexus Burning with Desire Of higher consciousness…. Centering herself, She leaps in air, Over the green pastures Towards the Blue sound Shuddering with Heightened self-‐expression Out off the dark towards Light, guided by intuition Until she breaks free Of all thoughts. The Vibgyor mergers Into White of Enlightenment As she rests peacefully on the Thousand petaled Lotus. -‐Janaki Nagaraj Janaki Nagaraj is an emerging writer who is a graduate in English Literature yet, she did not discover her passion for writing till a couple of years back. More than writing a prose, she found it easier to express herself through poetry. She is a full time homemaker and mother of two teens (that should say a lot about her patience) and lives in Mumbai.
Heal Your Emotions to Heal Your Life with Emotional Freedom Technique Did you know 85% of illness is stress induced? Chronic as well as unconscious stress upsets the natural balance of the nervous system, disturbing the body’s natural ability to maintain and repair itself, making the body vulnerable to the effects of poor diet, environmental toxins and microbes. This breakdown of the body’s natural ability may result in disease and illness. A study by Kaiser Permanente involving over 70,000 individuals showed that childhood emotional trauma was a significant factor in the development of chronic disease later in life, specifically: Alcoholism and alcohol abuse Depression Illicit drug use Risk for intimate partner violence Smoking Suicide attempts Multiple sexual partners Health-‐related quality of life issues -‐ Liver disease -‐ Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease -‐ Ischemic heart disease -‐ Sexually transmitted diseases In addition 70 published studies from the community on trauma survivors showed a tenfold increase in depression as well as two studies following 11,000 people for up to 20 years revealed an increase in depression of up to tenfold. Childhood maltreatment has been shown to result in increased cardiovascular disease in women and depression in both men and women. Emotional hurts and trauma can vary from person to person. For someone it may be a parent or teacher saying ‘shut up’ and for others it could be verbal or even physical abuse. Trauma is upsetting no matter what the severity. Negative upsets can be experienced at school, home and workplace in the form of bullying, shouting, angry outbursts, overwhelm and feeling or being controlled by others. I wonder what hurts you are holding on to? What events have occurred that have cause emotional pain? What is it that you get stressed about?
Clearing past emotional upsets, hurts and traumas and stress using clinically proven techniques like EFT can help.
Emotional stress and upsets can be cleared
Emotional Freedom Techniques, EFT, is now used worldwide by millions and clears emotional stress and upsets. The technique has been clinically shown to reduce depression, anxiety, traumatic stress, phobias, pain, cravings, negative emotions (for example anger, sadness, grief, fear, hurt, guilt) as well as negative memories. Once negativity is cleared it creates a feeling of well being and calm. EFT combines tapping on acupressure points while repeating specific phrases releasing stress and emotional traumas. The technique integrates ancient wisdom and the science of acupuncture with modern day psychology without the need for needles. Negative emotions cause a disruption of the body’s energy system. By tapping on the acupuncture points and saying phrases out loud EFT re-‐wires the energy system creating a feeling of peace, calm and letting go. In many cases after EFT people experience a shift in thinking that is more empowering. “After 6 sessions of EFT 90% of study participants were free from symptoms of post-‐traumatic stress disorder.” PTSD Study, Dawson Church, 2010
Clear Stress and Upsets with EFT The pace of life is becoming increasingly hectic, and with demands made on us from numerous places, it can be difficult to allow yourself the time to focus on yourself and your well being. This can lead to a life that is unhappy and stressful with very little excitement or sense of self worth. Given the choice most people would live lives that have reduced stress, increase self-‐belief, free from past upsets and with a positive outlook. Below are step-‐by-‐step instructions to use EFT along with the Tapping points as part of a daily health and happiness routine:
EFT for a Range of Challenges
Download a free booklet to get the full EFT tapping sequences to take the first step to clearing emotional upsets. http://www.vitality-‐living.com/EFTIndia.html -‐Dr Rangana Rupavi Choudhuri (PhD) Dr Rangana Rupavi Choudhuri (PhD) is a scientist by background with a Doctorate in Cancer Research from Oxford University. She has been in business over 15 years and now is founder of Vitality Living College creating practitioners, trainers and coaches in EFT, NLP (Neurolinguistic programming), Hypnosis, Timeline therapy as well as presenting Journey work on behalf of Brandon Bays. (www.vitality-‐living.com)
