POPUP: A Makerspace Toolkit for Libraries

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POPUP! A Makerspace Toolkit for Libraries Courtney Barrick | Meg Beade | Megan Carlin

POPUP! A Makerspace Toolkit for Libraries

Courtney Barrick | Meg Beade | Megan Carlin

Acknowledgements POPUP! : A Makerspace Toolkit for Libraries would not be possible without the generous support and encouragement of the librarians and administrative staff at Kitsap Regional Library. We particularly want to thank Leigh Ann Winterowd for championing our efforts and motivating us with her unrivaled energy for providing excellence in library services. Our sincerest gratitude to Seth Ciotti, Ericka Brunson, and the entire team at Kitsap Regional Library Sylvan Way for supporting this dream and making it achievable. We thank the Kitsap County youth for participating in our pop-up programming, the Teen Advisory Board for providing enthusiastic insight, and community partners for sharing their knowledge. We want to thank our professors, advisors, mentors, and colleagues at the University of Washington Information School. For your guidance and wisdom on this journey, we thank Nancy Gershenfeld for her mentorship, Ligaya Scaff for believing in our project, and thank you to Samantha Becker for encouraging our focus on outcomes. Finally, our team would like to extend a very special dedication to the late Dr. Eliza Dresang, Beverly Cleary Professor in Children and Youth Services at the University of Washington Information School, whose research with colleagues at the University of Florida revealed to us the knowledge and importance of outcome-based planning and evaluation. Eliza continues to inspire us to create innovative change in libraries and to dream big!

/ TABLE OF CONTENTS 8/Introduction 10/Case Study | BiblioTEC 12/Pop-Up Makerspace Curriculum 14/Future Engineers: Paper Airplanes 16/Future-ology: Tech Heavy Instruction 18/Geology Explorers: Geology Interactive Lab 20/LEGO™ Architects: LEGO™ Mazes and Bridges 22/Lights, Camera, Action: Basic Video Editing 24/Off to the Races: LEGO™ Balloon Cars 26/Tinkertopia: Little Bit Kits, Snap Circuits, and Rube Goldberg Machines 28/Ye Olde Time Arcade: Game System Experience

30/Toolbox: Annotated Supply List 31/Wonderful Web Resources 33/Glossary 34/Bibliography


TOOLKIT INSTRUCTIONS THIS SIDE UP POPUP!: A Makerspace Toolkit for Libraries is more than just a manual. This is a crash course in facilitating makerspaces. We designed this book to inspire community leaders to become educators in informal settings—in places where people gather to learn, make, and discover. Sound familiar? Libraries are already doing this and we feel that makerspaces have a shared mission to create opportunities for patrons to learn. You’ll find inspiring and innovative ideas on how you can make your makerspace more sustainable. All we ask of you is to take off your expert cap and put on a pair of facilitator goggles. It’s not about who knows more about technology; in fact, our goal is to give patrons the power to teach us what they know. Facilitating a makerspace means taking a step back and flipping the traditional instruction session. Having a technology background is not required to be a makerspace facilitator. We offer high-tech and low-tech solutions for activities. We urge you to create meaningful connections between technology and people. Collaboration is key! The curricula you find in the Toolkit is meant to be mixed and matched. We give you enough to be inspired and to help set the stage but we welcome all remixes. The tools we provide are meant to help you shape your pop-up makerspace program and boost creativity. We used this toolkit in our own pop-up programming in 2015 to cultivate the imagination of youth in a public library setting. There we found that the most important thing about a makerspace are the makers that use it. The sustainability of a makerspace depends on facilitators creating a culture of making. We hope you will carry this mission forward: make a difference, make it possible, and make an impact.


1/ INTRODUCTION Fab labs, active learning spaces, techshops, hackerspaces, makerspaces—what are these and why do they matter to libraries? The terms are used interchangeably to discuss the concept of space in the context of participatory learning. Libraries that serve the public provide access to information, media, space, and tools. Public libraries have shaped the culture that patrons are exposed to through access and programming; however, the concept of “making” expands the bandwidth of information services to include participatory activities. This kind of library-participatory culture is largely facilitated by integrating “making” into spaces; a movement among patrons that has caused a major paradigm shift from consumers to content creators. As Henry Jenkins (2009, p. xii) describes, there is a participation-gap among disparate communities, despite public programs focused on “making”. In order to facilitate the creation of content, libraries meet this information need by providing resources and space for collaborative project development. During a 2013 American Library Association survey conducted by John Burke, of the 143 librarian respondents, 51% reported they have implemented makerspaces or similar services, 36% reported they are currently planning for makerspaces in their libraries, and only 24% remain not providing or planning for makerspaces in their institutions (Burke 2013). The trend of implementing makerspaces in libraries is likely to continue to grow. The evolving trend of do-it-yourself (DIY) culture has transformed information exchange. In public libraries, informal co-learning activities have traditionally been enabled through technology or craft programs that promote DIY projects. The idea of having collaborative space has been part of the library landscape long before the makerspace term or movement was recognized. Makerspaces are accessible, cooperative learning environments where people can gather to create. Allocating space in a library for active learning activities can be a challenge, and therefore makerspace programming should be designed to be flexible. Space making in this sense is less about predefined walls and demarcation, and more about temporary zoning. Implementing a makerspace inside of the library will help increase community knowledge economies by allowing for informal education through discovery. This learning opportunity can allow a library to go beyond printed materials or access to information communications technology (ICTs), and engage with individuals in the community with hands-on programming. By introducing a curriculum to an unstructured learning environment, participants in makerspace programming will feel free to tinker and learn by trial and error.



