SCSU NSAC 2015 Plans Book

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TEAM #258

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY For over fifty years, Pizza Hut has been a revolutionary brand in the food industry. As one of the most recognizable brands in pizza, Pizza Hut has an incredible opportunity to bring that innovation online. To reach 75% of all Pizza Hut orders being completed online by the end of 2015, we knew we had to define and reach a unique target audience. We named this target audience “Trendennials”. To reach the Trendennials we had to make it incredibly easy, convenient, and fun to order pizza online. We set out on a mission to find every way possible to reach this unique target. We wanted to set ourselves apart from cliches, using old digital platforms in new, creative ways, but also delving into new digital platforms that have not been tapped by Pizza Hut or any of its competitors yet. The combination of our thorough research and unique approach creates a campaign that places Pizza Hut in the lead as the largest and most innovative online presence in the pizza industry. We are confident that our campaign will increase Pizza Hut’s online orders by 32% by the end of 2015.

Index EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.................................2 RESEARCH....................................................3 TARGET MARKET..........................................7 PROBLEMS & OPPORTUNITIES...................9 CREATIVES..................................................10 SOCIAL MEDIA STRATEGY.........................15 INTERNET TV APP.......................................18 IBP................................................................19 MEDIA PLAN...............................................22 EVALUATION...............................................26 CITATIONS...................................................27

executive summary



campaign objectives

competitor store visits

Achieve an 80% awareness level of “The Language of Now� campaign within our Trendennial target market Develop a positive attitude toward ordering Pizza Hut online within 60% of our target audience Attain trial online purchasing with 45% of current and new Trendennial Pizza Hut customers



Pizza tasting focus groups

pizza hut store visits


Gain repeat online purchasing of at least 32% within these consumer groups

Research summary

773 Total Impressions

competition ordering tests



focus groups

secondary articles

48 one-on-one interviews



online ordering tests

pizza surveys





a satisfied and engaged customer creates a successful company Through the effective use of digital marketing, Pizza Hut will be able to engage with their customers. By doing so, the company will be able to strengthen relationships with customers by providing an open channel for communication and feedback.

Digital marketing allows Pizza Hut to respond to customer questions, comments, and complaints in a timely manner.



real time marketing gives you measurable results Digital marketing will help Pizza Hut become closer with their target market. It will capture user information, including personal trends and spending history, and then instantly construct an individualized advertisement for that user. Personalized advertisements will be effective in grabbing the attention of the target market.

utilizing digital marketing creates minimized marketing expenses

2 4.

With the use of digital marketing, Pizza Hut does not have to worry about large overhead costs. Due to automated procedures and streamlined interfaces, having little cost will make it easier to launch our campaign and make any necessary changes throughout the six months.

telling your brand’s story through digital media can increase inbound traffic


To strengthen brand storytelling, we will include repetitive ads that will display similar looks, colors, and words to help strengthen Pizza Hut’s brand awareness. By engaging in new digital platforms, our target market will be able to recognize the Pizza Hut brand in multiple online media outlets.



primary analysis why pizza? The majority of Trendennials order pizza to share with their friends, family, and significant other.

69% of Trendenials responded that cravings were why they were motivated to order pizza and 56% said convenience was the reason. 82% of Trendennials said they order pizza in the evening and the majority order on Friday and Saturday nights.

why not online ordering? Pizza Hut has the most website visitors, but not the most online orders.

Our focus group participants stated that when ordering online or with the mobile app, they fear they may not get the best deal available.

Only 16% of our Trendennial respondents have a pizza ordering app. The main issues Trendennials reported was a lack of knowledge of opportunities of the app. They also found the ordering process to be too confusing.

56% of Trendennials surveyed responded that special, online only, deals would entice them to order pizza online or using an app. The majority of Trendennials were undecided as to whether Pizza Hut was a brand they could relate to.