Bach Flower Remedies Essence of Nature Our bodies contain 70-‐80% water. Metaphysically, water represents emotions. Therefore, almost all of our life is ruled by emotions. It is our emotions which dictate our relationships, professional life (talk about job satisfaction!), health or sickness. It is also said that 90% of the diseases are psychosomatic, i.e. our thought patterns/emotions/moods lead to our state of health or disease. The physical symptoms of a disease are simply an indication that something is wrong on a deeper level of thoughts and emotions. The thoughts or attitudes which create illness may be present for 20 or 30 years before they show up as physical disease. If the underlying thoughts or emotions can be cured or healed, it would become easier to cure many illnesses even the chronic ones. Sometimes healing the emotions heals the disease as well. Dr. Edward Bach, an Allopathic doctor, discovered 38 flower essences that are very effective in healing the “negative emotions” or thought patterns. They are commonly known as Bach Flower Remedies. He derived these flower essences from non-‐poisonous flowers; hence these essences are completely safe, have no harmful effects and can be taken by anyone. All one has to do is identify their current emotion and take the corresponding flower remedy. For example: Those who tend to think a lot, churning thoughts in their minds all day and night taking unnecessary stress can benefit greatly from White Chestnut flower remedy. Those who tend to be very impatient and always in a hurry, they cant tolerate someone working at a slower pace, for them Impatiens flower remedy will work wonders. Those who day-‐dream a lot building castles in the air but don’t seem to do much in their practical life, Clematis flower remedy will make them more practical. Dr. Bach identified 38 kinds of emotions for which he devised 38 flower remedies. They are categorized according to 7 basic emotions: • •
Fear Indecisiveness 14
• • • • •
Lack of interest in the Present Loneliness Over-‐sensitive Despair Over-‐care for Others
Twelve Healers and Seven Helpers
The most commonly used remedies known as Twelve Healers and Seven Helpers and their uses are as follows: 1. Mimulus: fear of known things like fear of darkness, fear of failure, fear of snakes, heights etc. 2. Rock Rose: extreme terror, panic, fears with no hope of escape. 3. Cerato: those who don’t have sufficient confidence to make their own decisions. 4. Scleranthus: those who are unable to decide between 2 things 5. Gentian: pessimism, doubt, depression, those who always look at the dark side of situation 6. Clematis: lives more in dreams even when awake, impractical 7. Water Violet: capable and efficient people but aloof because of superiority complex, suffer from stiffness in joints, rigidity and tension 8. Impatiens: for those who cannot tolerate slow or even normal speed of others, get angry due to slow pace of work, restless 9. Agrimony: conceal inner torture behind a carefree and cheerful face, weeps inside, laughs outside 10. Centaury: over-‐anxious to serve others, over-‐tax themselves, become door-‐mats eventually 11. Chicory: over care for others for selfish means, they desire that those for whom they care should be near them 12. Vervain: over-‐enthusiasm, they have a great wish to convert all around them to their own views of life 13. Gorse: extreme hopelessness, when a patient is fed up with a long treatment of a chronic disease 14. Oak: for those with a “Never Give Up” attitude, they do not allow their body a moment’s rest from ceaseless physical strain 15. Heather: self centered, always concerned with their own problems, have no time to listen to others 16. Rock Water: extreme self discipline, very rigid, inflexible views 17. Olive: complete exhaustion of body and mind, having done a lot of manual work, drained of all strength 18. Vine: self-‐righteous, who feel convinced that they know what is right for themselves and others, they force others to do their bidding like a dictator 19. Wild Oat: difficulty to choose between many options, especially helpful in making a choice of profession when one is searching for a satisfying career or profession RESCUE REMEDY: In addition to these, there is a combination of 5 remedies known as RESCUE REMEDY which can be taken in cases of stress, anxiety,
and panic attacks, injury, trauma especially in emergencies. It contains an equal amount each of Rock Rose, Impatiens, Clematis, Star of Bethlehem and Cherry Plum remedies. The remedies can be taken by diluting 2 drops of the flower remedy in 100-‐ 200ml of water. What is important to remember in taking the Bach Flower Remedies is that one should identify the emotion not the disease and take the corresponding remedy. Every person reacts in a different manner to a same situation. Therefore, the emphasis is on the reaction or the emotion. Bach flower remedies not only for on humans but also on animals and pets. In fact they work even better with pets. So whenever your pet feels cranky or is in pain, administer 2 drops of rescue remedy or any other appropriate remedy in their water. To understand how these remedies work, one has to understand what ‘vibrational energy’ means. The flowers contain healing properties. In the process of making essences, when they are floated in the water, the water captures their resonance or vibrations. Masaru Emoto proved scientifically that ‘water holds memory’ for us a few years ago. What flower essences do is capture the ‘memory’ of the particular flower for use in healing. with Grace and Light -‐Meetu Sehgal Meetu Sehgal, a Tarot Consultant, EFT Practitioner and Holistic Healer, is an MBA from Delhi University. With more than 8 years of experience in Tarot Reading, she is known as a “Tarot Healer” for her in-‐depth tarot counseling sessions which are insightful as well as empowering. You can reach her at meetu.sehgal@gmail.com or www.divineinnovations.org She also teaches Osho Zen Tarot, Reiki and other holistic sciences.
