Digital Design - Module 02 Semester 1, 2018 Megan Corbett
(914475) Xiaoran Huang - Studio 3
Week Three
Reading: Kolerevic B. 2003. Architecture in the Digital Age
Kolerevic described three fundamental type of fabrication techniques in the reading. Outline the three techniques and discuss the potential of Computer Numeric Controlled fabrication with parametric modelling. (150 words max)
The three techniques of fabrication outlined by the Kolerevic reading are as follows: Subractive fabrication - forms are produced from removing from an origional material block. Additive Fabrication: - forms are created through building up layers. Formative fabrication - forms are made through the deformation of an origional material block/part. CNC fabrication is the driving force behind the majourity of 3d printing methods today, and is limitless within the bounds of computer processing power and the desired material’s limits. An example of architecture using such methods is: Bernard Franken’s Bubble BMW Pavilion (1990).
Week Three
Surface Creation
Surface 1.
Surface 2.
Surface 3.
Surface 4.
Reflecting on the construction of surfaces in F.o.D the process is defineitly more efficent in grasshopper. This is mainly due to the deconstruction of the brep and using its indexs to generate lines across which the surface is lofted, allowing iterations to be quickly and precisly generated. Additionaly the connection of rhino to the grasshoper interface gives the option for one to change the surfaces points in rhino, and the grasshoper script will adapt live to fit. Above is the script I used to create the above surfaces, using sliders to produce variation.
Week Four Panels & Waffle
The panneled surfaces are on one side 2D, 3D on the other attached side. The 2D pannels were drawn in Rhino the inoutted into grasshop in a morph 3D command, alowing the two cut outs to be previewed. The 3D was simmularly inputted. Both are set on grids influenced with point attractors and random generators, the 3D pannels were also alternated by culling alternative rows.
Conecting along one edge the surfaces generated an interesting waffel structure between themselves, featuring the convergence. As such it only has 5 faces, a morphed trianglar prism allowing for different side to be shown with rotation while always having two closed/ panneled sides. This enabled the structure to have the potential for a variety of functions like the prada transformer pavilion.
Week Four
Laser Cutting
Lasercutting is a familiar form of digital fabrication to the D.D cohort as we have had oppertunities to utilise the uni facilities before. While one can unroll the pannels in grasshopper, the output has too many overlaps so much manual adjustment in rhino was necessary. The waffle layout however was completely generated in grasshoper, from the spread of the pieces to even the text, but they too had to be manually adjusted for effecient nesting in rhino.
Week Five
Shape 1.
Shape 2.
Shape 3.
shape 4.
The Boolen form held more complexity in its construction so the modular coding of grasshoper became essential in the generation of these shapes. This features enables one to take out, replace, exchange and adjust all determining factors of the shapes, extreme potential for forms one can not begin to imagine untill stumbled upon.
Week Five
The Iso shows the segment of my chosen boolen shape, focusing on the angular stages it creates. It mimics a mountainous terrain with its gradually increading peaks and slopes, this would enable sitting, leaning or climbing depending on scale, or perhapes an opertunity of acoustics or an interplay of shadows acrosse the model. Anothe option could be if you consider it a building in and of itself, nesseled into a landscape with the cuts and portals trough the form acting as courtyards. while mainly solid there are numerous portals truough the model located at the lowest points of the slope, acting as draining points for water, the entryways for light or areas for plantation.
Week Six Task 01
1.4 {1,9,10}
Attractor / Control Points (X,Y,Z) Grid Points
{1,10,3} {4,10,1}
{2,10,7} {6,10,3} {4,10,7}
L {1,10,3}
{4,10,2} {5,10,9}
Paneling Grid & Attractor Point
{Index Selection}
{Index Selection}
{Index Selection}
{Index Selection}
2.4 {135,-40,164 }
{0,150,150} {31,90,164}
Attractor / Control Curves
{Attractor Point Location}
{Attractor Point Location}
{Attractor Point Location}
{Index Selection}
Task 01 Matrix I chose to develope surface 1.4 with both pannels 3.3 and 3.4 with the atractor points and random generator seen in 2.4. The fabricated form came out well, the built pannels fit the waffel easily and attach to each other. My decision was based upon how the surfaces share a side making the waffle an interesting shape Its form mimics that of an opening, outreach shape, almost like an opening book.
Week Six
Model Rotaions
Week Six Task 2
Task 02 Matrix I chose to develope the boolen shape 4 with the matrix 4.1-3 as shown above. Using a grid point attrator cimponent I was able to genreate the grids and manually adjusted the plygons and their reflected partners to produce the shapes as the appear in 3.4.
Week Six
Final Isonometric views Task 01
Task 2