2/ BIBLIOTEC | A CASE STUDY Inspiration starts here. It’s Wednesday afternoon. Students from a nearby middle school, on their early-release day, are beginning to file into the library in groups. Typically they would make a beeline to the public computer terminals to play a multiplayer online game, but today, they are interested in checking out the activity in the Teen Area. Supplies are set out on two tables, making use of the open space available in this section of the library. Despite the fact there are no walls enclosing the area, the activity serves as a barrier to traffic between Adult Fiction and the Children’s Area; it also serves as a beacon. Middle school students join in the fun of building bridges, cars, and mazes with LEGOs™—they use laptops set up on one table to look at designs and instructions online–-while a group of volunteers facilitates the engagement. This transforms the library into a learning lab. At the end of the program, the supplies and tables are put back into an orderly fashion as they were before. It all seems so simple: you set up the makerspace where the patrons already are. Makerspaces are buzzing in the library world, but how do we make them sustainable instead of just a flash in the pan? Investing in a dedicated space can be one way of ensuring the longevity of a program, but that is not always possible. What happens when a library wants to have a makerspace but does not have a long-term space to host it? Pop-Up Makerspaces allow libraries to use their existing spaces within the library in a more effective way.

BiblioTEC: STEM Pilot Program Kitsap Regional Library is a system of libraries that serves a diverse population across Kitsap County in Washington State. Bremerton is the largest city in the county, with a population of 39,056. In 2013, Sylvan Way, a central location in the library system, designed a new project called BiblioTEC. The project would bring together a mission to improve services to young adults, preparing them for 21st Century career skills, and to provide opportunities for STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) learning. For two years, the pilot program supported makerspace workshops for young adults, with a goal of producing a finished product over a 10-week cycle. At the end of the program, students in the BiblioTEC program would have a project to present at the Project Showcase events. After successful cycles, the students insisted they were not yet ready to leave the program, so the library created a grant-funded internship position. BiblioTEC, originally established to create opportunities for young people to develop technology career skills, directly founded a new method of job creation for the library system. The program continues to be an important part of Kitsap Regional Library. However, one very important question remained unexplored: how do you make a makerspace sustainable?

Pop-Up Makerspace Program In order to make BiblioTEC sustainable, three University of Washington iSchool researchers, Courtney Barrick, Meg Beade, and Megan Carlin, set out to design and implement pop-up makerspaces—co-learning labs that are fun and flexible, and able to “pop-up” anywhere.


Our team assessed the current user needs and information behavior of youth patrons, particularly focusing on a group of youth who may be in high-risk situations. This user group fell through the gaps of library programming, aging out of one kind of programming and being too young for another. There was a need to re-engage these patrons and provide them with introductory STEM learning labs. The goal of the Pop-Up Makerspace Program was to redirect this patron group into activities that ultimately fostered a stronger sense of belonging at the library. Six-months and twenty pop-up labs later, we gathered information-rich qualitative data about these users. We were able to create a transferable model through many iterations. Our users provided feedback during lab sessions, through surveys, and even at a Teen Advisory Board meeting. There is not a one-size-fits-all solution to engage makerspace users in libraries. Just as makerspaces encourage learning through trial and error, some of our biggest developments came from the most challenging situations. At one point during our study, we lost electricity in the building for several hours. The library remained open and daylight from the overhead windows kept the building bright. Over 30 elementary- and middle-school-aged patrons participated that day. Our team had to think fast: we took out any of our equipment that did not require electricity and hosted an open lab. We learned that our model could work quickly in unplanned circumstances. Some of the learning outcomes from that day even referenced electricity: renewable energy, electronics, and conductivity. As the power was restored and we began wrapping up our lab, a middle-school student remained after to help put things away. While we were cleaning up, she expressed her appreciation for the lab. “You know that feeling when you are sitting in class and you want to learn, but the teacher is going on and you just don't get it? And you think everyone else does? Ever feel like that? I know I do, I get that a lot. But today, when I was making this... I felt smart." —BiblioTEC Pop-Up Participant, Age 14, May 2015 In that moment, even though the power had been off all afternoon, you could see her brightening and the light bulb switching on above her head. This and many other uplifting moments helped us to demystify pop-up makerspaces for library stakeholders, patrons, and librarians.

Informing Makerspaces and Engaging Makerspaces Through our study at Kitsap Regional Library, we established a key understanding of pop-up makerspaces, that there are two classes with two different missions: one to inform and one to engage. Informing makerspaces are instruction-focused and program based with structured learning objectives. They primarily have a focus on learning outcomes and providing instruction on a predetermined subject. These makerspaces are defined by structured learning, though they employ active learning and a flipped classroom environment. Participants are encouraged to ask questions and make connections with their own knowledge while actively learning with other participants. Engaging makerspaces are outreach-focused and community based with unstructured and informal learning objectives. They are participatory in nature where patrons take the lead on project ideas and activities. The learning outcomes for engaging makerspaces are largely behavioral. These can be created by setting up equipment for participants to learn while discovering and exploring.


3/ POP-UP MAKERSPACE CURRICULUM The pop-up makerspace curricula are designed with three main goals in mind: 1. To provide an informal learning activity for youth in the library. 2. To offer young people in the library an afternoon of fun and encourage positive behavior. 3. To assist librarians and educators in planning and facilitating a weekly pop-up makerspace program.