Mantra The Mystical Therapy Mantra yoga is an exact science. Mananat trayete iti Mantrah-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐-‐“By the constant thinking of Mantra, one is protected and released from the round of births and deaths.” A mantra is so called because it is achieved by the mental process. The root “man” in the word Mantra comes from the first syllable of the word meaning “to think” and “tra” from “trai” meaning “ to protect or free” from the bondage of the phenomenal world. A mantra generates the creative force and bestows eternal bliss. A Mantra when constantly repeated awakens the consciousness. -‐-‐-‐-‐Swami Sivananda Mantras are combinations of sounds derived from Sanskrit. Sanskrit is also called as Devnagari or the language of the gods. Our Rishis were well aware of the inherent power of sound. They utilised this by combining the sounds of the alphabets of Sanskrit to create specific vibrations. These vibrations when applied systematically could be put to enormous use. Hence, we can say that Mantras are virtually bundles of mystical energy. This energy can be invoked by continuous repetition and concentration on the Mantra. This energy can then be used for specific purposes and curing a malady is one of them. Mantras are basically of two types: Vedic Mantras and Tantric Mantras. Please do not confuse the word Tantra with the common meaning of the word, because Tantra simply means a system. The Tantric Mantras can further be of three types: Beej Mantras/ or the seed Mantras Naam Mantras/ or the Deity Mantras Mala Mantras/ or long Mantras. Seed Mantras have no exact meaning as the name and the form of the sound are merged and cannot be separated. They act directly on the nerve tubes of the astral body, vibrate in the chakras (nerve plexuses) and gently massage them. This facilitates the flow of energy by dissolving the blocks. The deity mantras are replica of the concerned deity and as the mantra is chanted the image of the deity can be visualised. In this, the deity is invoked to get one rid off a specific problem. For example, if one wants to get rid-‐of negative qualities (disease could
be one) then repeating the Mantra of Shiva is very useful. In addition to this Mantras can be pauranic taken from the Puranas and Jain in origin. Mantras have to be chanted in a specific number and the pronunciation should also be correct. The most commonly used Mantras are Tantric or deity Mantras as they are easy to recite. As stated above, the power of the Mantras can be used for various purposes, but we will restrict ourselves to its use as remedy for diseases only. According to Indian Astrology, the disease in a person is Karmic and can be seen in a horoscope as placement of planets in difficult houses, yogs or combination of malefic planets, aspects of malefic planets, debilitation of planets etc. Such planets in their major, minor and transit periods give specific problems. Each planet is associated with one presiding deity. Now one of the potent remedies is to appease these planets by doing jap (continuous repetition of the mantra) specific to the planet. Let us consider an example -‐ if Rahu is the planet to be appeased then the following procedure is generally followed:-‐ 1. Select a clean and serene place suitable for the jap. 2. Choose a Mantra which can be easily chanted, in this case it can be-‐Om Ram Rahave Namah (Deity Mantra) or Om Brahm Bhrim Bhrom Saha Rahave Namah. (Tantric Mantra) 3. You can also keep the picture or an idol of the deity to facilitate a connection with it or visualise its form while doing jap. In this case concentrate on the form of Rahu an entity of dark colour wearing black clothes carrying in the four hands a sword, a spear, shield and one hand is raised in blessing. While chanting we should focus on this aspect and seek benevolence. Its presiding deity is Time or Kaal. 4. Clearly understand the meaning of the Mantra you are going to chant and while chanting this should always be kept in mind. 5. On an auspicious day, at an auspicious time take, a vow to chant the Mantra specific number of times to appease the deity. Always wear clean clothes. Sit in a comfortable yogic pose, facing East or North, do Pranayaam (to balance) welcome all the planets (navgrha pooja) and begin the jap. 6. In this case the Mantra should be chanted 18,000 times. 7. Every morning and evening the long mantra or the stotra of the planet or deity should be recited till the jap is completed. 8. At the end a yagya is performed with 1/10th of the number of chants, 1/10th of this number is recited to appease the ancestors, 1/10th to worship the deity
and 1/10th to honour the Brahmins. Yagya is performed with herbs, cereals and wood, which are specific to the planet. This completes the entire procedure. However, reciting the Mantra with faith and devotion is all that is needed to appease the planet. At times, it is not possible to clearly know the reason for the illness (due to lack of a horoscope) or the illness is very difficult then certain powerful Mantras are chanted. For example – 1. Shiv Panchakashri (Om Namah Shivay) 2. Ashtakshri Shiv Mantra (Hrim Om Namah Shivay) 3. Dashakshari Shiv Mantra (Om NamoBhagvate Rudray) The number of chants is one Lac and one should focus on Shiva while reciting. Performing Rudrabhishek, reciting Rudrashtak, Shiv Mahiman Stotra is highly beneficial along with the chant. The other Mantras include Mahamrityunjay, Durga Mantras and the powerful Ghanta karan Mantra. Mantra works on two levels. 1. On the energy level. 2. The intent level. We are all vibratory bodies which seem gross because of our limited vision. The sound emanated by the chanting the mantra is also energy and it stirs up the different levels of consciousness in an individual. This change in consciousness helps the person overcome the problems. Along with this, if we are able to put in the right intention at the time of chanting the results are manifold. It is often said that the mantra can yield the maximum benefit if it has been energised its initiation is done by a Guru. It is still a point of debate, in my opinion the Divine and its energies are free for all and that we need is a pure consciousness and a spirit of surrender! Forever in Gratitude to Her Divine Grace! -‐Archana Sharma Archana Sharma is an M.Phil in Life Sciences and practises in Astrology, Numerology and alternative therapies. She is currently pursuing research in Medical Astrology.