Number of visitors during national pizza month: 2,057,207 1,199,631 1,388,853



How CONSUMERS Typically order pizza:

Call into store


Computer/tablet 6% 31%



Trendennials were interested in a rewards program


Trendennials are more likely to order pizza when there are coupons and deals available

website using smartphone Mobile app

“I like to see all of my options while deciding what to order” -Will, 23

“I just wish Pizza Hut had an image i could relate to” -Pa zong, 21



the target market TrendenniaLS Our primary and secondary research led us to identify our target market: Trendennials. Trendennials are male and female primarily aged 18-34 years old. However, they also exist within the 35-49 age bracket. Trendennials can be found in every ethnic group. Based on our primary and secondary research, there are approximately 59.4 million Trendennials in the 18-34 age demographic and 32.8 million Trendennials in our 35-49 age demographic. They locate themselves in urban cities so they are always the first to hear and utilize new trends.

Trendennials are impulsive. They order pizza for cravings and convenience. Or as we like to say, “cravenience�. They do not plan out their pizza dinner, instead they have a craving for pizza and they make it happen. These socialites also love to order pizza to feed a large group of people. Whether it’s a party with their friends, a meeting at work, or the need to feed a family in a short time frame, these Trendennials love the convenience of pizza.

They can be found in many different stages of life. Whether they are just starting their career or they have already started a family, they all have one thing in common: they love to keep up with all of the current trends. According to our primary research, the top three trends they are most interested in are health and fitness, social media, and technology. No matter how Trendennials choose to order pizza, one thing is for sure, they love to get a good deal. Coupons and special promotions are a major influence to where they order their pizza. In addition to good deals, they are interested in loyalty programs. They are intrigued by the opportunity to earn free and discounted items on things they already purchase.



Trendennial Leaders These Trendennials are on the cutting edge of technology. They love to be the first to download the new app or be the first to share their photos on Facebook. They are non-stop go getters. They have many different aspects of their life happening all at once. Therefore, they look for the most convenient way to accomplish each task. They are aware of all of their options and know how to find the best deal possible. Since they are trend savvy, they also are not as brand loyal. They are already ordering their pizza online, but not solely from Pizza Hut. The main objective with Trendennial Leaders is to gain their brand loyalty by proving to them that Pizza Hut is relatable to them and always has the best deal.

Trendennial Followers These Trendennials are very informed about all of the latest trends. They like to be aware of new trends, but sometimes they do not always follow them. When it comes to technology, they love social networking sites. They enjoy sharing their photos with their friends on Facebook and scrolling through their Tweets. They also love to create a dialogue with their favorite brands and see what others are saying. However, since they are busy with their everyday duties, they sometimes become stuck in their old routines. When it comes to pizza ordering, they still find themselves calling into the store to place their order as that is what they have always done. The main objective with Trendennial Followers is to convert them to ordering Pizza Hut online by showing them that Pizza Hut’s online ordering options are fun, fast and convenient.



Problems & Opportunities analysis problems: • As a brand, Pizza Hut is only relatable

to 1/3 of Trendennials • Pizza Hut’s digital platforms are not easy or convenient for consumers • Pizza Hut is not currently the leader in the digital pizza ordering market • Awareness of Pizza Hut’s rebrand has not reached all possible customers • Pizza Hut is not effectively using their social media to reach online consumers

opportunities: • Create a fresh digital campaign to raise awareness and support new branding • Build upon rebranding initiative to create a multi- platform campaign to increase online ordering • Create awareness of new digital ordering outlets • Advertise Pizza Hut as a brand that Trendennials can relate to • Increase effective interaction with consumers on Pizza Hut’s social media accounts



Creatives Key research findings Trendennials love to be on the cutting edge of the newest fads Digital marketing allows brands to stay in touch with technology absorbed Trendennials The top two reasons Trendennials are motivated to order pizza are cravings and convenience

Creative strategy When ordering pizza, Trendennials strive to find the best deals. In order to ultimately increase Pizza Hut’s online orders by 32%, we need to gain the brand loyalty of Trendennials. To do this, we will implement a multi-platform advertising and integrated brand promotion campaign. This campaign will gain and hold the attention of Trendennials with advertisements they can identify with. Since Ground CTRL Design’s research shows that only 1/3 of Trendennials relate to the Pizza Hut brand, we will devise advertisements that forge a strong connection between Trendennials and Pizza Hut.