About The pop-up makerspace curriculum allows for agile and informal learning opportunities. Here you will find examples of lesson plans taken straight from our makerspace idea cookbook. These ideas will get you started but are open for innovation. Pay attention to the needs of your user groups—lessons should favor interest-based learning to amp up the level of engagement that students feel in the pop-up environment and are based on learning outcomes you want participants to achieve at the end of the activity. These plans provide a platform for launching active learning spaces and trying new things! We developed the following curriculum over the course of our pilot program. Our methodology applied Dr. Eliza Dresang and team’s Project CATE outcome-based planning and evaluation (OBPE) model, the connected learning framework, and other outcome-based and theory of change research. Project CATE, or Children's Access to and use of Technology Evaluation, was a project of the University of Florida College of Information and the St. Louis Public Library. This study created a framework librarians can apply to any library program or evaluation directed at youth. We followed Project CATE’s definition of outcome as any change in “attitude, behavior, skill, knowledge, or status that occurs for users after a purposeful action on the part of the library or library staff” (Dresang et al, 2006, p. X). The model begins with gathering information on the community’s needs, library’s strategic plan, and library policies. This data will inform librarians on the needs and interests of all stakeholders involved and is crucial to creating programs that apply the connected learning framework. In the next phase of the CATE OBPE model, we determined the outcomes the library wanted to pursue. In the case of Kitsap Regional Library, we knew STEM education and redirecting behavior were two priorities of the librarians and the local school district. We determined additional outcomes based on the program and interests of our intended audience. During the program development phase, we assessed the BiblioTEC supplies, space available at Sylvan Way, and time constraints, and researched ideas for STEM activities that met these qualifications. We kept our desired outcomes and evaluation plans in mind when we facilitated the pop-up makerspaces, transcribing our observations in real time. The evaluations relied on tracking observable indicators, informal interviews, and a short survey, rather than on output, such number of participants. Often, we only held a captive audience for a short period of time each week, with some participants disappearing as quickly as they came. Moreover, participants often changed from week to week. This meant we needed to rely heavily on observations as an outcome evaluation tool rather than on other forms of assessment, such as surveys or long-term project results.


Library’s Strategic Plan

Community Resources

Library Resources

Staff Expertise

Library’s Policies Outcomes for Evaluating Programs and Services

Programs and


Assess Outcomes

Baseline Data Collection

Market Research

Phase I

Phase II

Phase III

Phase IV

Gathering Information

Determining Outcomes

Developing Programs and Services

Conducting Evaluations

The PROJECT CATE OBPE Model. Illustrates four phases of outcome-based planning and evaluation.

As with the Project CATE OBPE model, our curriculum method was an iterative process. At the conclusion of each pop-up makerspace, we assessed the program as a whole. Was the program a success? Did the participants achieve our desired outcomes? What needs to be changed for next time? If we found that the outcomes did not match our observations, then we adjusted them. If the program itself became more of an engaging makerspace when we expected it to be informative, then we made changes to the curriculum instructions. Each piece of curriculum in this toolkit went through this process, with almost all being held multiple times to refine our outcomes and indicators. We understand that you will need to make changes to this curriculum to accommodate your library’s user needs and interests. Hopefully these curricula provide you with a roadmap to feel confident in creating and sustaining outcome-based STEM-oriented pop-up makerspaces in your own library. Most of all, have fun!


Future Engineers Paper Airplanes Participants will create their own paper airplanes and launch them using a hand-made launcher. They will learn all about the basics of aerodynamics and experimentation.

Outcomes Participants will... 1. Gain a basic understanding of aerodynamics. 2. Learn the processes associated with scientific experimentation. 3. Understand the importance of prototyping. 4. Spend an afternoon focused and engaged in an affirmative environment. 5. Interact positively with their peers and take ownership of their learning.

Supplies  Paper (construction, printer, or colored should work fine)  Paperclips  Tape  Scissors (to be used for design modifications)  Art supplies (for participants to decorate their airplanes)  Instructions for making planes, we suggest: Fold N Fly - www.foldnfly.com  Launcher: - 2”x6” wood board(s) - Nails - Rubber bands *or* - Ruler - Rubber bands - Binder clips


How to The participants will create their own paper airplanes with paper—this can be anything from printer paper to special paper airplane paper, whatever your library has on hand! Participants then affix a paper clip to the front base of their airplane, tape it securely into place, and use a sling-shot “launcher” to fly the airplane across the room. The facilitator constructs the launcher ahead of time, either by hammering two nails about 6 inches apart into the wood and stretching a rubber band between the two nails, or by snapping the binder clips to one side of the ruler and stretching a rubber band between them. This creates a sling shot for the paper airplane: the sharp end of the paper clip goes into the rubber band, while the participant stretches back the paper airplane, releasing it for flight. The facilitator should make sure to use explain the concept of flight using appropriate technology terms for the audience, as well as describe how this activity mirrors science and technology experiments. Encourage participants to modify their airplane’s design and experiment with new designs. Can they make the airplane fly higher? Faster? Complete aerial tricks? Prompt them to search for designs on the Internet or in library books. Anything can become a teachable moment to help them increase their search skills! For added fun: turn this activity into a contest. Create a paper target and hang it across the room, then tape a launch area for the participants to stand. Challenge participants to aim their paper airplanes at the target as they release them. Mark and measure distance, keeping score on a large piece of paper or whiteboard.