Let’s Play Holi Cloths drenched in mud, water and colour and faces smeared with indistinguishable colours dancing around in a frenzy of fun and frolic completes the quintessential Holi portrait. Only on this auspicious day you will find people of different age, status and gender coming together to celebrate and enjoy putting aside their inhibitions. Children running around with Toy Guns and balloons filled with colours can splash anyone without any fear. Holi is enjoyed by everyone, women or men, elder or children, friends or strangers. People chase each other to throw colours and everyone is a fair game. This is the day when even enemies get together and cherish a day of friendship. No festival or occasion can match the excitement and carefree atmosphere that is observed during Holi festival in India. March, ending of financial year, also marks ending of winter and arrival of spring. In India, Nepal and even many European countries, this change of season is celebrated in form of Holi. Holi is celebrated on Phagun Poonam (full moon), traditionally in the month of March. It is a festival of great religious and social importance. Holi symbolizes victory of good over evil. This is the day to honour the conquest of light over darkness. Also, this is the day to recognize and appreciate nature’s gift of new harvest and new life. On this day, farmers salute the mother goddess in form of Holi and offer bounty of their harvest as a gift. Holi is celebrated across the length and breadth of India with changes in rituals from state to state. Holi celebrations begin with Holika Dahan (bonfire) on the night before Holi where people meet to worship, sing and dance. Every colony, society and village builds a pious bonfire and worship Holi. Men and women conduct “Pradakshina” (circumambulation), offer rice, dates and coconut as a gift to the sacred fire and pray for better and brighter days for themselves and their loved ones. From this point on, the party commences. Festival of Holi has inspired most number of folk and movie songs. Holi being a festival of love and mischief, the songs are equally mischievous and, at times, outright naughty. During and after Holika Dahan, people start singing and dancing. Holi songs carry different flavour of love, friendship, bravery and humour. In Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Madhya Pradesh regions, Holi songs take form of “Phaga”. Phaga is a folk form of remembering the exploits of Heroes of past. You will hear brave tales of Ram and Hanuman and Arjun and Abhimanyu praised in these songs. Adventures of Alha and Udal and Prithviraj Chauhan are proudly sung. Devotion and sacrifice of Rana Pratap, Laxmi Bai and Shivaji are applauded in Phaga. Phaga is sung with energy and vigour of a warrior marching
to battle. In some regions of Rajasthan, men play “Chung” (a drum of sorts) and sing and dance moving across the village. Holi songs convey the quality of the love, bravery and excitement. On the day of Holi the whole world goes crazy. The atmosphere becomes exhilarated and electric. People form gangs to capture and colour their friends and strangers alike. It gives a free pass to lovers to express their love through various antics. There is an ancient tradition of love attached to Holi. It is believed that young Krishna, who had dark complexion, would apply colour of extremely fair skin of Radha in a mischievous mood. Since that time, lovers long to colour their beloved as an expression of love. The legend of Holi goes as below. The demon lord Hirankashyap wants to end life of his blessed son Prahalad with help of Holika, who had boon immunity from fire. She enters the sacrificial fire with her nephew, Prahalad. Fire, however, burns down Holika and he is left unscathed. Thus the evil is defeated and good is triumphant. From ancient times, this occasion is memorized on the day of Holi and people celebrate this victory through colours and merrymaking. “Bura na mano Holi hai” is a common phrase used on this day which means “You should not mind anything as it is Holi today”. It is not customary rather mandatory for everyone to join in the celebrations because only through relishing the day with reckless abundance one can genuinely understand and realize the magic of Holi. So, do join and invite your friends this year. Come, let’s play Holi. -‐Rajendra Singh Rajput
House of Luck in Astrology 9th house is a trine or a trikona sthan. It is one of the most important houses in the horoscope. It is related to pilgrimages, long travels, philosophy, religion, higher education, father, fortune and the remuneration of one’s past karmas. Jupiter is the natural significator of this house. Different planets have different effects in this house. In addition to the effects of the planets by way of placement, their efficacy is also affected by the sign they are placed in, the aspects from the other planets and also the conjunction with other planets. In general the house placement of any planet is most important. Sun:-‐ Sun is a luminary and friendly to Jupiter, hence Sun placed in this house makes the native hard working, generous, benevolent and is able to get higher education. However, if Sun is ill aspected or conjunct a malefic planet, the native is likely to have differences with the father. Moon:-‐ Moon is another luminary and again friendly to Jupiter. It is one of the best positions of the Moon. Native is wealthy, enjoys good luck, has good and well-‐behaved children and is able to get education, is religious and is respected in the society. Mars:-‐ Native is courageous, hard working, simple life, good character and fortunate. Sometimes the native can also be inimical to father and may have issues with paternal property. Native like to work for the masses. Mercury:-‐ Native is wise, humble, fortunate, can lead good life, is successful in his career, and is religious and famous. Jupiter:-‐ Native possesses good leadership qualities, is scholarly, has a good rise in life is happy and prosperous, is spiritual and virtuous. He is fortunate to have good children. Venus:-‐ Native is likely to be rich and lucky, leads a luxurious life, is hard working and is likely to travel abroad. Saturn:-‐ Native is not so lucky with wealth, slow rise in fortune, is a simple person, has to face enmity with near and dear ones.