the big idea “The Language of Now” is the language of Trendennials. This theme is going to intrigue Trendennials by communicating Pizza Hut’s online ordering value in a way that they can relate to. It is going to increase Pizza Hut’s online sales by creating a dialogue about digital ordering with this target market. New words will be introduced throughout the campaign, beginning with “Cravienience.” Trendennials will feel that Pizza Hut is their brand by being able to interact and create their own words on Social Media. By introducing new word creations throughout the campaign, “The Language of Now” will stay fresh in Trendennial’s minds and consistently satisfy their cravings for new trends. “The Language of Now” complements Pizza Hut’s existing brand message and highlights on the digital language of online ordering. While “The Flavor of Now” is creating positive perceptions of the Pizza Hut brand, “The Language of Now” will aid in creating awareness, building positive feelings, and stimulating online pizza ordering with Trendennials.



AMBIENT ADS bus stop Bus huts will be placed around a variety of major cities. The purpose of this ambient advertisement is to encourage individuals to order Pizza Hut through the online app after a long workday. This gives the notion that a hot pizza could be waiting for them by the time they get home if they ordered now. Exposure of “The Language Of Now” campaign through bus huts around the U.S. enlightens everyone to how easy it is to connect to Pizza Hut and displays the “anywhere, anytime” convenience. A QR code within the bus hut will take users directly to and they will also be able to add Pizza Hut on snapchat by linking their phone to the ghost on the window. This method of advertising will be effective because it will guarantee publicity of the brand to bus riders and other traffic that passes by.

Order Now through 0ur new & Improved Mobile app connect with us on snapchat

Let PIzza hut take care of dinner tonight!

interactive floor The interactive floor will be displayed at busy malls around the United States. This will encourage mall visitors to virtually build and create their own personalized pizza, simply by stepping on virtual pizza toppings. By allowing individuals to personally and digitally create their own pizza, this promotion will allow Trendennials to interact with Pizza Hut and encourage unity among all brand consumers. The interactive floor creates an innovative digital experience similar to the one a consumer would feel while ordering on the Pizza Hut app. In order to promote the “Language of Now”, participants will get a chance to learn a new “Language of Now” word and definition that will pop up with the completion of their flavorful pizza!



billboards We will use billboards in major cities to expand brand and campaign awareness for current and emerging online Trendennials. This will reach thousands of Trendennials daily while they travel throughout their busy days. We have created three billboards that will reinforce the “Language of Now� campaign by introducing some of our new words. Billboards will also inform consumers about our Golden Pizza Slice promotion. By using a small amount of copy and large images we will be able to attract consumer eyes as they drive by. The billboards will also include the Redbox logo to help promote our partnership.

We have also created a digital billboard that will resonate with Trendennials. The digital billboard will feature the Hut Lovers Reward wheel. The wheel will continually spin until it lands on an item and announces a winning prize. This enticing billboard will inspire consumers to go online and sign up for Hut Lovers Rewards, promoting brand loyalty.

digital billboards:



30 second video spot Scene 1: The setting is the Middle Ages. The scene opens with a man scribbling a note feverishly at a desk. He attaches the note to the foot of a messenger eagle.









9. Scene 10: The screen cuts to black then Pizza Hut’s new pizzas scroll across the screen as the Narrator says, “When you want The Flavor of Now, you’ve got to use the “Language of Now.” Download our all new app for delicious new flavor combinations, or your favorite classics, all at your fingertips.”