Indicators  Active participation showing a high level of engagement.  Noise level is consistent with positive behavior (laughter vs. shouting).  Participants try new things—new designs, different paper types, etc.  Listen for peer encouragement and support.  Participants use STEM related buzz words that the facilitator originally used when building their plane.

Assessment 

Observations Measure the environmental outcomes of positive interaction with peers, and participant focus and engagement with the activity. Do the youth collaborate, help each other, or laugh together? Are they arguing, hoarding resources, or bullying?


Informal interviews During the activity, take the time to ask participants pointed questions about their paper airplane. This can help discern if they are understanding the aerodynamic or experimentation concepts. Note their responses, particularly if they offer ideas for other activities.


Future-ology Tech Heavy Instruction Instructive lab, featuring a demonstration of emerging technologies. We suggest crowd favorites like a 3-D printer, 3-D scanner, Arduino kits or MaKey MaKey™ kits. For software to interact with this equipment, we suggest Google Sketchup, Sculptris, or Meshmixer.

Outcomes Participants will… 1. Learn about emerging technologies uses, basic functions, and key features. 2. Gain confidence in their abilities to understand and use these emerging technologies. 3. Strengthen listening skills

Supplies  3-D Printer  Variety of 3-D printed samples  3-D Scanner  Arduino kits  MaKey MaKey™ kits  Playdough  Laptops loaded with software such as Google Sketchup or Sculptris  Make and Take - 3-D print a sample, we suggest a small frog

How to Prior to the start of the pop-up program, the facilitator should set up the area and prepare all the technology. The 3-D printer should have its own station with the samples displayed in front. The 3-D scanner can be nearby, since they can be used together. The laptops with the high-tech software, MaKey MaKey™ kits, and arduino kits can be placed together on a table nearby. We recommend the facilitator demonstrating the technology in sections, allowing participants to ask questions. After each has been explained, encourage the participants to try out the technology (with perhaps the exception of the 3-D printer). This pop-up lab is largely instructional, but participants should be given time to explore how everything works independently.


Note that the facilitator does not need to be an expert on these technologies! An excellent way to incorporate engaging elements into this lab is for the facilitator to ask the participants if any of them can explain the technology, or demonstrate how it works.

Indicators  Active participation showing a high level of engagement by asking relevant, thought-provoking questions and making comments about the technology.  Willingness to explore using the emerging technology.  Participants incorporate tech language as they engage in the activity.

Assessment 

Observation Listen to the questions the participants ask during the demonstration and as they use the technology themselves. Are they grasping the concepts? Are they interested in learning more?


Informal Interview Ask the participants pointed questions about the emerging technology. Would they like to learn more? What seemed the most interesting to them? If you asked them to explain how the technology works, did they respond positively?


Geology Explorers Geology Interactive Lab Instructive lab, featuring a guest speaker from a reliable organization. We suggest inviting a geology expert from the University of Washington, another college, or organization. This lab is transferable, meaning that it could be modified to fit any guest specialist you wish to bring from any science discipline.

Outcomes Participants will… 1. Learn about basic principles of Geology and related subjects from someone working in the field. 2. Explore the concepts of science through a hands-on experiment. 3. Develop or refine listening skills as the expert leads the activity. 4. Understand the importance of exercising restraint and respect when handling scientific instruments and delicate samples.

Supplies  An Expert, we recommend that they bring some supplies for show and tell  Make and Take - Make a Fossil - Air Dry Clay - Shells or Plastic dinosaurs to make imprints - Paper towels - Marker pen or sharpie

How to Collaborate with your expert on developing a 5-10 minute talk about their discipline for your users’ approximate grade-levels. Explain to the expert what expectations you have for the pop-up makerspace. Encourage your users to ask questions and open discussions about science. Transition into the activity while also keeping the idea that participants can ask questions at any time. For the “Make a Fossil” activity, roll out palm-size pieces of air dry clay and demonstrate how to make an imprint by pressing a shell or dinosaur figure into the clay. It is helpful to have an example prepared. It may be helpful to explain how fossils form naturally if the expert has not already done so. Wrap up the completed fossils in paper towels and write the participant’s name on the towel. Fossils will take 2-3 days to dry in open air. After they dry and


depending on the brand of clay, fossils can be painted using watercolors, tempera paints, or acrylic paint.

Indicators  Active participation showing a high level of engagement by asking questions and making comments about the expert’s presentation.  Sharing facts and ideas about science related subjects.  Making inferences and observations about the activity (Make a Fossil).

Assessment 

Observations Notice the kinds of questions that are being asked and the comments that are made by your participants. Are they reflecting on the expert’s presentation? Are they asking questions directly to the expert or talking amongst themselves? Are they using words or ideas that the expert used?


Informal interviews During the activity, take the time to ask questions about their favorite part of the instruction session or the activity. “What did you learn today?” is a good conversation starter. What did they like about the topic? What do they want to learn more about?


LEGO™ Architects LEGO™ Mazes and Bridges Engaging lab, providing participants with a basic structure and direction, but allowing them to direct their own learning. Participants can use LEGOs™ to construct mazes they can then complete using a marble. Additionally, participants are invited to build and test the strength of LEGO™ bridges using small weights. Both activities incorporate elements of physics and engineering.

Outcomes Participants will… 1. Develop their problem solving skills. 2. Learn the basics of scientific experimentation. 3. Collaborate on designs and challenge each other to try different mazes. 4. Strengthen their hand-eye coordination skills.