Rahu:-‐ Native has to face sudden ups and downs in life, can go on long journeys or to foreign lands, can do well in property but may face problems in relationship with kids. Ketu:-‐ Native may have to face early demise of father or separation from him. Native has a spiritual bent of mind, may face difficulties with wealth, native has the desire to study and research in metaphysics. Forever In Gratitude To Her Divine Grace! -‐Archana Sharma Archana Sharma is an M.Phil in Life Sciences and practises in Astrology, Numerology and alternative therapies. She is currently pursuing research in Medical Astrology. You can contact her on 09871153164 or archana7sharma@gmail.com
Tarot Predictions March 2014
Aries (March 21 to April 20)
This month you may be faced with some decision-‐making situations, which may not be very pleasant. Instead of looking for opinions and suggestions from others, peek inside yourself and ask your intuitive self for the right answers and solutions. This is a good time to plan for future and start working towards it. If you can dream a life for yourself, you can have it. Don’t be afraid of changes or challenges. Work and Finances: Work will be hectic yet you need to choose and delegate work so that you can focus your energies on work that really matters. It is not the time to focus too much on trivialities. Finances will be above average. If you have been looking for a career switch, you are likely to find good opportunities this month. Love: If you are in a committed relationship, you might have a hard time trying to keep up with the changes in the relationship and its dynamics. You will need to be more communicative and aware of what is going on with your partner. If you are single and looking for love, you need to find that love first for yourself. Charity and love begins with self. Health: Health will be average. Meditation and gentle forms of exercise will be beneficial for you this month. Follow any creative pursuit, as it will be a therapeutic experience as well. Message from the Angels: Acknowledge and connect with the qualities of innocence, pure love and compassion within you. It will provide you peace and a new perspective on your life and situations. There is nowhere to go, you have already arrived.
Taurus (April 21 -‐ May 21)
This month, don’t hold yourself back from putting in those extra hours and that extra effort into accomplishing your goals. You are very close to achieving your targets, don’t let any procrastination or laziness spoil your good efforts. This is also a wish fulfillment month for you as a long-‐standing wish comes to fruition unexpectedly and brings in blessing and abundance. Don’t be afraid of taking chances, as you might regret not having done something later. Work and Finances: Work will be hectic and you need to give your hundred percent into achieving your targets otherwise you might have to repent later on. If you are stuck somewhere, instead of depending on others, find ways in which
you can help yourself. Financially, this is a below average month. Money inflow may stagnate for a while before it gets revived. Love: Have the courage to express your true feelings to your loved ones before its too late. You never know when you lose the chance. In committed relationships, you need to spend some quality time with your loved ones and give them some attention too. Health: Health will be average. Mood swings need to be controlled as they could cause you to binge on junk food and cause health issues. Closeness to water bodies like sea, lake or even a fountain in the house will be good for health. Message from the Angels: Focus on what you want rather than what you don’t want. Anything you focus on, you will attract in your life. If its health you want, focus on divine and perfect health and follow the divine guidance you receive.
Gemini (May 22 -‐ June 21)
This is likely to be an interesting month for you. You are likely to meet many people who will increase your social circle and your network. Good news is likely to come from abroad, which will bring in some new opportunities regarding work. There is also a possibility for change of residence or city for some. Money inflow will improve; this is also a good time to plan for renovation of home or office. Overall, this is going to be a very fruitful month. Work and Finances: You are likely to receive some job or work opportunity, which you have been looking for since some time. It might push you out of your comfort zone yet it will be beneficial for you. Don’t be afraid to make any changes in your workplace or your working style, as it will be good in the long run. Finances will be good this month. Love: If you are in a committed relationship, spend some fun time with your loved ones. You don’t have to serious all the time, playful attitude rejuvenates you and improves the quality of your relationship. If you are single, you are likely to meet your life partner or an interesting person at social gatherings. Health: Health will be good and will support you in all endeavours. Minor modifications in your lifestyle and diet will go a long way in ensuring good health and fitness levels. Message from the Angels: Shield yourself from harsh energies. As you meet different people and experience different places, protect yourself and your energies from scattering by requesting archangel Michael to shield you with his purple and golden light. It will keep you energized and motivated.
Cancer (June 22 -‐ July 22)
This month the focus is likely to be on personal life and it might get a little difficult to balance your personal and professional life. Personal life is likely to take a new turn as you meet someone interesting in your life who is likely to influence your life positively for some time to come. You need to learn to handle your emotions maturely as they could overwhelm you. Practice meditation to calm yourself down and keep you grounded at all times. Work and Finances: Things will be good at work. Bosses and colleagues will support you. Your relationship with your business partner is likely to become better. It is time to stop struggling with work and go with the flow. Finances will be good, however, expenditure is likely to be high. Love: This month, you may see some changes in your relationship dynamics with your loved ones; it needs to be handled very delicately and sensitively. As both the individuals in the relationship grow at their own pace, you need to find a common ground to keep your relationship going strong. If you are single, you are likely to meet someone this month who could fit the your expectations. Health: Health will be average. Control your emotions and thoughts as they influence your health powerfully. Practice breathing and meditations to be in sync with your changing mood patterns. Message from the Angels: Admit the truth to yourself and act accordingly. Face your feelings with grace and compassion and lovingly accept them for the gift that they are. Angels are lending you courage and strength to be authentic.
Leo (July 23 -‐ August 21)
This month, you are open to new experiences and ideas. You are likely to receive support and help for your ventures so you don’t need to worry about meeting your requirements or for help. You need to have more compassion for yourself and take it a little easy on yourself. Don’t over-‐burden yourself with work. Find some time to relax and take care of your needs. Work and Finances: Work will be good and you will receive the accolades for work well done. It is time to let go and go with the flow. Work will happen effortlessly if only you can let go of trying to control the outcome or trying too hard to make things happen. Finances will be good. Love: If you are in a committed relationship, you need to put your egos aside and talk openly about any issues that you may have been having with your partner. Understand and focus on areas where you complement each other. If you are single, you need to create realistic expectations for your dream mate. Be open to allowing this person to enter your life.