Scene 2: The man goes to the window and releases the eagle to the sky. “Fly! Go forth and tell them I need my pizza!” Scene 3: The man turns from the window and says to himself: “I fear I shall perish if they don’t hurry.” Chewing and other sounds of delighting in food are heard, growing louder. “What is this?” Scene 4: Quick pan to the other part of the room. A second man, a new age Trendennial, sits in the corner. He is eating a Pizza Hut pizza. “It’s Pizza Hut.” Scene 5: Cut back to the first man: “But how?” Scene 6: Cut back to the Trendennial: “Oh it’s just this newly revamped Pizza Hut app. Yeah you pick your deal, your favorite pizza, presto there it is.” Scene 7: Cut back to the first man: “So no more messenger eagles?” Scene 8: Black screen. Text reads, “#TheLanguageOfNow” Scene 9: Trendennial: “No more messenger eagles.”



social media strategy facebook Facebook is still the leader of social media in terms of popularity and engagement, two crucial elements in creating brand awareness. With 22,568,136 likes and a highly active user base, Facebook is the ideal place for us to promote and connect our less established social media accounts. Facebook will be our main outlet for information and promotion. This hub will allow us to promote deals and promotions that are available exclusively on specific social media platforms. With such a large and active audience, Facebook is a great place for us to promote online only deals and coupons. Since these users are already online, our posts will bring the user directly to making it easy to order online. When users click on a post advertising a specific deal, they will be redirected to the Pizza Hut “Deals” page to avoid confusion and repetition. Facebook will be the centerpiece of our social media strategy. It will lead users to all facets of the digital campaign. With consistent, practical posts, users will look to Facebook first for deals and promotions by Pizza Hut.

Twitter Twitter will be used to create trends and spread awareness of Pizza Hut promotions, like the Golden Pizza Slice and “Language of Now”. Through the length of the campaign, we will encourage users to create their own words and tweet them at Pizza Hut with the hashtag #LanguageOfNow. We will retweet our favorite words and use them in our campaign. We will also use the #LanguageOfNow campaign to tweet about popular culture events in real-time. This will connect with Trendennials and keep tweets relevant.

social media strategy


instagram With visual marketing becoming increasingly effective in today’s digital world, eye-catching photos and videos are an important part of our campaign. Instagram will be used to share photos/ videos along with hashtags that promote our “Language of Now” campaign. There will also be teaser videos/photos to help promote and connect with our other social media outlets, building an interwoven narrative between all social media mediums.

tumblr To reach Tumblr’s 140+ million users, we are going to use it as a place to post content such as videos/images, links to our other social media platforms, and online only deals. Most of the content posted will be from our other social media outlets, such as YouTube and Facebook. Tumblr will be a place that will hold all of these posts to create a longer more detailed dialogue with our audience.

social media strategy


snapchat Snapchat is a new and exciting way to connect with our target audience. The thing we are most excited about with Snapchat is the ability to interact directly with consumers. In order to see our stories, consumers will have to add Pizza Hut as a friend on Snapchat. This will be easily accesed by taking a photo of our Snapchat ghost on our Pizza Hut bus stops. To develop a positive relationship with our consumers and strong following, we will post content that is fun, creative and most importantly, interactive. We want our customers to look forward to the next snap from Pizza Hut. Our account will feature Snap Stories and Snaps that will promote online ordering, specifically through the Pizza Hut app.

Being interactive with consumers will make our Snapchat more than just a platform for advertising, it will be a memorable experience that people will have fun with. Instead of just being shown ads, consumers will be able to snap to us, and participate in our campaign, creating an incredible opportunity for crowdsourcing. An example of an interactive Snap Story would be having our followers snap us new Language of Now words they create themselves. It’s also an effective way to build brand loyalty by sharing Snapchatexclusive coupon codes. These deals will be used strictly through digital outlets, increasing the traffic of online ordering.

youtube YouTube is the primary outlet for Pizza Hut’s video advertisements and content. Repetitive advertisements strengthen brand storytelling. Having a YouTube account with advertisements and other informational and entertaining videos that feature the same look, colors, and language increase brand recognition. In addition, online videos help increase brand recognition because the target market will be able to recognize the brand on several different media outlets. YouTube is the platform that will tie all content together, creating an overall “story” for the Pizza Hut brand.

social media strategy


Internet tv APP In order to expand digital ordering options for Pizza Hut, we will tap into an emerging trend within our Trendennial target market. Most Trendennials are leaving their traditional broadcast television services for Online Television Streaming Devices. Since Trendennials are on the cutting edge of technology, many prefer to watch their television online. In 2014 alone, there were 95 million unique online television viewers in the United States. In the same year, 6.5% of households canceled their cable subscriptions and 15% stated that they considered it. We will create an app for the top 5 online streaming devices: Apple TV, Roku, Amazon Fire, LG SmartTV, and Samsung SmartTV. Since the user’s personal information is stored in the device, ordering pizza through the Pizza Hut app will be an easy and convenient process.