Supplies  LEGOs™ (many required; if your activity attracts a large audience, consider asking them to work in groups)  Example mazes (can be paper print-outs or an open browser on a laptop)  Small bucket  Twine, thread, or other string to affix bucket to the bridge  Several small weights (can use other LEGO™ object if you choose; we used LEGO™ people.)  4-5 small marbles

How to This lab features two activities that participants can engage in at any time during the pop-up makerspace. With LEGO™ Mazes, participants create their own maze using a flat LEGO™ board and any pieces, as shown in image X. They can test their mazes using a small marble and rotating the board in the direction they wish the marble to follow. This activity has participants exercising their concentration and patience skills as well as their hand-eye coordination. Try to encourage older participants to create mazes for their younger peers to complete.


In LEGO™ Bridges Builders, the participants are challenged to build a bridge out of LEGOs™ and test the strength of their design. Participants place the bridge between two chairs and secure the small bucket to the middle. Then, they slowly place one weight at a time in the bucket to see how many the bridge can support. You can also revise the LEGO™ Bridges strength test by having participants put objects on top of the bridge. Challenge them to try the same activity but with a different bridge design. Which was better? Why? This activity allows participants to learn about engineering and design.

Indicators  Successful finished projects: mazes that work, tested bridges.  Peer-to-peer mentorship and collaboration, particularly between older and younger participants (e.g. older participant makes a maze for a younger one to complete).  Listen for peer encouragement and support.

Assessment 

Observation Facilitators watch for how participants direct their own learning. Are participants asking each other to try out their maze design? Are they making constructive suggestions on design choices? Are they sharing resources and encouraging each other? Are they trying again and rebuilding after a bridge breaks?


Informal interviews Facilitators should ask participants to share about the participant’s structure and explain their design. Ask if there is a story behind the design. Is this a maze for a marble or is it a new kind of house design? What choices did they make to reinforce their bridge? Is there anything they could have done differently to make a stronger bridge or a trickier maze?


Lights, Camera, Action Basic Video Editing Participants get to be the writers, directors, and editors! Encourage them to create a video by storyboarding their ideas, recording the scenes (we used a GoPro), and editing the files with basic film editing software. Action!

Outcomes Participants will... 1. Grasp basics of recording technology (e.g. transferring the video files from the camera and uploading to a laptop). 2. Understand the importance of planning ahead by preparing their ideas on the storyboard and/or filming. 3. Build leadership and teamwork skills. 4. Learn to use new technology and software.

Supplies  Recording device (GoPro, Tablet, or Smartphone)  Laptop or computers (preferably more than one)  Video editing software (iMovie, Windows Movie Maker, Vine)  Storyboard templates  Art supplies (for the storyboard or to create filming backgrounds)  Props: LEGOs™ or other miniature figurines, signs, etc.  Costumes: hats, scarves, masks, etc.

How to Begin by explaining how storyboards lay out the concept of film plots and suggest participants write their own. If possible, provide a brief demonstration on how to use the recording device and editing software.* Try to encourage participants to operate the recording device independently. Propose that participants to work together as a team— one person as director, another as actor, or a person may manipulate figurines to animate the film. After filming is complete, the facilitator can assist in downloading the files to a laptop preloaded with editing software (we used Windows Movie Maker on a PC Laptop). Participants can use their storyboard to piece together the scenes of their film. Encourage them to include a title screen, credits, and transitions between scenes. After the videos are complete, ask participants to share their creation with the group!


*It is in the nature of pop-up makerspaces to be fluid activities, so you may need to continuously instruct new participants on how to use the materials.

Indicators  Resources are successfully shared among participants.  Recording technology used independently or in a team.  Storyboards appropriately reflect a filmable storyline.  Participants make and edit a video, either independently or collaboratively.  Participants are patient and respectful when using the technology and interacting with other future filmmakers.  Listen for positive language, and peer feedback as participants using the technology or working in a team.

Assessment 

Observation Pay attention to how the participants create their videos. Are they waiting for their turn to use the technology? Do they respect both the process of filmmaking and the technology? How are they being creative? Watch the finished content at the end of the pop-up makerspace. Do other participants provide positive feedback on each other’s creations?


Informal interviews Ask participants to explain their video and process. What can they tell you about the video? What did they like most about this activity? Would they be interested in similar program? How did the technology help them complete this project? Pay attention to whether they used the film concepts and technology terms in their responses.


Off to the Races LEGO™ Balloon Cars Participants build LEGO™ cars powered by inflated balloons. When the compressed air from inside the balloon is released, it creates a force that moves the car. This activity provides them an opportunity to build and learn about energy and motion.

Outcomes Participants will... 1. Understand the basic physics behind how the balloon powers the car and how design influences its motion. 2. Learn the processes associated with technical experimentation, particularly trial and error. 3. Spend an afternoon focused and engaged in an affirmative environment. 4. Collaborate positively with peers and take ownership of their learning.

Supplies  LEGOs™ (Lots of them. Possibly a tub full, with plenty of wheels. If you are concerned you may not have enough, ask your participants to work in pairs)  Balloons  A table, piece of plywood, or another flat surface for the cars to run on (carpet may create too much friction  For detailed instructions about car construction, see: Science Sparks - http://www.sciencesparks.com/2014/08/18/balloon-powered-lego-car/

or Makezine - http://makezine.com/projects/rocket-propelled-toy-car/

How to Facilitators demonstrate the activity and explain the physics and mechanics behind the balloon cars. Each car should have a small space where the participants insert an inflated balloon without the end tied. When the participant lets go of the end of the balloon, the pressure from the air releasing from the balloon forces the car to


move. Ask participants to build and test their own cars, making adjustments as necessary. Participants learn the physics of motion and how different designs affect the car’s speed. Age-appropriate books on car design, physics, and LEGOs™ should be present for participants to use as a resource or for checkout at the end of the event. If you choose to race the cars, consider presenting award winners a certificate celebrating their achievement. For added fun: challenge participants to run cars a certain length or race cars against each other. Raise the flat racing area at an angle to see how much of a difference the gravity from the slope makes.