Health: Health will be good. Any long-‐standing illness or health issue is likely to get healed and resolved this month. Keep your thoughts positive and connect with nature more often. Message from the Angels: Angels are assisting you to make positive and healthy changes in your life and lifestyle by bringing you opportunities and offering support by helping you heal and release the past. Trust the divine guidance and divine timing.
Virgo (August 22 -‐ September 23)
This month, some events may shake you out of your complacency and push you into taking constructive actions towards your dreams and goals. You have all the resources available to you right now to fulfill your dreams. Don’t let any procrastination or fears hold you back. Some changes in your life, lifestyle, work and relationships are on the horizon. Work and Finances: You have been working very hard and this is the time to reap the rewards. If you have been planning to start your own business or expanding it, this is a good time to work on it. Financially, this is a good month. Love: If you are in a committed relationship, spend more time with your loved ones in some activities which bring the two of you together. Find common hobbies or create one. If you are single, you are likely to receive some interesting proposals which can be hard to ignore. Marriage bells are likely to ring for some. Health: Health will be average. Plan out regular workouts and activities. Any efforts that you put into creating good health and fitness levels will give good rewards this month. Message from the Angels: Your guardian angels are helping and preparing you to meet your soul mate and strengthen your relationship with your soul mate. They ask you to pamper yourself and make healthful life changes which support your changing needs.
Libra (September 24 -‐ October 23)
You have a lot of factors working for you this month. You will receive all the resources and support you need to achieve your goals and fulfill your dreams. Don’t let your dreams be too small. Don’t fret too much or get involved with a lot of details. Try to look at the larger picture. You are much closer to your happiness than you thought. Work and Finances: Work will be good yet there needs some consistency to be brought into work. Plan your goals; break them down into smaller goals and work towards them. You need to increase your focus on the task at hand. Financially, the month will be good, however, expenses will be high.
Love: If you are in a committed relationship, speak up the truth of what you want and what you think. Communication is the most important ingredient in a relationship. This month there may be some communication issues so take care. If you are single, be very clear in your mind about the kind of life partner you want and focus upon it in as much details as possible. Law of attraction will bring it to you. Drop your doubts in yourself. Health: Health will be average. You need to put in some more serious efforts into working towards good health. Avoid travelling too much. Even if you have to, take good care of your health. Message from the Angels: Angels assure you that you are on the right path. Whenever you feel stuck ask your angels for help and guidance and then pay attention to their answers as they can come in any form. Repeated messages are confirmation of their guidance.
Scorpio (October 24 -‐ November 22)
This month, it may seem like you are focusing too much on the wrong and missing out the blessings in your life. Things are not as bad as they seem. You are a unique individual with some amazing qualities that you need to capitalize upon rather than compare yourself with someone else. Don’t let the ego rise and create disturbances in your personal as well as professional relationships. Work and Finances: Work will be slow but flowing constantly. There wont be any major problems expect for some delays. Keep your focus strong and finish one task before moving on to next. Financially, this is a beneficial month. Love: You may feel cast out or lonely this month, however, it is more likely to be just your perception rather than the reality. Take some time out to resolve your emotional issues especially anger and sadness related to someone or something and then think about your relationships from a fresh perspective. Health: Health will be average. If you are not happy with a doctor’s advice, do go for a second opinion. You need to work for your health as much as your doctors are. Message from the Angels: You have created your situation and you have the power to change it. Lean on angels for strength and support to manifest and heal according to Divine will, creating peace and blessings for everyone involved.
Sagittarius (November 23 -‐ December 24)
This month, you need to understand that change is the inherent process of life and accepting change helps you be more happy and productive. This month will be full of socializing, reaping rewards for your past efforts and learning to let go of things and people that are no longer needed in your life. Stay calm and meditative as it will help you see the larger picture. You might get opportunity to travel abroad this month. Work and Finances: Work is good and you are ready to move onto the next level. Don’t underestimate your potential and ask for what you truly deserve. This is a good time to negotiate for a raise. Finances will be good and will support you in your endeavours. Love: If you are in a committed relationship, share your deeper thoughts and feelings. When you bare your soul to your partner that’s when you realize that the bond can be even deeper than what it is right now. If you are single, be open to the possibilities of moving out of your city or country after marriage. Don’t hold back your feelings, express them. Health: Health will be good and will support you. Good relationships and healthy emotions also contribute to good health. So have a good laugh, spend some quality time with loved ones and in nature to rejuvenate your self. Message from the Angels: Angels assure you that there is a beautiful outcome for your situation which is perfect and fair for everyone involved. Lean on Archangel Michael for boosting your trust and faith.
Capricorn (December 23 -‐ January 20)
This month will be good professionally, but personal life can be bit of a challenge to handle this month. You will need to be persistent and patient with whatever it is that you want in your life. Give sufficient time to your emotions and relationships as well as much as you do to your work. Relationships nourish you from deep within. Work and Finances: Work will be good. There is good chance of you receiving a promotion or a raise this month. Your work will be appreciated and you will receive support form your seniors. Financially, this month will be good. Money inflows will increase. Love: In a committed relationship, be open to discussing difficult issues with calmness and patience. Avoiding anything would only complicate matters. Have faith that your relationship is stronger than your problems. You are likely to meet your soul mate this month.