internet Tv app


Redbox partnership Bringing us back to the classic “dinner and a movie,” we reccomend a partnership with Redbox. We will have Redbox Kiosks located at all our Pizza Hut restaurants for those ordering carry-out or delivery. When ordering Pizza Hut online, the option to rent a Redbox movie will be readily available. At checkout, three movie recommendations will appear based on the pizza they have created. If the customer has purchased the Sweet Sriracha Dynamite pizza, a recommendation would be an action movie such as Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. If the customer has ordered a Garden Party pizza, a recommendation would be Bridesmaids. The other two options will be random Redbox movies. If the customer does not want to watch the recommended movies, they have the option to browse through Redbox’s extensive movie catalogue. Once the customer has chosen their movie, it will appear on their order with their other Pizza Hut selections. The Pizza Hut employee will then deliver the selected movie with the customer’s Pizza Hut order.

WHY REDBOX? New-release DVD, Blu-ray Disc and video game rentals Easy to use self-service kiosks More than 3.7 billion discs rented Available at 35,000 locations nationwide Serves millions of unique customers nationwide Convenient with their rent-andreturn-anywhere policy Reserve rentals in advance to assure you get the movie you have been dying to see

There will also be promotions and benefits through Redbox for ordering digitally to increase our online ordering sales. One of the exciting rewards for our Hut Lovers is three free Redbox movie rentals.



golden pizza slice In order to engage Trendennials in Pizza Hut’s online ordering, we are going to implement the “Golden Pizza Slice” promotion. As 57% of Trendennials surveyed replied that special online deals would entice them to order Pizza Hut online, we knew we had to develop an appealing and exciting online only promotion. The Golden Pizza Slice is a modern twist on an old classic, taking inspiration from Charlie and The Chocolate Factory’s “Golden Ticket.” This promotion will run the entire month of October 2015, which is national pizza month. We will utilize the popularity of national pizza month to help create hype about the Golden Pizza Slice.

Each Golden Pizza Slice instant winner will receive a prize from the following list: Free Order of Breadsticks Free Medium Two- Topping Pizza

Logistics Every Pizza Hut store will have two separate stacks of pizza boxes. One for orders received online and the other for any other order origins. Only the online order boxes will have the Golden Pizza Slice promotion in them, as it will only be offered to patrons who order online. Inside of the Golden Pizza Slice boxes will be a peel off sticker on the top of the box which will reveal if the patron has received a winning box. All customers who order online and receive a Golden Pizza Slice box will also have the opportunity to enter for a chance to win the grand prize of an all expenses paid vacation to Italy to learn about the rich history of Pizza. In order to do this, they will have to sign up or log in to their Hut Lovers account and enter the unique code found on the inside of their box. This will not only increase online orders during the promotion, but also increase Hut Lovers membership, which will increase long term brand loyalty.

Free Cookie Pizza Free Delivery on next online order Free 2 Liter of Soda 3 Free Redbox Rentals



Hut lovers rewards logistics

Step 1

Hut Lovers Rewards gives customers the opportunity to earn rewards for ordering online. For every ten online purchases a Rewards Member makes, he/she will get a chance to spin the rewards wheel and reveal his/her prize.

Log into Hut Lovers Rewards account

In order to attract website and app visitors who are not currently Hut Lovers Rewards members, we will make our enticing rewards wheel present on the front page of both the app and By seeing the rewards they could be earning, it will persuade them to join Hut Lovers Rewards.

