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News Guidelines
BY E-MAIL: christianstandard@christianstandardmedia.com
BY FAX: (513) 931-0950, attention Rosemary
BY MAIL: 8805 Governor’s Hill Drive, Suite 400, Cincinnati, OH 45249
News items, such as anniversaries, changes in ministry, obituaries, coming who place them on pedestals and who give them exaggerated praise. Why? Because everyone who has been in the church leadership game for a while has learned that over-the-top accolades, just like over-thetop criticism, often come from people who have a need or an agenda.
It’s wise and right to humbly receive encouragement. It’s dangerous to be susceptible to flattery, especially when the person offering the praise needs to add that you’re better than someone else they ought to appreciate.
I follow Paul. I follow Apollos. You get the idea.
When evaluating people for your team, evaluate those around them.
Like most principles, this one has limits. It isn’t a universal law and shouldn’t be leaned upon too heavily. But after 30-plus years in church leadership, I have observed that it’s unwise to recruit someone for a key staff or volunteer role when those around them seem unsupportive or unhappy.
Our staff members lead teams. They must recruit people, a lot of people in some cases. They need to evaluate who is healthy enough to assist them without becoming a drain.
My wife and I don’t agree on everything, but we influence each other’s thinking. We reflect each other’s attitudes. So, teach your team to evaluate people in part by observing their closest relationships.
Eddie Lowen, lead minister of West Side Christian Church, Springfield, Illinois, writes the “Ministry Today” column semimonthly in Christian standard events, and mission and college happenings, are posted free at Christian standard’s website, christianstandard.com, soon after we receive them. They may also appear in the print magazine.
Classified ad-style news appears only on our website. This includes such items as help wanted (including ministry and college staff openings), jobs wanted (including ministers seeking positions), and other needs and opportunities.