Indicators  Modified designs based on experiment results.  Experimentation with size and structure in their design of the LEGO™ cars.  Room atmosphere is consistent with excitement/collaboration occurring.

Assessment 

Observation Track peer engagement, collaboration, and design creativity during the session. Do the youth collaborate, help each other, or laugh together? Are they arguing, hoarding resources, or bullying?


Informal interview During the activity, take the time to ask participants pointed questions about their balloon car designs. This can help discern if they are understanding the physics or experimentation concepts. Note their responses, particularly if they offer ideas for other activities.


Short survey Ask participants to fill out a survey affirming their interests and understanding of the concepts. Suggested questions: How did you make the car work? What was your favorite part of today’s activity? What kinds of activities would you like to see in the future?


Tinkertopia Little Bit Kits, Snap Circuits, and Rube Goldberg Machine Engaging lab, providing participants with a variety of STEM activities, but allowing them to direct their own learning.

Outcomes 1. Participants will… 2. Be comfortable with different functions of each kit or activity. 3. Follow and interpret kit instructions by themselves. 4. Develop problem-solving skills. 5. Gain confidence in their abilities to use new activities and share their knowledge.

Supplies  Little Bit Kits  Snap Circuit kits  Rube Goldberg Machine

How to Set out the activities on at least two tables. Make sure to partially build a project from each or have one set up as a display to entice participants to join in. Try to familiarize yourself with the activities so you can work with the participants as needed. It is likely that participants for this lab will come and go, so be prepared to allow participants to self-direct. Encourage participants to work together to complete a project or design.

Indicators  Complete of at least one project. Going further: participants demonstrate a mastery the concepts behind an activity and complete a project without using instructions.


 Participants work together to accomplish a common goal.  Active participation showing a high level of engagement.  Noise level is consistent with positive behavior (laughter vs. shouting).

Assessment 

Observation Facilitators observe how participants direct their own learning. Are participants following the directions to complete a project? Were they able to finish a project without using instructions? Did participants collaborate with their peers? Are they sharing resources and encouraging each other?


Informal interviews During the activity, take the time to ask participants to share their project and ask them their favorite part of the session. What did they learn today? is a good conversation starter. What did they like about the topic? What do they want to learn more about? Did they understand the science behind it?


Ye Olde Time Arcade Game System Experience Participants can explore multiple game systems ranging from a plug and play Atari to a Nintendo Wii in order to compare and learn about the way gaming has changed over time. Once they experience different styles of gaming encourage them to use the program Kodu (a free software) and create a video game world themselves.

Outcomes Participants will…

1. Exhibit positive behavior in a collaborative, group setting and share resources. 2. Increase leadership and mentoring skills. 3. Explore new (well, old) technology and understand how it has changed over time.

Supplies  Game Systems. Here are a few we used: - Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) - Wii - Wii-U - PlayStation® 2 (PS2) - Plug and Play Atari  Multiplayer Games, here are a few we suggest: - Nintendo Games (N64, GameCube, Wii, Wii-U) - Mario Kart or Mario Party - Super Smash Bros. - Wii Sports - PlayStation® Games (PS2, PS3, PS4) - LittleBigPlanet - LEGO™ Star Wars, Batman, Lord of the Rings, or Harry Potter  TVs/Projectors


 Game development program, we suggest Kodu, http://www.kodugamelab.com/  Extension cords or access to electrical outlets

How to Facilitators will set up the game systems and propose that participants interact with and explore how each system works. The facilitators will walk around and encourage collaboration and discussion about the different games. These discussions will center on the world of the game and the interactivity of the system itself. Questions that can be asked are: What is the setting of the game? Who is the hero? What are you trying to do in the game? What is your favorite part? How is this system different than another system? What didn’t you like about this system? If you could add something or take something out of the game what would it be? etc. After the participants have interacted with the system they will be encouraged to create their own video game world using the software Kodu. Facilitator direction may be required anywhere from answering simple questions about Kodu to walking a participant through the process of using the software; this will depend on participant level of comfort.

Indicators  Peer to peer education, students helped teach each other how to use the games.  Active participation, showing a high level of engagement with the systems.  Peer encouragement, are the students helping each other while playing or building video game systems.

Assessment 

Informal interviews During game play, survey the participants about their interests in technology and gaming; solicit opinions on other activities they would like in the library.


Observations Did the participants try new games? Did they help others learn to play a game? Did they begin developing their own game on Kodu?


Toolbox An Annotated Supply List Pop-Up Tools

The following items are used in the pop-up makerspace curriculum.