Step 3

Step 2 Place delicious pizza order

Earn virtual pizza slice

Step 4 Earn 8 virtual slices to earn a free reward

Step 5 Special Incentives If you order 4 times in a single month, you receive an extra virtual slice for your loyalty During the month of your birthday, you will receive a free spin of the rewards wheel

Spin reward wheel to find out your reward

Step 6 Your reward will appear on your Hut Lovers Rewards page ready for you to use next time cravenience strikes

Rewards Free Order of Pasta Free Medium 2 Topping Pizza Free Order of Cinnamon Sticks Free Order of 16 Wings Free Large 2 Topping Pizza Free Hershey Chocolate Chip Cookie Free $10 Dinner Box 3 Free Redbox Rentals



Media plan Billboards: $13,168,000

10 Billboards will be placed in the top 100 most populated urban cities in the United States during the months of July, October, November and December. This will give us the highest reach of Trendennials as they locate themselves in highly populated urban areas. Digital billboards will be used to promote the Golden Pizza Promotion for the month of October. Rationale: Billboards are going to produce the most impressions of non-digital users, therefore, they are a vital media for our campaign. They will run during the beginning of the campaign in July to introduce the Language of Now campaign and begin creating a positive relationship with Trendennials. They will then run during national pizza month in October and finally during the last two months of the campaign in November and December to create action and gain brand loyalty within our Trendennial target market.

Bus shelter: $2,500,000

5 bus shelter ambient ads will be placed in each of the top 100 most populated urban cities in the United States. This will provide the largest reach of Trendennials as urban cities have higher bus ridership. Rationale: As many frugal Trendennials save money by riding the bus home from work, these bus shelter advertisements will promote online ordering action as many are on their way home for dinner. Studies show that viewing photos of delicious food stimulates the appetite. As Trendennials wait for the bus, they will see the Pizza Hut pizza and be advised to order online now to ensure Pizza Hut for dinner when they arrive at home.

30 second video spot: $904,000

30 second internet television commercials will run the length of the campaign on Hulu and Youtube. They will carry out a narrative throughout, with a new commercial each month. Each commercial will profile a different classic form of communication. This will create brand awareness and comfortability within our Trendennial market. Rationale: Advertising online on the two largest online television providers, Hulu and Youtube, will provide a large reach with Trendennials and because the Trendennials are already online, it will provide an easy gateway to for them to place their online order.

Mall ad: $7,000,000

Interactive floor advertisements will be placed in the top 50 most visited malls in the United States. They will be placed for the last 2 weeks in August and the middle 2 weeks in December. In August, our Trendennial target market will be wanting to keep up with the latest trends at the mall and shop for their back to school wardrobe. During the month of December, Trendennials will be Christmas shopping in urban areas with the largest malls to make sure they are getting the latest trends. Rationale: Having an interactive floor display that many different people can be a part of at the same time, will promote Pizza Hut as a brand which relates to everyone. The interactive experience will be fun and memorable for our target market. These interactive displays will get shoppers intrigued with Pizza Hut and large signage around the display will promote digital ordering.

media plan


Snapchat: $750,000

Snapchat will be used throughout our campaign to reach the most active social media users. We will use the Snapstory feature to create short ads to bring awareness to our special promotions (Golden Slice, RedBox), and to assimilate our audience with our “Language of Now” campaign. We’ll also be creating a “Sponsored Ad” that will be seen on every user’s feed for one full day, this will bring awareness and credibility to our Snapchat account.

Facebook: $1,825,000

We will use Facebook advertising throughout all six months of our campaign. We plan to use a cost-per-click strategy with a set budget of $5,000 per day which is a maximum of 2,172,619 clicks. By doing so, we will reach the targeted audience and stay within budget.

Twitter: $600,405

We will use the popularity of Twitter’s hashtag trends throughout our six month campaign. We will start three different hashtag trends highlighting our main campaign focal points: #LanguageOfNow, #GoldenPizzaSlice, and #Cravenience. We will also have promoted tweets throughout in order to keep Pizza Hut fresh in Trendennial’s minds. We will have 30 promoted tweets a month for each of the six months of the campaign.

Tumblr: $50,000

With the use of Tumblr, we plan to utilize pinned posts. Pinned posts are a step up from highlighted posts. pinned posts appear at the top of followers’ dashboards for 24 hours. We plan to post 10,000 pinned Pizza Hut posts throughout our six target months.