Health: Health needs to be taken care of. If there has been some health symptoms that have been bothering you, get them tested and checked. Explore alternate medicine and healing for additional support for your health. Message from the Angels: Archangel Michael is currently working wit you lending you courage and fortitude to realize all that is Divine within you – wisdom, strength, love, abundance and health. Allow yourself to feel confident and peaceful about yourself.
Aquarius (January 21 -‐ February 19)
This month, you need to take it easy. Be kind to yourself even amidst hectic schedules and deadlines. You can only accomplish a given amount of work at a time even if you stress a lot. So release any stress or worries. You may face some hurdles and delays this month. You will need to exercise more of patience and perseverance. Don’t postpone things; do them when you have time for it. Don’t leave anything for the last minute, as you are likely to run short of time. Work and Finances: Your work will be appreciated by your seniors. Indulge in some creative pursuit this month. If you have been planning to start a business, re-‐check your plans and resource checklist. Don’t take any hasty decisions regarding it. Financially, this will be a good month. Love: Be gentler with people around you especially your loved ones. Know that there is no right or wrong, the world is not black or white. Everyone has gray shades. Accept everyone for who they are instead of judging them for their acts. Have a more compassionate perspective. Health: Health will be average. You need to take some time out for yourself in your hectic schedules. Meditation and slow paced yoga will be of immense help to your physical as well as mental health. Message from the Angels: Use your wisdom and creativity to see your miracles in new and unexpected ways. Find time for yourself to see your blessings. Life is not running away, it is waiting for you.
Pisces (February 19 -‐ March 20)
This month, you will need to have a lot of patience, as things may not go as per your plans. Don’t make any big decisions this month as things could go haywire. Let the universe unfold the events. Whatever you have wanted to achieve will be achieved but in its own time and effortlessly. Focus on being effortless rather than pushing things against the nature’s law.
Work and Finances: The projects that you had been working on coming to a close. Focus on your achievements rather than the shortcomings, as it will only lower your confidence. If you have been looking for a job, you are likely to get one that is suited to your skill set this month. Financially, this is likely to be an above average time. Love: If you are in a committed relationship, spend some quality time with your loved ones to deepen your bond. Plan to go on a vacation and pamper yourself and your love. If you are single and looking for love, you will need to work more towards loving yourself before you love someone else. Health: Health needs to be taken care of. Some health issues from the past may rear their head again. Take care and follow a good lifestyle as a preventive measure. Message from the Angels: Use energy healing to heal your blocks and obstacles. Send healing energy and blessings to yourself and your situation. This is a good time to learn and connect with high-‐integrity healers and teachers. With Grace and Light -‐Meetu Sehgal Meetu Sehgal, a Tarot Consultant and Holistic Healer, is an MBA from Delhi University. With more than 8 years of experience in Tarot Reading, she is known as a “Tarot Healer” for her in-‐depth tarot counseling sessions which are insightful as well as empowering. You can reach her at meetu.sehgal@gmail.com or www.divineinnovations.org She also teaches Osho Zen Tarot, Reiki and other holistic sciences.
Astrological Queries from the Readers Name:-‐ Romesh D.O.B-‐ 23 June 1979 T.O.B-‐ 6:20:00 P.O.B-‐ Moradabad Query-‐ Related to job, abroad and gems to wear You are Scorpio lagan and your lagnesh is in the 7th house along with Moon and Venus. You have an attractive personality. Jupiter along with Mercury is in the 9th house, which shows that you are a religious person and have the ability to explain any subject in great details. However, Saturn and Rahu in the 10th house and the lord of the 10th house being in the 8th house are likely to give you stress on the work front. You are likely to travel abroad and if you are trying in this direction ,you are likely to get favourable results by 30th Jan 2014.You should take of your health as you are likely to get diseases related to blood, sugar etc. later on in life. You should wear Pearl-‐10 ratti,Coral-‐10 ratti and Yellow sapphire 7 ratti. Forever In Gratitude To Her Divine Grace! -‐Archana Sharma Archana Sharma is an M.Phil in Life Sciences and practices in Astrology, Numerology and alternative therapies. She is currently pursuing research in Medical Astrology. You can contact her on 09871153164 or archana7sharma@gmail.com
8 Star 'Ki' Energy Feng Shui Tips All the natives born in the following years-‐ 1902, 1911, 1920, 1929, 1938, 1947, 1956, 1965, 1974, 1983, 1992, 2000, 2010, 2019, 2028 exhibit the 8 star ‘Ki’ energy. Just like the 2star and the 5star ‘Ki’ energy, 8star ‘Ki’ energy is also of the Earth. General profile-‐ Natives are reliable, spiritual, little withdrawn, supportive, nurturing in nature. You have inner strength and emotional detachment and can act in dispassionate manner. You are withdrawn and it is not easy to approach you. Yet you remain grounded like a mountain ready to give helping hand whenever required. Your symbol is aptly the mountain itself. However, all this also makes you rigid and stubborn in approach. You should learn to cultivate flexibility in nature to avoid breaking down due to undue stress. Health Profile:-‐ Earth element governs spleen, pancreas and stomach. Hence if the energies are imbalanced, native is likely to have trouble with these organs. Native is advised to keep his energies flowing and flexible to avoid stagnation and laziness. As North East area is ruled by the 8 star energy, this direction should be well looked after. Decorate your home:-‐ With clay figurines, terracotta, salt rock lamp, crystals, earthy colors to improve the earth energy in the South, South West, Centre and North East. Fire colors, lamps, fire places, red colors in the form of pillows etc. are welcome in South West, North West, West, Centre and North East areas of the premises. Ken Trigram