3-D printer - A fabrication machine used to print 3-dimensional prototypes. There are many manufacturers of printers, but we have used MakerBot and Cube in the lab. We recommend reading more in Make Magazine’s annual review if you are interested in adding a 3-D printer to your collection http://makezine.com/3d-printing/ 3-D Scanner - A device that takes a 360-degree image of a given object. When the scan is complete, the image can become a 3-D model. We recommend using the Sense, a hand-held 3-D scanner that can be used in flexible settings. Google SketchUp - An open source 3-D modeling software. Can be used to create designs as well as explore premade structures. Files created in SketchUp can be printed using a 3-D printer. Button Maker - A hand press tool used to create buttons—sometimes referred to as pins or badges. Because participants can design their own buttons, the button maker enables an affordable make-and-take option. GoPro - A virtually indestructible digital camera that is housed in a plastic case. This is a great solution for filmmaking and digital media labs. Laptop - Portable computer with enough RAM and storage for digital media, editing, and gaming. These should be preloaded with software. Little Bit Kits - Battery-powered circuitry, electronic, and conductive kits that snap together. These come in many different styles. Some sets have synthesizers and buzzers which can be very fun. We recommend what is best for the noise level you desire at your library or meeting space. LEGOs™ - Plastic brick toys with snap connectors that allow you to build anything you can imagine. LEGO™ bricks come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors. Some sets have themes, like ninjas and pirates; large box sets of colorful bricks are available as well. MaKey MaKey™ - An innovative game-pad creator that uses clay, wires, and electronics to move a character through any game. It works similarly to a computer mouse but with a fun twist that participants love! Conductive clay is used to power this device which uses wires on an electronic breadboard that connects to any laptop through USB. We recommend placing colorful playdough on printer paper to ensure maximum conductivity. Playdough - A conductive clay for the MaKey MaKey™ machine. It does not dry out and can be reused. You can purchase this as Play-Doh™ or use household ingredients to make it yourself.



Rube Goldberg Machine - A (purposefully) over-engineered contraption that has one goal in mind: to accomplish something simple with the most complicated invention possible. We used SmartLab Toy’s Weird & Wacky Contraption Lab which has components like tubes, gears, and other zany objects that Velcro to a board. If you are looking for a way to integrate this activity with a digital version, we recommend Contraption Maker, http:// contraptionmaker.com/. Snap Circuits - Battery-powered electrical sets that snap together and encourage discovery learning of energy, recommended for ages 5 to 185. There are a variety of sets available that typically focus on a theme, including lights, motion, sound, and even green energy. These are very easy to use and even come with idea booklets. Tablet - A digital device that is part-way between a computer and a phone that typically run mobile operating systems. In our lab, we used Android tablets which have an extensive library of apps you can download for free. Tablets can be used for taking pictures or video as well. They can connect to Wi-Fi Internet and are touch-enabled. USB or SD Card - Portable Storage Devices are an important part of making sure your participants do not lose their work. The card should remain at the library and should serve as a backup for any files created on the laptops.

Wonderful Web Resources

For planning, coding or other interactive STEM web-based programs, and understanding 21st Century skills

Planning Demystifyiing Outcomes - http://www.ydinstitute.org/resources/publications/DemystifyingOutcomes.pdf - This guide to establishing outcomes came out of the Youth Development Institute in the Fund for the City of New York. It discusses the importance of measuring outcomes when planning programs for youth and how to get started. Exploratorium Museum - http://www.exploratorium.edu/explore - is a museum in San Francisco that considers itself the global leader in informal education, they pride themselves for igniting curiosity and inspiring creativity in people of all ages. Their website offers a variety of programs and lesson plans that can easily be modified for a makerspace. Make It @ Your Library - http://makeitatyourlibrary.org/ - This resource, developed by five librarians in partnership with the Instructables company and partially funded by ILEAD USA and an IMLS grant, provides maker project and ideas to libraries. The librarians receive all project content from Instructables, which they then review and post the instructions. The site is searchable by tool, age, and cost with multiple categories for librarians to explore. Pinterest - We found Pinterest content and ideas invaluable in our search for ideas. Keyword searches work best, but here are a few boards we recommend: https://www.pinterest.com/cari_young/library-makerspaces/ School Library Journal: The Maker Issue - http://www.slj.com/features/the-maker-issue-slj-2015/ - In May of 2015, School Library Journal devoted an entire edition to articles on makerspaces and making in public libraries and schools. This site aggregates the published articles.

Coding and Interactive STEM Web-based Programs Code.org - This nonprofit focuses on making computer science and computer programming accessible to youth, particularly in school settings. They developed the Hour of Code, which provides youth an opportunity to learn basic code through game play.


Code Academy - www.codecademy.com - This site aims to teach people of all ages the coding languages HTML & CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, PHP, Python, and Ruby. A sign up is required. There is no gaming component, so this may be best used with young adults. Code Combat - https://codecombat.com - Participants play the game by completing and building new code. The first few levels are free to any player, but then you need to create an account. Players are encouraged to become involved in the community and may even make changes to the program. Explee - https://explee.com - A web-based video composing and editing program that allows you to make a whiteboard style animated video. Hackasaurus- https://webmaker.org/en-US/goggles - Created by Mozilla is free and open source that lets kids mash up and change websites inside of the browser. They also supply a great Hack-tivity toolkit for educators. iMovie or Windows Movie Maker - www.apple.com/mac/imovie or http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-live/ movie-maker - iMovie is the Mac video editing program that comes installed on all Mac products. Windows Movie Maker is a Windows video editing program. Both are unique and require a moderate level of digital literacy to operate. Infogr.am - https://infogr.am - A web-based program that allows you to make your own infographic or chart. Kodu - www.kodugamelab.com - Free visual programming language from Microsoft Research Labs that teaches kids how to program and create games for PC and Xbox. Kodu also provides curriculum for adults to show how to assist children in order to get started. Prezi - https://prezi.com/ - A web-based presentation tool, useful for collaborative projects. Scratch - https://scratch.mit.edu/ - A graphical programming language developed by the MIT Media Lab for 8 year olds (or even younger) and beyond. Make sure to share, upload, and remix other projects. Vine - https://vine.co/ - Great free resource for students to create 6 second looping videos, they can make anything from quick book reviews to stop motion animation films; they just need an iPad, iPhone, or android phone with a camera capability.