Youtube in-stream ads: $552,000

30 second In-Stream ads will play before the selected YouTube videos. Using pay-perwatch will allow us to maximize our budget by delivering targeted advertisements. A predicted 10,000 people will be reached per day with these ads.

Youtube banner ads: $460,000

Banner ads will be displayed above the video being played. We will use a cost-perclick method in order to optimize our reach and frequency. We will budget $2,500 a day which will allow for 4,600,000 clicks throughout the six month campaign.

INstagram: $1,500,000

Instagram will be used throughout our campaign to promote brand recall. We will be using sponsored photos and videos once every other week. Additionally, we will be promoting our “Language of Now” campaign with the use of hashtags to reach both users and nonusers.

media plan


INTERNET tv app: $0

An app will be available free of charge to all Apple TV, Roku, Amazon Fire, LG SmartTV, and Samsung SmartTV users for the entire campaign. Rationale: As online television streaming has already begun taking over cable subscriptions in the United States and is consistently growing, having the Pizza Hut app readily available to this untapped market will increase online pizza orders. Since Pizza Hut is the only food ordering app to utilize online streaming services, brand loyalty and brand recognition will be increased.

rewards program: $6,375,006

An updated Hut Lover’s rewards program will be active for all 6 months of the campaign. It will be available for use on the Pizza Hut app and at Rationale: Our research shows that Trendennials like to be rewarded for their continued patronage. Expanding the rewards opportunities associated with online ordering will make it more enjoyable for Pizza Hut customers as a whole without becoming too confusing. A more interactive and attractive rewards program will increase long term brand loyalty.

Golden pizza slice: $128,398

For the month of October, the Golden Pizza Slice Promotion will be offered to only online customers. Those not ordering online will be promoted to go online and order so that they can enter the Golden Pizza Slice promotion. For two weeks prior to October, digital advertisements previewing the promotion will run creating hype for the Golden Pizza Slice. Rationale: Trendennials like to be engaged in the brand. Our research shows that they like special promotions. Having a promotion that is only available through online purchases, will promote and convert consumers to digital ordering.

redbox partnership: $0

A partnership with Redbox will be forged for all 6 target months. This partnership will be profitable for both companies. Rationale: Redbox has the newest, most popular films and is constantly updating their selection. There is no other quick and easy delivery movie service. Having the option to include a film with their pizza delivery will make this revolutionary online ordering feature appealing to many Trendennials.

media plan


media schedule & budget 2015 Ambient








Bus Shelter


interactive Mall ad


online television Hulu




Out Of home $14,260,000


Digital Facebook












Promotions golden pizza slice




owned app

Internal Expense

rewards program


other contingency


Grand Total



18% 2%

11% 13%




evaluation campaign objectives

evaluation methods

Reach a 75% awareness level of “The Language of Now” within our Trendennial target market

Post campaign survey (recognition and recall testing), social media interaction evaluation

Develop a positive attitude toward ordering Pizza Hut online within 60% of our target audience

Post campaign survey question

Achieve trial online purchasing with 45% of current and new Tendennial Pizza Hut customers

Internal Pizza Hut database data, Golden Pizza Slice evaluation

Attain repeat online purchasing of at least 32% within these groups

New Hut Lover’s Rewards members, Internal Pizza Hut database data

additional evaluations Measure percentage of online Pizza Hut orders each month throughout the campaign to evaluate overall effectiveness and adjust as needed Evaluate increases in online Pizza Hut orders throughout the month of October during the Golden Pizza Slice promotion along with entries into the grand prize drawing, and redemption of Golden Pizza Slice instant win prizes. Track the number of new Pizza Hut mobile app downloads

Closely monitor Pizza Hut’s social media interactions and adjust as needed: Facebook: Page likes, followers, post reach, engagements Twitter: Followers, retweets, favorites, replies, direct tweets to Pizza Hut, tweet engagements, hashtags Instagram: Followers, likes, picture tags, hashtags Snaphat: Friends, snap story views, snaps to Pizza Hut Tumblr: Page followers, hashtag, post likes, post shares YouTube: YouTube subscribers, video views, likes, and comments, video shares



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