This shows a tough exterior depicted by a solid line and deep inner strength depicted by two broken lines. Colors to heal: -‐ Deep pink, purple, red, yellow and all earthy colors are good to keep your energies soft and mellow. Crystals to heal:-‐ Carnelian, Tiger’s Eye and smoky quartz are good to heal your energies. Essential oils to heal:-‐ Lavender and chamomile for relaxation and lemongrass and eucalyptus for rejuvenation. These can be diffused in a oil diffuser in the car or in the living room. Travel and music are highly recommended for your entertainment. Forever In Gratitude To Her Divine Grace! -‐Archana Sharma Archana Sharma is an M.Phil in Life Sciences and practices in Astrology, Numerology and alternative therapies. She is currently pursuing research in Medical Astrology. You can contact her on 09871153164 or archana7sharma@gmail.com
Feng Shui Queries from the Readers Query:-‐ I have seen many shops displaying a cat with a paw raised in front of their shops, which one should be used to enhance the business and what is its significance? Answers:-‐ These cats are called as Maneki-‐Neko or the beckoning cats or the fortune cats. These are primarily Japanese cures for luck, prosperity, health etc. Legend:-‐It is said that there was once a rich man in Japan who got lost in the storm and took shelter under a tree near a temple. He saw a cat beckoning him into the temple premises. He followed the cat and came inside the temple. Shortly after that the tree was struck with lightening and he realized that the cat had in fact saved him. He made a statue of the cat and put it outside the temple. Since then these cats have become harbingers of good luck and happiness. Meaning of the paw raised etc.:-‐The cat with the left paw raised is kept to attract customers. The cat with the right paw raised is to let in good fortune and money. Cat with both the paws raised is kept for protection of the premises. Significance of colors of Maneki-‐Neko:-‐ They are mostly seen in the traditional calico colour. • White Maneki –Neko-‐ is known to attract happiness, purity and positivity. • Gold Maneki-‐Neko-‐attracts wealth and prosperity. • Black Maneki-‐Neko-‐Wards off evil spirits. • Red Maneki-‐Neko-‐ Ensures success in love and relationships. • Green Maneki-‐Neko-‐Is good for health. Significance of what Maneki-‐Neko is carrying:-‐ Often Maneki-‐Neko is seen carrying different objects such as:-‐ 1. Maneki-‐Neko carrying ryo is to enhance wealth prospects. 2. Maneki –Neko carrying magic money mallet, which when shaken attracts wealth. 3. Maneki-‐Neko carrying a fish or carp –attracts wealth. 4. Maneki-‐Neko-‐carrying marble or crystal ball is symbolic of wisdom.
In my opinion a golden Maneki-‐Neko carrying a ryo, mallet, carp or raising its right paw is good to be put in the business premises. Forever In Gratitude To Her Divine Grace! -‐Archana Sharma Archana Sharma is an M.Phil in Life Sciences and practices in Astrology, Numerology and alternative therapies. She is currently pursuing research in Medical Astrology. You can contact her on 09871153164 or archana7sharma@gmail.com
Crystal of the Month – Amber Throughout history Amber has been used as a healing and protective stone. Actually, it is not really a stone but resin that is millions of year old, has fossilized and often has plant or animal debris trapped in it. It ranges from clear to honey yellow to orangey brown and may be clear or opaque. Scandinavian women would use amber spindles to spin protective garments for warrior husbands and sons. In the Orient, the stone was believed to inspire courage in the wearer. It was also used to cure headaches and heal wounds. Amber is the stone for detoxification and clearing blockages. It is supposed to draw disease away from the body, especially if it is chronic and builds immunity. It is considered to be anti-‐bacterial and analgesic in nature. It is a gentle energizer and uplifting in its effects. It is soothing, especially for anxiety, and has a very beneficial effect on the nervous system. Its outer cortex is composed of succinic acid that is supposed to be a powerful antioxidant and helps in healing disruptions of cardiac rhythm. It also aids in the recovery of the neural system and enhances awareness and concentration. Amber has traditionally been used to bring babies comfort during teething. It has also been used and is still used to bring pain relief in joints and tissues for patients of rheumatism and arthritis. It is also claimed to increase potency, help with the pain of childbirth and gall stone pain. In Russia it is promoted even today as a stone with anti-‐ ageing and cell rejuvenating benefits. In work situations it overcomes confrontational attitudes in others. It reduces confusion and promotes creative thinking and peacefulness. It also protects from electromagnetic radiation and it is good to keep it near cell phones and pcs. It can be used in elixir form or worn as pretty jewellery. One website suggests this method to differentiate fake amber/plastic from real: take one part salt and two parts water and dissolve. Real amber will float on it. That is how it lands on Baltic shores as it is often found floating on saline seawater or entangled in seaweed. Amber is truly an amazing creation of nature that protects, connects us to earth energy, heals and rejuvenates. -‐Namita Sethi