21st Century Career Skills Connected Learning Research Hub - http://clrn.dmlhub.net/ - The official site devoted to research around connected learning—which addresses the importance of intersecting interest-driven, peer-supported, and academically-oriented programs for children and youth in libraries and schools. This research network is centered on new media, learning environments, and educational equity. Framework for 21st Century Learning - http://www.p21.org/our-work/p21-framework - A framework developed by educators and business leaders to ensure student success in work, life, and citizenship through digital learning. This model is used to foster competence in 21st Century literacies, including global awareness, workplace productivity, citizenship, public health and safety, environmentalism, and other interdisciplinary topics. This resource was created for use by educators, business leaders, and policymakers as a call to action to create initiatives that enable youth to participate effectively in society. Competencies for Librarians Serving Youth 


YALSA’s Competencies for Librarians Serving Youth - http://www.ala.org/yalsa/guidelines/yacompetencies2010 The Young Adults Library Services Association (YALSA) listed specific proficiencies librarians serving young adults should have.


ALSC’s Competencies for Librarians Serving Children in Public Libraries - http://www.ala.org/alsc/edcareeers/ alsccorecomps - The Association of Library Services for Children (ALSC), has provided their own proficiencies for librarians serving children.

Glossary Assessment - Methods of evaluating the success of the Makerspace as a whole. BiblioTEC - BiblioTEC is an education and job training initiative for teens originally funded by the Paul G. Allen Foundation. The “TEC” represents technology, education, and community. BiblioTEC provides free access to instruction in cutting-edge, professional-level technology skills, equipment and mentorship. Connected Learning - A model of learning that holds out the possibility of reimagining the experience of education in the information age. It draws on the power of emerging technologies to fuse young people’s interests, friendships, and academic achievement through experiences laced with hands-on production, shared purpose, and open networks. Facilitator - One who instructs or assists participants during a makerspace. Facilitators can be any level of staff with knowledge to impart, volunteers, community or hired. Facilitator is preferred to teacher, in order to encourage free learning. Hackerspace - A place in which people with an interest in computing or technology can gather to work on projects while sharing ideas, equipment, and knowledge. Indicators - Different forms of measurement used to determine the success for each participant of the makerspace. Makerspace - One word. Creative DIY space where people can gather to create, invent and learn. Often they have a variety of tools, high and low tech, to assist creation. Outcomes - The knowledge, attributes, and skills a participant will be able to take away from the makerspace. Participatory Learning - A learning style that encourages participants to contribute their own ideas, exercise their creativity, and engage in learning through meaningful play. Participatory learning activities are defined as explorations of interest-based topics. Most important to participatory learning is establishing a “learning ecosystem,” or the idea that one continues to share their knowledge and experiences, building connections between school, home, and community. STEM Education - Science, Technology, Education, and Math. Educational focus planned on skills needed for the technological age that we live in to prepare youth for a growing need of careers in science, engineering, and technology.


Bibliography Abram, S., & Dysart, J. (2014). The Maker Movement and the Library Movement: Understanding the Makerspaces Opportunity. In Feliciter (Vol. 60, pp. 11–13). Canadian Library Association. Retrieved from http:// offcampus.lib.washington.edu/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx? direct=true&db=a9h&AN=94710180&site=ehost-live

Braun, L. (December 18, 2014). “Outcomes-based Futures.” American Libraries. Retrieved from http:// www.americanlibrariesmagazine.org/article/outcomes-based-futures

Britton, L (2012). The Makings of Maker Spaces, Part 1: Space for Creation, Not Just Consumption. Retrieved from http://www.thedigitalshift.com/2012/10/public-services/the-makings-of-maker-spaces-part-1-space-for-creation-notjust-consumption/

Burke, J. J. (2014). Makerspaces: A Practical Guide for Librarians. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.

Doorley, S., Witthoft, S., University, H. P. I. of D. at S., & Kelley, D. (2012). Make Space: How to Set the Stage for Creative Collaboration (1 edition). Hoboken, N.J: Wiley.

Dresang, E., Gross, M., Holt, L. (2006). Dynamic Youth Services through Outcome-Based Planning an Evaluation. Chicago: American Library Association.

Hatch, M. (2013). The Maker Movement Manifesto: Rules for Innovation in the New World of Crafters, Hackers, and Tinkerers: Rules for Innovation in the New World of Crafters, Hackers, and Tinkerers DIGITAL AUDIO (1 edition). McGrawHill.

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Jenkins, H. (2009). Confronting the Challenges of Participatory Culture: Media Education for the 21st Century. The MIT Press.

Lorimer, J. (2006). Demystifying Outcomes: Demonstrating Results in Youth Development Programs. New York, New York: Fund for the City of New York Youth Development Institute. Retrieved from http://www.ydinstitute.org/resources/ publications/DemystifyingOutcomes.pdf



POPUP! A Makerspace Toolkit for Libraries

Courtney Barrick cabarric@uw.edu

Meg Beade beadem@uw.edu

Megan Carlin uwcarlin@uw.edu


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